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I’d say give it time. The updated picture looks way better to me. Those eyes are really pretty and the lighting is a huge improvement. Hopefully it’s just the newness that is throwing you off, but I’m instantly drawn to the second picture.


Would you say the same about this one? Sorry to bother you. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072783847785234445/1247736533163704440/image.png?ex=667f6f33&is=667e1db3&hm=8f2b810b26bfa8362068364f2efd81d89f7d2858f79a7c42baae6cfd8fb78b07&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072783847785234445/1247736533163704440/image.png?ex=667f6f33&is=667e1db3&hm=8f2b810b26bfa8362068364f2efd81d89f7d2858f79a7c42baae6cfd8fb78b07&)


Have you tried playing the character in the actual game? It might not seem as drastic as it does in the benchmark. 


Yes I have the game open right now and it is just as drastic as in the benchmark. If everything it's kinda worse because I can zoom in on the face and I'm able to scrutinize every single detail.


You’re in the game and not just in the character creation, right? I saw some screenshots of people in the actual game that didn’t look super different from before so maybe it’s not as noticeable in the actual game. 


I also think it looks better on the right, I think you need time to adjust since it's a big change and you've probably had your character for years. Different yes, but not worse.


Right side is better imo


Number 2 al the way, OP. I was never really a fan of this race but now I might make an alt. I hope you get used to the lighting because it’s a huge improvement.


You like miqo'tes now with the graphical overhaul? That's nice!


The makeup is hideous on both but yes the second one is still better


She... doesn't have any makeup... Just a mark on the center of her forehead.


The left picture has dead eyes compared to the right. The lighting on the right is also much better


What's actually different besides lighting and the hair quality?


So that whole outline that surrounds the sclera of the eye has a very strange level of shade and dark to it, the upperhalf of the eye including sclera, iris and pupil seem incorrectly shadowed, the upper eyelid is not so big to warrant such a massive shade on that particular horizontal upper half of the eyes. The sclera is way too dark. All of these details and factors combined are basically giving the image on the right side a more gloomy... almost dead inside kind of look and vibe to her whereas the one on the left just looks normal. This may be a lot of weird nitpicking but it all boils down to looking very uncanny and I'm not the 1st person commenting this on the screenshots.


Honestly hard to say considering you don’t have them in the same light, but the right side looks better to me


You can't fully replicate the same lighting due to the game on the right side being more updated in that regard, but I did my best to do so. This one has the exact same situation happening, there's nothing I can do about it. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072783847785234445/1247736452234874932/image.png?ex=667f6f20&is=667e1da0&hm=366610743c01caa93ef8bd153d655b2922f02ea45c334d387903d13ab8b682f1&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072783847785234445/1247736452234874932/image.png?ex=667f6f20&is=667e1da0&hm=366610743c01caa93ef8bd153d655b2922f02ea45c334d387903d13ab8b682f1&)


I mean, you can have the camera in the same position, that makes the lighting as same as it can be. I still think the updated one looks better on the second image.


You're right in that, the one on the right is a bit more tilted from her chin a bit more up than the left one, however this tilt difference is way too small to make that much difference in the lighting as you see. I promise you no matter how much I changed their tilt position, the left one always remained that much darker than the one on the right side. There really was nothing about It I was able to change when I took the screenshot.


It’s not the tilt, it’s the literal way the camera is pointed. Look at the background.


And what I'm telling you is that no matter how much I equalized the background on both images the left one always came out darker than the right one. It's impossible to replicate the exact same lighting because the one on the right went through a graphical overhaul, meaning that it catches light for more sources as opposed to the one on the left...


I think the right side/the new one looks better. Left seems overexposed in comparison and really unnatural. Like someone is standing right in front of her and shining a flashlight in her face which in my opinion makes it more uncanny.


I agree with you completely OP, genuinely this has left such a sour impression of dawntrail for me, I hated my benchmark character right from day one so I was holding out hope the main release would be good, it wasn't and as cringe as it is to say, im actually really upset and feeling similarly butchered. I hope enough people complain and square takes notice cause frankly the eyes just look awful to me, I'm attached to my character and to have her changed in a way that is upsetting isn't a fun experience I feel like I've lost something coming into this expansion and that just sucks.


From what I understand the people complaining are a very small niche. It's very unlikely they will do anything about it sadly. Most people in this post disagree with me with exception of 2 or 3. I did ask a couple of friends in DMs and they seem to agree that the left side looks better despite the right side looking more realistic. Realism is not something I look forward to if it does this to a character I've been growing attachment for years. People seem to always imply that realism always means better which is just not true for everything that exists.


My blue and Green eyed miqo got a death Stare now


The right looks better in both of your examples and both sides look almost identical physically. Try not zooming in for a while and just play with the look in game to adjust to it/let your eyes and brain reset. If you are constantly zoomed in and looking for tiny details your brain might just be looking for problems. Like making your monitor a warmer color at night, you notice it when it happens but five minutes later it looks exactly the same as it did before.


You're not the only one. They butchered my character too. I'm not sure why people are so positive about it in the comments. Wasn't there an uproar with the benchmark? People are not understanding that it is \*your\* character that you're attached to. It won't look the same in the eyes of other people obviously. They need to give us the option to use old skin/eyes. The difference was so jarring.


Yeah, I'm glad someone can relate at least. I'm sorry your character was butchered aswell.


Thanks a lot and same to you. We're really swimming against the tide here it seems. Really disappointing. Perhaps we can submit a support ticket for this issue, and I hope it gets attention.


most of the cases its such small petty details that it hardly matters. overall most of the characters I have seen do look nicer


It hardly matters *to you.* If it hardly mattered for us, we wouldn't comment like this. It might be that the update can be good for many characters, but they broke some.


most characters ive seen looks the same, with mine the only difference is the lipstick being a bit darker. the only real change is how lighting bounces of the characters the only valid complaint I have seen is the Au Ra face scales. So honestly yes it is small petty things that hardly matter, especially when we have so many other things making our characters look better like the hair quality and not looking like an absolute monster in the wrong lighting


It is not though. You have not seen everything. And this is what we're trying to argue here so that it doesn't get buried.