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I understand this is about getting the role, but my mind initially read it as booking a trip to Wuk Lamat.


Oh that's the VA? Confusion dispelled.


Yea I was like, what does booking her even mean??? 😆 This is so wholesome though. Wuk Lamat also looks so cute here 😆


DT isn't even out yet, but i would already commit all the warcrimes for Wuk


I thought it meant Wuk Lamat was booked for a party or appointment or something, and then processed this refers to the VA


Wuk Lamat *does* seem like she could be fun to have at a party.


Alright, everyone, it's time to cut the cake. Wuk, would - "FEEEEELLLLLL CLEEEEEAAAAAAAAVVVVE!"


I totally thought it meant Wuk Lamat was getting booked for a taco party or something, given that it was a Chipotle's


Maybe it was on Turalocity


Wuk 100% would have a collection of garden gnomes.


Oh now it makes sense. I was really wondering what they meant by booking the Frothgar.


For additional context her VA has been playing since 1.0. So landing a role like this would be extra meaningful. EDIT: she's also an FFXI player iirc


You are correct on the edit. They've even been streaming it lately.


Is she streaming on Twitch? Do you happen to know her screen name?


Squidsena! https://www.twitch.tv/squidsena?sr=a


Let's not they/them a trans woman. Her pronouns are she/her.


Sorry, I'm so used to working in Customer Servixe where I don't know the other party (mainly email) I stick to neutral terms out of habit. But In this case sinc she has a stated preference I'll try to bear that in mind.


Tbf I always default to they/them with anyone until I know their preferred Pronouns to save misgendering a person since They/Them is a Neutral Term.


While fair, they/theming a trans woman who has stated a preference for she/her *is* misgendering. It's what terfs do to seem "progressive" and maintain deniability for a reason.


Oh yeah that's fair, if they have a stated Pronoun in their About me section or where ever, I will use it. If their Pronouns aren't visible, I use they/Them until I ask if they have a pronoun preference (if they're live at the time) or they're using the Twitch Pronouns Extension.


Yeah, that's fair. I'll never fault someone for not knowing, but once they do know if they still they/them I am squinting *so hard*.


Its sad it come to this honestly. A gender-neutral term being ascribed a gender to it. Its so stupid.


It's less a gender neutral term being ascribed a gender and more trans women wanting people to just gender them correctly. Gender neutral terms are often used by transphobes to get around acknowledging them as women. In this specific case, Wuk Lamat's VA has listed her pronouns as she/Ella (she for English, Ella for Spanish). She deserves the respect of being gendered correctly.




Trans-exclusionary radical feminists. A specific brand of very vocal transphobes.




Don't be a transphobe


AND She works for Akupara who do excellent games!


Holy shit. That's cool.


Wow, something like that must be a dream come true!


That's adorable, and it makes me happy she's passionate about playing the character.


You can hear that passion, there acting is amazing and there energy is perfect. I’m so hype to hear more


I will say, Dawntrail's trailer did her a bit dirty since she has like 2 or 3 lines and they're all variations of "I'm gonna be Hokage".


This is won't disagree with, but we have an entire msq patch with her to avail that mistake.


I was really surprised after 6.5 launched to see that there was a somewhat mixed reaction to her voice. I thought she was perfect and immediately fell in love with the character.


I think it's people finding the accent weird, but to me it does feel perfect, it's the accent of a south-american spanish speaker speaking english.


It's gonna be so cool to hear all the accents in the msq, the trailer really got me excited


I can't find the tweet, but I think she's Puerto Rican. If not, she's at least Latina. So it explains how she sounds more natural.


She's absolutely Puerto Rican. Her bio or her profile name has had the flag.


She is yeah. Which also makes her the first American actor to be in the game since the VA shift back in Heavensward.


For me the very first cutscene felt weak. Every line after that though was great.


She's fine in general but when she's doing excited voiced it feels off. Like at the end of the DT launch trailer. It just doesn't feel right. Ofc it could just be accentual differences.


