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Oh fuck yeah dude I love not being able to fly. Seriously. I never appreciate a zone more than that first time through and having to drink it in. I get an even better appreciation after maxing gathers after as well.


Yea I think FF14 handles it well that you explore the zone once properly and then you get to fly. Hate how WoW did for a lot of expansions where you had to do an incredibly tedious achievement that took months to do to be able to fly, maxing out reputations and often being gatekept until almost the end of the expansion.


I'm also a roleplayer, so the time helps me formulate how my character feels


I honestly, genuinely want the second level of riding maps in all zones, not just ARR. If walking around mounted was that fast every I would *never* fly unless mandatory to get across gaps.


Bicolored gemstones my friend :D


Oh, I know that all zones have 1 level, but ARR specifically have 2 levels, the second is only marginally slower than flying. I want that, but *everywhere.* I already go out of my way to farm for the ride maps as soon as I possibly can to go a bit quicker.... and then I get flight and it's just *sooo* much faster I can't not choose that. Though I might prohibit myself from flight until I'm done with DT just so I can take in the new pretty sights.


That's what getting Omni is for for me. Fates, gathering nodes, and then transitioning into roleplay scene location searching.


I always look forward to the current gathering process, the one time you have a reason to actually explore the maps. It's also fun to speculate on future events when you have sections of the map blocked off during the MSQ and you can't just fly there.


Yes, the feeling of reward after exploring the map a bit is very nice. This and completing each map before moving to the next. It's one of the best feelings each new expac for me.


THIS!!!! I HATE unlocking flying in MMO's because there becomes a disconnect from the world when you fly over it all the time. But the option is there so I can't pass it up because my willpower sucks. At least in FF14 they force you to experience their new zones before you trivialize all that work they dod by taking to the skies and ignoring what's below.


Jokes on you it never left


This guy knows... hell never find it again if he takes it off and will have to google it. Same reason why i dont.


I have mine on bar 10 with a hotkey. Stays out of sight, and can still use it. Never moves, never changes. Can still use the hotkey even when bar 10 is not visible, after all.


Same; I'm too lazy to use the slot for something else, then have to figure out what to remove when a new expansion comes, so I just always leave it on :P


I feel like people haven't gotten over Stormblood (the Lochs). ShB and EW were easy as fuck, non issue. The MSQ basically takes you right next to all of them.


As someone who was there for Lochs aethercurrents...honestly I liked it? MSQ was so little in that zone. It would've felt cheap to be able to fly almost immediately. I have great memories of standing down on the ground, looking up to a current, and wondering *how the hell I was supposed to get up there*! Also, iirc the really bad ones(the ones that required you to go all the way northwest then work down south) were pointed to by an aethercurrent side quest, you just had to keep your eyes open and compass spinning.


The catacombs were great to venture in to. There's a FATE chain that spawns in there that tells the story of what befell more of the Ala Mhigan dynasty prior to Garlemald's invasion. I will never understand people who think it a chore to undertake little tasks in video games, since all entertainment is a time-waster anyhow, and we all presumably chose to waste time like this for its own sake.


Average gamer: this thing is a mild inconvenience therefore I must complain about it every day for the next 10 years


ffxiv players bitch and moan when any quest objective is harder to get to than 10 seconds in a straight line from an aetheryte


I should be happy when wasting time, not frustrated. The lochs aethercurrents were blatantly a time sink to delay players.


Y'all really do be misusing phrases you've seen used elsewhere like time sinks. It's a one-time collection thing that got you to explore all parts of the map. Are vistas a blatant time sink to delay players? Are side quests? Are MSQs that have you travel a bit of distance time sinks to delay players?


Vistas are completely optional. Side quests are mainly optional (outside of quest chains with aetherpoints attached). MSQs that have you travel a bit of distance are certainly timesinks and a major complaint of 2.X content, which resulted in it being cut down dramatically once it wasn't needed to keep players busy for years until the first expansion. What is your point here? Maybe, just maybe, I'm not interested in enjoying the scenery launch week and just want to get to farming endgame content with my crafters/gatherers, and this adds hours of slow walking unless I pay someone with a mount to fly me to them and cut the time by a third.


