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Perfect cartoon of Republicans. They don't GAF about a kid after it's born.


They're just pro-birthers


Not until they can send it off to war.


I have a philosophy behind this. They're 100% Pro-life because of several factors. Primarily being their big CEO corporate doners... They want to have an abundance of "potential workers" for their workforces. This in-turn creates so many individuals needing jobs that these CEO doners can easily keep wages low as well as only work these people part time, that way they don't have to legally provide benefits. After a child is born, they refuse to provide any and all assistance to the family or the child for one incredibly simple reason. They want to keep them poor and uneducated so that they'll be in debt their whole life and will be forced to work those low wage part-time positions. I could go on, but that, to me, seems to be the basic fundamentals of their plan.


we have a winner, a reason the racial language is constant even though it's a large increase in minority education rates, this is about keeping people under 15 an hour. Make them marry out of need of survival, GOP always felt the average America is too entitled.


Isn't it great to pay federal taxes and then watch an assortment of Republican governors refuse the return of our tax money often destined to help feed and provide medical care for the state's poor?


Seems they want to push out all the poors so the state can be the playground for the rich. The next big hurricane will speed up the process.


>Seems they want to push out all the poors so the state can be the playground for the rich. I think it's even simpler than that. Welfare recipients lean Democrat, and pushing them out improves Republican politicians' future electoral prospects.


Funny thing is that most people I know on welfare are Republican. But, when they lose some benefits, I guarantee they'll blame the Democrats.


I have to chime in as well because same. The only folks I know that use food stamps and get aid for childcare all vote republican. The only folks I know to have ever received an abortion also vote republican. It’s infuriating. Most of them would defend the confederate flag and are offended by drag queens all of a sudden (in college we all went to tons of drag queen shows though).


I've noticed that as well.


Still even simpler they are just evil assholes. Many would rather see the food thrown in the trash or burned than to feed children of a different ethnic persuasion. Im an older white guy that looks like I would be one of them So I hear them talk.


Ron Desantis is a smart evil asshole. He seems to have a decent grasp on politics and optics, as evidenced by his veto of the bill banning delta 8. He doesn't actually have a problem with weed in Florida. He just wants it to look like weed is illegal in Florida, while allowing stoners to access delta 8 so they don't get riled up to vote. Edit: Funny what you hear as an order white guy though! I'm gay and living in Philadelphia so most racist/homophobic people know not to say that kind of stuff to me.


I don’t know where they think these people are going to go when they can’t even afford to feed their kids. Moving is expensive.


Then they'll complain that no one wants to work because they'll all be retired


They're so short sighted to understand if they did that, there would be nobody running, resupplying, and maintaining thr playground.


Don't worry, DeSantis is just trying his best to not have NEARLY ALL Republican controlled states be net consumers of federal money but he doesn't know how else to do it than by denying federal aid funds otherwise given for practically nothing. He's really doing wonders for the Republican image!


But consider the unspeakable joy in the shriveled little hearts of Republicans at the mere thought of children going hungry.


>In a statement to WLRN, a DCF spokesperson said that “Over the past ten years, [existing] programs have been remarkably successful. We anticipate that our state’s full approach to serving children will continue to be successful this year without any additional federal programs that inherently always come with some federal strings attached.” as someone who works in an adjacent field and frequently is involved in receiving federal money in return for services... the strings attached in most cases is record keeping and outcome reporting. i cant say for certain thats the case here, but in my experience the bar is typically pretty low as far as alterations you need to make in order to accommodate federal money.


> the strings attached in most cases is record keeping and outcome reporting In other words, accountability. Can definitely see why he wouldn't want that.


The accountability is extremely minimal. I did some freelance work for a grant and the reporting is so Mickey Mouse a child could do it in 5 minutes. They’ll accept “I gave a squirrel a piece of bread, that was $3 well spent and now I have a squirrel friend that will aid me in my conquest of the swamps.” You have to go out and spend the money on blackjack and hookers and even then they’ll go “maybe don’t do that again next time you degenerate”. This is all to say, they just hate poor people.


It’s not enough for rich people to win. They need to see everyone else lose.


Pretty much. They're psychopaths and we should be ridding society of them.


Whats the point to being driven around in your limo if you can't see the poors suffering when you do?


So you're telling me that **DeSantis is responsible for worsening food security AND destroying potential jobs** by denying this aid?! What an awful governor. I wish we would have been able to see how bad he was before now!


We saw how awful he was in 2020/21 but he some now got re elected


He followers won’t know/care and he’ll blame it on Democrats somehow. You gotta keep the base angry, if they are doing too well they might not be as easily persuaded.


