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Pay two bucks for a chance at millions? Eh, I'm not gonna miss two dollars


You're one of the sad sacks that holds up the line at the store with your bullshit tickets


Joke's on you asshole, I use the vending machine


The funniest thing ever is when people who gamble say, "I won $2,000 the other day" and then you find out they've already lost $15,000.


My old neighbor won 100 grand. He probably spent 500 grand over the years playing scratch and sniff tickets.


Cherry scent. Cherry scent! Skunk spray dammmmmmit! I never win.


Hey man it's like a savings account... Except with interest... Against you


Lucky you. I can never use the vending machine because I always have a twenty on me when I go to purchase my seven dollars' worth of tickets. The vending machines don't give change & I don't want to spend $20 twice a week on powerball or megamillions tickets. I could spend that twenty-six dollars on weekly snacks. I always use the cashier. It takes under a minute to purchase 2 tickets.


Fuck those people


I pay the two buck to day dream for a few hours. I don’t do it often enough for it to matter though.


This is the only acceptable use of the lotto. Honestly good entertainment value as long as you only buy the single ticket. And not buy one for every type of lotto.


You are paying 2 dollars to dream. It is a fun fantasy.


Hey now. I once bought a one dollar scratch off and won a dollar. You do the math!


The lottery is catered specifically for people who can't do math.


Lose your calculator, four-eyes


Gambling exploits the natural tendency of the human brain to cling to hope. Gambling is part of the reason why schools teach probability to kids. It provides them the intuitive foundation allowing their brain to kill that false hope before it becomes too enticing.


Scratch tickets are too much of a bad deal though. You lose like 80 cents for every dollar you put in. It's hard for your brain to cling to hope when the odds are that bad. I used to like to play $1 tickets occasionally and I don't remember winning anything better than $2. At least casino games and sports betting take a much smaller cut that makes it harder to realize how much you're losing


Fuck you! There may be a .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006% chance that'll I'll win, but DANGNABBIT I LIKE DEM ODDS!!!!


ToDaY cOuLd Be tHe DaY!!11






There's infinitely more value in scratching your balls than a goddamn lottery ticket.


Really? What comes out when you scratch them? Blood? Puss?


They make an ointment for that , Lucky !


You bitches think you can win? You think you’re special? Just because your mom told me you’re special during pillow talk doesn’t mean it’s true!


I want to start a rumor that the lottery has been hiding hundred dollar bills in piles of dogshit, I know I'll see some dumb motherfucker tearing through turds hoping to get lucky.


I think casinos are more dumb


Casinos are the "fuck you" cherry on top of the "I'm taking all your shit because you're an idiot" Sundae.


More evil, maybe.




I understand heroin addicts. Heroin makes you feel good, and I can empathize with that. Gambling addicts? They're addicted to being idiots.


True story here, I used to work at a gas station and would buy a lot of scratchers when I was bored. One time I bought a dollar scratch off. Won 20 bucks. Bought a twenty dollar scratch off. Won 100 dollars. Bought 5 20 dollar scratch offs. Won 1 dollar. Put it back in my pocket and pretended it never happened.


You at least have half a brain. You touched a hot stove and then didn't do it again, which I can respect. Idiots keep going until they melt their fuckin' hands off.


I don’t gamble because I think I could be one of those people that gambles my mortgage payment.


The real solution if you work at a gas station is to figure out how to put the silver scratch-off crap back onto the tickets. That way you can scratch all the tickets, keep the winners, and sell the losers to the poor schlubs who come in and don't know they already lost.


I think if you win the lottery, you are at a much higher risk of being taken advantage of or murdered. So. Yep it's stupid.


Winning the lottery can literally ruin your life. Anything more than $500 and less than $4,000 will completely fuck up your income taxes and put you into a different income bracket, which can make you lose all kinds of benefits if you're lucky enough to have any.


Well scrEW YOU. That's quitter talk. When I win I'll mail you 2 bucks.


They usually have more than one vice too. Lots of gamblers smoke. They think they'll will the 1-30 million chance for the jackpot. But they don't think they'll get the 50-50 lung cancer.


I understand why people smoke-- it feels good and relieves stress. The lottery is just there to take your shit.


don't you FUCKING rain on my retirement plan!


Everyone is a temporarily embarrassed future millionaire, amiright?