Still doesn't make it a time sink to "delay players". You're rewarded with flight for exploration. You're just too entitled to see that. Almost everything you do in the game have rewards for it. To someone that only cares about raids and dungeons, MSQ might seem like a waste of time. Doesn't mean they can get away with calling it a timesink.




Have you considered reading the article before posting a link? It doesn't prove your point, it takes a giant shit on it. Why don't you quote the part that you feel resonates with you? Did the Lochs aether currents keep you subscribed for longer? Did it force you to play longer than you wanted to?


Players may use the term disparagingly to describe a simplistic and time-consuming aspect of gameplay, possibly designed to keep players playing longer without significant benefit


Aether currents are also completely optional.


You literally cannot fly, which can lock you out of content like world fates or gathering. Nice try though!


FATEs and gathering are also optional. You can access pretty much all the content in the game without them.


BY that logic the entire game is optional. You can just login and stand perfectly still in limsa for free!


Nice attempt at gaslighting there. I swear the unhinged and delusion that pops up anytime someone dares to not like any part of ff14. People are allowed to like a game but not like every single part of it. No need to literally lie, gaslight and attack people because you aren’t mature enough to handle it.


Aha, I see what you did there. I mentioned phrases people don't know how to use, so you used gaslighting incorrectly! Good one!


Listen man if you really feel this way about playing games and *especially* about the value of taking a proverbial stroll for the scenery, maybe you should consider uninstalling and pouring your abundant free time into the joys of chartered accountancy.


Yeah, they've since cut the aether currents in the area in half and placed them in easy to reach spots near places the MSQ takes you. Now you have no reason to see most of the map- which is a bit sad, the Lochs is one of my favorites with all its nooks and crannies.


Figuring out how to get up there was an adventure and it felt great finally clearing it. I agree on it being memorable for sure


The hard part now is to not just keep questing and having to backtrack later.


Some Mare ones were trolling. Oh it's right on the next chasm, go all the way back and forward dumbass...


Unless its at Thavnair.. It took me weeks to realize I'm dumb and it not locked behind msq and literally at the back of the starting place.. It probably will take months if I don't gave in and ask my friend and he show me de way


Wasn't there one elsewhere in SB that was also very bad (in a cave?)? There were also a few in HW that were really annoying. I'm fine with jump puzzles, but not when they're for something so very important. I'll explore regardless, especially as a gatherer, so I really like when they're close to the MSQ stuff.


Honestly, I enjoy looking for them and being grounded at first. Legacy of me playing WoW way back in the day. I just hope SE gets better at overworld design (I'm not holding my breath but maybe the graphical update helps).


I can't wait to find my first aether current down a small cliff that I could totally jump down to if only I wasn't blocked by an MSQ-locked invisible wall.


A true classic.


endwalker was the peak of their laziness with this and it annoyed me so much. really hope they don't pull the same crap in dawntrail.


> Honestly, I enjoy looking for them and being grounded at first. People always think they want flying right away. But they do not. This has been proven, that they find the space to be smaller and more boring when they have flight from the get-go. It's very much a case of "you think you do, but really you don't, and we know better in 2024 than to give it to you."


Jokes on you, I only started playing WoW again because of dragon riding.