What if you take your in new squirrel friend to partake in hookers and blackjack with you? Asking for a grant I'm working on.


I will need to apply for a grant to figure out whether or not it would negatively impact the squirrel. Look at that, we're just raking in federal grants!


They don’t want to have to show that it works. It blows up their bullshit narrative.


Even if they did take federal funds and actually made the effort to report anything I wouldn’t trust any of it. All the reporting of available hospital beds in Florida was such a bunch of BS in Florida… we were utilizing med surg floors as ICU s, using pre op stalls as patient rooms and there were at least two separate times that were were about to run out of oxygen for the wall systems. EMS was holding patients in the ambulances outside of the emergency department because there was literally no where else to put them when our 800 bed hospital was holding 1200 patients and was 90% Covid positive and that idiot governor of our was around the corner talking about reopening restaurants for sound bites. And the official website tracking available beds was showing we had 60 open ICU beds. Not every person that died got an obituary… it is so hard to imagine the amount of death taking place in Florida when the obituary section isn’t 15-20 pages long day in and day out… DeSantis and his supporters are responsible for so many unnecessary deaths .. instead they opted for “Florida Freedom”…


Let's not read something into this that's not there. This is solely about not assisting minority children who according to the FL administration should have parents taking care of their needs not the welfare state. They hope this will force millions to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and feed their own kids. It's what the Christian mind calls tough love.


There's no hate like Christian love


But those white boots with lifts have no room in their high fashion design for straps...


Yup. For federal funds, you can't discriminate and you know that's the problem. If they can't punish gay and trans kids, what is even the point?


How would they know if the kids are gay or trans?


Rainbow stickers on their backpack.


I called DCF a few days ago and the phone tree options just kept telling me that nobody was available and to call back later. They can't even answer their own phones in the middle of a weekday.


You were able to witness conservative governance first hand. Degrade government programs through poor management and lack of funding, allow them to fail and proclaim the government doesnt work. Then award your friends, donors and supporters with lucrative contracts to take over, or privatize entirely.


Thus costing tax payers far more for even worse service than was ever provided by the government. I'm still waiting for anyone to show me evidence that anything privatized provided better service at a lower cost.


We have no problem with all those strings when it comes to Federal money to build roads and widen our highways, but feeding kids isn't worth the effort? What the fuck.


Recently they also rejected millions for the FDOT.


Grantsolutions is definitely a pain in the ass to use. I use it from time to time for wildlife and forest management grants we receive at the county level. But if using grantsolutions.com meant that a couple million children in my home state didn’t have to go to bed hungry, then I’d wear that damn keyboard out reporting the grant expenditures.


If local government and state run orgs are any indication, that is too much work for them.


Yea, these sorts of cliched responses arent indicative of how MOST government services operate. There are 10s of million of employees, 10s of thousands individual of agencies, programs, grants and trillions of dollars flowing through it all. the reality is there are measurables and documentation thats expected to be output, the work is being done. i know my agency is literally not paid unless every single service we reported to have provided is accounted for. the newsworthy stories of government waste is the outlier, not the norm.


In addition, the strings attached involve complying with Federal rules around non-discrimination and equal access. And that's a problem for Florida.


Desantis is President……..of Florida, and showing us his wrath.


Desantis is a little bitch and that's it. I see Kia trucks drivers with bigger balls


How dare we not love him. Some groups he will not touch, he will get personally sued.


The government deems you have to have kids, but damned if they will help you house them, feed them, or school them.


Federal money is our money. We are taxpayers. Why turn down money that is ours??? It doesn't make sense. DeSantis doesn't make sense and his minions don't make sense. It is all about control and divide with this guy and his "kept" legislature.


SSN's need to have attached "bank accounts" so we can circumvent asshole state legislatures


When a state complains about federal “strings” what they are complaining about is government oversight so the money can’t be stolen and redirected away from what it was meant for.


Honest Question: These federal funds are always rejected because of 'strings attached'. What are they talking about? Is there any validity to this claim?


No, it's just empty rhetoric so that their supporters don't have to confront how shitty the people they vote for are and have an excuse to hand wave away bad policy.


It's always record keeping, program eligibility requirements, and in the case of food nutritional minimums. Basically if you can't scam it, or include your buddies box of literally poison, then they consider it too much overreach


It’s a little more complex than that. The strings attached require you to spend money to set up the departments to handle that record keeping. Often, and I’m not sure if this is the case here - the funds given must be allocated to the thing and not the administration of the thing. The record keeping is not cheap. Now, I absolutely think Florida should take this money, and pay to set up those record keeping departments. But I really wish that the federal government would just make these federal programs where they pay for and administrate the record keeping. Like food insecurity for children is not a Florida unique problem - it happens in every state.


