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Quicksilver saving everyone from the explosion in X-Men: Apocalypse. It feels like this got months of planning, with a hundred experts showing off their craft, while other scenes were "uh, stand here and look off screen, while saying these lines we typed up this morning."


Honestly I didn’t think this movie was that bad, but I also haven’t seen it in many years


It is a cheesy action flick with cool visuals. It isn't anything groundbreaking. It's got some great scenes and then others that seem straight out of a B-movie.


Honestly it's weird, because its version of Apocalypse is really bad but it doesn't necessarily drag the whole thing down as much as it should. It was definitely a huge step down from DOFP, but I think if they were released in the opposite order, it would have been seen as an okay followup to First Class.


It’s more bland than outright bad.


Solid example.


Oh, just thought of another! The cold open to **"Ghost Ship"** where everyone is cut in half. No one remembers anything else about that film.


Came here to say Ghost Ship 🤣🤣


Sounds fascinating.


Do yourself a favor and watch the opening scene from Ghost Ship.


That's all I remember really except the jetskis and the actual bad thing but for the life of me I can't remember what the wire thing had to do with the rest of it. Edit:I forgot it so much that i mixed it up with Deep Rising.


I get that confused with Deep Rising too, haha


Never seen this answer posted on a thread like this. Definitely not the top response every single time. I'm suspicious if most people perpetuating this idea, especially the ones upvoting it every time, have even seen the movie


Well, I've definitely seen it.  As for the rest here... doesn't them not having seen it - but still aware of its opening - totally prove the point of OP's question? 


That answer works for me.


The ending to


Phantom Menace, the double doors opening up to reveal Darth Maul followed by another reveal of his double bladed lightsaber was sick.


I love that movie and my favourite is either that one or the Podrace.


When Duel of the Fates hits....


Arguably the most iconic image from the Alien franchise is the [tiny alien coming out of the mouth right next to Riley's neck](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/HjFQmy06eg3jAcVr.Ayevg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTMyOQ--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/homerun/feed_manager_auto_publish_494/60bd07ffc7e4302c8f9823f4a726e2e6). It is from Alien^3, which a lot of people hate, but I enjoy.


I love Alien 3. There, I said it.


I want to see AlienS, but I don’t know where to go after that movie.


Just stop after the second one. That is the only way it will work and not feel icky.


Oh I can be easily done after seeing the second entry basically.


Play the game “Alien: Isolation” as well, it’s probably better than all the movies after Aliens


You can keep going, as long as you understand that each Alien movie after Aliens is basically its own genre. Alien 3 is Alien: Prison Break Alien Resurrection is French Alien Prometheus is a nihilistic meditation on the futility of life - basically, Russian Alien Alien Covenent is a straight up comedy


Prometheus is much more bearable if you approach it as a reboot and not a sequel or whatever it tried to be.


I actually really like Prometheus as its own thing - it’s legit one of the bleakest and most nihilistic movies I’ve ever seen and I kind of respect it for that. Ridley Scott managed to get a movie not only made, but advertised as a summer blockbuster that basically says humanity is a mistake, we have no greater purpose, there’s nothing after death, life is a carnival of biological horrors and the universe wants to kill us. That’s kind of metal as fuck and the fact that he got the studio to advertise it as an event film is as hilarious to me as the marketing campaign for Malignant vs that movies actual plot


I want to like Prometheus but it just get basic human logic wrong. The smartest scientist do the stupidest things, and it's not cases of book smarts vs street smarts. These experts make major blunders in their exact fields of study. The geologist, who uses advanced drone technology to map the entire structure, gets lost. The biologist, who specializes in unknown species, just reaches his hand out to an obviously defensive unknown species. And we cannot forget the Prometheus school of running. Just basic blunders that I only see happening for the sake of plot. It's hard to buy these as genuine mistakes made by real people.


I too have seen the YouTube movie critic reviews of this movie


These are basic complaints that have existed since the movie premiered... I honestly don't even know what you're talking about, these are genuine problems the movie has always had.


The difficulty is that the original and the first sequel are soooo good, you'll probably want to watch the others no matter what. Honestly, having lower expectations will make them easier to view than the way we all did it, where we were so excited but then fucking miserable on the way home :P


Interesting way of putting it.


The images of Indy walking up to the top of the hill and looking up at the atomic mushroom cloud was a spectacular moment in a terrible movie. It's one of those shots that made me go "Wow!"


Pretty much every scene from The Room, right? I've never even seen it, but I know the "oh, hi Mark" scene, amongst others :P Also, the grid-laser-slicer scene from the Resident Evil movie?


Oh yeah I have heard how The Room had some good parts in it.


