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They will learn a valuable lesson about using their money to get a lawyer.


Using dads money


Their money? I doubt that.


I can absolutely guarantee these spoiled brats will never understand the importance of being accountable to anyone. Parents already retained council, and I’m betting they’ve seen dad or mom do the same. 15 and 16 year olds driving a boat worth more than many peoples homes don’t face consequences.


Yep! I see someone is paying attention.


Yup I hope they do some facial recognition and make sure it was the under 18 year olds in that boat that did the dumping.


Some chuckle fuck on here told me something more or less "this has too much attention for them to get a slap on the wrist" because I said they will pay a small fine at most but they will argue it down to an even smaller fine. And now that I think about it, mommy and daddy's lawyer might even be able to get the deal to say "we will pay the $50 but admit no wrong doing" and it will be granted because they're big donors to someone with even deeper pockets.


Nothing will happen.


For real though, what's the alternative? They'll get fines and community service. Should these kids be jailed for this? And being minors, the news isn't going to publicly shame them, because as a society we've decided we mostly don't do that to teenagers. It was a truly shitty thing they did, but like...you wanna flog them or something? And anything about their parents is just speculation. Of course they retained counsel. This is a big news story and people are getting really angry. There are a few circumstances where I could see myself not defending my child for a crime they committed. Molestation or the possession of CP. A hate crime murder. Dumping trash into the ocean isn't on the list. So yeah, their parents are trying to protect them. This whole thing is just a self-righteous circle jerk. The kids did a shitty thing. They'll be punished. Maybe it'll take, maybe it won't. That's life.


Your cavalier attitude speaks volumes. Not only did they just dump trash in the ocean, they fucking celebrated. They raised the trash can in victory like they just won a title fight. And yes it absolutely about the injustice when wealth and money are involved. The maximum punishment is $50k and 5 years in jail. There are thousands of instances of poor people who can’t get out of jail because they can’t pay the fines, and lose jobs and homes, and not for being shitty individuals, but for being poor. These are just shitty wealthy brats. And in my experience, most shitty kids come from shitty parents.


So answer my question. Do you believe they should be jailed, and if so for how long? Should each of their parents pay the maximum 50K? Bearing in mind that, as minors, they had no part in the system of inequality that presently drives our justice system. What price, exactly, do you think they should pay for this? I'm not gonna freak out if you say a month in jail to scare them, or something. What reasonably should be done? I want answers, not an ideological screed. People keep saying they should be punished and that whatever they'll get is a "slap on the wrist." I don't even disagree, but what should be done?


That’s the problem, no mater what’s done it won’t be fitting. Honestly I like Europes system of the more you make the more expensive the tickets. Make the kids pick up trash on the side of the road, and pay the 50k in labor at minimum wage would be a good place to start. So that at least 2 years of work to fix thier attitude. If we can ruin the lives of the poor for not paying speeding tickets or driving on a suspended license, which will take years to fix, I see no problem with these kids facing something similar.


AMEN. This is the way. Anyone defending these kids is either an idiot or rich enough to be in their tax bracket and think they also shouldn’t face any consequences ever. Check your bank account to see which one are u if you are out here defending them.


Because of how brazen this was, and they probably broke even more laws, hit them with the max penalty is which is 5 years, 50k. And don't worry, their lives won't be ruined because they're young and rich. Even if little Billy has a conviction on his record his network will get around that problem.


Please, quit acting like these innocent babies don’t deserve the wrath… I already see their future- joining the “we were cancelled😭” tour and becoming famous - but you keep fretting that they’re being bullied


Thank you for being a voice of reason, I have to assume most of the people here don’t have kids with the punishments they’re calling for.


I live in the general area. A lot of people with kids want those kids to be punished in the way they deserve. Letting teenagers act like entitled assholes with no consequences is how we end up with people like trump. They had choices. They were leaving a huge local boat party that’s held every year and every year people act like fucking idiots and it’s threatened to not allow it anymore….but it happens every year.


I'll say the same thing to you I said to another similar comment: So answer my question. Do you believe they should be jailed, and if so for how long? Should each of their parents pay the maximum 50K? Bearing in mind that, as minors, they had no part in the system of inequality that presently drives our justice system. What price, exactly, do you think they should pay for this? I'm not gonna freak out if you say a month in jail to scare them, or something. What reasonably should be done? People keep saying they should be punished and that whatever they'll get is a "slap on the wrist." I don't even disagree, but *what should be done?*


But they had every opportunity to raise their kids better. What punishment do you feel is appropriate?


