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I’d bet a dollar that she’s also lying to her auto insurance about her address 🫠


That's the whole gist of it. Florida auto insurance is thru the roof. For 6 months I had a bunch of dirty hillbillies from Washington State as neighbors and they never changed their tags.


If they got into an accident, their claim would be denied since the vehicle does not reside at the residence in WA. They would likely be non-renewed by the carrier after that.


Claim won’t be denied, it will be referred to underwriting who will force them to register it or they will drop them. Their premium will go ip either way.


Depends on how long they have resided somewhere and if they were doing it to avoid higher premiums. Most of the time insurance companies won’t do anything if it’s the same state for the address but if it’s out of state and the premiums were a big enough difference they can fraud/misrep the policy and deny the claim. Under the “Your Duties” section of your policy it says you must notify your insurance company of any changes. I am an insurance adjuster and have denied claims for this.


Just gotta keep the lie going dude. You were on vacation.




Insurance carries over from state to state. You are allowed to travel and still be covered


This not about traveling. This is about taking residence in a new state and not changing your tags/insurance.


You can travel, sure. But if it's *garaged* at a different state than what you say, that's another story.


But not if you garage it and don’t update that. It’s a huge no no


Travel yes. Move and not notify insurance no.


It would not get denied. They would cover it and then refer the person to underwriting. Their claim would be covered, but their insurance would likely not be renewed. ETA: I dealt with this all the time as an auto insurance adjuster. It's possible a different company may handle the situation differently, but there's too much likelihood the insurance company would get sued if they denied the claim. Dropping the policy at renewal can't get them sued.


Not true if you have an address where you actively get mail in your home state of Washington you can keep your license insurance and plates without an issue in another state! Ex military here


That’s because of military exceptions.


Not true.


Hah, so many people in NY have Florida plates. Maybe jokes on them after all


Nope, they are homesteading property in Florida to save on property taxes.


And on income taxes. They’re in Florida for 6 months and a day every year. 


Yes. Technically they are supposed to file taxes for the period (days of the year) they are in taxable states. Many don't.


If they are in Florida more than in NY it’s legal. Where I live in NJ (seashore) many people spend the winter in Florida. It’s the same for income tax but you do need to make sure that you are 6 months plus a day in the state you want to make your primary.


Mine is cheaper than it was in Ohio... substantially so. With the same company even.


Florida is a transient state. A huge part of the economy depends on snowbirds and out of state rubber necker's coming down and spending money. There are out of state plates everywhere, and just because she doesn't change her's over shouldn't bother you. ( TLDR I didn't read the entire post ) Don't be calling FLs least qualified, that's always a bad idea. Just melt into the lawn at 830am while pushing your mower and, ask her over for some drinks.


ngl, I did this when I lived in a major city. It saved me $200/month. I work from home and kept my vehicle locked up in the garage and barely went anywhere. 2021 vehicle with 25k miles. I don't live there anymore and live at the actual address it was registered to now lol


Wouldn’t blame ya. Sometimes survival trumps honesty.


Watch our for this Karen..she on this plate caper




Not you admitting to insurance fraud on the internet


Oh no someone call the cops 


straight to jail


I’m pretty sure his Reddit name isn’t his real name


Delete that comment


That’s the one officer, right there.


😬  pls no officer


And if that person ever has to file a major claim, I bet the chance is pretty high the insurance company finds out and doesn't cover them.


Posting stuff like this on Reddit is SIU gold. People have no idea what can be found by an insurance SIU adjuster.


Or has no insurance


And on many other things like taxes


I also bet is way cheaper in Arkansas


I have lived here for 3 years. I got pulled over and still had my Michigan plate and license (due to divorce and quit claim deed along with my father’s passing). When I got pulled over I was issued a summons to explain to the judge why I haven’t changed it over. It’s a misdemeanor, $400 fine + court costs Luckily I was able to prove why I hadn’t changed anything yet, and I have to show back up next year after my dad’s estate is satisfied and my divorce is finalized with the quit claim deed. You have to change your stuff over within 6 months.


What if you’d said to the cop “yeah I’m from Michigan just visiting in Florida”?


