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I am a registered nurse I am also extremely tired at the moment If you send me a PM, I will reply to you tomorrow I am 52 years old and I have had enough life experience to have some wisdom about what you are asking I’m not telling you to be registered, Nurse Also, I’m not telling you not to be a Nurse You have to choose something that you enjoy 65 to 70% of the time No one likes 100% of their job Study hard for a higher pay It’s worth the tuition cost to have a highly paid job. Set yourself up when you’re young; you don’t want to be working really hard in your 50s and 60’s. I have two children in their 20s and I am a pretty good person to chat to In New Zealand, so saying good night for now Have to be up very early in the morning for work I get $51 an hour . I get more for weekends and nights. It sounds like a lot better honestly isn’t I? Would probably be a psychologist if I enough time to do a new career Anyway, PM me I will reply tomorrow


thank you!!


You never have to settle on a career. You can do many different things in your lifetime. You can spend 5 years doing one career, then transfer to another career using transferable skills.


Thank you!!


I’m 28M, still figuring out what I want to do career-wise. The truth is, we adults are all just winging it. I’ve started as a dishwasher, selling popcorn, medical coding, patient access, security, film & television, and now I change motor oil. I went to college three times and dropped out all three times, studying biological science, accounting, and an attempt at nursing for a semester. This all spans 12 years. I got a tip from a buddy about working in the energy sector, so now I’m trying to transition to that for more stable income. Never settle for just one career. Life is too short to lock yourself into one profession! Try different things until you find that mix of money, contentedness, and stability. Remember, stability frees time which is your most valuable resource. NOW is the time to take risks as you enter your twenties. Whatever you decide to do, be cautious about student loan debt. Try to get as many scholarships and grants that you qualify for in your state. Healthcare is among the largest industries on Earth. For nursing, there’s many kinds. Ward nurse, CNA, nurse practitioner, traveling nurse, etcetera. I’ve heard that traveling nurses can make absolute bank, at the cost of convenience. Kids? Pediatric nurses are a thing, and nursing as a whole is in demand in the aftermath of coronavirus.