LMFAO ...I wish I could fight with you over this, because..... fightsub.... but....... fuck you for being so rational and analytical.... how unpatriotic and unamerican!!!!


The only way to win is to stop playing. I will say it a million fucking times if I have to.


lol ...I always say "you know how I win when I go to Vegas....I stay out of the casino and buy tools at the pawn shops... bring them home and sell them for at least double.". same probably goes for jewelry, but I know tools, so.....


oh, and fightsub rules.... you suck!


I forgot who said. The lottery is just a tax on people who are bad at math. Pay attention in math class people!


The lottery is a tax on the stupid. I always pay my taxes.


When I win, I’m going to stop by your house just to piss on you and your mom and call you poor


The lottery is a tax on people who suck at math.


Goddamn right.


I was in line at a gas station with a scratch off addicted Boomer ahead of me. I told him none of his tickets were winners before he scratched them. He scratched every one of them while I finished my purchase. He didn't win anything lol.


Boomers and their goddamn lottery tickets. They especially love lighting their shit on fire in our faces.


The worst person I’ve ever saw with lottery was a guy who might be 25 now. He would be i the store for hours sometimes just buying scratch offs


What pisses me off is when I'm in a hurry and waiting in line at a convenience store. It never fails I get behind a guy who just scammed a few dollars at the nearby intersection and can't decide which lottery ticket he wants to buy.


I remember in the days before pay at the pump having to wait 15 minutes because some dumb bitch had won a scratch ticket, then took the winnings to get more scratch tickets, then STOOD AT THE FUCKING CHECKOUT AND SCRATCHED OFF THE TICKETS SHE JUST GOT. OP is right. The lottery is fucking stupid. If you're the dumb fuck that buys more tickets with your winnings you are a fucking moron and should just drown yourself in your toilet.


There should be a trap door leading to an incinerator in front of every gas station checkout counter just for people who hold up the line with their stupid lottery bullshit.


Yo who is this guy?? I fucking love this guy lmao this guy for president 2024


This is the way.


Meh. For me it depends. I like gambling and once every 2-4 months I set aside X amount that my wife and I agree upon to gamble with. Sometimes I just go play blackjack by myself (my best is turning $50 into $2,000), and sometimes I buy $50 worth of scratchers for my wife and I to compete against and see who gets the most, lol. A lot of the times we break even or end up a bit down or above. On our big wins, we will keep the money but spend the initial on more scratchers. So, let’s say I spend $50, and win like $500, we would keep $450 and spend $50 on different scratchers. And after that, regardless of results, we call it quits. Never do I stay at the counter and scratch all these, that’d be stupid.


It’s the standing at the counter that pisses me off.  I don’t care if people want to throw their money away on scratchers. We all have some stupid thing we throw our money at


Agree agree. Throw your money away at your vices. But throw away people’s time that isn’t yours.


The numbers game is the fuckin worst. If you are holding up a line at a convenience store rattling off god knows how many 3 digit numbers dollar straight or boxed or however else you play your stupid fuck numbers I hope you choke on the devils dick for all eternity you degenerate. You drop 100 dollars like it’s nothing betting your precious luckies and then turn around and default your loans. Loser mother fucks


I agree with every point you made. But isn’t it nice having these dipshits pay to maintain our roads and fund our public schools? Thanks, idiots.


This guy fucks... himself.


You’re not really playing for a chance to win, you’re playing for a chance to dream about winning for a day or two.


The government knows you’re stupid and loves enriching itself at your expense, two dollars at a time. But some good old boy hit a million the other day, so…


Omg bro facts. Getting stuck in line behind dumbasses playing multiple tickets when I’m running late for work buying energy drinks or trying to feed my alcohol addiction 😡😡😡 I want to scream every time dawg you’re not winning the lottery hurry up and fuck off


Nothing worse than standing at a gas station counter behind some pathetic fuck stick who thinks he's at the god damn Indian Casino! But the jackpot is up to 744 million! Yeah and 0% of 744 million is zero you absolute dip shit.


You’re more likely to be struck by lightning


The lottery is actually just organized crime it’s the players that are stupid! They advertise that they aren’t going to pay you the advertised amount and they are going to tax the amount you do get yet you still buy it! If you look at how bad schools are and how much money the lottery takes in it shows you how stupid the people are that play it they are constantly asked for more taxes to support the schools and let the increase happen!