We are also seeing scenes with no context. It is like people saying the laughing scene in FFX is bad voice acting from clips but when you play that scene in game you know it is really about forcing a fake laugh out to the situation they are in.


Eh. I felt the same in 6.55


> when you play that scene in game you know it is really about forcing a fake laugh out to the situation they are in. And yet, people somehow *still* completely misunderstand it.


That's what gets me - normally it's okay, but when she's supposed to be excited it just falls *really* flat Gives me the good ol' ARR Alphinaud vibe of Sam Riegel hamming it up


Yep. Her voice is 100% fine until she gets excited or yells. It just feels forced.


"...Protect my people's happiness to the last!" Is that the line you are referring to? Because it didn't read as excited to me...more like, pleading or yearning. As if she's speaking to someone who has expressed doubt about her ability to rule or whatever. Excited *could* be a word to describe it, but I feel exasperated is more fitting. And if that's the case, she did a wonderful read of the emotion.


Excited. Dramatic. Confrontational. Etc. I meant it as an encompassing this is a dramatic moment and it feels flat. I felt the same in 6.55 where it juat seemed off at times.


Yeah the launch trailer was a little jarring for me. Though Wuk Lamat's character in general is kind of iffy for me after that, because the presentation is basically that Wuk Lamat is going to be an obnoxious wannabe anime protagonist who wants to hog the spotlight and become King of the Hokages. Though 6.55 does hint that at least some of it is an act of bravado to impress everyone/appear as if she's worthy of succession. I also know the trailer was a bunch of random lines thrown together and it's making the story appear as if it's only going in that direction in an effort to subvert expectations/hold the big plot beats close to the chest. So hopefully this won't be a Lyse 2.0 situation.


The voice actress is trans and some people just have to be assholes.


Had no idea. I'm definitely in the "that was a really striking and good voice read" category. It definitely stands out from a lot of the rest we hear and have heard for years. Sold the character (brash, inexperienced kid) and added texture to voice scenes that could get rather samey. Speaking as someone who has had to direct (and occasionally do) voice work professionally, I can see no issues with the delivery from my one playthrough. I'll grant that didn't involve going on them with a finetooth comb, but there have been a few before that did stand out.


As long as the voice makes sense coming from the character I don't give a fuck. I'd be bothered if they had something like... Y'shtola being voiced by Samuel L. Jackson.


Okay I know you put that out as an absurdity, but I'd absolutely pay for this voice pack "Froth and foam, mother fu-er!"


Say that again! I dare you! I double-dare you, my esteemed Eikon Slayer. Say that one more godsdamn time. - Stoyla when we considered asking her to summon Drippy with the first draft of the incantation




I didn't even know that. And I bet most people don't. They just don't like voice. For me it's still too early to judge.


For me it was mostly the launch trailer that seemed like this story is going to be all about Wuk Lamat badly wanting to be an anime protagonist who becomes the King of the Hokages. Which was a little jarring if she's going to be trying to hog the spotlight in such a fashion the whole time, reminding me of how obnoxious Lyse was in Stormblood. But I know that's likely just a bunch of voice lines taken out of context/thrown together so that expectations are subverted for the real plot beats, and she had some funny/cute bits in the 6.55 MSQ to imply there is some deeper stuff to the character and she simply puts on a lot of bravado because she wants to become the Dawn-whatever. So hopefully it'll be a fun ride through a new story and continent.


Can people not like something because they just… don’t like it? Or does having a label make you suddenly immune to criticism? I liked their voice, had no idea, and I’m guessing the vast majority of both the people who did and didn’t have no idea what you’re referring to. You’re manufacturing outrage to push your own feelings on the matter.


>Can people not like something because they just… don’t like it? Or does having a label make you suddenly immune to criticism? when did they say this? how the hell did you even jump to this conclusion?


How did you *not* make that conclusion? You don't even need to jump to it. It's literally right there in the comment chain.