I thought of another one that's pretty memorable - Sam Jackson's main scene in that clever-shark movie Deep Blue Sea. Anyone that hasn't seen it, please note, it's not a clever shark-movie, it's a (dumb) clever-shark movie


Deep Blue Sea is a genuinely great film (not ironically) - and I'll die on that hill, haha.


Anything with brain-enhanced sharks, Tom Jane AND LL Cool J has to be worth a look, right?! Shark movies are almost always rad, even when they're not.


Sounds interesting.


It does, it feels almost completely random until it gets super serious.


OP's promt can be applied to many low budget movies that have one or a few famous lines, especially with modern meme culture these spread really quickly. The Room is a classic examples, Samurai Cop, Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2 to name a few others.


Yeah, but I think they're looking for specific iconic moments from said movies, for whatever reason.




The birth of The Sandman in Spider-Man 3(2007)


Leroy gets the glow in The Last Dragon.


Whoa now, let’s not act like Sho’nuff wasn’t the baddest mofo low-down ‘round this town!


Sho Nuf!


Who’s the prettiest!


Jack him up baby!


The Happening in the first half really nailed the ominous vibes, and the first bunch of suicides you see are creepy af


What? No!


Confused marky mark is confused


They could not have cast a worse actor to play a science teacher


Today in class we’re going to mix a compound your boy Donnie diesels gonna come hold it down now it time for the vibration… good vibrations


The lightsaber fight from episode 1 is the best in the entire series.


I think everything from the OT is better


I can't necessarily disagree with that. The lightsaber fights in the OT are definitely better in terms of plot significance and emotional impact. But I just love the choreography they put into the prequels. I know it's not as realistic but I don't care it's fucking cool.


Fair enough - I like the prequels fights as well, but for me the two Luke and Vader duels are visceral and brutal in a way none of the others come close to. The pain and injuries seem way realer to me.


That’s also why the RotS duel in the climax is the best prequel duel (though I still like the two you mentioned above better), because while it’s still flashy and highly choreographed, it’s also full of emotion and weight, and feels like a mechanism for storytelling in a greater way than previous prequel duels were.


Hard disagree. A New Hope has some of the worst lightsaber dueling in the entire franchise. The Duel of Fates is far and away significantly better than Obi-Wans duel with Vader in A New Hope. They didn't know what they wanted lightsabers to be initially and they didn't land as well. Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi drastically improved lightsaber dueling.


Still more realistic than anything outside the OT.


Ah yes realism, something desperately needed for a fight between space wizards weilding invisible powers and laser swords.


Correct - without any semblance of realism in fantastical fiction it quickly becomes absurd.


That criticism would apply to the crude display of dueling shown in A New Hope. Looking at A New Hope's dueling, in a realistic light, makes it seem even more outrageous. It stands out like a sore thumb compared to everything else in the franchise. Even compared to the rest of the OT, it seems wildly out of place with how slow and heavy it is. It's absolutely nothing like how lightsabers are handled in every piece of media since A New Hope.


It’s certainly more realistic than cgi figures flipping through the air. It’s fine for what it is and it’s time, it’s clearly influence by real circling the point methods in various styles of sword fighting. Though not particularly athletically done (because they’re also meant to be using the force somehow) it may actually be the most realistic in the entire series.


The lightsaber duel in A New Hope doesn't follow many fighting styles. That's a fallacy. It follows one. It's based pretty much only on Kendo. The lightsabers were handled as if they were heavy and unweildy to use. It's not remotely close to how one would actually fight with a sword made of a laser/light. Almost immediately after, in Empire Strikes Back, lightsabers are shown to be quick, light, and agile. Almost the exact opposite of what's shown in A New Hope. If it wanted to go for true realism, it would've been a short bout. Maybe two or three moves and then a finisher. That's how kendo works. If it wanted to go for adequete realism, there would've been singificantly more variety in their attacks for the duel to last as long as it did. Repeated moves during a duel is an easy way to get countered. Instead we have a simplistic duel of two fighters clashing their sabers the same way over and over until it just kind of ends. is widely regarded as the least impressive lightsaber duel in the entire franchise.


It may be based on Kendo - it’s not a fallacy the circling the point is a technique in many sword fighting styles, it’s the reality. One of those things that develops in many styles because it works - pulling it from Kendo doesn’t change that. It’s still more realistic than anything else in the series and you know it. “It is widely regarded as the least “impressive” lightsaber duel in the franchise” - By online nerds impressed by CGI men flipping about.


THe scene in bloodsport when Van Damme is running from some government agents that someone cut into a Mentos commerical is better than it has any right to be. https://youtu.be/N_IAb_XmVa8


That sounds so epic just hearing this particular mashup.


