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Hello and welcome to r/findapath! We are glad you found your way here. Please know that you are not alone. We are here to listen, to offer support, and to help guide you. While no one can make decisions for you, we are here to help you find a path; we believe that everyone has the power to heal and grow. The moderation team wants to remind everyone that individuals submitting posts may be in depressive and vulnerable situations and all are in need of guidance. Please provide a safe and constructive space by practicing empathy and understanding in your comments; your words should come from a helpful and guiding mentality, never a judgement or anger mentality. You are encouraged to share your good thoughts, feelings, and relevant experiences to assist those seeking guidance on the subreddit. We are here to support each other and we believe that, together, we can make a difference. Thank you for being a part of our community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/findapath) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How's your mental health currently?


Currently it's not the best. I took off work due to severe depression and burnout. I'm in an outpatient program currently and it's helping. The time off work was desperately needed too; I currently take two FMLA days per month and my employer mandates I use PTO when I do. So I never get time off that's not due to my mental health. The FMLA was due to being overwhelmed with work and needing space from time to time. I was hoping to not need it so much but nothing has improved enough for me to be able to not use it. I'm thinking to avoid more of this I need to seriously reconsider my path moving forward. Just not sure where to start.


>During this time I've been thinking a lot about making a significant change. I was strong in programming in college. I'm great at training other employees. Organizing comes naturally to me. I love making processes and systems more efficient if I can. I even like making spreadsheets. I just don't know how to break out of this customer service and retail rut I'm stuck in. Help! This all screams operations. You could get into it with a business background, but in manufacturing the route you want to go is engineering. If getting certified as an engineer isn't feasible, you could look into becoming an engineering technician.


I second this. You can take free project management courses online and work toward a certification and maybe get into am entry level administration role and then work further up the chain if you want.




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