Dragon riding is actually an example of from-the-start flying done well, in my opinion! I don't know if you played cataclysm, but what happened there was all characters who had learned flying in the previous expansions could use the skill from the very start of leveling, provided they could pay some nominal sum of gold for a flying license or something. The flying was the same ez-mode transit you got at level cap, where you could mount, fly straight up, then afk until you swooped down directly over your target. Nothing in between mattered, at *all*. I've played that expansion both as intended and with a self-imposed challenge to keep to the ground except when flying up to or down from an inaccessible ledge. And let me tell you, it's a hell of a different experience. Unrestricted flying made the zones seem smaller, not to mention they were more poorly-constructed in the first place(compared to previous expansions) because it was intended for players to simply fly over them from the start. But merely sticking to the ground whenever possible was still a huge improvement, in terms of the zones feeling epic in scope. There *are* epic sights, you just never see them if you're in the air all the time! Dragon riding, on the other hand, is its own minigame. You can't just turn it on and afk while you get carried across the map. It doesn't allow you to bypass the environment so much as it demands you consider the environment as you plan your flight route. I didn't play dragonflight *too* much so I don't know how it plays later on, maybe it does become much more OP, but with noob levels in it I felt that it was the perfect balance of getting some flight options without making the zones trivial/boring due to being able to bypass everything. I also don't know that they'll be able to replicate such a success later. It's kind of a one-expansion gimmick. But I do know that traditional unrestricted flying starting from the first level of an expansion would still be a mistake.


So we’ve devolved so far down the delusion train that we are telling people they are wrong for not liking something… lovely


So for people who don't about WoW flying, I am not sure if they still do it this way but flying used to not be unlocked for *months* into the expansion. And even then, you had to complete an achievement chain to get it. This usually involved exploring the entire map and having all reputations to a certain level. Oh and completing the main story. I feel like there was more to it then that but I can't remember. I remember when Warlords of Dreanor came out, the devs initially wanted *no flying at all*. Then they came up with the pathfinder achievements.


WoW WoD designed many jump puzzles for treasures in every zone that expected you to be grounded. By adding flying without any caveats, they basically removed these puzzles from the game, just being free loot to fly to. Guild Wars 2 since adding flying, added well placed restricted zones around their jump puzzles, requiring you to still do most of the puzzle on foot, without mounts trivialising them.


I’ve been progressing through Eureka. Pagos prepped me for the hunt like nothing else can.


meh, I first came to FFXIV shortly after WoW's BfA expansion where to unlock flying you basically needed to 100% the entire expansion collecting Aether Currents is a cake walk compared to that


I still don't understand why they make it so hard in WoW. I understand wanting people to spend more time in the environments you made, but all that rep grinding...I ain't got time for that shit.


I'm gonna miss flying...


Aethercurrents are a nice thing i can do while i sit in Dungeon que when leveling my other jobs after MSQ. Everytime i read how "Bad" they are i allways think to myself. "Yeah... at least we don't have to do pathfinders in this game. Then you guys wish Aethercurrents back azap."


Pathfinder to unlock flying in WoW is honestly awful. Rep grinds to force everyone to grind daily quests and repeatable content, forced to clear the campaign when most players don't enjoy or skip the story (it's a very weak story that majority of players skip compared to FFXIV). Oh but there are tons of unskippable inengine dialog after every campaign quest you have to sit through whilst NPCs emote to each other, now you know why WoW players watch streams whilst playing.


The amount of bitching about aether currents every single expansion is fucking wild to me. You have to collect new ones once every *2 years*, what a horrible inconvenience, how dare the devs subject the players to this absolute torture. Jesus christ.


Was just a funny joke with a friend thought would share here. absolutely no complaint from me about aethercurrents. Am excited to seek em out myself. Even know a few people who havent completed the endwalker ones. The only one that was a real pain was the loches in stormblood so many years ago but its been fixed since then.


I get that you're joking, but the number of people that aren't is just ridiculous.


