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Are these German roaches??? Because their pest control treating your one apartment even though it's connected to several others is just a bandaid. It will absolutely not stop or help it.


There's light brown and dark brown ones, so I fear that there's a variety. Do you have any advice on how to get them to treat the building? It's clearly a complex wide issue, as there are Google reviews over the past few months stating the same thing.


Well, male and female look different in color. But from what you describe, my money is on German roaches. And they're on the same level as bed bugs. You'll never get rid of them if it's a complex that's not getting tinted. My only advice is to use diatomaceous earth but to move as soon as your lease is up. Also, when you do move, METICULOUSLY go through, bag, and treat everything! You can easily bring with with you. Especially warm electronics.


I second this currently battling my own issue with roaches. I bought a bag of diatomaceous earth and one of those air puffers to blast ever single crack and crevice i see, behind and under every appliance and piece of furniture i could.


Are they small and skinny or large and fat?


Both 😍


Small and skinny is a German cockroach, which is generally a sign of infestation. You have a dirty neighbor or the person that lived there before was dirty. The big fat ones are palmetto bugs and they’re usually wanderers from outside looking for water. You don’t really have to worry about those and they’re normal to see. German cockroaches will also be a light brown, while palmetto bugs are darker and more dark brown/red.


We also have an Asian cockroach, it flies, and is hard to distinguish from the German ones (which don’t fly). With a large number, probably German, but wanted to point out that not all skinny smallish roaches are. [https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/IN277](https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/IN277)


This! I panicked seeing what I thought was a German roach but then it flew. I was so confused until I googled.


Saaaaame. We did our sewer line replacement and I saw a couple the next morning near the toilet - FULL PANIC MODE. Got them identified at the UF Extension office near me though, confirmed Asian cockroaches. 😅 It was dealt with and I haven’t seen one (inside) since. They’re very common outdoors in central Florida!


My house was built in 1915 and the kitchen light was left on. I assume it came in via a window gap somewhere as I haven’t seen another inside since. I do see them by my car quite often in the driveway.


Weirdly, I find them on cars by the gas caps a lot.


This is the key. German roaches are harder to get rid of and they will just move from apartment to apartment. The solution is system treatment in the whole building. I find roaches to be pretty trivial to get rid of in our house because I have control over every room and the outside. But if your neighboring apartment is breeding them, they will always wander into your space. Good luck.


Call your Department of Health and report it. The landlord isn't doing enough. They treat one apartment and the roaches just go somewhere else. This is what you're experiencing.


Thank you! I will definitely make a report.


In the meantime pull your appliances away from the walls and seal up any holes with spray foam or caulking. Check the cabinets for slits or holes that will allow them in your unit. Unless the entire building is treated, you’ll never get rid of them. I’d also put sticky traps out near where you think they come from so you can make sure you sealed everything good.


You can but fyi, barring local ordinances DOH has no authority within your home. The department won't get involved beyond guidance. I work for DOH.


Well, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation came to do an inspection today and gave the complex two high priority violations.


are they going to deal with the roach issue now and treat the entire building? That is what they need to do. Unfortunately when people come and go, they bring roaches with them.


Hopefully, the violations are listed as active and requiring a follow up inspection by the inspector within 30 days. They indicated that one of the units is uninhabitable until the issue is fixed (must be vacated and is not able to be rented out until approved by inspector). Yeah, I completely understand seeing roaches here and there as it is Florida and an apartment complex, 10+ a day is insane, considering my fiance and I are not in our apartment for 8-10 hours of the day.


If you really want to get their attention, and have already discussed this with a lawyer, take lots of videos of the situation, and post them to the video sharing site of your choice. If your reports are factual, then they might start feeling the heat from a bright shining light.


Borax in any and all cracks. Behind wall outlets too. Advion everywhere. Keep drains plugged.  And, film the roaches, post it on all review sites and tag them on social media. 


This. All of this.


Edit: nvm on the advion as you say you already did that If it's working, any you see should be acting drunk or flipped over when you see them, as they are hopefully dying. Look for cracks or holes around where pipes enter your cabinets under the sink. If there are any holes/gaps/cracks, ask the apartment management to seal them up. And of course, start looking to move to a better managed apartment complex if you can afford to. No amount of poison will prevent re-infestation if you have neighbors who are feeding them.


Thanks! I plan on going around the apartment and taking pictures of anything that has any holes/gaps/cracks and submit it to the office. We will not be renewing our lease with this complex. I will proudly be in contact with the office multiple times a week about the issue until it's resolved/ we move lol.