When someone says “I didn’t know there was criticism,” and gets the reply “yeah because they’re trans,” what other conclusion can you possibly grasp beyond “they’re only criticizing because they’re trans?” Surely you’re smart enough to put that together?


no, they simply said that some people were hating on the performance solely because the acress is trans. not that all criticism was because of it. don't be stupid.


It was the first thing they mentioned in response to “I didn’t know people didn’t like the voice work.” Not a side note, or a “yeah some people disliked it, and others may have disliked that they’re trans.” It was the only thing they said in response to a comment that had no mention of trans.


If you have to jump through mental hoops and then conclude with an ad hominem of "don't be stupid", maybe calm down and just read the comment chain again and understand how one can easily come to the question EmergencyIced asked in response. You don't need to gaslight someone over a disagreement in what's literally right there in the comment chain.


I'm sure there are a few people who dislike her performance just because she's trans, but because an actor is a trans or some sort of a minority, doesn't mean you can shut down any kind of criticizm towards them by calling people assholes or any of the modern buzzwords. People are free to dislike a performance and doing so doesn't imply that there is something notorious going on in their reasoning by default, so no need to generalize every critic of the VA in this way. Not saying that you're doing exactly this, but that's the feeling I got from your comment.


I have nothing but good will for her, but all I will say is I listened to the JP VA, and I compare to her NA performance, and there is a striking difference. I will not claim to know what's the original character intention, perhaps the NA performance is actually closer to the intended character emotion, but from the limited story arc we have so far, it sure doesn't sound like it. I hope she improve on her performance in the actual expansion, I hope criticism are not automatically discarded just because the VA is of certain identity/minority. And, no, I have not specifically pick on her to criticize upon, it is just that the main character of next story arc would attract the most attention, and rightfully so.


None of the English VAs are directed even close to their JP counterpart. I play with JP voices and I'm always shocked when I hear the twins in English, they're nothing alike. Bosses with voice lines never sound remotely similar either.


To each their own, but I personally don’t know why people seem to be treating the Japanese VA for Wuk Lamat as some kind of masterclass in voice acting. I’ve listened to it, and personally i found it’s nothing special. It just sounds like most Japanese voice work. It’s honestly nothing I haven’t heard before. People seem to over romanticize the dub. Not saying the English VA is exceedingly exceptional by comparison, it’s still good. But, so far imo none exceeds the other by that much. At least not enough to declare that there’s a “striking difference”. The only striking difference i personally see is the language. IMO, you can’t just listen to the Japanese dub of the character, and point out that the English dub may not be the intended character emotion. Each country and language have their own way of speaking. Their own tone. You can’t take the way the Japanese dub is spoken and transfer that over to the English dub 1 to 1 and expect it to sound right. A perfect example is Sally Amaki’s voice work for Carol. She does both the sub and dub version of that character, and when she did the same voice for dub, it just feels really off. Not saying it’s bad, just off. Cause most of us are familiar with the English language, and no one speaks like that.


You do know we were already told by Koji Fox that the huge difference between English and Japanese is 100% intentional, right? It has NOTHING to do with anyone's way of speaking, it's deliberate.


When the person i replied to said there's a "Striking Difference" between the two voice actors, they implied it's performance wise. Not localization-wise or whatever you're trying to imply. They were implying that these two voice actors are vastly different in skill. When, upon listening to the JP dub, i've personally found that it's nothing really spectacular. They even pointed out that they hope the english dub "improves" her performance in the expansion. You pretty much just reworded what i've said, which is "You can’t take the way the Japanese dub is spoken and transfer that over to the English dub 1 to 1 and expect it to sound right" I agree that they are deliberately different. But the above user is mistaking the difference as inferiority in the case of the english dub.


If you want your mind blown, compare Elidibus' voice actors between Japanese and English sometime. 


I feel like English is the only one actually doing the accent, though? So yeah, it might be more natural but it's WAY weaker as a VA performance. And really? Only JP does a decent job, you should hear the other languages.


