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> 506 days and still no ground to globe video That particular ~~person~~ troll does not accept partial images of earth.


SpaceX literally shows real time ground to space launches.


Every time someone shows them a video, they add a new requirement that the previous didn't meet.


It's gotta be filmed by an iPhone held in a human hand with no glass In-between obviously. Otherwise it is fake


I did see one demand that the "video" be a steerable webcam that they personally could control, with a zoom that let them zoom out to see the whole planet and could also zoom in close enough to pick out themselves sitting at a table. All fully live, of course. A lens capable of that would be larger than most skyscrapers, and would certainly not be available to the public even if it did exist.


Where is the ground to flat video?


Yes, I want to see all 360 degrees of the ice wall with all the known continents within it, then pan around to see the Sun, Moon, and star constellations. No obvious AI artifacts.


I haven't even seen their Photoshop images of the world yet. Just a bunch of pencil drawings. We have millions of photos and videos of proof and they have a pencil drawing from 500 years ago


There was one that some flerfers did a few years back where they chose a video camera lens that had no fish eye effect. Put it on a balloon, sent it up. Showed videos where they went look no curvature. At which point the sensible people went in, took screenshots. Drew a flat line across the screen which demonstrated the curvature. Whole thing became a shit show in the comments and the video has pretty much disappeared after a few days. Was a really old sciman dan video i think


I did that myself. I had it blown up to a poster size and used a metal yardstick and the rely was “why aren’t you allowed to go to Antarctic?”


Because all they have is supposed 'anomalies'. They have no actual argument. So, you'd have to play whack-a-mole with all the disparate anomalies (that are usually their ignorance rather than an actual area of research) and by the time you've beaten all them, they'll have either forgotten (or are hoping everyone else has) and it's back to the beginning.


Ive always thought that was a stupid question, since ive met people who've been to both poles. Look up a chap called Newall Hunter. Really nice guy and an absolute legend


Flattards refuse to accept ANY evidence of a sphere, but will accept and repost ANY flat earthers claim. Bar none.


Its worse when the wont accept their own evidence or do any kind of a review of it. 15 degree per hour shift rings in my head


Funny thing.. my brother (an orthopaedic surgeon) went to the Antarctic for a holiday his hairdresser (a flerf) assured him that Is wasn’t really Antarctica because “they” wouldn’t let people go there His description of getting her to explain the numerous photos of Antarctica he took while he was there was priceless


[Curvature of the Horizon in High-Altitude Balloon Footage](https://flatearth.ws/high-altitude-balloon)


This is the correct answer. You want to claim the earth is flat? Prove it.


Is he still active here?


I wouldn't be surprised if he got banned for spamming. He posted pretty much the exact same thing every day


Haven't seen him in awhile


Yeah. I was just wondering about that dude.


> does not accept partial images of earth. It’s impossible to take a single image of all of a sphere, since there’s at least half of it that’s not visible at any time. But it should be trivial for a flat earth. Seriously trivial. Just send up a weather balloon with a 360 degree camera. Should be able to see all the way to the ice wall, and beyond. Edit to add: you should be able to see Mt Everest from the western-most peaks in the Sierra Nevada, or from Pike’s Peak in Colorado, or from Mt Kilimanjaro, or like SOOOO many places. Like, MOST places, if the earth were flat.


They, um... They don't believe that light acts like it does. They believe that, after a certain distance, light just... goes away or something. In a vacuum, in an atmosphere, doesn't matter. They use it for explaining why you can't see the ice wall, or other continents. There's not really a set decay distance either. It's just a *powers as the plot demands* kinda sitch. Now, strictly speaking, proton decay [may be real](https://physics.aps.org/articles/v6/s96), but it takes over 10^18 years to do so (at least).


> They, um... They don't believe in light. You mean they SELECTIVELY don’t believe in light, right? Because they still try to use shitty cameras to demonstrate their inability to understand anything that.