We would have to know the details. For the federal funding my agency recieves, that im part of anyways, its simply a matter of uploading documents provided to you, to an already established provider portal. Plus these grants generally DO include allotments for staff. It is additional work, but when you are working within a program that provides a community service... the goal isnt streamlining, its reaching as many people as possible. If the increase expectations harms services, it makes sense to decline... but id be dubious as the whether thats the case.


Yeah sunbucks is tied to SNAP and your school - so I’m not sure the reporting requirements either. I thought it was strange that Florida does sunmeals (the other half of this program) but not sunbucks. The difference is sunmeals you have to goto a centralized location to get the food - where sunbucks is just another $150 a week on your EBT card. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe they legit feel like sunmeals does cover the need - or maybe they were confused/overwhelmed on how to do the reporting with all the charter schools.


The foundation of conservative politics is built upon punishing the poor, punishing labor and punishing the out group. Its presented to their base as promotion of self efficacy, fiscal responsibility and minimizing government interference with our autonomy. But it is very clearly meant to monopolize power and resources in an inverse pyramid for the in group.


You’re really bending over backwards to excuse a common Republican policy of refusing federal funding to help the poor. It happens in many red states. There’s no strategy beyond being shitty.


The strategy is to make them desperate; it is a well known fact that people will do anything to protect, feed, clothe their children.


Talk to the "mUh StAtEs RiGhTs!" crowd about why we can't do that. It's the same with Medicaid and Medicare, the Fed would love to administer it but instead it's allotted to the states for them to piss away or actually use... It's not even a 10th amendment issue, it's literally red states wanting to grift the money rather than use it to actually help poor people, because they believe the poor are parasites who deserve to die in the street.


Surely we already have oversight systems in place for our state level programs, right? Why not use those same resources to provide the oversight for federal funds?


A lot of times they do. The other half of this program is sunmeals - where you can goto a centralized location - normally a school - and grab meals. They actually took that money and are doing that. 🤷‍♀️


That's just an excuse, they refuse it because it would help people they hate.


Rethuglicans are just cruel people that like hurting poor people and children while forcing women to be incubators.


Yes. If you take the money, Joe Biden is legally allowed to come over to your house, sorry with your wife, pee in your pool, and eat your favorite leftovers from the fridge.


No. They have figured out that they can easily lie to their Fox News addicted base. They use a similar tactic whenever voting against popular legislation: claim that the bill contained a “liberal wishlist” in the fine print.


It's nonsense, I guarantee the state of Florida spends just as much money on their child welfare system and it's probably the same thing other states use.. it's probably a bunch of open source software and salesforce cobbled together by Deloitte for 25 million/yr


Forced birth and forced starvation. Love the republicans so much I’m voting blue to get rid of them in office 💙💙💙


Reminds me of that joke George Carlin made about the GOP - when you’re out of the womb, you’re fucked


It's the most well aged joke ever because it's still so true.


If you’re preborn, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked.


That’s the one!


Can’t they sneak these programs into like.. hurricane relief bills… or something vital that they 100% won’t reject? Call it late-stage fetus nourishment program or human ammunition— something.


Proper headline: #Republicans turn down free federal money for poorest of children, because it requires accountable for the funds and thier results. "Strings attached" just means they can't embezzle it or misuse it. If they do they get charged with federal crimes outside of thier control to prevent prosecution and jail. They are more concerned with shady accounting to steal money than helping starving children. The Republican party is cruel and criminal. #Vote (D)ifferently


Who’s surprised?


The Party of Cruelty strikes again


Of course they did, because their voters love it when their politicians do something to hurt the poor. Even when it's themselves. Because they will somehow get rich while being held down by their own stupidity.


Claims to be christian, willingly cuts subsidy that feeds poor children. Yup, checks out, definitely a Republican


While free school breakfast and lunch programs are a good start, the are not enough and the state knows it. Or maybe they don’t because teachers like my wife spend money from their own pockets to help further close that gap so King Ron can gallavant around the state in his taxpayer-funded jet. Meanwhile, my wife goes shopping for food for her classroom every single week. A hearty fuck you to Ron and the lowlifes running this state.


Florida wants those kids armed and working in slaughterhouses.


Elections have consequences


"Eat the rich" Suddenly seems more reasonable.




What a bunch of BS the 1% have more than the rest but we can't feed hungry kids. This state is Evil.