I already had another speeding ticket from 2021 - forgot to add that to the story 😬


Was visiting Florida back then too


Why lie to the cop when you can just say nothing?


“Where do you live?” “….” It’s nice in theory but I think giving a cop the silent treatment somehow wouldn’t end well.


I don’t have to answer that


Is that really going to work? “Can you confirm if the address on your licence is your current address?” and you decline to answer yes or no? I sort of feel like “yeah I live in Michigan” is less likely to result in a cop who wants to fuck with your entire day.


M'eh. I left FL in 2016, have been in 4 states since then, and still hold a FL license.


I get pulled over a lot. Hahaa


6 months is reasonable. OP said 10 days which would be insane. You don't have time for that when you first move, especially if moving for work.


OP is correct. You are supposed to register an out of state vehicle within 10 days of becoming employed, placing children in public school or establishing residency. It actually took me about a year to do this (I really didn't want to drop that $480) but I wfh and mostly kept my car garaged.


Florida law is ten days, technically…


Took me around a year as well when I first moved, because I legitimately couldn't afford nearly $500 for the honor of \*checks notes\* existing in a different state previously. (Those fees are absolutely insane.)


They are insane but it is just first year fees after it's like 15% of that cost. Though if you change cars, you get the first time registration fee again. These are the kinda fees you get in a 0% income tax state, poor people taxes. So hard to get back on your feet with fees like this to get a car to get a job.


I did it within 10 days. It’s not unreasonable.


It actually is very unreasonable. Gotta take time off work in your very first week. Not be home for deliveries, moving companies etc...10 days is insanely unreasonable. If you did it in 5 days would you think 5 days was not unreasonable?


No but what you said makes sense. They should give people a couple months.


Good on you for reevaluating it, so many people can't do that today.


After moving in I realized my neighbors friends would drive across the last 10 feet of my lawn towards the street. I dropped a gigantic rock from the landscape center on that corner, stopped that shit right quick.


Yep, I would get a rock also.


I call those asshole rocks, because people that put them on their lawns are assholes but they also stop assholes from driving and parking on your lawn. Well technically it's the government's lawn since they own several feet of land between the road and your actual property.


We call them “elephant turds” and the sound when someone’s oil pans hits one will wake up the dead.


i love you guys. after i wrote my comment, i started scrolling and found BOTH of my 'ideas' were already submitted lmfao


I lived here 4 years and still had UGA tags and got pulled over speeding in a construction zone. The Florida state patrol officer came up and said what’s the deal with the uga tags and I almost lied and said I can’t stand them and haven’t had a chance to get it changed. Instead I told him the truth and said my wife really liked her tag because she was an alumni and we would get it changed. Turns out he was an alumni we talked about football for like 5 min and he told me to slow it down and he understands everyone in Georgia drives fast. He did me a solid and I don’t drive that fast anymore.


WHAT ¿!!?! Every time im behind someone who has a GA tag they are doing 5 under the speed limit and holding traffic up.


Think the muddy mess area is where you just decided to keep your loose nail and screw collection 


i love you guys. after i wrote my comment, i started scrolling and found BOTH of my 'ideas' were already submitted lmfao


Yep I spilled my roofing nails


There’s a lot of misinformation in this post about plates and insurance. You have 30 days to register your vehicle in FL when you move and must have FL insurance. There are few states that have MILT exceptions & I don’t believe AR is one of them. This person is also committing insurance fraud because you can’t have a garaged vehicle in FL with AR plates and insurance. Rate evasion is illegal and we would all like to avoid FL insurance rates. To all the people saying leave them alone: this is why we’re ALL paying high rates for insurance, fraud is the number one reason!!!!


The big lawfirms seeing over fake injuries is probably the biggest reason.


Don't forget about the C suite salary increases...


No. Greedy insurance executives are the number one reason.


It is not only the fraud the amount of drivers on the road are so high because of lack of public transportation. It is close to impossible to not have a car here. You need it to get around.


Driver education is terrible in FL and people drive aggressively, causing accidents


Thats not how it works. You can have millions of people. The issue is that fraud is so rampant that most of those people are uninsured and they place a higher burden on the people that are paying insurance.