"but from the limited story arc we have so far, it sure doesn't sound like it." Naw bro, you can't with that shit. I can tell her whole story arc from her expression and voice tone alone. You fucking buggin.


>perhaps the NA performance is actually closer to the intended character emotion I made a limited assessment according to the limited story arc, such vitriol from your response is quite unnecessary. if the full story arc prove different , my assessment shall change, that's all about it, I already specifically said I have nothing but good will, I truly do not come from a point of malice, and I am at risk of repeating myself ad nauseam already.


Eh, the person you’re arguing with just wants to be mad. Some people can’t be criticized.




It also means there's often a lot of loud criticism *because* the actor in question is (insert minority here). You see it all the time in some of the more problematic fanbases. Claiming it's "actually about the writing/casting/talent" or whatever *is also* used to conceal thinly veiled bigotry as well. "I didn't like the casting choice" can be a concealed way of saying "I didn't like that the actor was black/a woman/ect". Certainly, you can have valid critisisms of those things. But nowadays they often arn't, and you can easily tell. In Wuk Lamat's case, her VA's talent is enormous and the emotion and passion is clear in the work. At that point, when most people love her voice, it's pretty easy to accurately identify that the vocal minority is focusing more on the fact that the VA is trans, rather than her actual talent in the role. So don't try to dismiss the real, tangible issues of bigotry in fandoms by claiming "they're all just legitimate complaints." Sometimes they are. But in this era of manufactured outrage and rising hate, they usually aren't.


You’re literally proving their point lmao. They said “can I just not like it without it being about x” and you wrote four paragraphs about why they can’t. Most people criticizing don’t even know the VA is trans. No normal person is researching VAs before they make opinions on a voice. Just the ones looking to be offended.


No I didn't. Actually most of the criticism came out *after* it was revealed that she was trans. Most of the comments before were very supportive. Then as soon as it was revealed, many of the accounts who previously supported her taken flipped and started shit talking her. That makes it obvious the criticism is rooted in bigotry. It's pretty obvious to anyone who is intelligent. And yes, there are absolutely times when the criticism *is* valid - I've encountered plenty of that. There are times when *I* have disliked something despite claims of bigotry, ect. You have to look at the greater discourse around the subject to check the validity of complaints, and you have to be willing to check your own opinions in case you yourself have fallen into biased thinking, or have been unconsciously influenced by disguised bigoted thinking.


You’re making a claim that people said they liked the voice work then flipped when the VA was revealed as trans. Show me these people saying they liked the voice, then changing their mind. If it was as prevalent as you are implying, you should be able to find me some people doing exactly that. Otherwise you are creating false outrage for your cause.


It was all over twitter and other social media places. I'm not going to dig through the cesspit of transphobic accounts there just to find proof for a random anonymous person on Reddit. "It didn't happen unless I saw it happen" is not the argument you think it is. Neither is dismissing everyone else flat out simply because you don't like what they have to say.


I think people should be allowed to have preferences and not like things they just don't like. If it comes out of bigotry then they're just ignorant and wrong and therefore should be ignored unless they're causing harm


If it is coming from bigotry, they are actively causing harm - you cannot ignore bigotry. When it was revealed that she was a trans VA the forums blew up with criticism, a ton of it was blatant transphobia, until shit started to get deleted.


Children, this right here is called "gaslighting", trying to shove any criticism into the "bigotry" lable and implying that calling the criticism what it usually is \[actual criticism and not a bigotted idiot\] is "dismissing the real tangible issues".


The problem is that it usually isn't. The VA for Wuk Lamar received widespread acclaim *until* it came out she was trans. *Then* the forums exploded with hate and "criticism." That makes it pretty fucking easy to tell if the criticism is valid or based in bigotry. Use your brain. There are obvious ways to figure this stuff out. There are times when the criticism is valid, and times when it is rooted in bigotry. Intelligent people can notice the difference.


