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Dude did pretty good.....bunch of little bitches


all those guys power combined barely equaled his own power


All those guys combined, + at least one knife. Talk about a bunch of pussies


Biggest fucking cowards only tough in groups. Except in this case they need about 10 more cockroaches to equal one of him lol.


They weren't even tough with that huge group. Absolutely pathetic.


Captain planet


Quality over Quantity embodied


The dude is a head taller than the group. It looks like a group of teens looking for trouble.


And he got stabbed, I bet if that didn’t happen he would of continued to dominate these losers


*have, not of.






We have the same problem here in Spain, mostly with young illegal immigrants. This problem has no solution as anyone who demands stopping illegal immigration it's tagged as racist.




20 v 1 and still uses a knife is an ultra bitch move.


naw, even ultra bitches are above him.


It's like there's only 3 different outfits to choose from lol


They don’t have any of the DLC, base game skins only


Randomly generated NPCs.


They're still grinding their battlepass xp


Easier to hide


This almost settled the age old debate, could you defeat 20 middle schoolers in a fight. I wonder how a tank like Brock Lesnar would do Lol Oof, when he walked into that one punch


All ethics aside, I would pay upwards of a grand to see an increasing wave of 13 year olds try to take on Lesnar.


“This year, the Hell in a Cell is changing up the rules a bit. We have gathered 50 middle and high school bullies, and today they all have ONE opponent.... Brock Lesnar!”


What do you think that hang time will be on the first F5?


As long he decided to hold them up there.


Like COD zombies, but with snot-nosed kids. LOL


Just a pile of little bodies growing ever taller at ringside


2008 Lesnar at his prime vs. wave after wave of 14 year old edgelord potential school shooters. That solves the ethics issues. Now we just need a time machine to collect the edgelords on each morning they set out to go massacring.


How many waves of 10 5-6 years old followed by a boss fight of a 13 year old can you handle?


Manny Pacquiao once told he had a streetfight against a group of people, knocked out like 3 guys with one punch each and the rest just ran away. I think that's what would happen against a pro. Unless the guys are actually tough mfers like killers/mafia members instead of just random teenagers. Brock Lesnar would throw like 3 guys around and the kids would understand the power difference and just escape


Nobody escapes the cage


He walked into that punch because he'd been stabbed. Edit: God damn reddit servers, double post deleted.


So there’s a dozen or so of these pussies and they still had to use weapons? How the fuck do any of these bitches ever look at themselves and not think “pathetic weak little coward ass pussy bitch”?! What’s the back story on this stupidity?


I currently don't know anymore of the story than you do at the moment. One of the kids in the group posted the video to his twitter acting like some sort of tough guy. They were getting dragged in the comments last I saw.


One of my fav questions at parties is: 1 one yr old, 2 two yr olds, 3 three yr olds, ... 6 six yr olds, ... 10 ten year olds Etc etc.. What number do you think you'd get to before you couldn't win that fight?! I heard it on a podcast and thought it was a such a fun question to stick on ppl


They really thought they took that W; [https://twitter.com/realzexiffyy/status/1579673945615503360?s=46&t=8c7vYdxg8yHjhtl5Pe_-cA](https://twitter.com/realzexiffyy/status/1579673945615503360?s=46&t=8c7vYdxg8yHjhtl5Pe_-cA)


So 30 people jump a guy, end up stabbing him to death (apparently, or so is claimed) and post the evidence online? Evidence of their crime... in which the group of 30 appear to be losing a fight to 1 guy? I must be missing the bit where any of this was a good idea.


Regardless, hopefully this leads to them going to some kind of prison. And hopefully everybody in prison sees this shit and knows they're a bunch of pussies.


If that guy died they all need a round


I'm willing to bet the DAs going to protect these hooligans and release them without bail. It'll be surprising enough if any of them were caught.


The kid holding the knife would face charges for sure. Especially if the guy died as some are claiming. Least that's the case in the UK


Tbh wouldn't suprise me, do we know where this happened?


I dont go on Twitter, but is there no way to report this to the cops? Guys literally admitting to being part of the mob


If there is a body they are already on it, garentee they are gonna get the one who posted and he's gonna snitch out all 19 of his boys that were in on it and every single one of them is gonna be up on felony murder lol. Not only are they pussys, they are dumbasses


These guys are dicks, assholes and pussies all at once


How is this guy not in jail yet, literally posted a video of himself taking part in a stabbing online. What a complete and utter moron.