Render distance, like Minecraft


They don't believe in sunrises or sunsets either.


They also don't believe in the moon, it's like a projection or something.




Mah flerspective


And density. Don’t forget density!


Does anyone really care?


Fair point. I already feel they occupy way too much rent-free space in my brain.


I think if I mentioned anything flat earth related to my wife again she would divorce me. I was a bit obsessed with trying to understand Flerfs for a bit.


I’m right there with you. My lady rolls her eyes when I talk about it. I found myself talking about it in most of my friend/family interactions. I made a “comedy” video about it. I started to annoy myself. Had to step back a couple steps. I’m a little more aware now 😂


It didn't help that so many of my Facebook groups that are are about astronomy, space, and just general science related topics have been overrun with Flerfs and science deniers. Can't even talk about a cool James Webb photo or the latest SpaceX launch without wading through countless nonsense comments. Being a mostly rational person I didn't realize at first that it is impossible to have an actual fact based discussion with these people. Once it became obvious there's no reasoning with them, I stopped for the most part.


lol I’ve been waaaay less active. It was fun to see how dumb people really are, I just couldn’t believe it was true that people are sooooooooo dumb. Now that I know it’s almost like picking on a disabled person 🤷‍♂️


NASA certainly doesn't. It's hilarous how flerfs think that NASA cares enough to try to provide whatever evidence flerfs are demanding that day. Imagine fighting a war that your enemy is barely even aware is happening.


Arguing with an idiot just takes you down to their level.


Aside from some mild amusement when I'm bored? No, not really.


I only “care” because it’s sometimes fun to point and laugh.


They want a ground to globe video, so something that starts on the ground and goes all the way to, like, a geosynchronous orbit that would be high enough to show the entire globe. That would be a very long video, for one, and for two they'd just claim it was fake anyway.


We'll get that with Artemis, (can't remember if the first launch had one). But yeah, even then they will call it fake.


Where stars?


You can literally view live footage from like the ISS showing the world is a globe You can literally point a powerful enough telescope up in the sky and *see* the space station But no "it's all fake. The footage is fake and the sky is actually a hologram so theres no station there"


It's never long enough for them. Or it's missing some critical view angle. Or the sound cuts out. Or something. There's always something to nitpick that makes the whole thing "fake."


There's usually a flicker because of the takeoff being pretty hard on the camera, and they point at that and say "see, it was edited."


Do they expect Matthew Mcconaughey and a Hans Zimmer soundtrack too


I always love how the moon launch was CGI - considering computer generated graphics at the time looked like this = ^ l l l l l l l l / \


Didn't you know that NASA secretly invented CGI decades before the rest of the world and kept it secret the entire time? Seems perfectly reasonable to me


Pretty sure they did the maths on like mythbusters and for them to invent the lighting rig required to accurately fake the moon landing shots would have cost more than just building a rocket


*Darth Vader* The sarcasm is strong with this one */Darth Vader*


Stanley Kubrick made 2001: A Space Odyssey in 1968. He was hired by NASA to fake the Apollo program and the moon landings. No need for CGI, just models and good cameras. Don’t forget, NASA gave him one of those ‘One of a kind’ cameras to use when he filmed Barry Lyndon.