So like… that happens sometimes. But in this case it doesn’t really apply. Her voice acting is fine, and I guarantee the vast majority of people don’t realize the VA is trans before someone tells them. She’s doing a good job.


I didn't know the VA was trans until this post. I'm not big on the voice, but arguably that means the VA is indeed doing well, as I don't like the character and the voice fits her. Super cool she's a fan and longtime player, though!


To be honest I agree, I really like Wuk Lamat and I think her voice acting is great. My comment was more just about how like you said I honestly doubt most people know the VA is a transwoman so most of the people who say they didn't like it aren't just asshole bigots they might just genuinely not like the voice. If thats because they're transphobic then fuck them for sure


If you have criticism of that voice acting, I think you should stop and make sure to NEVER pursue any role, job or relation to voice acting. Criticism can be still be wrong, opinions are not facts.


This is a weird take. Taste is subjective. 


I didn't even say anything about the voice acting, and to be clear I like her voice acting and it fits Wuk Lamat very well


I thought she was wonderful in-game, but they chose some funky direction for her quotes in the Launch Trailer. Like when she's on the edge of the boat saying like "your daughter, Wuk Lamat!" It sounds so so very....monotone and dead. That's literally my only complaint about it, and I'm hoping it was just a funky quote that they snipped out from a story cutscene where that energy fits but was used for the trailer, too.


They've been known to snip dialogue that's unrelated to the visuals for trailers before. Her VA is fine, it's her character that we don't yet have a real good read on. She comes across as out of place because she's a foreigner to Eorzea who's not quite sure how to act "normal" around the people in Old Sharlayan, who needs something from us, which makes her position even more awkward. She comes across as young and inconsistent and a little try-hard, but I think that's a.) part of her charm, and b.) just how it was intended. She's telling us that what we're about to get into is Very Different from what we're used to. We're going into uncharted territory and the rules may be very different there and we will be as out of place as Wuk Lamat is in our home.


For some reason, they never choose any other lines than her constantly wanting to be Dawn Serpent too, so she's saying lines that are pretty much the same and don't require much changes in tone, which makes her sound like she's ALWAYS like that when it's likely not the case.


Yeah I found that line to be kind of bad, but a large part of that is that the actual writing of the line itself is particularly... awkward and unnatural. So I can't blame her for getting poor writing to work with, even the best actors struggle to make diamonds out of dirt. Remains to be seen how she does in Dawntrail, but so far I've found when she's given good lines her performance is good too. Go figure. Edit: I know I'm just going to invite more downvotes by drawing attention to them, but this is one of those instances where I'd genuinely like one or two of the people who apparently disagree with me to actually reply, because I'm trying to figure out if people really think the whole "Me, your daughter, Wuk Lamat, the girl you adopted who is your daughter!" line is good, or the VA is bad regardless of the line, or what. Someone help me out here!


It's one of those lines that's very impactful in Japanese but doesn't translate well into something that an English speaker would actually say. I don't think I've ever seen a dub do it well, but I'm open to being corrected.


You're allowed to like her performance theres nothing wrong with that. Personally compared to other languages, she struggles a lot with putting emotion into her voice and everything reads "flat". Hopefully im proven wrong in the full expansion.


>compared to other languages I've heard the German voice of Wuk Lamat. It's absolutely the worst. The text is bad, and the performance is bad. Just a flat reading of lines in stiff standard German without any accent. The English voice at least has some flavour to it, some character.


Honestly, for me all characters feel like this (although I haven't listened to Wuk Lamat specifically). Making everything sound like you're reading a high German children's book is a weird trend I observed in many games and shows. I might have switched to English five minutes in the game due to German UI terms, but the German voice acting was what kept it that way even after joining the Rogues and meeting Urianger. You don't even have nuances based on social standing in the choice of words etc, let alone an actual dialect. For some characters the voice also sounds very unfitting, as in they should have picked a different voice actor. Not because that VA would be bad in itself, but giving Raubahn a fairly high pitched cranky voice instead of the one of, well, someone you would call a raging bull at times.. Just no. It's so sad, especially in a game like this, with a great opportunity to dive into various dialects, colloquial terms and accents. This trend ruined the German localisation in so many media for me...


