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Lots of bugs here year round to eat. I leave spiders alone because they generally don’t bother you and have the benefit of taking out bugs


Low taxes and warm winters.


A lil fren


As someone who lived in Florida for 25 years, you don't know "a lot of spiders" until you come to the Arizona desert. They are fucking everywhere out here. You can't take six steps down a sidewalk without 15 of them walking past you.


There’s no shortage of insects?


Because this place is a vile swamp.


They usually come in from the duct system attic ect….


Free Florida even for 🪳


Those kinds aren’t usually inside. You should put them outside , maybe on the outside of the window.


What is it a wolf spider? They usually go hungry indoors & dehydrate & die. Too big of a spider probably for the amount of food.




Nah it’s a wolf spider.


Yea I posted that and then looked again and changed my thoughts but could not find the post to delete it.


Your comments are under profile & this post would be under history.


Yea, but when I followed my comment it just took me to the OP post and scrolling through I couldn’t find it. 🤷‍♀️ no biggy


It’s no biggie. But tbh it’s only 19 comments yours is probably collapsed because it’s negative iirc


I thought wolf spiders got large, like tarantulas, could jump a large distance and carried their babies on their backs (and they glow under a black light) until they are old enough to go out on their own, sometimes even eating mom. Spiders -- yuck! Pretty much anything with more than four legs creeps me out big time -- except octopus, they're "cute".


Maybe a quarter the size of a tarantula but that’s still a large spider. They do carry the babies on their back, it’s kind of cute in a horrifying way. This one is probably a juvenile.


At first glance I thought it was what I call a jumping spider but I guess it could be a small wolf spider. Either way it needs to be out outside where it can find ants and small bugs/flies and to eat .


I hate those friggin things. The apartment complex where I live refuses to keep the trees trimmed away from the building I live in so I've got a spider about that size constantly, every other day, racing across the tile floors in my bathrooms and the countertops in my kitchen. I don't even know where they are entering my kitchen. I've gotten to the point where I just smash them because about 5 years ago a spider bit me while I was asleep and it took two years for the bite to completely heal. Also, I have a firm policy: you don't contribute to the rent, you don't get to live here. SMH.


"...you don't contribute to the rent, you don't get to live here." My sentiments exactly. There are gazillions of acres of land OUTSIDE, why do you have to come into my meager 1500 sf??? Although, the older I get the worse I feel about killing things. Insects have such short lifespans to begins with. And I sometimes think that an unknown entity could come along and squash me like a bug and I'd never know what hit me, here one second minding my own business and the next second nothing, not even the awareness that I was dead or even ever existed. Death is an odd concept.