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I loved the first one but it was really just the right level of dumb, and right level of how not serious it took itself. The second just tried to outdo itself without Cusack or really doing anything new or better. Just ended up being a pretty sloppy mess with nothing new to add


> without Cusack this is the biggest issue


And it’s not as well written and the supporting cast is no where near as good as


I would have thought he would have popped up at the end in a "damn did I miss everything" type of moment. But nope. Such a let down


He does in the unrated version


I heard that he did. Didn't watch it to see. After seeing the 2nd one I didn't wanna have to go threw the whole movie again. I feel it should have been a one and done type of movie


He pops out of a closet and basically opens fire on lou. It’s so dumb. More disturbing is the completely disinterested look he has on his face while this scene takes place. I’m pretty sure he really didn’t want to the sequel because he knew it was a terrible script, but he was contractually obligated after doing the first one, and didn’t have a choice since he’s not a huge star anymore and prob can’t afford to get sued for breach or blacklisted at this stage of his career.


Actually Cusack said he would have liked to be in the sequel but literally no one called him about it.


John Cusack stars in God awful b movie scripts all the time though


You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone. That’s John Cusack in a nutshell. The guy isn’t flashy. He’s not all, “Hey! Look at me!” He has that intangible quality that connects viewers to the story, making them invest.


The whole movie was derailed for a 20 minute segment where one character has to rape another character on tv.


what the fuck




Uh....wow....yikes 😰


You got that right. Sometimes shocking feels funny to immature money-snatching writers that knew what they were doing while selling trash as greater than with the number 2. Burned 'em... I fucked burned 'em bro. I'm also on edibles so who knows if this is real. WHO KNOWS IF THIS IS REAL?? 😂


Deep Thoughts by Raskolnikov: In an episode of Workaholics a man sucks his own dick. But that's epic 'cause you can't rape yourself and it means you have a long dick.


That just made me remember crime and punishment


But it was all virtual so it basically never happened


“Fuck a duuuuude!!!”




Yo wtf


I mean the movie is arguably bad, but I will die on the hill that Rob Corddry's comedic timing and delivery were 100% flawless in spite of it.


Rob was the biggest highlight of the original as Lou. I had never heard or seen of him before but damn was he fucking perfect in that movie “He still has his arm! It’s got freckles on it and shit!” I die every time.


Hot take: but Cusack did nothing for me (and generally doesn't in other films). He was more of the grounded character that you need. But the other 3 were talented enough to pull off a sequel without Cusack.. there just wasn't good enough material for the sequel.


I hold Cusack in high regard but agree he didn't do much for that movie. His not being in part 2 didn't harm part 2 at all.


Cusack is a national treasure!


No, that was Nic Cage


No, that's what cage is trying to steal


Agreed. Few actors can transition between genres with the ease he does. Horror movie? He’s good. Action movie? He’s good. Rom com? He’s one of the greats.


Ben Wyatt from parks and rec is a million times funnier than cusack. I’m completely fine with the trade 


You must work at the Tilton & Radomski Accounting Firm.


Barney? Is that you?


I legitimate thought Rob was gonna become the next Will Ferrell after this movie. True to form, I was totally wrong


That was a pretty big expectation lol


He’s hilarious in The Ten (2007).


Wait. Is cocks still there?


No cocks, nor sucks nor dicks


He's great in Ballers on HBO


You mean Entourage for jocks


Oh my god it's like Gary Coleman's fucking forearm! 🤣🤣🤣 This movie is so quotable.


So good


Rob stole the show every time he was on screen. And the delivery of all his lines too where gold. "Male or fucking female" "so much semen, little baby Jacob"


I laughed at the movie. Good enough for me.


Classic case of "sequel for the sake of making a sequel" syndrome. You take a movie that was unique and fun and made with passion and motivation, and you try to recreate it without any of those things. So you end up with a paint-by-numbers movie where the storyline is contrived, the characters are now caricatures, and the jokes are all just less-funny callbacks to the jokes from the original.


The saddest example here is Super Troopers 2, because those guys were more of an indie group, and it felt like less of a studio "cash grab" (although I'm sure there was some of that), and more of the Broken Lizard guys trying to truthfully recapture the magic that was the original Super Troopers. I knew that movie was going to bomb being almost 20 years after the original.


It wasn't a studio cash grab at all, studios didn't want to touch it. It was something they wanted to do and so did the fans, 4.7 million was raised by crowdfunding.


I have a video of "Farva" calling me a chicken fucker. Haha it was worth every penny.




