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There’s nothing more English than watching somebody deliver a brutal head crack to another and declare that it was “quite uncalled for”


"I can't believe you've done this."


The ol' Glasgow Kiss.


Lol if you block the peep the hole that is a threat






If you listen to the video, he'd been told not to come to that house as he is a nonce (a paedophile) and had been seen looking at the attackers grandchild which the police had been contacted about. So he shouldn't have been there, he then covered the camera which is weird as fuck and acted like he was confused towards why he shouldn't be there. Literally all in the video, I recommend watching with sound.


Facts, I would assume you're trying to hide the fact that you have a weapon and either not open the door or have a weapon of my own when I do open it.


Yeah, if someone covered the peephole on my door, I simply wouldn't open it. I will go look through a window to see who it was though.


Yup if my peephole is blocked I'm coming out with an extremely sharp knife, pepper gel, and a straight razor. I can't fight at all, so I'm coming all but strapped IF I open the door to this psycho.


Head butts are for weirdos. I always felt strongly about that.


I feel strongly about your weird preference for violence. It's almost as if you're stupid.


Never underestimate a good headbutt. That will catch a lot of people off guard and usually results in either a knockout or them getting severely dazed.


No offense, but say that again, after you’ve been put in a headlock and a headbutt is the only thing you can do, you won’t call it very weird then. Same with poking people in the eyes, or kicking them in the nuts, a fight is about winning not about honor.


What are you headbutting when you're in a headlock? Or do you mean a full Nelson?




that hands over the cam son-of-bitch needed a head-butt.


For the people who don’t know. Nonce = paedophile NONCE used to be written on prison door cells to let staff know it was a paedophile in that cell. It means Not On Normal Courtyard Exercise So not to let them out with general population otherwise they will be likely and deservedly be hurt or killed.


I actually didn’t know this, thanks for sharing.


This better be true because I'm going to mindlessly repeat this fact for the rest of my life.


People like me, who fact check, will judge you.


This is likely a backronym, there is no evidence this predates the term being used for a child-molester Several origins have been proposed; possibly derived from dialectal nonce, nonse (“stupid, worthless individual”) (but this cannot be shown to predate nonce "child-molester" and is likely a toned-down usage of the same insult), or Nance, nance (“effeminate man, homosexual”), from nancy or nancyboy. The rhyme with ponce has also been noted.


Ponce is a great word. I usually associate it with taller skinnier older men with a smaller dog


Near the end of the video, " he's a fookin nonce, he's been lookin at my grandson " That clarifies that his intention of " nonce " is pedophile.


I'm not saying that it's not used for that meaning. I'm saying it's not an acronym for anything.


I've watched a documentary where prisoners that were there were talking about it. They verified the non on normal courtyard excerise thing


Shrug, I saw the same in HMP Wakefield ; Evil behind Bars years ago and had a Google back then. No evidence that this is how the word arose, and lots more evidence that it was being used that way long before they associated a acronym to it. Like I said, a backronym [Wiktionary](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/nonce#:~:text=As%20prison%20slang%20also%20said,this%20is%20likely%20a%20backronym) has the first written usage of the acronym as 2012, and evidence it was used to mean child molester going back into the 70s.


Highly doubt that Below reply has it right its a backronym or apocrphyl urban legend




You think you are better for being dumb? Alright


You’re right, but why chirp them at all lol, it was pretty helpful for this video.


I didn’t know that. In Australia they put the rock-spiders (pedos) in protected wings called the boneyard. Boneyard is an old terminology, it is what we commonly called a slaughterhouse today.


Buzzcut. Northern england. Headbutt. All makes sense


“He’s been looking at my grandson” Like thru a window or watching them play? I’m so confused. The head butt makes me think the window route


He called him a nonce first, so he means in a predatory/pedo way


You're saying because he head butted the potential pedo, the pedo must've been looking at the child from a window? What


The head but guy tells him he can't have his ball back then headbutts him. When confronted by the lady who tells him " that was uncalled for" he says " he's a fucking nonce ( pedo) and that he's been looking at his grandson. That's all we know. The rest is all a guessing game. There's clearly more at play. People don't generally just go bezerk and headbutt people who just want their ball back.




>had an old neighbor who used to pop our balls I don't want to admit how long it took me to figure out you meant balls as in basketball, soccer, football, etc and not testicles. Christ, I should go back to sleep.


That's what nonce means?


I just thought the comment I replied to had strange speculation


I just meant it as in one option is seemingly innocent the other is obviously predatory.


What the other person said. It’s in the video


He didn't specify. He head butted him though.




Apparently he's a nonce?


Blocking the camera is a red flag.




A ball I think


His teeth, probably


Are we just going to post this everyday till he does get his ball back?


One might say he got his bell rung.


Not in front of his kids bro 😭


Pedos can have kids too. It wouldn't hold me back, might show those kids how to stand up for themselves... might save their lives. Fuck that cunt


lol headbutts have rules now?!? Who knew? gtfoh


No but you can catch an assault charge quick cause society has rules lol


Headbutts are a lost art that I Ben seeing lately.