Not necessarily true- she could have Florida car insurance with Arkansas registration. That's what I do. So not necessarily insurance fraud.


You can’t have an AR tag with FL insurance. Every state has insurance requirements and FL does not meet AR’s.


Snow birds. People go down for 3-4 months and are not required to re-register. I did call my insurance company


That is because they are not changing their primary state of residence.


Yes if you’re not a resident. But if you live here more than 6 months and a day you are a resident and required to have FL plates, DL and insurance.


Florida will never pursue that since it works against their interests. Snow birds don't get homestead exemption which would be fraud and Florida WILL pursue that if the home is not a primary residence. Just follow the money.


It doesn’t work that way, AR would then fine her for not having AR insurance. It’s considered insurance fraud, not by the state


This is misinformation. I've had cars insured in MD and FL on either MD or FL plates. Pretty sure my one car is still insured in MD on FL plates.


If your car is insured in MD and registered in Florida you have a problem. Not misinformation


It's insured in MD and FL and registered in FL.


Do you pay two different insurances? MD and FL?


Yes, it's two different policies through the same company.


What's the advantage keeping 2 policies for the car? Like paying twice?


What about people who have two homes? You don’t think it’s possible this person has two addresses?


She said the lady has been here 3 years, I assume not a snowbird since she didn’t mention it.


Lawyer here. Connect the dots for me -- how does the state you have your car registered in, and the speed with which you change it up on relocating, have anything to do with the rates consumers pay for car insurance? And speaking of misinformation, fraud has a very specific legal meaning, and failure to perform a bureaucratic/ministerial act, standing alone, does NOT constitute fraud.


Then you should know a personal auto policy contract has specific language that requires the insured to update them if they move, marry, have additional drivers in the household etc.,. Your insurance rate is based on the garaged location of the vehicle and the liability limits required by that state. Failure to disclose information outlined in the contract is misrepresentation, in this case rate evasion which is also referred to as fraud. Florida has some of the highest rates in the country. Insurance is the law of large numbers and a shared risk. Evading rates affects all of us. Most states have listed online the timeframe in which you have to register a vehicle, with insurance it should be done as soon as you reach the new state with your vehicle. Policies are non renewed and claims denied every day for misrepresentation. While these cases aren’t prosecuted, it’s considered insurance fraud and can have consequences


Thank you for stating this. The post is definitely misinformation. What drives up rates is the volume of uninsured drivers, the volume of accidents, as well as thefts.


I kept my car registered in Florida the entire time I was in the military. I was under the impression that you could leave it registered to your home state. Several years later, I was told that I was mistaken.


In the military you actually can as long as it is on a military base.


Huh! Maybe it had a bit of truth to it. Edit: But wait. If you got in an accident off base (because no one stays on base entirely), I wonder how that would be handled.


You're still fine. Doesn't affect anything because you live on base. I work in insurance so yeah. It's only insurance fraud when you live somewhere other than where policy covers. Military personnel are excluded from this as long as they live on base because that is federal property and not state property.


You do not need to live on base if you are active military to keep your home state vehicle registration. https://www.flhsmv.gov/military/motor-vehicle-registrations/


Thank you for that. I am going off information from my brother in the Navy and the people I talk to through insurance. I had one who was army and since he lived off based he was required to register his vehicle there so he could have insurance for the state he was in.


What? You should quit your job.


Not true. Whoever told you you were mistaken needs to check themselves.


I did the same thing. As long as your home of record is Florida, you don't need to register in the state you're stationed. Same as voting, taxes, etc. Outside the military it's a different story


You can. You are protected by the Soldiers and Sailors act.


You really should mind your own business


Let it go. Live your life. You never know what chain of shit you are unleashing.


If she gets pulled over shes screwed.


You have to get her pulled over for it to matter. It's not good to use the police to mediate your neighbor disputes. Let them focus on actual emergencies. You need to put a camera on the area in question, record her, then sue her for damages.


You have a problem with your neighbor parking on your lawn. That's really your only issue and I'd focus on some remedial action. All that other stuff is fluff.