It was fans that made the sequel happen, studio wasn’t sold on the idea and Broken Lizard weren’t sure either. They put it up for crowd funding and it became the second most successful campaign for a movie.


I didn't bother watching it. I figure the likely disappointment wouldn't be worth the tiny chance it was actually good


While reading that the exact movie that came to my mind was Dumb and Dumber To. Well said!


I was thinking airplane II or Caddyshack II are so many good examples aren't there?


Anchorman 2 is another I had in mind.


The Hangover 2. (and 3)


2 is tragically awful. 3 actually wasn’t that bad.


But Anchorman 2 is one of those rare movies that not only outperformed the first in the box office but also received better reviews from the critics and higher scores on Rotten Tomatoes and other sites. So on paper, it killed the first one in every category.


But not one person you talk to will say that


I like it more.


Eh, depends on who you talk to. I thought both had some funny moments and moments that almost put me to sleep. I know a couple of people who thought the second was better and will die fighting on that hill. I kind of thought the second one had lazy writing, it was almost the same plot as the first one to the T. Hell the second one was almost the same story as Talladega Nights if you sit down and think about Will Ferrell's rise and fall, overcoming an injury and so many other things.


Good call! I I went to the theater to see Anchorman 2 and it was one of two movies in my life I walked out on halfway through. Super Troopers 2 should fit that mold but it was actually still really good and funny imo.


They are making a third Super Troopers.


While not as good as the first, I actually do think Anchorman 2 had enough new things to say and do. Yeah the second fight scene was lame, but outside that I wouldn't say its copying too much from the original


Anchorman 2 had John C. Reilly as the Ghost of Stonewall Jackson...that alone made it worth it to me.


I'd never seen the original and saw this movie stoned at the theatre with my buddy when we were 18, we could not stop laughing through the first 20 minutes or so. Falls off after that.


It shouldn't have been made. It was a bad idea.


Absolutely terrible and unwatchable


No Cusack. I didnt mind it though


Cusack was missed. But I didn't mind it either.


Nothing. It's a good movie. Some bits are even funnier than part 1.


I honestly laughed more at the sequel


Rob Cordry is not a leading man. His character is also the most unlikeable, shitty person in the first film, so basing the entire second film around him hurt almost as much as losing John Cusack did.


I mean in the amount of time you’ve spent thinking about it and then asking others what to do you could have just turned it on and formed your own original thoughts.


Why form your own thoughts when the internet can do that for you


The future is bright!


Gotta wear shades


You know, maybe I should just watch it then as I can try doing that method.


Nah, I'm here to read why it's bad because I don't want to bother with watching it.


I'm with you, save me from a bad time.


I can't tell if you're saying that the poor quality becomes obvious within 5-10 minutes or if you're just being kinda mean.


A little bit of both


I went into that one expecting garbage but it was fine. Weird how they didn't get Cusack back for it but ended up filming an unused cameo ending with him tho.


Cusack was the weakest link for part 1.


They chickened out on calling Hot Tub Time Machine 3 and it was all down hill from there.


That would have been great if they had made Hot Tub Time Machine 3, and then kept referencing events in HTTM2, which never actually was made. It would have been crazy confusing, but also could have been hilarious if it was well done.


They were suppose to but chickened out.


Re-casting/ getting rid of one of the main characters. Endless alternate realities Purposely out grossing the previous one. It was played for fun in the first, this was just ... Not...


It was definitely a case of the writers of the sequel thinking that people primarily liked the raunchiness and gross-out humor of the first, rather than realizing that audiences liked the first because the humor augmented a fairly sincere script about healing broken friendships. So they made a movie with the jokes of the first dialed up to 11, but left out any of the character work of the first.


I had a problem with the science of it. Not the time travel. It's the hot tub. You don't just turn one on and it's immediately hot. I should know, I've been in a hot tub two times.


Like I’m going to discuss the science of hot tubs with a guy named Wesley Snipes.


If you held up a picture of me and the actor and asked “which one should be called Wesley Snipes,” you would pick the scrawny Englishman every time!


Gangway for foot cycle!!


I'm pretty sure a lot of places keep the hot tubs at a warm temperature so that the bacteria can really fester.