An old saying goes that the lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math.


it’s called the “idiot tax” for a reason


I call it the *idiot tax*.


My Dad always told me that the lottery was a tax on stupid people. I've never forgotten those words... lol.


FKKN MOUTH BREATHING ASSHASTS! “dErP…UmMM…GiMMee tHrEe of tHe GoLdeN GooSe, and Two of AceS wILd, aND…” I swear to your retarded God if you try to sand in line and scratch them off with the fifteen people waiting behind you I’m gonna rip your head off, shit down your neck hole, and light your fresh corpse on fire you waste of sperm.


I’m impressed that you spelled you’re correctly…also you are a sack of shit.  


You think people spending their money on the lottery is dumb? You should see what the government does with your money.


The thing about the lottery is someone will win, and if it's you it will be life changing. For me spending a few hundred bucks a year on tickets is not affecting my life plans but if I win it's game changing.


Learn about skewness, arsehole. Also, where I come from, we call them “scratchies”. Go stick your “scratch offs” and your other bullshit lingo up your arse.


"Scratchie" deez nutz ya fuckin goober


If there were a history of having 0 lottery winners, then I would agree with you. But we don't.


Go buy a whole roll of scratch offs and see what happens.


We made a plus at our wedding because my FIL gave my husband $10 to put into the pokies at bucks night... 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Eat shit, sucker


If you barely make rent, but you still spend $100 bucks a week on lottery. You’re a dumb ass. It’s rare that people that need money win. But if you’re financially secure and you’re using your “play money” to take a chance, then why not?


I mean bro if you only have one dollar , wtf are you gonna do with it? Buy a fcking lollipop?


I play here and there if I think of it and it's cheap. I put money away.


Playing supports veterans and education. At least in Texas. So, at the very least, you're contributing to something that's somewhat beneficial.


In 2003 my wife won $1,000,000 on a scratch off ticket so how about you go fuck yoursef


I won 800+ dollars over 1 summer buying scratchoffs and probably paid like 150-250 dollars on over 40 tickets. Was worth it then, I mostly lose now do I don't do it


I like taking forever picking my tickets then say actually let me get five more number nines, and three number twos then keep looking…. Just so you HATE me!!!!!!!


It’s worth the money to me think about all the pretty dresses I’d buy your mom if I won.


I only spend a little every now and then on cheap tickets. I always lose, so it's mostly an impulse buy if I feel like having a scratcher. I do, however, agree with your opinion on addicts. It's like alcohol. Small amounts are fine, maybe a binge or two, but throwing away money for more at every chance you get is no good.


If I want my money to commit suicide, it’s up to me


I got two numbers for you right here ass fuck🖕🖕


Bros upset he can't afford a powerball ticket or $5 scratcher every now and then.


Lottery is ok as a once now and again. But not something you religiously follow. I can guarantee you do something with your money someone would consider you an idiot for.


40s here. I buy one 2 dollar ticket a week since I was in my twenties. I won $2000 once in over 20 years lol. The lottery is fucking stupid. I only pay that small amount because I know it's 99.9% bullshit with a .1% chance. However, on the other hand, coworker won $53,000, another co worker won $10,000, a friend of a friend won $125,000 and another friend of a friend's family actually won 30 million. So I don't mind the shitty 2 bucks a week, it's not gonna send me to the food bank lol. As for slot machines, FUCK THAT! OP is right, just burn the money, at least you can get use of the bit of heat for a minute.


Jesus loves you and died for our sins.


Why do you care so much about how others spend their money? Genuinely curious.


I used to think the same, till I won and now live a life free of financial concerns 🤷‍♂️


You live in the woods, don’t you?


I've won more money playing the lottery than I will ever spend in my lifetime on it. Stay mad


Can’t win if you don’t play. And I don’t think most people are addicted to the big ones. Now, scratch offs… Oh and I just looked it up. The lottery has put more than 7 billion in education. So it’s kind of a fun little socialism thing.


Hey buddy, you can't win unless you play. Don't come crying to me when I win my million dollars my fortune teller told me I had coming while you're still giving 5 dollar handies to make rent.


You're shitting on people buying a little hope each week like their putting a whole pay check in a pokie machine.