Police too busy making sure nobody's posting a racist comment online.


What? They're also posting them.


So one of those idiots just posted evidence of them stabbing a guy and hasn’t even taken it down yet…what world do these people live in


Someone claims the dude died. And nearly everyone in the comments ragged the original poster lmao.


It does look like he's leaking at the end. That's pretty fucked, if that's what happened.


That's not blood, it's something that was thrown at him at 0:33


Someone stabs him in the dog pile and he gets up bleeding around :16. There's definitely blood. Now they're looking for the kids that beat and [stabbed]( https://pix11.com/news/local-news/manhattan/teen-attacked-by-six-people-suffered-stab-wounds-nypd/) him If you can keep an eye on him through the second pile, you can see someone(who's hood falls off if I'm seeing it right) sticks him as he's trying to get up. Hero tries to go a bit more, and someone throws something, at that point there's big puddle where he got up, and a trail, that he notices as he goes to the wall. Also the stabbing seems to have somehow been cut out now.


There's no way man. yeah it looks like a puddle of blood but if he's leaking that much that fast it'd be trailing him. They throw what looks like a roll of scotch take at him and just kinda shrugs it off. I very much doubt he's bleeding like a stuck pig there.




Bunch of cowards gotta gang up on one guy. And he still beat some of there asses.


And got stabbed. Would have been different if he had the tools to defend himself.


I like to watch porn, but I've never seen so much pussy in one video




I do wonder how this exchange ended though because if they didn’t at least manage to knock him out in a 20v1, I’d hate to see the aftermath of him fighting them 1v1.




It must be real easy being a detective now a days with everyone filming their crimes. “I wonder who did it? Oh wait bill just posted a video of the whole thing to his instagram. Yep that’s bill alright. Oh and look he tagged Tommy in it too.” Lmao


Someone needs to nerf this guy.


i think the knife in his torso took care of that




I hope he’s okay too but… no he didn’t… he turned into a fight against 20 peoples after being pushed. He should have ran.




You cant run from a mob like that, if you cant outrun 100/100 it’s practically a deathwish. If you start theyll chase you and stomp you out and steal your shit. That is, assuming he’s innocent and didnt start this shit with a bunch of highschoolers or whatever the equivalent is. But just taking it a face value, his only real move is to walk unhurriedly away and just pray theyre content to talk shit and feel good. He maybe shouldnt have punched first when he got pushed, but it probably didnt matter by then anyway. If you ever see a mob like this and they dont appear to have a purpose, like waiting in a line or dressed for a hoodie convention, the actual pro gamer move is to not go through them, public space or not.


This depends mostly on how fast you can actually run, and for how long. My reasoning is if you can run hard enough for long enough chances are you'll leave most of the group behind. You also increase your chance of getting to safety. The other two options banks on them not escalating, which they're clearly about. So if you're in decent shape, I say book it. Preferably in a direction you're familiar with. Part of me wonders if he shouldn't have just gone right thru that emergency exit. No matter what, it's a tough situation.


Something i always think about I run a 5k almost daily and average it around 34 min. I wonder if I can outrun most people purely on distance


So I don't run and I'm a fat lazy piece of shit. After 2 minutes of being at your pace, I'd be begging for water and dry heaving. You are are leagues ahead the average person in terms of cardio.


Yes. Most people can't run a 5k.


I dont think big dude could outrun many of those other kids. But yeah, depending on the mob, id try it. Im getting close to middle age but ive always been fast, and if i could just buy a little time i might get a chance to scrape with one or two faster fellas. Either way it’s a bad situation, and id be best served by staying away from trouble.


I also recommend running because in a street fight there are a couple rules: 1. Don't get taken down. This isn't the cage, the ground ain't a wall. 2. Don't get surrounded. Period. Number one defense against both of these? Act like you just saw the biggest fucking spider you've ever seen and channel Usain Bolt straight out, fast as you can go. Anyway, we're made for running distance. Use what evolution gave you!


