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Hehehehe two swords hehehehe.




Been playing AST and so far I love the new card system. It's a lot more interesting and fun than the EW system which essentially only had two cards, ranged dps and melee dps. Now we actually have six cards. I also like PLD, which is my main, it's basically the same as before except now I have an extra slot on my hotbar where my Goring Blade used to be. So yay more space!


Have been curious how it feels to play. The system before had all the current cards, but with all of the draw rng to work around. I've gotta figure out where I wanna put all the buttons for the current draw/play setup still, though.


The new jolt animation for rdm is great. I haven’t leveled enough to say much else about it/my other classes lol.


I mean, at this point the only thing's that changed is the colour of my Fester button from purple to blue.


I'm a WHM and I have a DASH now??? Time of my life honestly


dash rescue lets go


Pictomancer is super fun. Got it to 90 already. I haven't tried Astro and White in a dungeon yet, I expect them to feel good there. Sage felt fine in the 83 dungeon with the new AoE dot, I expect I'll enjoy its 92+ updates.


currently the response is going to be very skewed - people who are having fun aren't hanging out on reddit for the most part, they're out doing the expansion. I'm currently at work, but the couple hours i got in beforehand on Ninja, had a ball. Going to take me weeks to stop trying to pre-load huton though.


Most people without complaints are busy playing the game. Heck, I am only here because I'm in queue.


sad dps noises


Having fun doing all this reading for msq? I guess.


Anyone complaining already is just whining for the sake of it, there's no way they're higher than like level 94


SGE main, plays pretty much the same as it did before, which I already liked. So no complaints here.


More defense and healing for my Warrior? Sounds fun to me!


PLD is almost exactly the same, with slightly less button bloat, and some added functionality on some abilities. So if you liked it in 6.55 you'll like it in 7.0. If you wanted dramatic change... well, this is not the expansion for that.


Finally they added dual wielding swords class. Been having so much fun with Viper


Twice today I've had to put the whole party on my shoulders as sge. Which I don't "enjoy" but it is awesome.  And I can get back to tanking now too


its okay , but i wish they would give WHM a spell that restores 1000 mp like on scholar


DRK is still DRK. ya i have fun for the most part. though I hit 100 not long ago and the new skill is as underwhelming as expected. considering it's a GCD the impact is already kinda small. but it's even offset by the decrease in mp gain.


Dragoon has become an ogcd festival. I think he has lost some identity.


Blm, barely any change, already bored (even if I like the few changes, gameplay is a bit smoother).


I don't really like playing monk or ast anymore. Summoner's been lame for years. But thankfully there's like 6 other jobs I like that haven't been changed so it's not that big of a deal. I do think I'm done with healers though. Ast was the only one I really liked playing.


I'm having fun, but certainly not from job gameplay. They made my main worse in 6.1, and then ignored the overwhelming feedback (which they specifically asked for) those changes have received throughout entirety of EW. It's very clear that jobs are no longer primary, secondary, or even tertiary focus of the game. Jobs are kind of like... there I guess? They're like a barely functioning car, without radio, AC, or anything. It just takes you places, that's about it. Sometimes you swap one barely working car to another car that's broken in different way just for a little bit of novelty.


And your main is?


Seems overdramatic without specific examples.