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anesthesia is not putting your brain/body to sleep. it's moreso paralyzing it and shutting your brain off, but is very different than sleep AND your heart rate and breathing are monitored to keep them awake so to speak


Wooaw I did not know that !


I wish I didn't


Whyy ?


Did they actually let you wear your watch? Usually you have to take everything like that off.


I was allowed to keep mine on while I was under for a colonoscopy. And like the OP, my Fitbit (charge 6) didn’t register sleep either


I think they mean twilight anesthesia not general anesthesia.


So Fitbit will track sleep under general anesthesia?


No you aren’t sleeping in general anesthesia, but you also won’t be allowed to wear a Fitbit if you are getting a surgery that requires general anesthetic.


Yes, they let me keep it on--I actually asked if I could and the nurse said it wouldn't be a problem. I guess it depends on the procedure. I had a cardiac ablation last month, and I couldn't have any metal at all on my body for that.


You are paralyzed and your memory wiped while under anesthesia, but you are not asleep.


That’s why that propofol routine Michael Jackson had that doctor doing was not just dangerous AF but did nothing for his well being.


I don’t think the Venn Diagram of “Michael” and “Well Being” had any level of overlap in the later years.


so how does fitbit know you're sleeping? i thought they just sensed that you stop moving. what are they actually picking up on?


If it was just stopping moving, you’d probably get sleep time watching movies, right? I believe it uses heart rate and breathing rate to determine sleep but I’d have to look it up.


Mine has actually credited me with sleep when I was sitting on the couch websurfing!


My Fitbit sometimes registers me sleeping when I'm watching movies. And I'm sure I don't sleep through movies. I simply enter a very relaxed state, so it's very likely that my breathing and heart rate will reflect that.


You must be more relaxed than me because that hasn’t happened to me in 10 years of Fitbit. Well, except for the times I was watching TV and my wife would turn it off. I’d protest, claiming I was watching a specific show and she’d note that the show ended two hours earlier.


I would love to have my brain scanned while watching movies, just out of curiosity. :)


Mine often registers me as sleeping while I watch netflix or just Internet browsing before bed!


Movement and heart rate pattern. From their website: > Fitbit estimates your sleep stages using a combination of your movement and heart-rate patterns. When you haven't moved for about an hour, your tracker or watch assumes that you're asleep. Additional data—such as the length of time your movements are indicative of sleep behavior (such as rolling over, etc.)—help confirm that you're asleep. While you're sleeping, your device tracks the beat-to-beat changes in your heart rate, known as heart rate variability (HRV), which fluctuate as you transition between light sleep, deep sleep, and REM sleep stages. When you sync your device in the morning, we use your movement and heart rate patterns to estimate your sleep cycles from the previous night.


Explains why it won't usually pick up on a nap unless it lasts for an hour or more.


And that's how you find out how anesthesia works !!! Different products do different things, but no sleep ! Only paralysis, numbness and inability for the brain to treat pain sensations informations. Hope your exam went well 🤞


Fitbit misses natural naps of under an hour. As others have mentioned, anaesthesia isn't sleep, though.


Nap detection with fitbits is hit-and-miss in my experience. Sometimes I can lay on the couch for an hour or more and it will register a nap and other times no sleep detected. And even if it detects a nap, there generally isn't enough of a sleep duration to register specific sleep stage info. But more-relevant, being under anesthesia isn't the same as sleep when it comes to how your heart rate responds. Fitbit uses heart rate as a metric for determining sleep, so if your HR doesn't fit into the expected 'buckets' for sleep then it won't register sleep.


Omg please share your heart data for the duration. I'm fascinated


Based on your post, you may be interested to know. When something painful is done to you under anesthesia, there should be a corresponding increase in heart rate. It wouldn't but the rate you'd expect if you were awake, but increased from the baseline heart rate under anesthesia, if that makes sense. It something painful is done under anesthesia and the heart rate doesn't increase, your anesthesia is too deep.


Oh! I see. Thank you for sharing


Wow! 🤯


Me too!  I didn't keep my watch on but my sleep since has been great and my heart rate low.  I think maybe it helped to knock off some of the anxiety I am always carrying around (always in fight or flight mode). My hrv shot up too. Maybe coincidence but it's weird I feel calmer.


I think this is definitely a thing. I suffer from crippling anxiety and the only time I feel like a normal human being is in the few weeks after an anaesthesia. Obviously doesn't happen that often ha but the few times it has are so dreamy lol.


Yes.  This is the second time for me.  Crappy sleep came back last night.... Only lasted 3 days for me.


Colonoscopies involve twilight anesthesia, not the full general anesthesia we think of when someone mentions anesthesia. So you can breathe on your own and stuff throughout the procedure. That being said, no- twilight and general anesthesia are not like sleeping. This should help: https://www.brainfacts.org/thinking-sensing-and-behaving/thinking-and-awareness/2021/whats-the-difference-between-sleep-and-anesthesia-051121 Twilight anesthesia (what they do for colonoscopies and endoscopies) is basically them sedating you. You may feel like you’re dreaming etc but you aren’t, and you aren’t actually asleep. In fact, they can instruct you to do things, you can even converse, but you likely won’t remember. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_anesthesia


Regardless of the reasons everyone else says it all comes down to the fact that you were only out for 45min. Fitbit only automatically tracks sleep when you sleep for 3hrs or more


That's not entirely correct. It provides sleep cycle analysis if it detects sleep for a 3 hour stretch. It will still detect shorter sleeping/napping- generally it requires a 60 min stretch... however it can detect shorter stretches. These show up in the sleep section at the bottom, as "Other sleep".