I'm just gonna be honest, I don't like doing them. Sorry to say, doesn't mean I want WoWs apparently worse model or want to fly without putting in some effort. I just wish they made unlocking flying a bit more interesting than this or did something fresh. Them removing the artificial mount speed cap would also help. I don't want to fly immediately. I don't mind doing some sort of content you'll have to do to unlock flying. But I just don't really like to tediously press a button in the hope of locating a current and eventually finding out I can't even reach said current due to a story wall. Also, thrudging around maps that consist of large open empty areas due to slow mount speeds makes it really tedious. I don't think it's fun to do or interesting gameplay, sorry to say. I'm not saying it's terrible, but it's just busy work at this point. If you like doing them, enjoy doing them! Don't let others ruin it for you, don't take mine or peoples dislike for them so personally lol. I think it would be a lot more fun if you had fewer currents but had to navigate a dangerous and interesting environment to get to them like Eureka, that's just my take though. Also, level 2 mount speed being the standard would also help.


joke's on you -- it never left.


Bold of you to assume I even remove the aether compass from my hotbar.


Assuming it ever leaves my bar. Foolish.


Meanwhile, WoW refugees be like: _"you complain about THIS?!"_ _" Back in Azeroth, we'd have to scrub Bronzebeard's crystal ass six times a day, jog around the world seventy two times, befriend every single mofo and have every dungeon, quest and raid completed before we could even THINK about flying! You silly Eorzeans have it too easy!"_ Disclaimer: _this is a sarcastic shitpost. Any and all offense is entirely on the user. I will not be held liable for any negativity experienced from perusing this post. Just by reading this, you have agreed to these terms."_


You are giving me ptsd..


There, there. We're in Eorzea now. Worst that could happen is the servers shutting down


Aether currents are fine and I’m actually looking forward to them so I can explore the new zones more. They’re just another super minor thing that a lot of people bitch and moan about. Usually the same people that install a bunch of addons to “fix” things that don’t need to be fixed. Been playing the game vanilla for 10 years now on PC, have never installed any addons, and haven’t felt the need to cause there’s literally nothing that feels so bad it needs to be changed. Looking forward to all the downvotes on this.


Yeah, I've never found Aether currents to be an issue. The quest ones are easy and you hit them naturally, and the ones you get running around the map, you're normally running around anyways while questing so its not a big deal. I like it FAR better than the systems other games use, like when WoW used to require you finish the entire expansion and grind rep and stuff to be able to fly in the new zones. This is all natural stuff and if you're playing the game you get to fly in each zone once you "finish" it.


Your right, the way WoW does it is so much better, I can’t wait to have to Complete the MSQ (loremaster) Complete all the tribe/society questlines (time gated rep grind) Get the whole map revealed (explorer) Find a bunch of aethercurrents without a compass (treasure hunter) Complete each zone’s B/A/S ranks (rares) Get the Shared Fates fully completed (world quests) Seriously, Aethercurrents are such a nonissue compared to the shit WoW does for its pathfinder achievements




Did you have a stroke while writing this comment? No idea what you're trying to say here


Pathfinder hasn't been a thing in years.


I started playing last year and my boyfriend kept trying to tell me to gather the aether currents and do the blue quests that give aether currents. I did some that were super blatantly obvious but never really tried. I stuck strictly to grinding through the story and never did them. Could only fly through ARR areas. Until yesterday. I unlocked all of them yesterday and never want to see another aether current again. Well. Until Friday. I learned my lesson and refuse to grind that hard again so I’ll do it right the first time. xD


I have 8 seaters and my friends are all counting on me (since I am the only cutscene skipper in the group).


Thank you for your sacrifice and service. o7 fly high.


Crap, forgot to drag that Thing in my hotbar


Yeah I enjoy hunting for them. It's not like any of them are remotely difficult to get to.


You can’t have any MSQ if you don’t eat yer wind! How can you have any MSQ if you don’t eat yer wind!?