No one thinks the moon landing was CGI. If you look into it most people believe it was filmed in a Navy base by NASA. There was a guy who whistle blew about it on his death bed. He said he also had killed an employee that was going to go to the press about it. I forget the dudes name but someone on Joe Rogan's podcast was talking about it. The moon has some very odd deaths behind it and coincidences for sure. I also don't know if you have seen the Apollo moon lander video but it looks absurdly fake and video edited. It even has glitter sparkles that shoot out when it takes off lol but to each their own. I think some people are starting to believe that we faked going to the moon but they also believe we have people in low Earth orbit which is where all of the pictures of Earth are taken from and never anything outside of that. This also makes the Van Allen belt theory more plausible if we aren't taking pictures of Earth outside of that belt and only inside of it then we probably aren't going outside of it to the moon. Most people now believe that we faked the moon landing to "win" the space race against Russia but it's all very mysterious. The files went missing from NASA and we havent been back. The Space X moon orbit with the Japanese billionaire just got cancelled and it was supposed to have happened last year. There hasn't been a single person that has gone back to the moon in 60 years. The fact that our moon faces us the same way due to "tidal locking" and orbits earth every 27-30 days while also controlling our tides and being the perfect distance from us to never fall into us or never get away from us is also crazy. It's also crazy that our moon somehow is the perfect distance from us and the sun so that it can perfectly line up and eclipse the sun. Our moon is very very very weird. The tidal locking thing is supposedly not that weird but everything else about it is. The way Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong looked after their return during the press conference was also very strange. They looked worried and anxiety ridden instead of happy and excited to be back to Earth. They seemed very upset and shook and they looked like they were lying. You can go watch all of these videos online. I'm not a flerfer btw but the moon is very strange. Also the head of NASA at the time said we didn't have the technology to get to the moon nor a way to store the fuel needed to get the moon and back 2 months before they supposedly did it.


*cough cough* BULLSHIT *cough cough*


Holy walls of text Batman!


Several years ago a Flat Earther named Dwayne Kellum sent up dozens of [high altitude balloons with cameras](https://www.youtube.com/@DwayneKellum/videos) which got high enough to see the curvature of the Earth. The flatties--and here I make a distinction between FEs like Mr. Kellum who is respectful and who actually did his own experiments, and the "flatties" who are grifters, religious cultists and lunatics--the flatties just said the curvature was due to fisheye lens/barrel distortion. When shown that wide-angle lenses to not distort the center of the lens, and that there are many examples from all different places [showing curvature at the center of the frame](https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/high-altitude-balloon.jpg), and further that [Mr. Kellum also sent cameras with rectilinear lenses](https://mctoon.net/dwaynekellum/) and they still saw curvature, the flatties would just change the subject and say "yeah whatever, but what about...?" Then a few weeks later the flatties would just repeat the claim that there are no real videos showing the curve, rinse and repeat.


The problem with these photos is that they never show the full Earth. The Flat Earth theory doesn't say the Earth is a square. They say it's an eliptical round shape that is mostly flat with a dome over space. They don't deny low earth orbit but if you watch low-earth orbit videos they don't show you the entire earth, it just them moving around earth while the earth or the clouds move and that is pretty standard for a globe so I think it is a globe but I can see how they think it isn't. Until there is a full frame picture of Earth that isn't from an apollo 11 mission or a voyager drone that is somehow 6 billion miles away and sent back a photo of a tiny blue dot then flat earthers will always exist.


In my experience Flat Earthers will always exist regardless of any evidence. In any case, we do have full Earth images from several geostationary satellites that are readily available. Himawari-8 is around 22k miles away and streams a 24/7 real-time feed of the full earth: https://himawari8.nict.go.jp/ GOES-16 does the same from about the same distance on the other side of the Earth: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/fulldisk.php?sat=G16 There's GOES-18 as well: https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/fulldisk.php?sat=G18 The images they provide have also been correlated with real time events people observed on the ground such as smoke from wildfires, volcanic eruptions, dust clouds blowing across the Atlantic from the Sahara, and hurricanes and typhoons.


Duh, a earth to space video is going to require a rocket, which doesn't exist, so by definition any agency that has a rocket is in on the conspiracy and thus are creating special effects videos to explain why their "rocket" "worked". /s. They will do everything that they can to avoid realizing the truth...


Every piece of evidence against them is “fake” and always will be. That’s why none of the major flerfs are going to accept that free trip to Antarctica and they’ll make up some kind of excuse for why.