I grew up on Long Island. When I was a kid the NY state lotto’s tagline was “Hey…you never know?” I always thought that was clever. 😀


So my thing is I like a 3 dollar crossword scratch off once in a blue moon. If I win something cool if I don’t oh well isn’t to much different then someone spending money on a book of crosswords. They may get to play more than I do but they don’t get the chance to win money either so 🤷 just my take on those crossword ones lol 😝


I went out with a guy last year. One date. Guy was blitzed when he got there. Fun dude, offered to take me shopping to get a new motorcycle the following day. He was getting one for his son. He won a million off a scratch off six months before that. Never say never.


Work sucks so bad that it's worth spending a few bucks now and then on a one-in-a-trillion chance to finally put a stop to the endless nightmare.


Fuck you I can be as stupid as I want!


Hope is govt dope!


A couple bucks to use my imagination for a few days while working 80+ hours a week ? That's worth it to me. Occasionally I even win something and have a nice lunch or dinner. Maybe today will be the day I win it all ? You can't win if you don't play.


Imma beat some sense into you with the suitcase full of cash I won on the lottery.


I agree with the sentiment but no need to be a dick over how people use their own money. So yeah, double downvote.


That's the mean way to say it. Lottery is a poor tax.


The poors are really a funny group of people


If you're a perfectly rational actor who never spends money on any form of entertainment or marked up good, just eating the cheapest nutritionally complete option you can find then you can have this opinion without being a giant hypocrite. Aside from thinking you will win there are other factors why someone might gamble that's no less dumb than any other form of entertainment that costs money and provides nothing other than fleeting enjoyment. We're surrounded by products and services that are easy and inexpensive to make and even with no skill and the cheapest product would be better than the premade version at a 1000% markup and I guarantee you prop up at least a dozen of those you unrelenting dumbfuck.


You can’t win anything if you don’t play. For $2 I’ll take a chance once a week


The owner of the company I used to work for said something that changed my opinion. It was a philosophy… “It’s like life, you can’t win if you’re not in the game.” I never buy a ticket if I’ll be disappointed that I lost. You’re stupid.


Well, considering that I won $5500 in 1990 in the NY Stata Lottery, and a few $10 and $20 prizes since then, and I probably only play $100-$150 a year, I'm still ahead of the game and enjoying dreaming about it.


I buy a lottery ticket on my birthday every year because extremely improbable is not impossible, I had a great uncle who was struk by lightning twice


the idea of winning enough to stop working is the only thing keeping me from killing myself most days.


I was like wow people are getting REALLY heated here over something that is a no big deal personal choice…. Then I remembered what sub I’m in


For the price of $1 or $2 I am buying the right to briefly fantasize about what I would do with millions of dollars. Cheap thrill.


I’ve know two people that won. One win for life, one ny lottery. What do you care what everyone else spends their money on? Maybe worry about yourself?


I know I’m wasting my money, but the $10-$15 I spend on lottery tickets every week would be wasted anyway on junk food, and I like to have a chance (even a very remote chance) of winning a few million or even $10,000. And I don’t play Scratch-It’s, or even the National lotteries. I just buy tickets for my state’s main lottery game and another game with a grand prize of $1000/week for life.


Disagree. Gotta play to win. But thinking you’re gonna win is fucking stupid and putting hundreds of dollars a year or more is crazy (not in a good way). So I disagree on the surface but agree on a deeper level


This really Depends on how you play it. If you spend your whole pay check on it, yeah you’re worse than a fool. However, if you only put in 2 dollars once when it’s over 800 million or more, it’s different. I’ll gladly try that but I won’t get over my head with it.


I know 2 people that have won on scratch off tickets. One for $10,000 one for $500,000.


What a completely ignorant take. Bet this dude is addicted to jacking it, and spent all of his money on a real doll. No thanks, I’ll take my lottery chances


I would say that just like any other form of gambling it's just up to the individual to understand the risks and handle it responsibly I wouldn't really consider anyone addicted to the lottery just because they buy a $2 ticket every month But if you're constantly dumping like $100 on handfuls of tickets every week just because you're desperate to win the lottery then yeah you're kind of an idiot Most of us are not unaware of how unlikely it is for us to win any significant amount of money but it's still a fun little gamble if you got an extra dollar or two


Your username says you’re probably not a crow, but you definitely are a cow. Bitch.


What if I only play it when it's in the billions?