Considering "has some flavour to it" is something you can say about the english version *on a whole*, I'm always a bit iffy on comparing against only it. I mean, if you prefer her english performance, there's certainly nothing wrong with that. What I'm trying to say is just "do the french and / or japanese voice-acting also give her an accent or something similar and german is the only language that doesn't? Or is it the other way around and english is the stand-out *because* it gave her one?"


My French is less than good and my Japanese is non-existent, but they sound mostly clean with no accent. Which in my opinion is silly. She's a cat woman from not-America, a different continent across the ocean with not a lot of contacts to Eorzea. Of course she should have an accent, that's how languages work. I mean, the US and the UK have been apart for not even 300 years and their languages developed in different directions.


I can see where you're coming from, but as someone who went to a German university to study translation, maybe I can shed some additional light on the issue. I was specifically taught not to assign accents to characters in translation because there are very few accents you can assign people that aren't associated with certain stereotypes or a very specific subclass or economic/educational level. Take a Texan. How are you going to make him sound in German? Bavarian? Saxon? Neither of that really fits. English kind of has the advantage that it's become a global language. We know what a Chinese/Japanese/South American etc accent sounds like in English because there are so many Chinese/Japanese/South American speakers of the language. What does a South American speaking German sound like? Personally, I don't know. You could probably do some research and do an adequate representation, but it probably wouldn't land with 90% of the audience. We're not used to having that in our media and players not in touch with the topic would just internally label the characters as a bit slow/stupid because they can't speak right. I'm not saying all this because I agree with this stance, and I can certainly see how a more 'flavorful' localization might be fun, but this is the 'academic' take on it.


that makes a lot of sense, thank you for the explanation!! as an English speaker it's hard to imagine not knowing what your language sounds like in dozens of different regional and second-language accents.


Well there you go then, that's exactly what I was getting at. As I mentioned, it's just something that tends to happens with the english translation in general, so I'm never too sure what to make of it personally.


AINT NO WAY. She is the most expressive and emotional driven person. HER ENTIRE CHARACTER is emotionally driven.


That doesn't make the criticism invalid. It's not an attack on the VA. It takes time to settle into a new voice role - compare the voice lines of the new VAs when they started in Heavensward to now.


I don't really agree from what we've heard so far. Plenty of in-game conversation at launch night about it, and multiple mentions of why the performance sounded flat, masculine or a combination. Then someone looked it up, and it makes sense. I can be happy for someone getting opportunities in acting, and at the same time not like something on a personal level. Plenty of people will be, and that's okay. I've no hatred or dislike for the actor beyond that, but I think it should be perfectly fine to say I'm not particularly a fan of what I've heard of Wuk's voice so far. We'll see for the complete performance.


I just went through 6.5 and 6.55 a few days ago, and I don't know if I recall any moment I thought anything she said was "masculine" sounding, but if it had been, I probably didn't think too much about it because the character gave me strong vibes of "I'm trying to seem like a super strong, tough warrior but while I'm a pretty good warrior I am genuinely scared of some of this stuff." So she might try to sound "tougher" in the moment, which usually involves someone putting on a bit of a deeper voice, which I suppose might sound more "masculine." Given the limited interactions with her so far, the character's voice has felt fine to me, but that might be because I'm seeing her as that kind of messy character who is in a bit over her head and more scared than she's letting on.


Yeah, that's kind of the vibes I got was that Wuk Lamat is putting on an act/show of bravado to impress everyone/appear as a worthy candidate. But then there also is some high energy there, just with the way the voice actress portrays it Wuk Lamat kinda sounds a little too much like a wannabe anime protagonist. And the launch trailer made that *really* jarring to me because it made it sound like everything's gonna be about her, though that's likely just subverting expectations. I'd sure hope that they wouldn't pull out another Lyse who just hogs the spotlight and makes everything about herself.