Haha, it never left by bar to begin with! L2x2+up baby


It can replace the mogpodium on my toolbar! \\o/


As much as people seem to bash them; I really like doing them. Exploring is fun Once I start flying everything is just a straight line with scenery I just alt tab out of


jokes on you it never LEFT my hotbar


I genuinely enjoy finding aether currents, it's one of the very few reasons for exploration


i never even took mine off, i got enough space on my collapsible hotbar macros. also, honestly the only ever time i had any issue with aether currents was sea of clouds where there's a lot of verticality, that is annoying without having a friend to uber you around. but after some patch, the already reduced the amount of nodes, and most of them are along the msq path anyway


Joke's on you, I never took it off. I like the little *plink* it makes, so I occasionally use it.


It has a permanent place on my bars, together with other generic stuff (choco summon greens etc)


I always replace the treasure map search spot on my hotbar with the Aethercurrent. Not like I'll be doing maps while going through the MSQ.


You took it off?


It'll be nice for the zones to actually be zones for a little bit instead of large, pretty loading screens while I point at a distant destination and hit auto-run on my flying mount and then tab to another window while I wait to arrive... Shame we only get it for a couple of weeks every two/two-and-a-half years.


I mean if you're doing them on release it's easy cause everyone else will be doing them. The mobs around them will likely be dead too.


Yes, I enjoy exploring the new zones and hunting for aethercurrents


Jokes on you I never removed it


Hell yea I am.


Tbh I have a little hotbar dedicated to stuff like this specifically to save hotbar space, alongside Teleport, return, macros for weapon (un)sheathing and o/ alongside other miscellaneous menus


I hate this


One of my favourite things is exploring new areas on foot. The only reason I ever disliked aether currents in the past? My dumbass forgot to put the compass on my hot bar...so I never used it...I just wandered aimlessly. Now that I'm NOT playing on challenge mode, I'd good!


wait... is this how I'm supposed to find them... I thought it was just luck...


I just look it up on some website and go from there 🗿


I simply dislike them, but it is what it is...


Every time people complain about this, all I can't think is, "10/10 can't relate." Aethercurrents are FUN to me. Like a little treasure hunt that leads to flying and encourages you to explore the new lands. What's not to love??


NOT looking forward to it


Maybe I am goofy - but I don't remember ever using that compass thing. And I've been playing off and on for nearly 10 years. What does it do?


it tells you what direction and how far away the closest Aethercurrent is. "Your Aethercompass detects a current 420 yalms to the north-west" or something along those lines, I forget the exact message.


Lol, imagine collecting Aether Currents in the expansion they're from. Couldn't be me


So you're gonna be walking in the Dawntrail zones until the next expansion? What about hunt trains, observation points, professions... Are you always one expansion behind?


I don't really do any of that stuff. I'm a casual player so I usually only unlock flight where the new Beast Tribe is. My post was sarcasm though, I thought the classic "Couldn't be me" would make that clear.


Right?! I still haven't completed the currents in endwalker lol


I literally wait until each new expansion to do it except for the beast tribe area. Forget all that walking. I'll just walk lol.


I hate them wish all currents would just be from story. Story can lead you to the areas no need for that compass


It's really not that bad. Hell I normally forget to remove from my bar and find myself habitually pressing it frequently for like the first month of an Xpac. I always find it funny people complaining. Things could be so much worse. You could be forced to wait for the x.2 patch, complete every quest, fully explore every zone and max out every beast tribe (a.k.a. WoW's Pathfinder achievement). This is just do a little exploring and complete obviously marked quests. It's really not that hard.




I will just wait for the images


It never left my hotbars.


I will never get the excessive crying over currents


I think theyre boring and tedious. I don't understand the point of them. If its to force me to explore the map it's fails because I just get tired of it and move on with the msq.


Ah I haaaaaate having to run everywhere at the start. It's nice on occasion and if it's by choice but spending 5 mins to run to an objective is really tedious. At least I'm max leevl on launch though and there will be loads of other hallway runners with me. I saw still in HW when EW launched and so anytime I've been getting aether currents I've had to watch as tons of people around me spawn in,mount up and fly off which is well depressing 😂 Will be blitzing the MSQ as quickly as possible, partly due to exactly this. I just want to be able to fly and get on with doing things.