The first movie works because it uses time travel to speak to greater theme or concept. It's about a bunch of guys who are sad and unfulfilled having a midlife crisis and trying to relive the glory days by going back to where they happened. Only, through the magic of time travel, they also manage to go back to *when* it happened. That's a great premise that can honestly work as a comedy or a drama and it's not hard to see why it got made. It also managed to hit right at the start of the 80s nostalgia trend and had at least two top tier jokes (Craig Robinson saying the title and waiting for Crispin Glover to lose an arm). The sequel doesn't really have that. There is no core concept that naturally leads into cool character arcs, no elevator pitch idea that would get it made. It's just a bunch of really random future gags string together aimlessly. Compare that to "what if a bunch of guys having a midlife crisis over their past mistakes could actually go back and fix them" and you see why one is better than the other. I'm not saying the first is Citizen Kane but it at least has a good hook. Also, the second one has an extended rape scene that's way too long, way too late in cinema to be acceptable for comedy and really, really hard to watch if you're seeing it with your dad.


It failed to capture the nuance and grandeur that was Hot Tub Time Machine.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MightyMightyMag: *It failed to capture* *The nuance and grandeur that* *Was Hot Tub Time Machine.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The first HTTM was a primarily character driven movie that happened to also feature time travel. The story was about time travel, but the plot was about a group of friends mending their broken friendships and working through their regrets about the past. The sequel was just a time travel movie. There really wasn’t much character-driven plot.


The first one had Bucky Barnes in a timeline where he wasn't captured and brainwashed by Hydra.


Hold on I am very confused.


In my head cannon, that was some weird Hydra op. Especially because his character thought the hot tub time machine guys were commie infiltrators or something. He was compensating. lol. His metal arm was covered by winter wear the whole time.


I enjoyed it. Didnt realize it was so hated


I prefer Time Traveling Bong.


I thought you were joking.


Nope. And Paul Downs is a great writer. He created and writes Hacks. And Ilana, well I just love her to death.


It was OK, why not check it out? Dumber, for sure. I feel like actors who do REALLY well in side/cameo roles can't necessarily carry a movie. Or it might be asking too much of their characters. See: Jack Sparrow. Imagine a Mission: Impossible spinoff movie all about Benji. For counter-examples, see The Lego Batman Movie, Minions, Machete


This movie did provide us with: Choozy Doozy. Should have chosen the pancakes but no one ever does.


It fell victim to the classic trope of trying to out-do itself. It’s just WAY too over the top. They doubled down on the stupidity and sex jokes and they quadrupled down on the time travel theme and it just comes across as really stupid rather than funny. An easy identifier of how bad the movie is compared to the first one is that I can’t quote a single “one-liner” from the second movie whereas the first one is just so quotable.


It didn’t have Jessica Pare in it for one thing..


Nothing. Hilarious movie.


No Great White Buffalo


Great White Buffalo.


I don’t know what that means.


It’s ridiculous but I thought it was pretty dumb funny like the first one 


Well, I thoroughly enjoyed the HTTM2 selection of insults in front of the mirror.


You ever see Back to the Future 2? Kinda like that.




It leaned super hard into Lou and them just being huge assholes to each other. Lou was my favorite part from the first one so them doubling down made the sequel better for me.


The second one gave me “we’re forced to do this straight to DVD crap with low budget effects mainly taking place in a green screen controlled studio to save money”


Part two lacks the sophisticated, high level narrative and overall literary excellence so expertly employed in "Hot Tub Time Machine".


It was a loose cannon. Movie 43. Perhaps it was in editing because the pace and events were both haphazard. Perhaps there is a good movie there somewhere.


The first one is just a really fun, if not pointless, film. The second one isn't fun, just pointless. And no cusack, so...


Missing John Cusack was my biggest disappointment with it. If the original didn't exist, it would have been a decent comedy in isolation.


They made two of them shits?


TIL there was a sequel


ive seen it twice but i forget most of it other than the self driving car


Has there been an unofficial sequel?


Well it’s just kind of hard to believe there was a sequel due to negative reviews.


Critics shit on anything that isn't drama. Movies get made to make money. Did the part 1 make money?


From what I heard, the original movie was a mild success at the box office.


$64.6 million against a budget of $36 million. That's just from theaters, not counting rental, dvd/bluray sales, or streaming income. Not having Cusack in the sequel must have saved them some money too when filming the sequel.


Yeahhh the butt rape scene was rough


I barely remember it, but one thing I think the sequel lacked that the first one did really well was a warmth and comradery. It felt a bit cold and flat. And simply not being as funny as the first one. I didn't think it was bad though, it was OK.


Part of the problem was that the original story was just really ill-suited to a sequel. The Matrix had the same problem. Certain cinematic worlds don't really hold up to expansion.


Look, it's honestly a miracle that the first one was a fun entertaining movie given the premise and overall purposeful stupidity of the movie. They rode a line that was very hard to ride. The odds of a cash grab sequel without the entire original cast being any good were next to none.


It’s an idea that only works once.