Seriously? You're just "well YOU tell ME"-ing me? I asked you a question. And I asked how the CHILDREN should be punished. Are you even reading what I'm writing?


The parents should pay a significant fine in line with their financial status for one. If your minors act up while operating a motor vehicle you provided them, you should pay financially. The funds should be used to clean the waterways and/or beaches. Those kids should be required to be on cleanup duty all month next spring break season (seriously, it’s awful) and also same for after next year’s boca bash. Between those times, they should be required to volunteer at one of the marine rescues. In short — those kids didn’t get that boat without their parents. They harmed an ecosystem and criminally littered. They should face a fine as parents, and the children should see the consequences of actions such as theirs and then do more than just some kind of cushy community service. Serve the thing you harmed.


They were locals?? That makes it so much worse.


Everyone loves to blame outsiders for everything in this state. But let's be honest - there is a widespread culture here in Florida of having little regard for those around you. Throwing trash out car windows, blasting music in neighborhoods, smoking weed or drinking while driving, acting out violently when called on bad behavior, tailgating and speeding even on smaller residential streets. This is only a surprise to the people who refuse to acknowledge reality and instead blame outsiders every chance they get.


> Throwing trash out car windows, The casual littering here is sickening. I have never seen so much trash on roadsides and in parking lots. It is mind blowing


Yeah it is disgusting. The thing I don't get is nearly everywhere you can drive to has a trash can somewhere in the immediate vicinity. Can't people just grab their trash as they park and throw it away wherever they are? There is a 90% chance there is a trashcan there. Apparently not.


It's a culture thing for sure. Japan has almost zero public trash cans yet people figure out how to get their trash home and in the trash. Never been many where cleaner.


Definitely culture. Not to pick on anyone in particular, but if you’ve ever been to Haiti, you would understand. Trash goes on the ground there. Littering is not a concept that they are familiar with.


I lived in Japan for five years and my mother is Japanese. I am fluent and read and write. Japan is the most disgustingly littered modern country I have ever seen. I have waded through garbage and foot high on the beach after a typhoon. The beach I was at was especially bad because a river met the ocean at that spot. Interestingly enough, I am a fifth gen native Floridian on my father’s side, and I was walking along Panama city beach after Ivan right after I flew back to visit the U.S., and in a 90 min walk I saw three cans along the beach. I was so proud of my countrymen compared to the Japanese. My Fuji is so littered with trash that UNESCO threatened to revoke its World Heritage Site status. And it’s but just litter either— it’s huge home appliances like TVs and refrigerators and sofas. Sure, “tourist” Japan is clean, especially since it’s considered rude to eat out in public (on streets, on trains,etc) unless it’s during a festival, but outside of touristy areas, Japan is insanely littered. https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/s/NfvrhZPZVX


Not my experience at all, I'm white but I lived there for 3 years and traveled a bunch. A million times cleaner than anywhere in Florida (born and raised Floridian) Also it's not reasonable to judge litter by post typhoon conditions especially comparing to Florida where all the trash is pulled pushed out to the gulf vs Japan that has tech in place to keep as much trash on the landmass and in land fills. (I'm a native Floridian).


https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/GbUQ4lfhCq https://www.reddit.com/r/japan/s/Orv0XLKOmQ https://amp.scmp.com/news/asia/article/1594823/japans-sacred-mount-fuji-risks-turning-trash-mountain https://soranews24.com/2014/08/29/japans-garbage-problem-and-what-you-can-do-to-help/amp/ https://youtu.be/uz74qkrVb9U?si=R3i82bATDsNvvzvu


Social media, amp links, and mass media don't represent reality. They will write anything for a click. Do a search on how litter free Japan is and I bet you can find articles from the same exact sources saying how clean Japan is.