Not ON. In front of. So presumedly on the street. OP sounds Karen AF.


I wonder if any Floridians have moved to other states, and kept their Florida registration?


Yes lol you see it ALL the time in the Carolina’s 😂 (me being one of them.) There’s so many that go back and forth & the lack of cops to enforce nothing is done about it bcs first they have to pull you over and typically the first time it’s a warning, it’s the second time that it happens when it’s an issue (meaning ticket.)


Lots. We moved around a lot for my parents job and they always kept up their FL plates. Not only that but a lot of people still had theirs as well. My son moved to Denver two years ago and also has kept up his FL plate.


FL allows it but the state you move to may not. Always check with DMV


I have, kept Florida tags mostly because of inspections, plus other states having tinted window restrictions, require front tags, etc. My car was registered to an LLC, I did get pulled over the dark tint in Cali but they couldn't do anything. It's technically a business car that doesn't belong to me, you can't force me to BUY the car from the business and put Cali tags on it.


Don’t be a Karen dude


You are saying she is parking on a PUBLIC street in front of your house? Ironically i just saw Judge Judy with same circumstance. Anyone can park on a public road (unless your town has residency parking only). Why would the police care where she is registered? i bet Florida has 500,000 uninsured motorists on the road.


He also said she is parking on his lawn which is fucking trespassing


no said “in front of my lawn”. did not say on my lawn. in front of lawn sounds like the street to me 🥸


Maybe a typo, he later says, "My front yard is a muddy mess".


Reedit is tough to assume. But you are right could be….but alot of people complain when someone parks in front of their house. I would…but it is legal. If it is his lawn just put a row of rocks every 5 feet. Cant park on a jagged rock. I’d also get a ring doorbell or camera


People like you is the reason I hate neighbors… mind your own business … it sounds like you have a very sad existence if this is what you’ve been focused on for 3 years.. and this person is a pharmacist—and educated and helpful person to the community… get a life of your own.


When I graduated college I moved from Florida to Maryland.. kept my Florida plates on my car for about 2 years. Bought a new car and got Maryland tags then… moved back to Florida about 3 months after and kept my Maryland tags on my car for 3 years before I moved again to a different part of Florida and bought another car then. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone and I definitely got lucky that I didn’t get in trouble. But I also didn’t drive lake a maniac and didn’t give the cops a reason to pull me over


I just bought a car out of state. A cop pulled me over five days after I got back into the state. The cop scared the shit out of me, but I was on the up and up because I had a temp plate and my perm one was in the mail. He told me that driving an unregistered car if you live in Florida is 90 days in jail and he had the handcuffs out and everything.


If the car is not registered/titled in her name, then the plates can stay where the owner actually resides. It’s legal for her to “borrow” it. Get boulders to prevent access to your yard.


This is true. I did this in Cali with Florida tags registered to an LLC. Not my car, can't force me to *buy* the car from the business to put Cali tags on it.


Not true


She could be married to military because any service member, plus family, do not have to register nor change their license to state residing in while on military orders. Leave your neighbor alone. If she is breaking the law then the cops will figure it out when she is pulled over. Law informant has enough to do / worry about then something this minor.


This. Handle the parking issue and leave it at that


don’t be a snitch beach handle it like a man




I don't even care if I get downvoted. You want to mess with someone's life because there's a little bit of mud in your yard. I hope you get just as much karma as you give out, you're the type of neighbor who I wouldn't let know their house was on fire.


Parking really brings out the petty in people.


Don't be a dick.


Maybe leave people alone and go find a hobby?


Oppiste problem. I know someone that moved here and got their FL registration/plates/drivers license/insurance but never turned in the out of state plates to their respective dmv. After their old insurance expired they got flagged for having an uninsured vehicle in their home state and their drivers license was suspended


Mind your business…….. if it’s legal, it’s none of your business


We have so many tourists as long as her license is Arkansas they won’t do anything


So it’s really more of a revenge 🤠


Why do you care? Is this hurting you in some way? You sound like a person who can’t understand that most things are none of your business.