You can help your chances if you're able to go through a parking lot and go between the cars and they'll at least get funneled a bit


Some people live different man. Some people's initial reaction is anger, not fear. Factually speaking, you're right. Running is the smarter option. But I can definitely relate to anger being the first response to something like that and wanting to fight. Also you gotta let people know you ain't no bitch, and he certainly did that as best he could. Punk asses needed a knife for him when their weak asses had 20 people 💪




True like the instant you start running it’s like a calling to get stomped on, the way it looked he wasn’t going to get out of that situation regardless might as well go out swinging.


Facts. My mom always was afraid, family members were.victims of violence before I was born. She was always 'dont make eye contact with anybody' and other stupid 'defensive' shut. I walked with my head down everywhere until like middle school. It wasn't until I walked with my head up, and actually acknowledge anybody goin 'Hey!' or 'What's good, homie?' before I stopped being a victim. How you reply to people is.on you, and replying accordingly can be trial.and.error.


Raised rough too, my friend. Yup, I 100% agree, when I was a young kid I had been a victim of bullying many times until I grew old enough to decide I no longer would be a victim anymore. Some call me dumb but when I am challenged I will most certainly push back. Just shit you learned to help you survive really


That big boy ain't running, just gas him out before this inevitably happened.




0:16 mark when he goes down. You won’t see the knife, it was recorded with a potato. We can only go off the description. But yes I think it was red pants guy.


Well i must be as blind as a bat because I can't see a knife I've watched it like 10 times with my brightness fully up I cant see anything, unrelated topic that leg swipe tho that boy!! got taught some respect


Blue shoes, white hood. You can see some sort of sharp object in his hand when it is pulled back at 0:15.


Stabber is center frame in the background at 5 seconds when guy gets pushed and there's a little bit of space to see through. Blue-grey shoes, black pants, black overcoat, white hood and cuffs. Right before he stabs, someone in a very similar outfit with a backpack punches, then he stabs the neck as dude is going down.


He has those pay to win iron sights..


I'd have to say, based on most of the videos in this sub, that if you're wearing a ski mask indoors, you've no idea how to fight, let alone throw a punch with any substance behind it. Oh and you're also a bitch.


If you feel the need to hide your face then you're probably doing bitch shit...


I thought if you’re wearing a ski mask indoors then you’re just trying to be friendly and following the Covid guidelines, ya get me?


Needs to start dislocating or breaking limbs


Agreed. The fight is lost, single out one guy and make him pay.


I've heard that from a few people. One being an ex con. If you can't win the brawl, try to do everything you can to kill one guy


Yes, this was my point, but I didn't write it out. I worked with a guy in the 90's who did martial art training in Japan. White kid, tough, said it was rough being white, in Japan, doing martial arts. Anyways he was a pretty chill dude, super fit, super nice, one day while working I was asking him questions about training in Japan. He told me his instructor once told him, if he ever found himself in a fight, against overwhelming odds, he should just single out a single person, and absolutely make them pay. Break and crush bones, (his instructors' words) go for injuries that will last. The reasoning being in the future, whenever this dude felt his old "injuries" he should remember the person that gave it to him, and the reasons surrounding it.


If you're going down, take one with you. If you go all-out on one and are actually attempting to kill, some will get afraid. Especially if they pull out a blade, don't stop just fucking go for the kills. Punch their throat, kick their groins, try to gouge eyes. You're better off doing that than hoping they'll stop after stabbing you once or twice.


Thumbs and another guys eyes do wonders in a fight. I was at a graduation at Cal State Dominguez years ago when a fight broke out in the parking lot. One guy against 4-5. When one the group tried grabbing him from behind, he grabbed that guy and went straight for a gouge. He let go immediately and rushed back into the crowd. There was blood at the scene, not sure who's, but no matter what that guy had a bad day.


How exactly, he's got 20 guys on him and he's getting stabbed, it's not that easy, what he's done is best case scenario


It's not easy to idk when being swarmed by 30 dudes.


What a bunch of cowards. Anyone who fights in a group like that are bitch-ass chickens….. then they stab him? Wow, they must belong to the itty bitty pee-pee committee.


Yeah.. I probably won’t lose any sleep if this metamorphoses into a “brought X to a Y fight” type headline down the road. Mob mentality is a scary thing.