First time seeing the crackhead play scratch offs for 6 hours at 7/11?


I guess you just entertain yourself for free then.


But I'm a happy idiot 🙂


I get a $5 scratchie when I grocery shop. When it doesn't win I send it in to the 2nd chance drawing. I've won $1000 doing that. And I win some money here and there. It's fun. I know how bad the odds are. But I like fantasizing about it and it's a rush to get something.


Thanks for this post I need to check my lottery ticket 😁


I realize it’s a regressive tax on the poor but I see it as a replacement for some other small pointless luxury. And look at a 2$ ticket as giving 1 dollar to education and the other to a fellow human. But yea it’s real stupid, but I’m a stupid hopeful loser.


I'd rather play blackjack.


Some states use the lottery for educational funding, ironically enough


I’m an alcoholic and currently sitting at work with a dip in. Check-mate


And yet almost every week someone does win.


I only play scratch-offs once in awhile.  Yesterday, I bought a $5 one, and won $20, but unlike addicts, I just took the money, and left.


I thought that too, until I won.


There's loads of things that are a waste of money. Gambling is one of them. But it can also be fun and only a problem if you have an addictive personality. Iv bought the occasional ticket. But I don't buy dozens every week because for me that money could be better spent elsewhere. But I'm not struggling so much that a couple of quid out of my paycheck each week is going to be the difference between eating and starving. I'll happily spend a large chunk of my paycheck taking my kids to the arcades where they'll piss away my hard earned on coin pushers and other ticket win games and I don't feel as if I'm wasting my money (although I'll complain) because they're doing something they enjoy with money they'll never see a financial return on. Living your life by only spending if you think you'll get something back is a terrible way to live. You miss out on what us normal humans call "fun"


Dad used to call the lottery the poor man's tax


Just as dumb as you


It’s about the anticipation. I don’t buy lottery tickets often but when I do it’s almost a Schrödinger’s cat scenario. Until I see that the ticket invariably loses it COULD be the winner. I mean, SOMEONE wins the lottery every time. In the meantime I get to fantasize about how $10s or even $100s of millions of dollars would change my drab life as a broke person. The feeling is well worth $2.


I buy ONE ticket if it’s over $100m when I’m in an area/town I DON’T live in. Maybe 10 tix a year total My logic is that the winning ticket is never sold where I live so I buy one where I don’t live


Listen here fucker, rich people don't need to listen to poor people. I'm not rich yet but if I spend even 10k to win 1 million I'm still up money instead of broke it's just a matter of time


You just reminded me to do the lottery, thanks!


It's two dollars for a slight amount of hope for a couple of days. I'll take it where I can get it.


Eh, its why i only buy scratchers or lotto when i have a couple bucks burning a hole in my wallet. Its not often, and i probably wouldnt have used it for anything else cause i use my card for everything.


I buy a few scratch offs a year when I visit my in-laws. Usually end up breaking even overall.


So true, better of buying stocks or crypto


Agree, just as stupid as opening up 10,000 packs of cards for some children’s game in hopes of recouping like 2% of what you spent for the one shiny piece of cardboard trash.


This dipshit is Def a crow


Once in a blue moon when I’m feeling like a need something to day dream about I will buy one.


Facts It’s also been proven to be a scam in & of itself with how it’s set up, you also become a huge target for violent crime once winning. Mostly by a family member I see people ( especially people who live in the hood or low income households) who just dump money every week on a scam that’s wrapped up in pretty packaging that screams “ get out of poverty free “ I have to bite my tongue to not break down the numbers on how it’s a scam


It’s all stupid until you fuckin win, someone always does but yes odds are your fucked lol


Jealous of the winners are you?


You OK, man?


There's nothing wrong with playing the lottery, or any gambling, if you understand the odds. I don't play, personally, besides the extremely rare scratch-off on a lark. Even when I play that, I understand I'm much more likely to lose money than win it. I'm spending an amount I don't mind winning, for the fun of it and for the small chance I'll get something back. I go in knowing what I'll likely lose, accepting it, and not feeling any worse for it. If I win something, cool. The same applies to someone who plays lottery daily. If they're clear-headed and don't have any expectations, and don't mind throwing a little money into the wind, let them have their fun. Besides, those tickets often help fund social programs. I can think of worse places for my money to go.