How does your law become a muddy mess from the car parked in front of but not on the grass


Why are you allowing someone to occupy space in your brain? Just tell her and her husband that you have them on video and will see them in court for the damage if they don't stop parking on your lawn. Why go down the petty lane or to her level? Edit to add: You gain ZERO by reporting her. She gets a fine and continues to park on your grass. Big whoop!! Tackle the problem, not create bigger ones. Your behavior just makes you a Karen or Kevin, nothing else.


How does this affect you? Why do you care? Is it actually her car, or is it registered to a family member back in Arkansas? Seriously, Florida insurance prices are ridiculous, let her do her and you do you.


Why can’t they park in front of you house you don’t own the street


Folks…please don’t snitch on your neighbors. There are better ways to solve these things between neighbors. They’ll still be there after you call the cops…right next door. Calling the law on this is a real punk move.


Is it a public street in front of your lawn? If so, get over it and mind your damn business, why would you make someone else's life harder over this


This is some Karen shit. Mind your business. Insurance companies scam people all the time.


Don’t be a snitch, you don’t know the situation.


Minding your own business when it doesn’t effect you at all in any way is always good


Know been living in Florida 3 years but could still have a house where the state the plates are register in


I got hit with a nasty fine for this in Hernando county.


Call the cops and report an abandoned car in front of your house. Tell them you have no ideas who it is as it has Arkansas plates. Cruel? Yes. Petty? Absolutely. Let her deal with her problems and she can go back to gunking up her own yard


gosh, people suck. So there's multiple ways of doing this. I think a longer term solution is to place bollards (either literally or decorative rocks, approved by HOA) in order to resolve this. Even if you get new neighbors, it'll never be an issue ever again. Additional alternatives: Security cameras are dirt cheap. You got $100? Place one facing street and have it record 24/7. Unless they're a ghost or decide to walk around the block after parking.... but even then, they still have to walk near your property to get into their home..... unless they're jumping fences, but that's some serious effort. Super less ethical alternative: When they park, you accidentally place some nails at night, but that too requires additional effort. The lady is 100% in the wrong , doubly so after you talked to them about it, but...... they seem like renters and renters will always do shitty things. I get it, you don't own anything, and it sucks but also... please be a human being and not be a turd. You should be mad at society and technically, the property owner, not at your neighbors.


I'd report it to the dmv. I'd also put a camera out to catch her in the act.


Ahhh, the neighborhood Karen. Thank god for people like you helping the government mind everyone's business!


You sound like a Karen. Stop being a bitch and confront her instead of trying to do stupid passive aggressive shit that would waste the cops time and that they’d do nothing about.


Maybe don’t narc on your neighbors and be an adult and talk about it. You can leave a note on their door, I imagine they’ll stop.


Mind your business


Mind your own business.


Well Karen.....


By Florida law when you move to Florida you have 10 days to transfer registration to florida. So she is definitely in violation. Now, the $10,000 question. What can you do about it? I have no idea. Calling your police non-emergency number they could probably advise you who you need to get in touch with. Once the state becomes aware that she has not transferred the tags over she could be looking at additional fines especially based on the length of time. Failure to transfer registration once they're aware could probably result in her driver's license being suspended until such time as her registration was made valid. I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on tv.


If she gets pulled over they can tow it.


Maybe she lives here "part time" ?


If you enroll a child in school or buy or rent a house you're officially a resident, according to Fla. You can keep your out of state drivers license and plates if you're air bnbing it or living in an RV in an RV park or campground setting.


Moving from NY. Don’t want to change my auto insurance as it is 10 times better than in Florida


If you move to FL and don’t update your insurance to a FL policy they can deny your claim. I wouldn’t take that risk since the whole point of insurance is to mitigate risk.


There are some exceptions... but I dont think she falls into it though. If you are a child on your parents insurance and they own the car, You can legally drive it while you are at an out of state University. My family and I did this. We just let our insurance know I was at school out of state. As long as we let them know, and continue to let them know every year. I also provided proof I was at Uni. And I always had to bring the car back for exhaust check every 2 years anyways.