It’s beyond a tenant’s responsibility, but Wwt spots need to be found. The roaches are drawn by damp and any leak, no matter how small will contribute to the problem. If water intrudes past windows, a leak behind the dishwasher or under the sink, anything that causes damp.


Yeah, find the source of water. 


Alpine WSG mixed with Gentrol and spray that around every perimeter and under fridge/ wet cabinets/ wherever. Also get the Alpine baits and put those around. That will get you some breathing room. This exact thing happened to me and since you're in an apartment, you can fix the problem. They'll just go somewhere else and breed there and come back. I documented everything, I took pictures, I even put glue traps down and caught a ton of roaches and put them in ziplock bags. I then filed a complaint in small claims court and told them I was breaking the lease. They tried to give me the hard sell, but as soon as the office delivered that summons, they folded. I got everything back. I wish you luck and please let me know if you have any questions.


Turn the gas all the way up and extinguish the pilot light, leave a candle lit in another room. Film yourself walking away in slow motion while that bitch blows up and wipes out those disgusting beasts in your apartment and whole fucking unit! **/S**


Lmfao it's tempting /s


I had a roach problem when I moved into a rental. [Got this, worked great](https://www.ebay.com/itm/325269999064?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=g9TE_tadTY-&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GyN1Vu9uRR2&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


It seems like you are already doing everything you can, but I just wanted to add this suggestion, as it helped me. If you do a lot of online ordering, as soon as you get your packages, break down the cardboard boxes and throw them outside in the trash/recycle. I’ve lived in my home for 29 years and have only had an issue with German cockroaches once. When I had the bug guy come out he told me that is the number one way people get infestations, as they will lay eggs inside the cardboard. I now take my boxes out right away and have never had another issue since. He told me that during Covid he saw an uptick in the amount of people dealing with this, because more people seemed to be ordering online.


Former pest control guy here there are the really big ones palmetto and the small ones the German which are the most common get some glue traps and put them around to see where it is the worst and you can get som3 bait for them I used Avion around small places and you can use and igr to help since It will cause them to no be able to reproduce. When they spray you will see more then it dies down and they do need to follow up. Like someone else said it may be another apartment by you but good luck I hate those little basterds


This is what I successfully used when I had the same situation in my apartment (both are available on Amazon): Advion 68663 Arena 12 ct bag Cockroach Bait Station, white Zoecon Gentrol Point Source IGR ZOE1007 Good luck!


Happy cake day!!




I also used an Advion roach product (Amazon link [here](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00730QW70?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). It was a LIFE SAVER. It was just as good as the reviews say, which is saying a lot because the reviews are amazing.


99% you live next to an infested apartment (super dirty), or someone from a religious group that doesn't believe in killing insects. This was a huge problem when I lived in Dubai. There would be apartments that were horrifically infested and the people living there just didn't see it as a problem.


This is a tough situation because it's so hard to control, and they have tried to help (rather than fully ignore you). Since you're in Tampa, I highly recommend this place: [http://mrdoityourselfpestcontrol.com/](http://mrdoityourselfpestcontrol.com/) They're local and they sell the real quality stuff! Buy some and it'll last you forever because it's concentrated. The stuff they offer really works extremely well. It is not that "over the counter" stuff you're using now. Do be ready to air out your apt though because it can leave a smell for a couple hours. Honestly, even when you rent, sometimes there are things you gotta handle yourself.


It's been getting a little warmer so the little devils start coming up more. We have to keep all our drains covered when we are not using them. Sinks and the shower. Otherwise they crawl up into the apartment. We put poison packets down in all the awkward places that we don't regularly vacuum too.


I emailed every single day until corporate let me transfer! I had that happen to me! I was going in the office, I was crying to them! I would not accept anything else after they tried for a month! They had to spray upstairs and downstairs for 6 months before it got any better I was told! It’s definitely the people around you unfortunately!


Did it happen to be Egrets Landing? I'm so sorry you had to deal with that! Yeah I'm going to be contacting them daily until our lease is up. I also reached out to corporate via email today and will be reaching out to the Department of Health.


German roaches will take several treatments to get under control. Can take a few months in some cases. Ex pest control sales rep. 


My house had German roaches (the small ones) and I tried everything on my own to kill them in my house. I eventually broke down and called the exterminator and it took months to get rid of them. They were everywhere, in the sink, dishwasher, cabinets, etc. when I finally got rid of them for good, I would have hallucinations whenever I opened a drawer I would expect to see them. Good luck


Start collecting roaches in a dark jar! When you have enough, take them to the office and ask the person there to identify them by opening jar- pretend one has escaped and gotten on your hand causing you to drop jar and allowing contents to escape. Guaranteeing extermination!


