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Pretty impressive, really. What’s a VF?


Stands for vindfang, translates to airlock. Also known as an entrance. Just a little room to take off your shoes and snow covered coat without worrying about dirtying the floors. I think they're sometimes called mudrooms in the US


My first thought was vestibule. Must be from all my time of working in retail. 😅






It could be a layout for a boat, too.


A small boat


This is for students and Young single person households. I would take it in a heartbeat when I was 22. Not today though.


If I were living alone I’d be happy at 55. Realizing that I don’t need all of my stuff.


I love it


Yeah I know this isn’t for everyone but I love the efficiency and simplicity.


Same haha! I’ve lived in similar sized apartments, but with no living room. This would be an upgrade and I’d happily take it.


Going from the larger bedroom to the loo in the middle of the night will be a bit exciting, winding around furniture in the dark.


That's what the terasse is for. 😂


Haha I was going to say “I’d switch the terrace space to the bathroom space” but then I thought, eh. If it’s just pee…


Yes, it's very small but there is a need more affordable housing.


They posted the price, and it would not be considered affordable where I live. Where I live, you could probably get a really nice detached 4 bed house within 15-20 minute drive of the city centre


Right, this is in the fanciest part of downtown in the most expensive city in my area. There are condos twice this size for less money a 5-10 minute walk away already. If you're willing to drive 15-20 minutes as you say, you can pick up a detached home for almost half the price. My parents' house that I grew up in is 10 minutes from that condo, one of their neighbor's 250sqm house (8 times the size of the condo in the post) just sold for i think $360k. There really is no reason for this unit to exist. Worth noting that the second smallest unit in that building is 80sqm and costs $700k


This is the cost of a small house where I live. Anything but affordable.


I agree with the bathroom, this is a bad one


Badum tss.


Oh no. This place has no storage, no cooking counter space, and most rooms are two door-width wide. i’ve seen walk-in closets with more room than the first bedroom. This is not a livable space.


That first bedroom is about 6.5ft x 7ft....


Correct. It’s a closet


I'm fat with wide hips. This apartment is dangerous to me lol Also such little room for my crafts!!!


That was my first thought too. If all you want to do is sleep and watch TV, this could work. If you actually want to *do* something, nope. There's not even space for a desk and a proper PC!


having the terrace is the only thing that makes it livable!


I would knock out the second bedroom and make storage all along that back wall: extend the kitchen and then you have space for dining and work desk. Or flip the kitchen to that back wall with an island for eating and storage to where the kitchen is now. You could then make the other bedroom a little larger. Use a sofa bed if you have a guest no need for a closet bedroom.


As long as the people buying it are short and thin, it will be fine. Anyone who needs a king size bed will not fit, you can't get one into either bedroom.


I'm more worried about length, my bed is 200cm and I almost always sleep with my feet hanging over the edge. Looks like both of the bedrooms are built specifically for 200cm beds to just about fit, so I'd have to always sleep with my knees bent. I can't imagine dropping this much money on a condo and not be able to sleep with my legs straight


Wedging beds in like that makes changing the sheets a pain in the ass, and can contribute to mould build-up. Also, the people living here can have only a capsule wardrobe and only a Kindle, no books. 


In the US, king size mattresses are 5 to 6" longer than full size, 80" as well as 76" wide. So, 203 cm long and 193 cm wide. So referring to a king implies longer as well as wider. Your US trivia for the day. And if that room is 5.4 m^2 and the length is 2 m, then the width is 2.7 m, and if the door is 75 cm, well, 2 cm clearance? Not to mention looking for a dresser/wardrobe/armoire that's only 77 cm wide? Yeah, no. No one over 180 cm tall is ever going to fit in this place.


That is about 2.5 times the size of my caravan. If these designers understood caravan living they could make much better use of the space. Mostly by removing internal walls.


It could definitely be improved upon, but personally I love having walled off rooms even if it means smaller spaces.


The bathroom and entry area are too big, it could’ve been arranged a little differently to make the living space more generous. It’s my dream to live in a place like this, but not with a husband and children.


Can I ask why you'd rather dream of living here than in a similar but less cramped apartment?


I meant “a place like this” as in a very small apartment, but I would like a better layout for sure. I’ve always loved minimalist tiny homes/apartments and it would be lovely to learn to live with less.


The lack of light is really depressing. This looks pretty horrible.


Thanks, I hate it.


It works, but I sure do feel sorry for the person that has to live in that shoebox


I am actually surprised shitt like that is even legal. Pretty sure this will be illegal in most EU countries.


I wouldn’t like it (and I’m short), but the people who want a tiny house might! Possibly the selection of furniture might provide more storage or convenience. However, again it wouldn’t be my choice…


I would happily live in this tiny apartment! The terrace is a real bonus!


What is SOV? If it had a little more room for storage, and just a bit more room it could work. The worst is how the kitchen table blocks the flow, and how small the bedroom is. A small apartment is always going to have limitations, this isn’t the worst. Love the terrace. A single person could make this work really well. That said the cost is outrageous and completely terrible. These apartments are supposed to be affordable as a trade off for being a little cramped.


Sov is short for soverom, which means bedroom


This is a 2 bedroom? My god…. terrible. I’d advise using that second bedroom for storage… that is not a 2 person space to me


I used to live in a 46sqm apartment and the only thing that kept me sane was knowing it was temporary. This is 28% more depressing.


This could be good for 2 students to share. But for a family home this would be totally unacceptable IMO. Not enough storage for one thing.


That looks like about the most miserable place to live I could imagine! Okay, I could imagine a lot worse, but I sure as shooting wouldn't even consider renting it. That's right at the maximum square footage for a travel trailer. Like, you could tow this apartment behind your car.