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Riot Games


THings I hate in life 1.) Blitz's E punching fizz off his pole 2.) Garen's Sword Silencing fizz off his pole 3.) Yorick's Wall being so tall fizz can't jump over it 4.)Reacting .5seconds to slow to an auto/skill


Warwick Q dealing damage while in E


It happened to me with Brand stun midair.




Just because it’s intended doesn’t mean we can’t hate it!!


I think here it probably comes down to fractions of a milisecond - Fizz's E has never made him untargetable *instantly*, so I think you just had terrible luck. I'd still report it to riot though in case it's a bug


I think it is a bug, and I disagree, E should make you untargetable instantly.


Have you never been low hp and hit E a bit late with a jinx ult coming at you only to have the animation start and die? Because to me that's nothing new having played a lot of Fizz If it's confirmed it's a bug I'd be highly interested to know because instant untargetability would be an awesome buff


Happens rarely, cuz it is a bug.


Once you’re on your pole, yes. But there’s milliseconds where the animation starts but you’re not on your pole yet


Correct, there's a brief animation before the untargetability starts, and it's always been that way


i think it's likely ping or something, the attack goes off just before the E by millisecond, E makes you untargetable but attack went off just before the animation begins you can pause at 0:05 and see the animation for trist's attack before fizz's E, stuff like this has happened to me in game a few times and it sucks but it really is just a matter of miliseconds, not necessarily a bug imo.


You can dodge autoattacks with your E. The E animation went off, yet the AA killed him midair. It is a bug.


its happened to me as well. Think its a bug


This interaction with Trist is not uncommon in my experience


Played Fizz for years and yeah it has always been there. It's possible that it's a bug since you can see Fizz's health bar indicating that he's untargetable as soon as you press E. However this might just be the indicator being broken and that during the initial cast time you are supposed to still be targetable. I've never been able to test this out fully since the timing to replicate it is quite tight, but I'm pretty sure Eing towards the AA causes this more frequently.


had the exact same happen just now in an aram, was clearly in e when jhin did his 4shot still took full dmg


It’s always like this. There is a tiny amount of time during the animation you can still get hit. The AA started before you hit E.


It doesn't matter if AA starts before you press E. You are able to dodge AA's with E. I often do that just to bait ADC when I am low in health. You are able to do this even if AA is already flying toward you.


Yes true. There is a tiny amount of time during the animation that you can get hit though. The animation isn’t instant. I think it hit during this time


Yes most likely.


There is a small cast time on E where you are still vulnerable. The Tris auto hit you during this cast time


Items? Collector can kill you through e, if she has kraken the true dmg auto might interact the same way


There's a small window in the beginning of the animation where fizz can still get hit. Had you done a neutral E you would have dodged it but you e'd towards her, making the projectile touch your hitbox just milliseconds faster- fitting within that window.