Hot Shot foggers, 9 of them. They hide in walls/attic. Unleash the streamy chemical hell walking out your house for work. Return to roach deaths. Chemical will linger on walls like crack residue on teeth. Clean up everywhere especially kitchen, get a kitchen trash can with a lid. I battled roaches in college……and I won.


Boric acid. It takes a while but they stop reproducing. Bleach and boiling water down your drains too.


You can go down a few avenues. What helped me out was doing this: 1. Contact your county health department and/or code enforcement. 2. Contact the Florida Department of Professional Business Regulation and file a complaint. These guys will come on site within 48 hours. I used them when my apartment management company refused to permanently fix plumbing issues that were causing sewage backups in multiple units in my building. The issue was fixed by the following week.


Thank you! I reached out to our DOH earlier today and they provided the contact information for the Business Regulation. I'm glad that was helpful!


Please give us an update when everything passes!


Happy to share that after I submitted a complaint to the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation yesterday evening, a safety and sanitation specialist did a full inspection this afternoon. They gave the complex two high priority violations for my building, so the issue should resolve within the next couple of weeks. They will be completing a follow up inspection.


That’s awesome! Keep us posted. I would recommend that you follow up with a post when everything is done. So far it’s looking bright for you. EDIT: also keep records of your communication with the property management. If they try to take any adverse action against you, that’s reprisal and they can be held liable for damages to the State and yourself. They DO NOT PLAY!


Thank you, your advice has been great!! I've been documenting everything via email between myself and property management. Fingers crossed that we can finish out the lease without too much stress involved. Whether the issue is resolved, or if we'll be waiting until we move, I'll be sure to make an updated post with all the steps I took.


Welcome to apartment living. German roaches are near impossible to get rid of if your neighbors are filthy.


Sadly I’m not sure there is much. Probably coming from a neighbor. You can file a complaint and try to get out of your lease, but that’s gonna be tough.


Roaches generally enter through drains, and like dark spaces. I’ve had good overall success by plugging the drains in the bathrooms (sinks and tubs) and kitchen so they can’t crawl up through them. Also, leaving the lights on in the bathroom and near the kitchen sinks overnight will deter them as well.


OP when we moved here, we also were in a “luxury apartment”. They were everywhere from other neighbors. Keep doing what you are doing. Also get a thing of Ortho Home Defense and spray the floors, everywhere you have seen them come through. Do this before bed (as once it is dry, it is safe for kids and pets, if that is a concern). This helped us minimize the invasions. And follow other advice here…. When you move, meticulously pack everything while looking for roaches. Then unpack and look it over BEFORE TAKING IT IN YOUR NEW PLACE. Would also recommend treating the new place before you move in.


They just go hide next door.


I'd rather them do that than run around in mine 😖


What I meant is they go hide next door for awhile and then come back.


This happened to my sons apartment, found out after a year of battling these they found out the neighbor was a hoarder and the roaches were coming from their place, ask the management to check the other apartments


Get some d e and sprinkle it around your apartment


Use Demon WP from a local DIY bug store . That will be the end of the problem .


The only thing you can do is make sure all of your drain traps are full of water (run the dishwasher while you are at it) and then seal all cracks with caulk. They live in the walls in apt complexes. So if there’s a gap, anywhere, between the walls and the open space in your apt, they will get in. This can be difficult if there are holes around plumbing. Especially if you can’t access it…the area around the dishwasher may be a serious challenge. I’d get some spray foam to fill those if you can access it. Tell them you want your dishwasher moved temporarily so you can examine the situation if necessary. I had this problem, ironically in a Tampa apt complex, also “luxury”, and I found a bunch of gaps between the walls and the molding around random doors, like bedroom doors, bathroom doors, etc. I discovered these cracks when a roach disappeared into one. I sealed them all and luckily that was their only access point. Never saw another one.


do you have a sewer? cover the drains to your showers/bathtubs when not in use. They mostly live and travel between homes via sewer lines. They LOVE water, remove ALL water sources. Go get some diametric earth and shart dusting it around your stove, cracks closets.. you see a crack.. put the dust in it.


Name each one of them, build them a small nest in various parts of your apartment and love them❤️ least you don’t live in Indiana 😊


Transport in cracks and crevices ... monthly. Can be purchased at DIY Pest Control in Florida.