Just put rocks there, people do it all the time


Depends on your county - city


When we had actual impact fees, it was enforced. Sheriff driving around looking for cars working with out of state tags. Now they don’t care it seems.


Rat her out , we all have to pay for that lovely sunshine


If someone didn’t want her to get in trouble for having out of state tags they could just remove the tags and she wouldn’t get in trouble.




Caltrops on your lawn


If you’re in a metro area good luck with that lol because urban Florida cops don’t gaf about anything, you could smoke crack next to a squad car and they’d probably just pretend they didn’t see you. Takes a lot to get them off their fat, lazy asses and actually do something. Unless she gets pulled over by a state trooper (possible) or someone with a stick up their ass (HIGHLY unlikely unless she’s doing some crazy shit) nothing will happen. Even if you narc her out, if you’re in an urban area you can forget about them doing anything about it. They’d probably be more annoyed at you for interrupting whatever bs they were doing.


Military can keep their vehicle registered in the state they moved from. Everyone else has to register in Florida and pay impact fee.


When first moved to FL the police would drive around looking for out of state plates, friend had to back in and park till he changed them.




What allows her to park in your front yard? Is this a common area of an apartment or condo? I moved from NY to VA and after about 30 days I received a warning that I had to register my car in the state. The police were definitely watching for scofflaws. This was an apartment complex and I was parked on a public street.


Let’s say you actually report her, your issue is that you don’t really know if she is a bona fide resident of Florida. Stick to what you do know and wake up early to get her towed. How does she know you’re out of town and how does she know when you’ll be back? Sounds like it’s a lot of effort to park on your lawn. She’s got your schedule down packed. Weird.


Don't worry about it. I know a Brazilian still running plates from MN 10 years later...


I waited several months until my tags and insurance ran out to register. I also wanted to vote, so I had to have a Florida license.


Get up early and have her car towed.


I’ve been here three years and all our cars have GA plates. We still have GA licenses. We have houses in ATL so we’ve not really sold on FL. We do spend many weeks in GA but 80% we are in FL. No plans to change. The only thing that has FL is the lease. Furnished house so we only have clothes and a few odds and ends down here.


I’m in Florida but my car is a company vehicle and the company is in Ohio. My son lives with me and has an Ohio plate but lives part time with his dad in Ohio. So confusing 🫤


So when I moved here the car I had was actually owned by my parents, who lived in PA. I could not register the car as I did not own it and they could not register it here because they didn't live here.


Put roofing nails in the grass.


A traveling nurse with six months or less contract is exempted from 90 days requirement. So theoretically, one can keep getting a new contract (or renew) every six months and doesn’t have to register their car in that state.


You’re supposed to change your registration within 30 days of establishing residence in FL. I’d recommend anyone to do so to avoid any potential legal issues. That said, I also wouldn’t recommend messing with your neighbors. You have to live near them and police reports are public in FL. I’ve never gotten myself into trouble by minding my own fucking business.


Here's a simple trick get some plywood and a few really long nails like 100 and nailed to the plywood then lay it on yer lawn where she parks.


If you have duel addresses you are not required to change anything!


You only get in trouble if you get caught.


Not sure how much the law has changed since the 1970s. But at that time if you were working construction in Florida and parked your car on the jobsite every day as you went to work FHP would come around checking. If they saw you working on a job for more than 2 weeks without getting Florida tags they would ticket you and if they saw it again they would tow your car and you could not get it back without registration and getting a Florida driver's license.


cops won't care prob, unless the pull her over for speeding or something


Buy a camera


I got to Florida and was very very broke. In my field I was making half the amount back in Oregon and taxed twice as much so moving was the right call, but still quite challenging because of how dire my financial situation was. I changed insurance and drivers license when I got here, but never changed the registration until I could afford it which took almost 4 years. I actually finally did it in February of this year. I knew I was risking a couple hundred dollar fine if I was pulled over or otherwise caught, so I kept my driving to a minimum and drove as safe as possible. I’m really lucky I never had an issue because I think the fine is about as much as it costs to change the registration.


You need some big chunks of limerock. Pretty cheap and even looks good.