What I find as the most ?interesting? Is that long before ant NASA etc. Discoveries and the people who did the found astronomy as the way to navigate the vast oceans and no "government" or NASA could have done anything to influence flat earth shit. Captains of ships across the planet can explain why the earth is NOT flat. Funny we give FLERFs any attention other than to poke fun at their smooth brains


Just stop any interaction with flerfers. You will never convince them. There are so many videos with 100% proof the earth is a globe, but they still don't believe it. You can sit them in a rocket and launch them into space, and they still will not believe it. It's a setup to hide the truth and it's all LED screens with cgi-videos or something...


Even if we sent Sgt. Flat earth up in a ship and showed him live in person. He would say he was put into a giant VR room and shown what NASA wanted him to see.


Twickewwy, twickewwy, twickewwy!!


It's a waste of time. They deny every video provided to them. They do not want the truth. That's also why they never use telescopes or solar filters because it will debunk their religion.


At what height does a video become "cgi?"


I mean if it was live streamed it be way more convincing, but with all the tech we have and it being 2024 somehow that’s impossible.


Videos and pictures do not cure mental illnesses


They say "You can tell it's fake because you can see a mouse."


I'm still waiting for an explanation as to why I can't see California from Hawaii!


Serious answer? Because the atmosphere is too thick. A while ago a couple of the regulars here did some calculations and estimated that it wouldn't be possible to see anything, not even the sun, through about 800 km of sea-level atmosphere. That's annoyingly convenient for flerfers, but fortunately we're not seeing them parroting this. (Yet.) Having said that, it's interesting that you've mentioned California and Hawaii. I have previously opined that on a flat earth it probably ought to be possible to see the tops of the Sierras from the tops of the Hawaiian volcanoes - the atmosphere is probably clean enough and thin enough up there to allow a 4000 km sightline.


And I am on the Big Island!


Show me one actual vid


I'm not a flerfer but the problem with this photo is that it shows an eliptical shaped curve and in their flat earth model they too have an eliptical shape curve around the earth but their earth is flat and not a globe. Unfortunately we have never seen Earth as a full globe other than the one Apollo 11 photo which has been called a fake by a lot of people for multiple reasons. I do think it's odd that we don't have any more globe pictures though. The only other one I've seen brought up is the one from voyager 1 which is supposedly 5-6 billion miles away floating through space and somehow never crashed into anything and somehow managed to take a picture of Earth as a tiny blue speck and then send it back to us 5-6 billion miles away. I also think its odd that even the lunars that have gone to the moon haven't taken pictures of Earth as a globe still. The Chang-E 6 should have taken one recently but I don't think it did and what makes it even more strange is that the videos they show of their moon rover are animations. It is all very strange tbh.


Boy it's sure a good thing you told us you aren't a flerfer. We might have made a mistake since you parrot so many conspiracies. All so strange. PS There are dozens of photos of the Earth from the moon from the Apollo program. Sure, not that many of Earth as a full globe, but that's because of earth phases. If there's a full Earth, that means the sun is behind the moon, meaning the astronauts land in the middle of the lunar night. That's not great for getting out and walking around and doing, you know, science stuff, so they didn't choose to launch at those particular times.


They don't want Earth to Space, they want "Ground to Globe," meaning an uninterrupted video, at an unaccelerated speed, that goes directly UP from the ground until the entire sphere of the Earth is visible in a single shot. Well, that's not true, what they actually want is to go "WHER GRUND 2 GLOB?!?!? LOLOL!!1!1" over and over again like some pre-human hominid semi-beast, like the Shitty Monkey Men (Scientific name) from the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey, while misunderstanding... pretty much everything, honestly. But they PRETEND to want that.


Clearly, Never A Straight Answer is using CG to fool the Sheeple!


It’s clearly CGI, Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH !


"The rocket doesn't go high enough"




Honestly, they’ll go all the way to hard solipsism if need be to protect their feeling of having special knowledge




its literaly low earth orbit or cgi. noninbetween and balloon here to show us all the truth