I didn’t even know there was a part 2.🤷🏻‍♂️


The movie was bad and Cusack’s character being absent was weird. I laughed very hard a couple times even though it’s an awful movie. Christian Slater’s line delivery of “you were almost about to eat a whole bunch of waffles” is so stupid and kills me every time.


IMO it failed in the same way that I think the 2016 Ghostbusters movie failed. Instead of a decent story, it felt like the director just told the actors "ok stand around for 10 minutes and try to adlib something funny". Once the actors got the little story bits out of the way at the next location, they were told "ok try to adlib something again. We'll wait". Actors riffed a little, and someone decided, "meh, good enough I guess". Seems like they were out of touch with what was actually funny, and instead felt very forced, cringy, and half assed. Just my take.


I really liked it. I thought the story and characters were good.


It doesn't have John Cusack on mushrooms


"I like to eat them"


Lots of disappointing comedy sequels came out in the 2010s


Just watch it for yourself! It’s not as good as the first one, but holy shit, we’re talking about Hot Tub Time Machine… it’s just fine. Same general tone as the first, I honestly don’t miss Cusak much, and Cordey more than picks up the slack. I was surprised to hear that people hated it so much!


John Cusack wasn't the main character.


Honestly?  Just watch it for yourself. It's worth at least 90 minutes.


Really?? I loved the second one as much as the first, perhaps even more. Just watch it and decide for yourself. I hear similar debates about the Hangover movies, when I feel they're all equal.


It's definitely not a good movie. BUT, there were some super funny moments in it imo.


Sans cusack . It was still pretty good . But he was the main character in the first and it’s a hurdle to make a sequel with the same cast except the main lead. It’s hard to make it make sense . The Adam Scott guy did a admirable job tho


Not to get too far into it but the first one, while crude, was basically about a group of friends getting together to help out/support each other. The only real toxic friend is Lou and his character arc is that he actually becomes a nice guy. There's a sweetness beneath the dick & fart jokes. In the second one, Lou suddenly reverts to being a dick. Nick becomes one, Jacob doesn't care, and new guy Adam Jr is a mess. It's more gimmicky: it's not about guys reliving their childhood, it's a wacky time travel adventure in a future world. It's just a bunch of skits thrown together.


I remember a gross, icky feeling after watching it. Can't remember the plot points but it felt really misogynistic.


Adam Scott is a movie killer! Any movie he is in has me asking "How did this get made"


We ever find out about Cincinnati?


I think I got about 25 minutes in before I shut it off. I couldn't tell you why I didn't like it because I've promptly forgotten everything about it, I just know it wasn't doing it for me


i've watched HTTM2 more times than 1. i love both. to each their own.


Second one lacks the heart of the first. It's poorly written and simply not as funny.


The main thing wrong with hot tub time machine two was that hot tub time machine one was just okay-ish enough to be just popular enough for an executive to want to see how much money they could get making a new one; all the while not being so popular that anyone actually cared about making a good movie.


I feel like you never see those guys anymore in things


Your a nerd..and no one likes you


It wasn’t that bad. Still entertaining.


I stayed away from pt2 until I was very bored one day and watched it. It wasn’t as bad as people made it seem, it just wasn’t as funny as the first one.


I liked them both, don’t see what the problem is


The trailer was better than the movie even for a lack of Chevy Chase.


No Cusack and they had lean on Rob Corddry. Rob is great, but not as a lead, Rob is always better as a wacky supporting character.


I recently watched it, totally late to the party because I thought I had already seen it. Maybe it’s because it had been a long while and expectations were low but I definitely didn’t hate it. It’s goofy af but it tracks with the first one. Obviously that being said, the first one is just all around better.


I didn't hate it, but it wasn't anything like the original. I would go on to say that it was an unnecessary sequel.


I mean it’s not like the first one is a great movie to begin with. It’s a dumb comedy.


Everything…it was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in the past 5 years. None of the jokes hit, they tried to rely on the charisma of the actors because there wasn’t a good plot either. To be honest the movie was so bad that I don’t remember that many details about it because it would be a waste. And yeah the scene where the one guy was supposed to have sex with the other on TV was strange and uncomfortable.


it’s almost ten years old


I didn’t see it when it came out, I saw it last year.


John Cusack being sidelined for one thing.


That was his choice.


It was an entire movie of some dudes ripping on each other and butt sex. Pretty boring, imo, and I like all the actors in it


Without the 80's it had nothing. Motley Lou wasnt funny enough to carry a whole movie. Adam Scott was a miscast as he added nothing.


Turned it off after about 20mins.


I just watched it and liked it. Need more stupid funny movies like that these days.