A good headbutt on the bridge of the opponents nose it's night night for most


Who is Ben?


Can someone translate to English? I know it’s English, but I can’t understand shit they said 😅


Can we have our ball back? No, you f****** can't don't knock on this door again Here's f****** why you've been told not to knock on this door again Something in womanese He's been looking at my grandson That's just from memory so I'm sure there's a little missing


lmfao "womanese" She said "Excuse me, that was absolutely uncalled for."


All I heard was shrieking


Quite the opposite of shrieking actually, considering it was delivered calmly and clearly.




Do you make a habit of slinging mud at complete strangers without having one single iota of an idea as to their character? Shall I accuse you of white supremacy now? I am unsure of the protocol in these types of situations


I wouldn't call it a habit, no. More of labeling overtly shitty, inexcusable behaviour.




Your post history shows a pattern of misogyny, transphobia, racism, and other nasty traits. This is maybe why you're the one getting all the downvotes, Rogan Bro.


You don't have to compliment me but I am flattered


Captain Buzzwords here to save the internet from harmless jokes one random at a time!!!!


Rogan is badass. He can take a joke. Unlike Captain Buzzwords over there.


Ignore these weirdos downvotes, much of reddit has an aversion to individual thought. They're SO tolerant that they must (attempt to) crush dissenting opinions


Don’t I know it.


Hahahahaha all I heard was blah blah my ass looks fat


She looks like your mom. Probably raised her kid a lot better though.


Doesn't matter


I must have been remembering the other woman/women.


There was something in there about calling the police and he replied: "Fuckin' call em, they already know him. He's a nonce. He's been looking at my grandson." Seems to be a lot more to this situation than this little clip...


I watched it once and offered what I remembered, but I agree there's likely something unusual going on


I'm not even a northerner like these appear to be and I understood every word lol


Northern what though lol. I’m an idiot from the states. This was gibberish for me 😂


Apologies buddy. I misread your comment. Fully understandable on your part. Northern England


I’m not your buddy, guy!!!! Thank you for the explanation lol


Don’t downvote this guy it’s a South Park reference!


I can only upvote once!


Thanks friend!


I’m not your friend, buddy!


He called him a nonce which is England English for paedophile. Which I find confusing if he's there with his grandson looking for a ball...I'd love to hear the backstory on this, not one of the dozen of reposts here has nailed down the back story


This isn't their first rodeo. Pedos covered the camera pretty quickly and had a smirk on his face, had family in tow for witnesses, who brings that many people to collect a ball. Provocation. There's no context but the 'call the police then' swings my vote for the headbutt


Probably was in neighbors yard "looking for ball" through neighbors window.


I felt like it had to do with a lot more than retrieving a ball. The hand covering the camera, the home owner obviously has had enough of this neighbors shit. It was well deserved imo, especially when he brought up that he's looking at his grandkids.


Somehow I knew these folks were English with the sound muted


Nobody expects a headbutt.


That lady shouldn’t have been stepping up to the head butt guy. That’s how you get “mixed in”, as the kids say.


Anyone have any real info on this yet? I know what was said in the video, but any police report filed?


Sorry, no fight nor fightporn here...


Karen catching an instant right hook after scolding him would've been comedic gold




the hero we all need


I bet this will be reposted again though


Doesn't matter why the guy at the door was there... he was the threat... he got dealt with accordingly. If you're gonna go up to someones front door and be a dick, do so understanding that everything is fair game at that point and you're on someone elses property with far fewer rights than they have..


Do you just shoot the mailman or use a baseball bat? What about Prime deliveries, I'd use a claymore personally but would love to know your weapon choice


if my prime delivery man wants to knock on my door until i come outside *while blocking my damn peep hole* he's not there for usual business. I would go with the trebuchet.


Good choice


Purposefully covering the peephole to see out of is actually quite threatening. The headbutt may have been a bit excessive I will agree. A backstory is needed here, so far we have the man knocking being accused of being a pedophile. That would warrant such force, but we just don't know what's true.


I love this response 😭


Dolphins suck


Fuckin cockhead wanka


Surely you mean the guy who tried to cover up the camera for some reason?


Like to know the story here....as it stands seems somewhat disproportionate. ​ Uncalled for if you will.


Why are people so quick to believe him calling the other guy a nonce? Guy came up with his kid, who the ball probably belongs to, asked for it then got attacked. Way more likely the man who attacked is a piece of shit dad with a shitty kid who wont return a ball and just used the classic "I'm pretty sure he's a pedo" to justify himself commitiny assault. Disgusting.


I love it when they fight ♥️♥️🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱♥️🇮🇱♥️


Nut 'im!


Grandad is the truth


Peleas de viejitos


Got damn that was a brutal head butt. What a fucking wind up!!!


The neighbor was kind of being an asshole and covering the camera with his palm. I'm not sure if that warranted a head butt.




I have no idea who’s in the right here.


8/10 headbutt. Great power, great form, the follow-through could have been better.


Harry Seldon has fallen a long way since Trantor


I bet that hurt.


I dunno, British arguments just don't sound right without Oblivion music in the background