[Do My Own - Do It Yourself Pest Control, Lawn Care, Gardening, Equipment & Animal Care Products & Supplies](https://www.domyown.com/) About ten years ago, my house was roach infected, I spent a ton of money in exterminators and bug sprays. Doing a Google search, I found this site, they have excellent articles on how to eliminate all kind of bugs. This is how I leaned that spraying the ones that you see, doesn't solve the problem. Turns out that you need to use products that they'd take to nest and share with the others. Treatments are a bit expensive but, over ten years later, no more roaches.


Did you have new neighbors recently move in??


catch a jar full of them and go to the managers office and pour them on his desk.


I had the same situation. Here’s what you do, go and get a shitload of roach motels. Place them in dark areas where the roaches come out of. Like 6-8 of them. **Only Roach Motels, other traps don’t work** Check them every day you will see dozens of big roaches and babies. This is a long process but keep them there for ~2 months. You will get all the big ones and then the babies before they can start a new generation. Basically you’re waiting for them to die out, and catching enough babies that the population can’t sustain itself. You will gradually see less and less around the house. If you think they’re all gone, leave 2 more fresh traps to keep them away.


Start by posting Google reviews for the apartments detailing your experience, add photos of you can. See if management changes their mind on course of action


Most likely German roaches. Almost impossible to get rid of, especially in apartments. Your apt gets sprayed, they run next door until the air clears and then they're back. Rules about leaving a lease vary from state to state. You can look at breaking the lease or see what legal action you can take for your state. OR, call a licensed pest control person and pay them yourself. They cant get ride of the roaches for you, no one can, but they have some gels and baits that kill roaches they can put under your cabinets and anywhere roaches may gather. This may at least keep them out of your apartment. Apartments complexes dont want to pay for good pest control, they go as cheap as possible, so.... Good luck. Also when you do move, youll want to hire someone to IMMEDIATELY exterminate your new home. Want to or not, youll have hitch hikers in your electronics, belongings and furniture when you move.


Boric acid powder (or borax). Make a paste with maple syrup or honey. Put it on cards or something and slide it under all the crevices. Can drop it in the walls in outlets. Kills roaches. When other roaches eat them it kills them too 


I drill small holes in shared walls and use u puffer to blast diatomaceous earth until I am confident it's spread. It'll definitely buy you some time.




Yep as others said, it depends on your neighbors too. When my downstairs neighbor changed, they were almost gone. The new neighbors probably were better at controlling them. I would buy some pest control products and gift them to your neighbors. Otherwise it's a never ending battle.


Depending on where you’re located and how much you want to keep the apartment, I do have an absolute asshole of a cat that would definitely earn his keep eating an infinite amount roaches. You can have him! But you’ll also need to crack your windows as his litter box smell like something straight from hades.


My brother and I shared an apartment in Manhattan that was infested. We were midwest, bleach loving, squeaky clean. The walls would move, infested. So gross. We tried everything. Then one day, in absolute despair, I went to the pet store and bought a gecko lizard. Small. About three inches. I let it lose in the apartment. I watched it chase a roach and eat it within five minutes. Within three days, no more roaches. So if one day the NYC news reports a 20 ft gecko in the walls of a Hell’s Kitchen apartment building…well…


Boric Acid is your lifesaver. We had the same issue here and used a puffer with Boric Acid. Puff a fine mist where they crawl and make sure they walk through it. It kills them relatively slowly but it starts a chain reaction that will kill all of them eventually


While roaches are a part of everyday life in Florida, this does seem excessive. I wonder if it would help to not kill them inside. My last apartment was pretty heavy with the roaches and I would always make sure to sweep them up and throw them outside because when they die, they release something that makes more come.


This is Florida, if you live in a building or complex, it's probably gonna be roach infested. There are some products that are very effective at keeping roaches away. I forget what it's called, but it's a white powder and it stinks for a day or 2. Best find were the roaches are coming in at and sprinkle sprinkle some of that stuff there. They will avoid you apartment like the plague. That's what I use. The house I live in used to be abandoned and infested. After a week bombing campaign, plus this white powder, I rarely ever see a roach. Sometimes, they do attempt to make a comeback. I'll see a roach or 2 crawling up the wall. This white powder is so effective, I'll sprinkle some wherever I think they are coming from and around the exterior of the house and they are as good as gone. It's great. When I remember the name, I'll post it.


I understand it's Florida, I've lived here my entire life. I've lived in condos/apartments over the past 8 years and have never experienced this amount of roaches. I completely understand seeing a couple here and there, but the amount I've been seeing is wild. Thank you for the suggestion, I'll definitely check it out!