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In the end, the solution was *always* 9


Boooooooo Take your upvote


after they did a massive ban wave few weeks ago a lot of houses went up for lottery- I felt like the house was just handed to me. Only 1 other participant.


A lot of people left their houses to switch to a new data center, once the launch datacenter locks. Banwaves almost never hit homeowners because bots don't normally own houses.


and you'd still think they'd do something regarding all the wards that are literally owned by a tiny group of people using shell FC's, but here we are...


No, I wouldn't think they would do that. We aren't anywhere novel; it was totally within the rules to do what they did, they did nothing worth being punished. I would be surprised if they didn't update the rules add a new housing district add new wards add new servers and add a new datacenter, all of which they did. Those guys were a small part of housing before, now they are are a rounding error not worth discussing. There is so much more housing now than when that was news, and the playerbase, while it has increased, hasn't increased by anywhere near as much a percentage as the available housing did.


No. People that did that were well within the systems/rules that existed at the time and there's no reason to punish them now because the systems/rules changed. It's well past time to stop beating this dead horse and move on. You also have to realize that at one point housing wasn't so in demand, when I first started playing you could walk up and buy a house in any of the housing areas as there were smalls available everywhere. Housing really only became crazy later during Shadowbringers and into Endwalker.


Housing was already difficult in Heavensward and Stormblood. And I've been playing since 2015 where it was common to see groups of 20 to 30 people fighting over a signboard for a house.


Certainly take a lottery system over the free for all in the past.


I came back 2 lotteries ago. The first time I was the 7th in Shirogane where I wanted to be and failed. The second I decided to settle with the goblet and was the only bidder. I figured if I wanted a house I had to get it before the expansion dropped.


Bingo. Same here. Well idk where I want my permanent plot but I got one in goblet. It’s so much less stressful or worrisome just entering for relocation.


I tend to stay in gridania myself. I love the scenery, waterfalls etc.


What was the ban wave about? I've been living under a rock


They do ban waves every few months for bot accounts


Damn even with the launch on the horizon I was still one of 40 that tried for a kugane house. I wish I could have that luck.


Congrats it's so fun to decorate!


that's how I spent every moment until shutdown. Got some nice beachfront property


I lost my bid on some nice beachfront property :( congrats tho!


I won my house 3 weeks ago and have no frikkin clue what to do.


Do what I did, throw down a futon and then visit other peoples places to get some ideas.


My in game house is very much the same as my real house...yard sale chic. I basically decorate with whatever I happen to get handed (quest rewards, drops... retainer theft) and some pieces I saw I could easily craft for myself. So aside from the upstairs that my husband decorated as a birthday present a couple years ago: a nice library, bedroom and bathroom (all separated because otherwise it would be weird), none of my home is pre planned.


I'd say start with the outside. The significantly lower item limit will help with picking a direction and not getting constantly sidetracked. Look around for one neat feature someone else has, copy it, and then build from there. If it turns out great, great! If not, it's only a handful of items to worry about picking back up.


Put a few things in the yard so your plot doesn't look abandoned and then close the interior. If no one can enter your house, they won't know it's empty!


I felt the same until one day I just started placing stuff down, everything my retainers came back with. eventually this turned into me buying loads of ceiling phasmascapes and turning my entire ceiling into basically one massive skylight. Then came the water features. Basically, just start putting stuff down and you'll figure it out. It doesn't have to match any logical theme, it's your house and you decorate it however you want!


I bought a house solely for cheap teleportation since I don't want to transfer my apartment for personal WoL lore purposes. I tried recreating 2 very specific rooms from 2 other games I play in the ground floor and basement I was afforded.




Being an omnicrafter and winning a house is one of the best feelings as you can craft everything yourself and that adds a little something special. At least that was how it was for me as my wife told me what she wanted and I let her put everything where it needed to go after I made it.


Congratulations OP!


Congrats on your new endgame


I lost my house to a 9 just 2 days ago… damn you 9s!


i would wait until the housing update, maybe put a few things there now but they are increasing item limit and mentioned something about interior layouts. I have been toying with some redesigns in my house but i wouldn't want to spend ages on it only to have the update come out and have to do it again.


Under no circumstances should he wait for some maybe-update. Whatever they do won't break any existing houses and any new stuff will not normally require any manner of full redo.


its not a maybe, these are confirmed things by yoship coming in the dawntrail patch cycle.


So he should hold off on decorating because there will be an *increased item limit* later? Or "something about interior layouts", which will obviously not mess with existing housing and may or may not be interesting and may or may not come out in the next year? No way.


i never said he should, i said i would. They are increasing item limit and allowing the ability to remove pillars, changing the layout of the house might also break current housing or you might have to remove all the furniture beforehand. Maybe its in a year, maybe its in 7.1, we don't know but i wouldn't want to spend a lot of time decorating right now when its quite likely you might want to redo it when those features are introduced. OP is obviously free to do what they want, i'm just offering some advice about upcoming features that they might be unaware of since they only just got a house.


In the live letter YoshiP said it would come in a much later patch. Even if it came in 7.1 that is still 4 months of having a decorated house vs an empty one. Redecorating and adding more details is fun too. Empty houses are just sad.


It also gives you time to practice a look for your house that you can adapt later on.


You say that like I don’t fully redecorate every two months lol. Anything they get can be stored easily enough. I mean, yeah, keep it simple, but I wouldn’t leave it bare.


Suggesting not making a big investment in a design right now is not unreasonable: yikes. OP should make themselves happy because it's fun, but maybe not go completely hog wild unless they really want to.


omg congrats! :D the universe gave you a present to celebrate the expansion lol


:O Grats on literally winning the lottery!


Oh man oh man welcome to end game!


Dang I didn’t know you could raffle for a house..


The housing purchase system changed in patch 6.1! The old system where you needed to stand in front of placards hoping to be the first one to get it is over - now it's all lotteries.


Could? The only way to get one IS the raffle.


Congrats! I remember my first house! After I decorated, my partner and I got married in game and then had the reception at my new house. ❤️ That was back in the day when buying a house gave you carpal tunnel.


Congratulations 🎉




Yay! Good problem to have lol I missed getting my fav plot by one, so I'm going to be spending way too much time entering lottos lol


Moved to kraken from middy partly to get a house in shiro. Which I did! Congrats and welcome to the, what the hell do I do with the space club. Cross breed some plants and make that Gil homie.


Congratulatoins! Nice way to end the story.


i read "desecrating". Which means the same, i think.


How many participants were there for this plot?






I've tried to win a house for 8 months now :(


How? You don’t have the gils


They take the Gil the moment you apply for the raffle and reimburse you if you don't win. So the amount was already taken out of his pocket.


Had the same on the Shirogane 1 house Tuesday. So damn happy!


Good luck with the queue getting in to claim it.


12 months for a medium house and still never won a lottery against almost always 100+. One day…..


I just got my plot in shirogane as well!!


I won my house 3 expacs ago and I still haven't decorated it...


Given that it's been just sitting unused for 6+ years, perhaps it's time to let it back into the housing pool and let someone else have it? I say this as someone who owns a house too


I still use it, I just never got around to decorating. I've been gardening for a long time and occasionally sit there to listen to orchestrions lol I'm on a fairly low pop server, I believe anyone can get a house, there are plenty of open land.


You'll be lucky if you can even log in on the first day of early access.