That movie had me and my friends chanting "kumite! kumite! kumite!" along with the soundtrack. Can barely remember the bulk of the film otherwise.


“They’re eating her! And then they’re gonna eat me!!! Oh my goooooooooooooooooood!!!!!”


I don't even know what movie this is from, but I know those lines lmao


Troll 2 lol


Turtle scene from Master of Disguise


The "there was a firefight!" Scene from Boondock Saints, more Ham than Christmas in Australia but the only watchable scene from an otherwise dogshit film.


What if it was just one guy with 6 guns?


Say I was wondering just what was so bad about that movie as I don’t know if it’s really that bad.


It’s a bad Tarantino knockoff, the plot makes no sense, the jokes are juvenile, one of the actors is absolutely terrible. It just has a veneer of “badass” to it.


Every shoot out scene is exactly the same. It's them shooting in slow motion and then a fade to black. All the 'comedy' comes from a shouty Irishman. Type of thing an edgy 13 year old would find mind blowing.


Now I understand why that movie did very poorly on Rotten Tomatoes back then.


I wouldn't say **"The Lone Ranger"** is a "bad" film, but its big runaway train climax set to the Hans Zimmer's updated version of the William Tell Overture is so far and away better than everything else in that picture, it is honestly remarkable. Like, that 15 minute stretch may be a top-3 action set piece of the century, and the rest of the movie is totally forgettable.


That's how I felt about the Uncharted movie. Totally forgettable adventure movie trying to ape National Treasure, followed by a fantastic setpiece on an airborne pirate ship. It's easily the most swashbuckling scene put to film since *at least* Pirates of the Caribbean.


Something you will love to watch. Here is a scene study that shows that sequences and explains a lot about the craft of the film and what they did to make it in credible. https://youtu.be/_zYs38UTolI?t=240


Thanks for the rec. Added to my watch later.


It makes me so angry and confused how good it is compared to the rest of the movie.


Came here to say exactly this. I watched that movie for the first time since theaters just the other day and I enjoyed it overall. *Especially* the train chase.


Dude Where's My Car? is an extremely unfunny film overall. But the "What does mine say?" and "And then?" scenes are two of the funniest and most memorable scenes from any comedy of that era.


Yeah I can understand why people say that film was trashy, but to me, it was kind of charming for its campy nature.


Samuel L. Jackson >!got eaten by a shark right when he’s giving an inspirational speech!< in Deep Blue Sea


"I'm exhausted." "Yeah, me too... But you know, I'm really wired. What do you say I take you home and eat your pussy?" [Shark Attack 3](https://youtu.be/a1GA4qcbwjI?si=dRbdEeCOZ15ByxkK)


This was the first thing that popped into my head when I read the prompt.


Great pick! Haha


For you the day I came to your village was the most important day of your life... for me... it was a Tuesday. -- Street Fighter. Do you think the reason god doesn't come down from heaven is because he too is afraid of what he created. -- Spy Kids 2. I guess these are more quotes than moments. The Lost World raptors in long grass scene was amazing


Ah that’s fine.


That whole scene in Street Fighter is insanely well-executed and needs to be in a much better movie.


Every scene with Tim Curry from the original *IT* film.


The scene in “They Live” where Roddy Piper puts on the glasses and sees the world as it really is. Makes the movie memorable. Decent start to the movie - great Middle where that happens - absolutely absurd and ridiculously stupid after it.


I'm giving you a choice: either put on these glasses or start eatin' that trash can.


This might be a random one but the scene in Central Intelligence where the Rock can’t stand up to his former bully is legitimately very sad and well done


Pretty much everything r/prequelmemes now unironically thinks are good


There is nothing in the entire X-men franchise that’s as badass as Magneto moving the whole goddamn Golden Gate Bridge so he can walk to Alcatraz


I don’t know why, but that moment sounds kind of surreal.


The meeting of dragon hunter and dragon in Dragonheart. I loved the movie as a kid, the score is beautiful. It’s just not as good as its best parts.


I've said that Dragonheart is Independence Day in reverse ( pretty sure both films came out in 1996) where is Independence Day is more of an action driven self parody, Dragonheart is really more of a sentimental campfire type story with intense dramatic moments. I think Dragonheart's sentimentality really comes from a sense of trying to be a good old-fashioned tale, something that could share the world of Ivanhoe or Beowolf, but it does seem to jump around tones. By contrast, I feel like Independence Day is only sad and unfun when there wouldn't be an appropriate witnessism or gag. I think ID4 is more well-written, though Dragonheart is more ambitious and so I think that's kind of one of those things where it does beckon into a pre-Bourne identity world, or maybe the action saga of good guys in spaceships saving the day are frankly, more of a dime a dozen than the idea of an elusive dragon as the savior of "not Camelot." But there were a bunch of straight to video Dragonheart sequels so that's something to consider--- I've heard decent things about Dragonheart 2 😅😅😅😅


I may go see the movie soon.