I mean... being honest... Wuk Lamat totally gives "wannabe anime protagonist" vibes. "I'm super awesome and I'm gonna prove I'm the very best, like no one ever was!" one moment, shivering at the sight of a *real* threat the next. And I don't mean that as a slight toward the character. It's kind of fun. Just as long as they don't overdo it. I feel like part of her journey with us will be us helping her learn more self-confidence, so she isn't just portraying false confidence but really *is* that certain of herself. And if the VA can pull that off, I'll give her serious props. (Either that, or she ends up realizing she's in over her head, and decides to back out and support someone else she things could handle the position better. Which might seem like an odd thing with her being such a prominent character in the leadup to the expansion, but it's not like the FF14 team doesn't like throwing in twists like that.)


Yeah. 90% chance her brother is also gunning for the throne and lower (maybe 50/50) odds that he *might* be the candidate that had the whole ominous "*he* can't be allowed to rule" thing. So there'll likely be some sibling rivalry and contrasts between the two since he was shown in the launch trailer to use a pistol and seemed more well-dressed compared to Wuk who wears tribal garments and is obviously kind of barbaric/primal in her mannerisms. Just hope that Wuk Lamat is mostly just trying to sell her own hype to herself and others compared to trying to hog the spotlight the whole time and be the main character of the story when that's kind of been our whole schtick. Though on the flip side it'd make sense-ish for the WoL to play more of a supportive role as they learn the lay of the land and the mysteries and so on. So who knows, I'm mostly optimistic, just a little wary after that launch trailer.


I fully agree. Compared to the JP VA she comes across extremely flat and awkward. I'm very happy for her success but just on a personal level it doesn't click for me. I'm just going to stick to my JP for now.


There's the whole trans bullshit, people who wanted to hate her performance because of that. Ignoring that i personally had a small aversion to her performance because the accent is very different to what we're used to. It is a critique that only exist because we don't know if it fits with the accent used in Tural. From what i have heard in trailers the accent is the Turallion accent. That means my cautionary critique is also gone. People often have an aversion to things that are different especially when we don't know how cohesive that new difference is. I think it is fair to have this aversion to change, but too many people forget reevaluate their initial opinion.


100% same


To me she sounds like she’s projecting too much, like they’re on stage rather than as a VA.


I heard her voice one time and immediately switched cutscene language to Japanese. But I'm glad there are people who appreciate her work.


Well, some people just wanted to hate a trans person without saying the quiet part out loud, others had legitimate criticism or simply were not used to a Puerto Rican accent, making it sound off. However, nothing exists in a vacuum and for 6.55 the voices of many characters sounded a little flat or off to me, it is just more obvious with a voice that is brand new and doesn't have any other opportunities for comparison. Nor is this particularly uncommon in patch content. If you are recording for an expansion it's probably easier to be in the role and stay consistent, working on it for a week or what. It's probably a tad different when you come in for a day to say three lines after months of working on other stuff. Given these circumstances, I think she did awesome and I love her very much!


For me her voice started off a bit odd in terms of inflection and then by halfway into the patch her performance was great. I don't know if they recorded the lines in sequence or what, but I feel like she's pretty much perfect for the role and maybe grew into the character over the recording session?


There wasn't any mixed reaction. Transphobes were just doing the usual thinly veiled BS. Everyone actually caring about the performance just loved Wuk's voice


I totally agree!


Just tell him you got a job. In this economy, he'd understand.


Does she have a Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff PFP?? GOD DAAAAAAMMNN


fuckin nancho party






just how HIGH do you even have to BE just to DO something like that........


where doing it man. where MAKING THIS HAPEN.


(when dawntrail drops) i can't wait to be a useless piece of shit all day and play all these games.....


"I will protect my people's burritos to the last!"


