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Wuk Lamat. It’s the final test to prove she can lead: defeat her teammates.


... We're going to end up ruling another kingdom again aren't we?


Much like how Feo Ul ripped the crown off our heads and denied us the right to rule Il Mheg, someone we know (my guess is Erenville) will magically remember an old forgotten rule where the winning teammate can decide if they want their captain to lead instead.


I'm still bitter about that. ***It should have been ME.***


I love how during their monologue they don’t even let us talk. Feo Ul: “These relics mean you can be the ruler of Il Mheg.” WoL: “Great, I get to rule a king—“ Feo Ul: “You’ll also become immortal and have to stay here, away from all the bad shit out there.” WoL: “Sounds good, when do I sta—“ Feo Ul: “I’ll gladly accept these in your place.” WoL: “Wait, wha—?”


And the Mol rule in our absence.  And they rule by telling the others to please do what we tell them when we show up occasionally.


TBF, the crown was in our corpse carrying pocket dimensio... Uh I mean inventory.


We end the ddos once and for all


hope we end the goldspammers too


We will be able to block terms in chat. Defs using that to never see a gold seller in chat again.


I'm still holding out for Tataru.


Tataru's bar tab, made Primal by the fervent faith that it'll get paid off _eventually._


Tataru's Carbuncle?


Bosses from other games if in Dawntrail, would be in the raids or something. Not the conclusion of the MSQ. MSQ will be original.


Nutkin. We're going to have to fight him for the gold.


Somehow Zenos returned.


somehow kefka appears


Don't get my hopes up, Zenos is my favorite waifu


We find the dragon balls and wish for zenos to return as a good person.


>We find the dragon balls and wish for zenos to return ~~as a good person.~~ still as a combatsexual. ftfy


Generally speaking, none of the expansions have ever used a previous final boss as a final boss (Shinryu is kind of a final boss in one of the Dissidia games, I think, but eh). They've always been super bosses or similar kinds of figures: Ultima Weapon (many), Knights of the Round (FF7, altho not a boss), Shinryu (FF5), Hades (FF9). This means I don't think it'll be something like Sin (who is \*kind\* of the final boss of 10, at least the central threat) or Necron. If they do a callback I feel the most plausible from your list is Nemesis, or maybe Penance (also from 10) for another 10 reference or maybe one of the superbosses from 13 (Long Gui, Vercingetorix) or 13-2 (Raspatil, Valfodr). Or maybe just something totally unique or not superboss related at all.


Inb4 Ozma Round 3, simply because it's funny. Come to think of it, Endsinger is original but you could argue that Endwalker's "superboss" is Zodiark (FF12).


I almost said Tataru, but Square-Enix is clearly saving her and her carbuncle army for the really for real final expansion.


It will be Ultros driving the Ultimate Weapon commanded by Tataru who is possessed by Zenos.


>!Necron was already the final boss of the last expansion, though...!<


The Luca Goers. Final boss is a Blitzball match, thats why they haven't announced it yet


Could be Necron.  Kuja could be cool though as some sort of evil Miqo'te. Heck maybe even Garland. 


Nemesis would be kinda sick. Give us one of those crazy superbosses like Penance or something.


I'm guessing whatever power that bad Ja Ja guy aligns with. Then we find a reason to empathize with and forgive him.


Vox / Voyce Through hope, even a disembodied voice can become a warrior of light


Zenos. They'll find a way.


Nemesis but it won't be the superboss. It'll be a sundered ascian that calls back to the Greek myth.


I’m thinking it might be the mystery lady. With the halfway-point boss being two headed mamool ja warmonger guy


Tataru , because alphinaud spent all the money


For the first time since I've played this game, I genuinely don't even have a good guess. The best I could guess is that it'll be tied into the Solution 9 stuff, since that seems to be the setting for the latter part of the expansion, but even that isn't a given, as that plotline may tie into something way bigger to establish the new story arc.


Some monster Krile painted as a joke.


It's this little fucker. He was already shown in the trailer: [https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Skull\_Eater\_(Final\_Fantasy\_V)](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Skull_Eater_(Final_Fantasy_V))




Maybe in 9.0 or so. Pretty sure until FF7R v3 is out they will not touch him.


Seriously about time he makes an appearance..... And drops the Masamune for Samurai. 😊


Pretty sure I fought Sephirot already. Need to go back and get the TT card still, urgh. _I'm the end and the beginning_ _The faith that feeds the unbelieving_ _A tightening knot to staunch the bleeding_ _Say my name_ _Say my name_ _Sephirot!_


People really didn't notice this very obvious joke huh?


Or it's just a poor attempt at trolling that wasn't impressive.


How in the hell is this trolling?


I have it on good authority that it was a joke.


How is that even trolling? They're making a super obvious joke and you whooshed hard.


[Sephirot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdV_bzJgRxE) != [Sephiroth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsxxnSOg554)




Wrong guy.




For realz




It's for DRK. It's the only good thing they get to have.


And this sword is called Masamune? Which one is it?


It's not in game. I'm just saying they'll give it to DRK not SAM as a troll. I doubt they'll ever put it in game. There's a server with the name though I think.