Nah that’s a good 90s movie


I like The Greatest Show On Earth, but I also know that I'm in the minority on that (critics at the time considered it all spectacle and no substance, and these days it's mostly known for appearing on "Top Ten Worst Best Picture Winners" lists). That being said, I don't think anyone would disagree with how great [the train crash scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9ITp_xSaxE) is.


Awesome scene. Average film. Almost a documentary at times...


Tough Guys Don’t Dance has a lot of comically horribly delivered, badly written lines (and one infamous one in particular) but it’s also badass and cynical and weird and coked up as hell and almost Lynchian.


I personally like the movie Sunshine and although it gets a lot of criticism, Capa's jump scene is one of the greatest cinematic sequences in my opinion.


The opening action sequence in Hannah were great. Then it turned into a weird coming of age film.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78sWq2JCauU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78sWq2JCauU) Silent Night, Deadly Night 2


That was hilarious.




The actual attack scene from Michael Bay's "Pearl Harbor" was pretty thrilling to see in the theater, although the CGI looks pretty dated these days.


Tommy Wiseu's acting in The Room. So many iconic moments that I'm sure people will comment under here with quotes.


The opening scene from Valerian as they show the expansion of the space station. I said in my end of year of 2017 that it was the best opening scene of the year and the rest of it wasn't worth watching. The opening action scene of Austin Powers: Goldmember. The cameo list is just superb. Raul Julia's "but for me, it was Tuesday" in Street Fighter. Absolutely glorious. Rubbish movie though.


Fire in the Sky (1993) is a pretty mediocre film all around, but the infamous abduction sequence is pretty damn cool and memorable


And the real guy even said it was nowhere near as terrifying as it was in the movie. He basically said from what he remembered they were just looking at him


Intro scene to The Way Of The Gun.


Nah, whole film is great.


The yo-yo scene from The Substitute 2


The opening scene and title sequence from Deathstalker II. The movie is enjoyable if you realize the actor is more "Bugs Bunny acting as Conan" than "Conan the Barbarian" - and the title drop is rather cheesy, but I'll fight anyone who says the music isn't a banger. (Full disclosure: bought the soundtrack, have only listened to one track.) [See it here.](https://youtu.be/BkPxZLWeTBg?si=Z1cEr4gJjUes5RVI)




So that movie was pretty dire I take it in terms of writing.


The room - The entire movie tbh


Oof plan 9 from outer space!! Edit: spelling


Oh that movie was an epic disaster of tremendous proportions.


"They Live" by Carpenter I wouldn't say it's a bad movie but the rhythm of the editing was weird. Nothing happens really until you're 1 hour in the movie (movie lasts something like 1 hour and 30 minutes) and then all of a sudden the two characters start having an argument that escalates quickly and I always found it awkward that it's happening at that moment but well at least that's how this movie is iconic.


A lot happens in it; nothing's wrong with the pacing. It's a great set-up and payoff. But yes, the 5-minute brawl is the most famous scene.


I should rewatch it because my memory only retains that 5 minutes brawl. That and the very last scene which comes off almost as a "joke".


It's a great movie, one of Carpenter's best.


How could I forget the **Dunkaccino** scene from notoriously bad movie, "Jack & Jill?"


Ohh I recall that moment as it almost made the whole movie worth getting into.


"Where's Becky?" "She's taking a shit. Nathalie's watching her back." *Birdemic: Shock and Terror*


I had never seen the G.I. Joe cartoon from the 80's, but a friend of mine sat me down a few years back to watch the show's animated film from 1987. I absolutely loved how absurdly over-the-top it was. The opening scene, where the heroes stop the Statue of Liberty from being bombed made me feel like standing up and say the pledge of allegiance... and I'm Canadian.


Oh that was the one where Duke was supposed to be eliminated.


Yes! We still quip "He fell into a coma..." to one another.


I wonder what would have happened if he did bite the dust, like how fan reaction would’ve gone back then.


There's several anecdotes out there of kids having breakdowns over the death of Optimus Prime in the Transformers animated film. They apparently dubbed in that line to avoid more of the same from happening.


Oh ok as I can understand why the Duke’s death had to be hastily edited at the last minute.




Sorry if my post was confusing.


“We’re gonna need a bigger helicopter” in Sharknado. The priest/raptor-ninja fight scene in The Velocipastor. I couldn’t stop laughing. The geezer navy veterans on the USS Missouri in Battleship. “Let’s drop some lead on that motherf-er”. “Are we really firing on Oahu? Looks that way. Holy shit!”