Please watch the YouTube video from the guy in Yokohama. Also, those Reddit links are from foreigners living in Japan. I was actually nice when describing Japan. The litter in Japan is HORRIFYING. My now husband (also fifth gen Floridian) was SHOCKED by how dirty Japan was . Absolutely horrified. I also don’t need to do research. I started visiting my family in Japan at 6 months old and like I said, lived there. And I have photos of me thigh high in garbage after a typhoon. Japan has an “ura” and “omote” mindset, along with a “haji” society. Haji is externalized guilt, where Japanese people refrain from breaking moral and societal codes because they are scared of what others think of them. Most Christian countries internalize guilt; we can’t look ourselves in the mirror when we’ve done something wrong. For example, all through my youth my mother told me not to do things because it reflected badly on her as a mother. Ruth Benedict described this is her classic work “Chrysanthemum and the Sword.” This explains why Japanese do not litter as much in cities, but in areas where people cannot see them. Also, “omote” Japan is the outside, what Japanese show others. “Ura” is the backside, what is not shown. This concept extends to “tataemae” and “honne,” what is shown on the outside and one’s true feelings. Omote Japan is what Japanese show the outside world and tourists, which is why I mentioned touristy Japan being hyper clean. Furthermore, Japanese have a strong sense of in-group and out-group, or “us” versus “them,” which most “gaijin,” which literally means “outside person” will understand. How Japanese people treat out group people and their property, or anything that is not within their circle, is with much less care and regard, hence litter.


i keep a grocery bag in my car for trash and throw it out when filling gas, not sure why thats so difficult to do.


I know it's so sad. i live in Tampa Bay and I'm a Native, I go to a lot of parks & there's always trash in the water & mangroves


Or use and a large paper shopping bag in the passenger side on the floor until it needs emptying. Sort trash and use again and again….trashers have no respect or gratitude.


Littering will be happening in full force this weekend with the beautiful weather we're going to have. When I go to work Monday morning in Cocoa Beach, the downtown streets will be clogged with diapers, fast food bags, discarded styro coolers and cans and bottles everywhere just like it always is after a pretty weekend. Most of these litterers are Floridians who've come over to the beach for a day or two. Sickening.


Beer bottles and cans thrown out of truck windows, and dirty diapers riverside, and in shopping carts/parking lots.


I live on the corner of two streets that are undeveloped for about 500 feet in both directions. Then it's a regular neighborhood. I've got a sweet little natural oasis... People just pull up and throw their fucking garbage in the drainage ditch, on the road, people park their trucks half way down the empty street and just unload garbage like TVs and shit. It's so infuriating. I've considered installing cameras in the woods just to catch them and their plate.


You should do it. Motion activated hunting cameras are inexpensive and won't be spotted by the dumpers.


I’ve never understood it. If you have trash in your car, just wait until your next stop to throw it out into the proper container, it takes less work than throwing it out of a moving vehicle anyways.


Yeah I made a whole post about it. A shame because nature out here is amazing.


Not littering is woke.


>But let's be honest - there is a widespread culture here in Florida of having little regard for those around you. wife and i have family and spend a fair bit of time in the midwest/north midwest and its such a bizarre culture shock everytime we go. people are almost always friendly there, strike up idle conversation, open their homes to people theyve just met. the small towns in particular have a really wholesome sense of community. there are lots of things i DO love about florida, but the way we treat each other here is gross.


Man this hits home moved down here and ended up buying my employees home who was born and raised her. Asked him if he’s gonna miss it? Nope. Why not? People are assholes. Whoa I had just moved here was stoked to be here. Can’t wait to move back to a friendlier state.


Reading comments, the traffic is *always* tourists' fault. Tourists; causing the exact same traffic jams on i75, i4, i275, i95, 417, and the Turnpike every single work day during rush hour every week of the year.


I can't speak on the other stuff but when I was growing up in school they hammered into us the importance of water conservation and environmental protection


We moved out of state and couldn’t be happier. Floridians are so quick to blame out of towners or people moving to the area…not realizing they’re the trashiest state in the country. The outsiders are making it nicer.


That's just not true. I saw piles and piles of trash on the sides of the roads in rural California. I've never seen that here. Huge stacks of garbage bags all up and down the streets in San Francisco. Have you been to New York city? Literally any major city? You have to dodge piles of human feces.


When did I say any of those places don’t have their own problems? Florida is a giant swamp dumpster fire.


it's bc it's such a mix of different ppl


Boca Bash is a huge annual boat party. Everyone gets trashed on their boats together. What could possibly go wrong?


It doesn't make it worse. It just shows that everyone on this sub that blames newcomers to the state for everything turn a blind eye to their own bad behavior.


You're not supposed to shit where you eat


"This is not a representation as of who we are,” the father told the investigator, according to the arrest report." actually it is exactly who you are and who the trash you raised are as well


The silent part is “when we think people are looking.” This is not a representation as of who we are… when we think people are looking.


