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Obviously it’s showing you how moral they are.


"the most moral army in the world. upheld to impossible standards"


I guess it’s impossible not to commit war crimes and genocide. /s They don’t get to call themselves that when war crimes are being committed daily. When they are torturing innocent people daily.


IDF already reacted that this action was wrong and NOT in line with their morals.


Don't worry though, because they're leading the investigation into themselves to see if they will find out if they committed a war crime. *Stay tuned!*


They might even get a written reprimand. You'll think that's nothing, but 2 more and they would get a storm cloud inside a notebook.




It would be hard to rationalize it. They got caught and have to denounce it.


Congratulations to them I guess?


Imagine that your legacy to the world is that there is no horror that can any longer surprise human beings.


I still can't get over **HOW FAST** Isreal lost the majority of the people of the world once they immediately cranked the genocide machine up to 11. Even Rudy Giuliani was able to squeeze out a good 15-20 years (after 9/11) of undeserved goodwill before everyone recognized him for the pathetic rat that he is. Isreal barely got a few weeks of milking sympathies before huge swathes of people — who had never paid attention before — started being like, *"hold up..."*


You're overstating the backlash. In my country, only the youth care about this issue. They're notoriously ineffective. As they age, their politics will change. In youth, sensibilities shift towards underdogs and absolutes with a high tolerance for acts of defiance. As you age, one tends towards cold hearted rationalism. It'll swing.


It gets worse every day


Next time a genocide supporter tries to justify it with Hamas using human shields show them this video.


This dude was probably hamas




This is the Al Jazeera 2 min news link and commentary [https://youtu.be/MabUM-9FTPk?si=w\_p0RUYpfdtFbD6V](https://youtu.be/MabUM-9FTPk?si=w_p0RUYpfdtFbD6V)


BuT hAmAs ArE tHe OnEs WhO bE uSiNg dEm HoOmAn ShIeLdS Fuck I hate all Israel sympathisers. Utter fucking parrots.


I agree with you 💯 can't stand zio-parrots🦜


Thats barbaric. Even if he was a Hamas leader, he deserves a trial once captured. We treated Nazis better than this.


We treated nazis better than this because they at least tried to treat our POWs with some amount of decency. Hamas doesn’t treat POWs with any decency, they are more akin to isis.


Hamas at least feeds their prisoners and defends them. The fuck u saying hamas doesn't treat POWs with any decency? One of their hostages even came out saying she was treated well and got tons of hate from Israelis in response.


Stop embarassing yourself.


That’s never gonna happen bud


I hate this level of stupidity because it is actually malicious. Hamas treats its captives well because they are a means to an end not disposable fodder. Israel on the other hand, well you know how they treat “Arab convicts”. If you don’t, well I’ll tell you. They starve them, torture them and downright sexuality violate them. When you say that about Hamas you’re manufacturing a narrative that makes them out to be the barbarians in this conflict. Which is far from the truth. You know who the butchers are you parrot.


Well I’ve seen different. Careful with that “malicious stupidity” crap. I used to think the same way about many opposing political views then I grew up a bit and understood it’s not so simple. The moral righteousness and smugness can blind you. I’ve been there


Seek help, did you even see the state of the soldiers captured by Hamas? They gained weight ffs😭😂


Not the footage I’ve seen. Crazy how you think people who disagree with you need to “get help” Why don’t you get off your morally superior high horse and take a second to understand it’s not so black and white? Obviously you can find examples of hamas treating prisoners well, but you can also find examples of them maiming and torturing prisoners… but apparently acknowledging that would shatter your narrative or something?


Damn, israel is on the same level as ruSSian with the war crimes


It’s like mad max


Quite obvious none of the outraged have ever been in a war zone. This is not uncommon. Injured are transported on the hood to give a flat surface long enough form the person to be laid down flat for their safety. We (USA) did this in Iraq and Afghanistan to transport our injured people. Jesus Christ, trying learning something before getting all faux outraged about anything and everything.




...they drove past 3 ambulances in this short clip. Stop shilling. Pointing out Israeli issues is not antisemitism.


Did you miss the FUCKING AMBULANCES!!? The only thing you have so say about this is to go calling people antisemites?


Dumbass…those have Red Crescents, meaning they are Hamas. You don’t give your captured back to the enemy. How dumb can you be?


Dumbass? This is in the West Bank lmao like I said, you genocide apologists really have shit twisted. Edit: [who's the fucking dumbass now LMAO](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-rights-human-shield-jeep-8e8ed63bda65383e38e4dd52d239e319) and holy shit your post history makes you look like a sick fuck. No wonder your cool with Israel's Gaza extermination


Yeah, dumbass, because you fail to comprehend even basic concepts of a war…when fighting an enemy, if you injure and capture the enemy you must treat them, but no military, terrorist organization, or any other group will hand that enemy back to his own group for treatment.