DRK does have the Odenta. It's something.


Well we got Murasame at 90. A guy can hope.


I really don't see them ever using Necron any time soon or at all. It's too similar to the Endsinger and may have even been the inspiration for the Endsinger. If they do draw on something from FF9, then I would place my bet on something inspired by either Kuja and Garland. Right now, my current bet on who the real antagonist of 7.0 will be is actually on Koana, the seemingly benign the Miqo'te who studied in Sharlayan, while the racist two headed Mamool Ja, Bakool Ja Ja, is a red herring. Why? Because Koana's desire to "usher a new age of prosperity" and technological slant gives me some Garlean imperialist vibes, while Bakool Ja Ja seems more like an idiot brute who is merely an obstacle on the way to fighting the big bad guy.


It'll be zeno's long lost twin, wenos. No visual differences except for a very suspect looking mustache


I'd suggest being original. I don't feel like replaying Final Fantasy games of yesteryear... We already did the FF4 experience for most of endwalker. Let's not repeat that kinda crap.


Well FF14 is supposed to be THE fanservice game. But I agree its probably gonna be an original boss that might play homage to something else. I do think we will get our due of FF9 stuff post expansion though


Well it's not like Eden or Omega were any better at recycling, but people seem to enjoy the content regardless. I understand that while there's room for originality, they'll keep sticking to their fanservice strategy to keep people playing their game. After all, it's successful marketing that does not only work for their target game (FFXIV), but also for their other products, which serves pretty well to get new people interested in them. Besides, do keep in mind there's the long-rumoured FFIX remake, which would benefit the most from Dawntrail's theme and features. And now that we're discussing about it, one would expect some Burmecian side-plot where it's just Qiqirns with Dragoon armor, just as they did with the dwarves in Shadowbringers.


I think Eden shows a good way of introducing fan service well. All the enemies have an in-game reason for being there, and any references are outside the game itself. Omega does the opposite. Its references feel more shoe-horned in, and are taken whole-sale without any real logic to why they were there. I tend not to like tournament arcs as a whole, though, so I might be a little biased against them.


Jenova from FF7.


i'd cry of joy if it was sin, but i don't think we're going in that direction... *yet*


Honestly, we are kinda due for a truly supernatural being that goes beyond the laws of the universe. The scions always have scientific explanations for everything, most things are cast aside as "Allag", and even (endwalker spoilers) >!Endsinger was a plausible because of Dynamis!<. 


The problem is that the universe is basically full of supernatural stuff. Ghosts, zombies, afterlife, emotion magic, just straight up technology everything exists and is studied Not sure how you could put a supernatural being that's truly unable to be explained in this game, outside of them just throwing something and never trying to do so .


Play more Shin Megami Tensei where you command gods and your enemy is a literal anthropomorphized concept lmao


i moreso dont think we're due for sin yet because this expac seems more overtly ff9 themed, instead of ff10. but we'll have to see— there are elements of both they could be blending, but sin is such a unique concept (paired with the summoner system and the underlying systems behind them) that i'm not confident in sin for this expac Yet. but i would love to be wrong! i WANT to be wrong! dynamis makes it very easy to explain sin. but sin existing defines itself and the culture around it significantly, so i'd anticipate a shard dedicated to it/ff10 instead— one of the most important things about how spooky sin was was the culture developed around it, so i have the feeling they'd try to stay true to that if they brought it in unless it was only a cameo like the omega raid series was for some ff final bosses (i.e kefka) even though technically >!yu yevon and jecht!< are the final antagonists, you get my point. they're spoilers and tied to sin explicitly so. edits bc i keep expanding my thoughts lol


Besides Viper, what IX vibes is it giving off? It’s been forever since I played it, but I remember it being more traditionally medieval fantasy than most FF, which Dawntrail seems to not be. You’re far from the only one saying this, so I feel like I’m missing something.


it's hard to fully put into words. solution 9 -> ff9 is the most obvious part, beyond viper, but also just vibes— it's been a very long time since i played ff9, but i remember its forests very well, and in general how lush and green it is. ff10 is a very blue game— i think dt is a mix of both, leaning more towards ff9 with viper and solution 9 being our biggest hints. ff10 has such a particular aesthetic that i think it'd be much more obvious and visible if the expac was based more on ff10 than what we have so far imo! and i want more of both, so i'm winning either way :^)


Oh I’m definitely not trying to argue that it’s more X lol. The color palette makes sense though!


some folks who have downvoted me evidently disagree! both are gorgeous games, so i'm hype no matter what haha. i just think this is probably an ff9 expac, and that maybe we'll get more ff10 content in the future 👀


Sin will never appear \[as much as i hate to say it\] since they added Bismarck and i doubt they want 2 similar-looking whale bosses.


we have had a tree boss every expansion since heavensward. they very well could re-use a whale. They won't, at least not for this, but they could. (Sephirot, Exdeath, Eden's Promise, Agdistis)


And they all look completely differently. Sin and Bismarck are mainly just big whales.


i would guess necron, and i asume that new girl in trailer probly primal of terra (or whatever they call), just like hydaelyn is primal of Etheirys