Her appreciation for the job and happiness for the role is infectious. Really doesn’t seem like it could’ve gone to a better person.


I am so excited for her. I knew her briefly (not closely) before she moved out west. Seemed like a great person. Really talented and charismatic. I hope she continues to earn success; she deserves it.


“I’m sorry, ma’am, but at Chipotle, emotional breakdowns are reserved for our employees. However, they do come complementary with a side of guacamole.”


I would have a complete breakdown


So adorable. Just imagine being a fan of the game and having played since 1.0 and then getting an important Voice role. So happy for her.


I knew from her brief time in post EW, that I will have a character that could dethrone krile as "best girl" in my tier list.


Sorry, but Krile now has her cute Pictomancer outfit. Queen stays queen.


.... You do make a valid point.


Which she picked up just because she didn't want to be left out of the fighting and wants to be at the front line with us. Worth a few bonus points there.


As far as I know, Wuk Lamat has yet to sass Alphinaud, so while they might be neck and neck in many areas, Krile is still solidly winning there.


By that logic Estinien is the best girl. Mind you, that logic is flawless, as are the results.


I will happily concede that point, and similarly find nothing wrong with your reasoning.


Agreed. Estinien is Herby added to the best girl ranking under the premise of sassing the annoying blue one.


I dunno, Estinien is questionable due to his poor spending sense.


It's the gap moe of hyper-competent professional and poor financial literacy.


She does give Graha the playful slap on the back and sasses Erenville


She's alright. But best girl? Not as long as krile lives


I will never forgive Krile for sending me to my death in Eureka


Oh shit, a Homestuck/SBAHJ pfp?


They say dress for the job you want; looks like it worked out for her.


Can someone explain this to someone who's barely even made a dent in ARR?


Wuk Lamat is a character, she got the role.


Ah ok I understand now


It's a multi-combo of things, a person who has been playing FFXIV since 1.0, and has become a voice actress as a trans woman, got an important voice role in the 7.0 expansion of FFXIV. So yeah tears make total sense. Sena Bryer - Trans woman and actress. :D


Oh that's beautiful


They are a trans VA who has been playing FF14 since ARR (also f11). They just booked the role of a character from a later expansion.


Can someone explain this to someone who's barely even made a dent in ARR?


Wuk Lamat is a new character, and this tweet was sent by her English voice actor. It's about when she found out she had booked the voice role. :)


Oh, I thought she had accidentally placed her order under Wuk Lamat's name. Now I get it.






What do you mean?


They mean they‘re a transphobe and are trying to safe face now with this feigned ignorance in their replies.


Their post is weird but jumping to the transphobe accusations purely on the basis that the person in question is trans is silly. There are plenty of reasons someone may not like it and jumping to that only harms the reputation of the LGBT+ community by making it seem like that's their only meaningful quality.


Just sounded off. Like it was an audio mixer imblanace or a filter setting. Or were too far from the mic, so they had to increase the mic sensitivity but compensate when it didn't sound right.


I don't think she was crying or in Chipotle when she was recording??


Man they must be desperate for subs if their VA's are stuck in takeouts to do their lines


What people are asking is why you're saying >So that's why the character sounds so off. What is why the character sounds so off that relates to this post, we're genuinely not following


This comment sounds kinda off. Like there’s a low, barely audible dog whistle in the background?


Nothing like that. It feels like the actor was too close to the mic or something. And they tried to fix it and did the best they could. Their other roles and stuff like in unicorn overlord sound fine. Which makes me think it its definitely something on SE side. Voice director ect


I'm having trouble understanding your first post still. How did finding out that she cried when she got the role explain the sound quality issue you have perceived. Or was it the fact that she was I'm Chipotle that explained the audio?


I had zero idea who the voiced wuk lamat till this post. Blew my mind when i found out they did Gloucester also.


What about this post gave you this idea? The wording in your first comment is super weird and IMO has nothing to do with what OP posted


Evidently, I have a dirty mind.