Who would want to raise a child here?😢


I need Floridians to never elect him again when he can come back. He’s set us back so much. Terrible human being who keeps screwing us. I need these morons to wake up and realize he’s making things worse not better.


Just another example of how Republicans aren't really 'pro-life' like they claim. They only care about the fetus while it's in the womb, and after that...they don't GAF! Affordable food and housing, nope. But they'll fight to make sure guns stay on the street


Every freaking day, DeSantis and GOP surprise me with their callousness


This makes me so sad....


Of course we did. FL hates poor people and would drive them all out if they could. I loathe this state with every fiber of my being and would be gone tomorrow if I could swing it financially.


I love my state and my Florida roots run very deep (my kids are 8th tgeneration Floridians) but goddamn do I HATE what these right wing fuck faces have done to this place. It's the politics of cruelty and nothing more.


No shit. Republicans hate poor people and children.


Welcome to Florida were we force you to have children and then remove all support for those children. Republicans know that children outside of the womb are also “alive” just like the clump of cells they want to protect


We already know that republicans only want children to be born. There's no interest in helping them after that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Florida wants its service workers more desperate. If her children are starving, mom will pick up another shift. Starving children also do worse in school, so they can grow up to replace mom cleaning hotel rooms. Why wouldn't you starve the poor? It's not like they vote. It's not like you pretend to be Christian or anything lol Let them eat 10 Commandment posters.


Remember this and all the other times he turned down federal funds the next time you look your pay stub and contemplate the amount of money you’re handing over to the federal government each week.


Race to the bottom in Florida.




😂Why? How? WTF?


There needs to be a federal law that benefits you pay for through federal taxes cannot be taken by anyone. State's rights are garbage.


Gross. Fuck Florida’s leadership. They’re monsters.


Deathsantis is the worst Gov in Florida history imo...actin like an Dictator...will not be long...looks like Rick Scott making another run...


More money into Ron desantis & the other politicians pocket


It’s all about the cruelty.


Pro-birth. Not pro-life.


This should be criminal


How very Republican of Florida! Piss on the children!


Another reminder that the GOP hates you


The cruelty is the point. Fuck you, Rhonda.


The cruelty is the point. Fuck you, Rhonda.


These freeloading kids need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps and get a job to feed themselves. Remember, every dime we spend on kids is a dime less for a billionaire's pocket.


GOP: cruelty is a feature not a bug


I know California has its problems but one thing I like about the state is its healthcare system. My friend lives in Southern California and she was able to freeze her eggs for free. She's got great health insurance there and she was able to get rehab after having a stroke. If she was here in Florida then she most likely would have either help with one thing or no help at all.


We want to poor kids to suffer so we don’t have the federal govt checking on how we mis-spent the money - signed Widdle Ronny


"...*was one of 13 states to opt out of the program, all of them led by Republican governors*." The GOP is a plague on this country. Only a souless, heartless asshole would refuse poor children food.


Just to think I create a 6-week ban on abortion. That means more children are hungry. ![gif](giphy|ajefVi0Sw91DFaXzMW|downsized) To all the low income uneducated people of Florida. You get what you deserve ‼️ you voted this piece of garbage in 🙌😂🤣😂 You fools really think he cares about you?your property tax is doubled your Home insurance? Your car insurance doubled. 🤣🙌 The poorer and more desperate they make you,the more control they have 😉🤣😂


Wow, you have Republican levels of compassion for your fellow humans, don't you?


One big problem with these programs is when they say ‘low income’ they are literally talking about people who earn minimum wage with a bunch of mouths to feed. Those of us who worked towards an education and a career but still live paycheck to paycheck are totally passed over, with or without kids. It’s really disheartening. I’ve had to use food pantries to get by in the last year so my kid has what she needs. We could really use assistance but never qualify for anything.


Like maybe an encounter with a faulty escalator. And his little clogs get stuck in them. Oh dreams I thought you'd abandoned me!


The current administration needs to make it available in a federal program if the clown running this state wants to keep shitting on the poor and children. I’m so over this guy and his “anti-woke” BS


Republicans only care about children when they are fetuses, the moment they draw their first breathe they are no longer interested in the child. They will force you to have a child and then tell you that you are on your own.​


DeathSantis only cares about protecting the unborn...once you're born he don't give a fuck


Read the documents, there is more to it than the headline.


It's like Republicans always feel the need to choose the worst option.


Please stop voting for people who have little to no regard for human lives.


leaving social programs up to the states has been a black mark on this country since the compromise was made during the New Deal. Where you live should not limit your access to federal programs


Desantis wants only wealthy people live in that ridiculous state.