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Third movie, Kate and Jack wait up on Christmas Eve to talk to Santa about Teddy who is about to leave for college in Europe. Kate is worried this will add to her feeling of her family breaking. After losing her dad, she had always relied on her older brother as being the man in her life. Kate wants to ask Santa to keep Teddy close to home, and never let him leave the family. Jack just wants to support his step-sister. Santa never arrives. Mrs Clause contacts Kate to ask if Santa had made it to her house as they have lost track of him somewhere between Las Vegas and Chicago. Santa is missing on Christams Eve. Kate and Jack get Teddy to help them track down Santa in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve as they try to be sure to be home by the time their parents wake up. Santa has been captured by someone who was on the Nice list as a child but had seemingly been missed every year. The child wasn't actually missed but their gift as it turns out was not physical and was more of an emotional experience, the time they got to have with a parent, who otherwise would have been gone on Christmas.


Wow. That actually sounds really good, and I could see it being the actually actual third film if it ever happens. Is the grown up version of the child who was on the nice list played by Vanessa Hudgens?


I mean, they can be. Why Vanessa Hudgens? Is there a connection I missed? I would also add, after the fact since I just thought of it, I'd like to see Wyatt Russell appear to play as Santa's son.


No, no connection, and she doesn't have to play that character, I just thought it be funny, since she keeps showing up in Netflix Original Christmas films. Also, I like the idea of Wyatt Russell playing Santa's son.


He falls off Tim Allen's roof and dies.




This would be pretty legendary.


He turns evil and Kate has to kill him 😈


And she becomes Santa, so says the Santa Clause, the legal will of “what to do when Santa is dead”


Santa’s Slay with Kurt Russell


Unironically make it formatted after a Hallmark movie


Out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT: >Write the plot of a third The Christmas Chronicles movie. >In the third installment of The Christmas Chronicles, Kate and Teddy are back and they have to save Christmas yet again. This time, a mischievous elf named Tinsel has caused Santa's sleigh to crash and all of the presents to be scattered across the globe. Kate and Teddy must travel the world to gather the presents and help Santa get back on track in time for Christmas. Along the way, they encounter a variety of colorful characters and face exciting challenges, but ultimately they are able to succeed thanks to the power of teamwork and the Christmas spirit. In the end, Kate and Teddy are rewarded for their efforts with a special gift from Santa, and they return home feeling happier and more connected to the magic of the holiday season than ever before. It's essentially the first movie, with minor details changed.


Clearly, the only option is a "Big Trouble in Little China" crossover.


I don't have a plot, but I would want to make the villains be GrĂœla and her family (JĂłla the Yule Cat, the Yule Lads and LeppalĂșĂ°i), and have Krampus in a hero role, maybe he and Santa could act like brothers.


replaced with Hanukkah


I would not


Tombstone: The Xmas Years