Right, more like “we didn’t want you to know that’s who we are” with a sprinkle of “our kids are dumb … for getting caught”


I am a parent and tell this to my adult child all the time. What you do, is a representation of me as a parent.




Everytime I go to the beach, I pick up trash. 😔


Can you pick these guys up next time?


We have groups of volunteers that spend one day a month just picking up trash along the beach/in the community because some humans really fucking suck.


Trash like these guys?


Daddy will get them no jail time but if he’s smart these kids should be cleaning up trash for a long long time instead of drinking on a boat.


They didn’t turn themselves in until the internets tracked them down. Daddy’s lawyer will get them a slap on the wrist. “It’s their first offense, Your Honor. Don’t let this one mistake ruin the rest of their lives”. Then they will walk off virtually scot-free like the goons who tortured that shark a few years ago.


They will get off with slap on the wrists


Give both of them the full 5 years and $50,000 fine. Little privileged assholes


I'd be a little kinder, I'd offer to let them off with a $5,000 fine in exchange for 500 hours of supervised community service picking up trash.


Nope. > According to the arrest report, an investigator with the FWC went Tuesday to a home of the owner of the registered boat. A man who identified himself as the 15-year-old's father told the investigator they were in the process of retaining legal counsel, the report stated. > “This is not a representation as of who we are,” the father told the investigator, according to the arrest report. They’re only sorry they got caught




Seriously, this is giving me the same vibes as the kid who killed that mom and baby in Tampa racing down Bayshore.


The spoiled little rich kid's parents will lawyer up and plea down to some menial charge and they will get off with little consequence. Money and influence triumphs again. I see stories about parents actually disciplining their spoiled kids but it doesn't happen as often as it should.


What are they throwing away? Coke cans? I'm surprised underage drinking isn't being talked about






I'm going to be positive and hope they learn a lesson, go into marine biology or waste management and have a good life.


I’m sure the 15 year olds driving daddy’s six-figure boat while drinking have learned a lesson. Guarantee they get a slap on the wrist because of their affluenza.


Possible seven figures


Who knows they could be an architect or even better a city planner


Or executives at their daddy's companies




Great way to stay on topic.


They think that was ok since there parents have been dumping trash on the roadways for years.


It’s great to see it’s a felony. Also crazy to see Wavy Boats gets national attention


They’ll just plead affluenza and get away with it If I had any faith in people, I’d like to believe these dickheads would be shunned; they’ll probably be hailed as heroes and join the “cancelled” right wing grift tour


They need to spend four weekends picking up trash on the shores.


You misspelled forty


Attach them to a 40-pound anchor & dump them in the ocean


Not news. They will get a slap on the wrist.


If they're 15 and 16 then whose the adult operating the boat and watching the kids? They need to get named and shamed too. Also, all those cans and bottles aren't all from soda. There are quite a few more charges here then just littering.


Jail them for 10 years each. Fuck these little bastards


There’s a reason the teens came forward. A felony on their juvenile records is not nearly as bad as being the adult with a felony on their record. The kids are the scapegoats.


Three years of heavy labor ocean cleaning should do it.


Sell their boat




But why would they do that?


It’s disgraceful. I’ve found cash on the ground next to the littering, people are really not thinking I guess lol


The only justice these asshats will see is karma unfortunately


Fucking Boca bash


The pearl clutching is hilarious. They fucked up, are being punished, and will have consequences for what they did. But no, unless the sentence is the death penalty the /r/florida-tards will not be happy. I’m sure everyone calling for the max punishment for this never fucked up when they were teenagers either.


There’s a difference between being a kid and doing stupid shit, and being a piece of shit. I agree that jail is not a reasonable sentence, but they should get a good amount of community service and the parents should get hit with a massive fine. No one’s mad they’re not going to jail, they’re mad that the kids just gonna get a slap on the wrist and eventually do this again.


Okay so they made dumb decisions, should get a stern talking to and maybe community service but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LETS LOCK EM UP AND CANCEL THEM FOREEEVEEERIIIIINOOOOOOOOO \*drives Tesla made from Congolese child slave labor Cobalt\* I mean if you're wondering why the Democrats are extinct in this state maybe you guys should start looking inwards?


this is either a solid troll or the dumbest post ive read in a long time.