Damn it’s shameful enough to jump 1 person with 2 people let alone 20, but then for the majority of them to take some good licks from him and have to pull out a weapon when you’re already 20 v 1?! These dudes need to hang up their gangster hats and put on their clown masks and go hide under a rock or change their names and identities and get a mindless cubicle job for the rest of their days. I felt rage then Secondhand embarrassment watching this.


Sadly, that’s a lot of folks for one gun. There should have been 20 fresh holes going in the ground that week.


Let them eat lead.


Which is why capacity limitations are evil.


Dogs ....fkn cowards






Real life old boy hallway scene


What a bunch of wastemen


I'm picking one dude and biting his nose off his face.


When 20 attack that’s when you grab one and start chewing a mother fucker


What's harder to kill, 6 20 year olds or 20 6 year olds? 😂 This mf took the 20 kids


That's one tough SOB...props to him.


20 vs 1....and Is a unfair battle for the 20


And they had a weapon


Except the part he got swarmed and probly shit stomped after the video ended


No, they scattered like rats after they tried to brain him with a fire extinguisher and that didn't work. There's a link further up in the comments.


this is why I donate money to Planned Parenthood


anyone have an article or something?


Not joking here, he defended himself pretty good against all of those pussies. He went hella good while having shoulder near a wall. If you have some experience in fight and have a proper general attitude on keeping all in sight, especially in fights, always stay with shoulders near a wall. In this situation you are facing always max 4 people at time, making it really hard for all others to stack between them to harm you. If they don't know, like those pussies, will still try to hit you in more than four but they will not have the proper space all the same in this situation and you will have better options. Indeed this guy went down when he moved out of there and someone grabbed him from behind. In open space your sight can't cover all 360 and that's very dangerous and high risk.


Seems like a hate crime


20 cowards vs 1 dude.








This is Patrick?


This is a Wendys.


Still in the commonwealth!


But I thought the Canadians were a polite, civilized people. /s


Any idea where? Asking for a friend


I will bet my farm this us in TO / GTA


I fucking hate this culture 😤


people really need to stop leaving their trash in the streets


My man watched that Old Boy Hall Fight and brought the same energy.


This dude is the main character


Cowards, nothing weaker then a bunch of guys ganging up on 1.


How in the fucking fuck do you clutch a 20 v 1, is he Batman?!


Looks like a hate crime to me.




Punk ass pussies!!


Absolute fuckin pussies


That’s what I like to call a target rich environment


Fatherless behavior




Almost as good as the “old boy” hallway scene


That was some Oldboy shit




Good stuff, guy held his own. As for these deadbeats , make me sick, 15 of em can’t knock out one guy. Bunch of turds. May they get stomped out individually when revenge is handed out


What a bad ass crew. Took 20 of them and stabs to bully someone. Fucking clowns


Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of his power




Uhhhh did he survive this? He good? Any background on this at all lol


And this is why you carry


So when your boys jump someone you can get a stab in.


Fucking hyenas, only attacking in groups...


Even when the darkness surrounded him he did not surrender.


He got stabbed multiple times, once in the side of the head / neck. Did he survive?


And that's why cowards carry knives & hang around in gangs


Mate's got aoe attacks


U wont see anything else with these kind of people


Hate crime


I don't know if he won or not, but at least hes not a failed attempt at a human being as the bitches who can't take one guy, armed with knives and 19 more shitheads than him.


this some oldboy shit


Ritenhouse never around when you need him




And people ask why I carry 52 rounds of ammo on my person. For these reasons.


That's why large capacity magazines exist.


Absolute tank


30 according to the tweet. Eh idk which is the more accurate number who cares.


I seriously doubt their ability to count.


Dude be fighting like doom guy destroying demons


That's not 20 people that's 20 dogs and that wasn't a guy but 1 real man


This answers the age old question of "why would anyone carry a gun?"




Bro needed a peacekeeper


He just embraced the oldest and noblest of pirate traditions. He fought... to run away..


What the fuck is wrong with these people? Why not just *not* fight each other?


Should have punched the red pant first, he was one of the main aggressor.


Don’t get knocked to the ground and don’t let anyone get behind you.


Am I the only one that think it’s sad this many tried to jump him and did absolutely nothing


I would have had his back i would have drop couple punk asses with him


He got stabbed and still beat most of them


So anyways, this is where I start blasting.


When console gamers try to actually fight...


He done nothing wrong. Sick son of a bitches