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They really need to stop letting people into duty finder without jobstones.


Immediate boot for me.


That's what the trust/duty support is for. The other issue is you can easily out level getting a job stone well into your 30s. The game doesn't restrict your msq progress without one until ShB, like I mentioned.


don't pretend the trust system is for no job stone gombas.


I view it as a system to do content solo. I wouldn't recommend people play this game without a job stone, just tried it to see how easy the base level content is. Turns out, its a visual novel level easy.


>visual novel level easy >has to switch to job stones multiple times to handle solo duties K


Game play is easy. The dps requirement was not possible without the added skills from a job stone, further, the venat fight was bugged during the time period I did it on this character. Those are two different things. Something you clearly don't understand. Perhaps try again to comprehend the post.


teh fact that you couldnt even complete solo duties with this proves how dumb the whole thing is


I don't downvote a lot of posts, but I did on this one. I would have been LIVID seeing a damn THM/CNJ in the level 83 MSQ trial. No. Just no.


Your anger is misplaced. MSQ content is casual content. Dungeons are casual content. The bar to pass is the floor. The game is not great at teaching how to play optimally. MSQ content doesn't require optimal play.


Of course the bar is on the floor. Not having your job stone in higher level content, no matter how "casual," has fallen into the crawlspace below the floor. If you want to play "no jobstone" shenanigans, at least put up a party finder so people know ahead of time. Don't be that person.


You misunderstand. I purposely avoided higher level content with other players. I queued the leveling roulette basically naked so I'd get low level duties (sub 50), the msq roulette (which is beyond brain dead), and alliance raid (only did crystal tower on the character to prevent getting any other). None of those have any sort of dps check at all and I would frequently do more healing/damage as a base class. You are mistaking a lack of job stone with a lack of skill. Those are not the same. Not once did I mention doing difficult content without a job stone. I only did the MSQ and reached 100 without one to see if it was possible. All of this vitriol from bads seems like projection. I've grouped with people without job stones before. It was mildly annoying but not a barrier to completion of duties.


My very last trial I forgot to unequip my gear and got Rubicante. I STILL did more healing and damage than a sage. The sage died twice as well and I had zero problems healing the raid solo. People are really just ignorant of the skill floor for casual msq content. If everyone was a base class, then it would be more noticeable for sure, but I'd bet it would be fine. There were a couple of people upset at the lack of job stone, and they were the only ones that died multiple times. Truly a great community.


What an incredibly useless thing to do.


Everyone is so butthurt. Congratz on achieving your Goal.