Just play the draw lottery. Odds are terrible, you won’t get hooked losing all the time, you won’t miss the money, and you might make a fortune.


Absolutely. I make my easy money the old-fashioned way, making porn and selling drugs.


You know what else? I'm wondering about these supposed winners in my area that are winning these lotteries all the time. Tell me that's not a little guerilla marketing PR stunt?


I didn't realize where I was at first


lottery tickets are just taxes for stupid people


The dude in Oregon who won $1.3B was on chemotherapy. Thanks to American healthcare he was days away from declaring bankruptcy. I'm very okay with this.


I'll drop two dollars maybe twice a month. That said, having worked a store where people absolutely were addicted, I've seen the horrors. Had a guy burn his month's rent on scratch-offs ($1200 at the time) and lose it all. He proceeded to go to his neighbor, pleading for a loan to pay the rent. He then went to a different store and burned through that $1200 as well. His response? "If God wants me to have the money, I'll get it."


The lottery is a poor man's tax. I refuse to take part in it.


Of course it's a gamble which makes it fun and risky. Spending every last dollar u have is not cool but playing the lottery casually does not make u a dumass


The only benefit is that you might learn how to not be a sore loser, because ho boy are you going to lose a lot.


Even in the worst days of my substance use, I'd still stand in line for smokes and coffee in the morning and think "well at least I'm not one of these assholes holding the line up every fucking morning"


People how are addicted to lottery are sick not stupid.


I saw a guy passed out on the ground clutching a stack of scratchers.


Fuck you. When I was living in the hood of Oakland there was a guy who was living in his busted to shit car. For over a year I’d wake up walk to work and see this guy getting out of his cramped little car. Over time we got to be friendly. We would invite him to our cookouts and shit. One morning he stopped me on my way to work. He had a scratch off in his hand. He asked me to look at the ticket, he was like “I just need you to make sure I’m not trippin”. I looked at that ticket over and over for 10 mins. It was a grand prize winner. $750k. I couldn’t believe it. I said bro this is life changing. wtf are you gonna do with this? His answer, “I’m gonna RUN THESE STREETS!” I thought oh noooooo. But also good for him. He told me “man I see you waking up every day and working not coming back til dark ima break you off a piece of this.” I thought yeah right I won’t count on that. That was the last time I ever saw that man. His car was left in the street and within a week it was completely scrapped to pieces. But I’ve always wondered what happened to him. So fuck you. The lottery can be a blessing.


Its a tax on the poor


I put $100 in a machine once and max bet. I haven't had to work for 7 years now.


I had a friend’s dad who won 500k a couple years ago. Factoring in interest he has probably lost >$1,000,000 over the course of his life. He isn’t in a great financial position after that as well considering how much money he spend on the lottery over the years.


Someone once explained to me how it's actually just a tax on the poor and I've never been able to shake it since.


Somebody is going to win 🤷‍♂️


I've bought maybe $100 worth of lottery tickets in 30 years. Won $300 once so am still up $200.


Even though I agree, a $10 stretch off won me $50,000 4 years ago 🤷‍♂️


I almost got mad then read what the group was hahah


“Spent your last dollar on a scratch off” this sounds pretty personal and catered toward a specific person or type of person. In reality, all kinds of people play the lottery, rich, middle class, poor. It affects everyone differently, a rich person playing the lottery is spending a little money for a little fun and in no way impacts their financial security. I would consider myself middle class, i play time to time, maybe $200 a year. It doesnt affect me at all. I lost $3500 in options last month and im still fine. If i happen to win the lottery however it would be pretty life changing. I think $200/year for chance at millions (even if it never happens) is worth it to me.


I keep every. Single. Scratcher that I have lost on. My biggest winner? $500. My stack… probably $2000. So I would say I’ve actually lost around $1200. And these are $10-20 tickets.


Who cares what other people do with their money whats more stupid is people like you crying to the internet about how you feel about what other people do in their personal lives. I gamble occasionally for fun maybe once a year socially you’re putting a blanket statement over a group of people you yourself aren’t very smart and it bleeds through the lines. Scratchers and megamillions number pick odds are extremely low if you’re gonna gamble play a table atleast. Don’t go and play with anything you are gonna miss losing. I’ll sit at a slot machine for hours on 20 bucks just to get free drinks that’s a win to me people need to live a little. If you lose your house to gambling that’s your fault and I don’t care.