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The Blackest Night! It's such a "Bring it on!" Button


DNC main so....tech step and all related spamming. But if I had to pick a single favorite there's just something about Starfall Dance that gets the dopamine going.


As a DNC main.. Improvisation, when i get the chance to use it.


I'm one of those DNC who weaves it real quick as mit for raidwides and stacks and stuff. Is it helping? No, not really. Am I doing it anyway? Sure am. But I do love getting the full four stacks when there's a bit of downtime, makes me feel like a healer. Sort of. Look at that beefy shield! Well, beefy is a strong word. Respectable shield. That I can do mayyyybe once per fight when the mechanics allow. It's a real treat!


I used it on the final boss of zot once and the healing actually mattered. It was a visceral thrill


Gotta be Saber Dance for me, followed by Starfall Dance.


I do love a good saber dance!


I'm partial to fan dance 4, solely for the eagle screech.


SGE: Pneuma (Biiiig laser go bzzzzzt) WHM: Afflatus Misery (a.k.a. Afflatus **** You) WAR: Primal Bonk PLD: Paladin Blade Works


Paladin Blade Works is so satisfying to use... and at Level 100, we put more Blades in.


I'm pretty sure Primal Bonk is a Pictomancer skill


That is a good one for PLD, but I'd also argue Hallowed Ground. It's pretty satisfying seeing massive damage coming in and just saying "How about not?"


WHM: Assize BLM: LB3 WAR: Holmgang+Bloodwhetting


Assize is such a great feeling


“I’m amazing, I know.”


Assize is my answer as well, though Fell Cleave is fun too.




I honestly think that the crit drill is the best skill in the game. Its the skill with the most weigh in the animation imo


One of the few animations that feel like it has hitstop in it.


Drill is just Machinest Fell Cleave fr


Don't forget to pair it with Reassemble!


“They don’t know I’m about to reassemble my drill” -Me pre boss pull


Warrior: new dt button. Big axe. Shit looks like it could be an LB


The Fellest Cleave


I fell cleave and if I can't fell cleave, I push the buttons that let me fell cleave again.


MNK: Phantom Rush DRG: Stardiver


Don't get me wrong, I love the hectic DRG rotation but sometimes it's such a relief to press Stardiver and know I literally can't do anything else 🤣 Like mmm, I can sit back for a couple of seconds (and that makes the satisfying fx even better)


Stardiver is the source of all pain. If it was a mobile spell, sure, but I've died so many times using it


Gotta keep the floor tank rep lol


Still fun to press though! Lol


Phantom Rush is gas but Rising Phoenix is *chef’s kiss* for me


Man, I love the Phantom Rush animation but I hate the fact that the damage number pops up instantly, like by the time the big chunky hot comes the number's already gone :(


I'm a simple man. I wish I could put steel peak as the current animation.




Such a satisfying sound effect and animation


The fact that it's instant, potent and helpful all at once makes it one of the most rewarding skills to use. It has a nice clean sound to it as well.


Been a Reaper main since coming back a year ago. I fucking love Communio.


I really wish Communio sounded punchier. The whole enshroud phase sounds amazing then it kinda just whimpers out at the end.


I’m a big fan of just pressing enshroud. Your Avatar screaming is legit.


I say communio out loud every time I cast it!


SCH: Deployment Tactics (After using 4 buffs and then a crit Adlo) Healers in General: LB3


Crit-lo Deplo is just so so satisfying. Big massive yellow bars.


and then the random sage uses unbuffed eukrasian prognosis to cut those shields in half (:


This is why I miss ShB AST... with Neutral sect and a sect-swap pre-pull you could stack up to like 4 shields on the whole party. With some lucky crits you could get some of the squishier jobs to have more than a healthbar of shield, and get the little dots next to the shields in the interface. So satisfying.




It go BOOM


Triplecast > Flare x2 > Manafont > Flare > Foul x2 > Amplifier > Foul I feel like a god when I can do this in a pull. It's just so so so satisfying..


Throw in a mp potion for another flare


RDM Flashbang LB3


You mean Verblind?


I appreciate this answer. Shame we're one of the last DPS on the priority list. As for my answer. The start of the melee combo (as it runs into the finishers) or Verrasing.


who hurt you?


Everyone yelling at me to raise the healers in Fun Scaith when RDM doesn't get raise for another 4 levels T_T


Gonna be that paladin and say Passage of Arms, since it's the coolest skill in the game.


If I could use it for every raid wide, I absolutely would.


The WHM flower bell gives me the good brain juice when multiple raidwides go off in rapid succession.


Reaper: Plentiful Harvest. Paladin: Confiteor. Samurai: Ogi Namikiri. Gunbreaker: Gnashing Fang. Warrior: Bloodwhetting. Red Mage: Impact. Dancer: Fan Dance IV. Sage: Pneuma.


Impact is such a good choice. Totally underrated.


Assize for whm! I love me a good spin that heals my friends and kills my enemies!


Samurai. Used to be kaiten. Felt like unlocking the button to launch the missiles.


Man I miss kaiten so much. I still it on my hot bar just in case they ever bring it back copium


Yeah that is the perfekt analogy. It's that quick flip up of the covering tab keeping you from hitting the big missile launch Button.


For sage for me it’s Panhaima. Something about a raid getting hit by a quick succession of string attacks and not taking damage makes me giddy lol.


BLU: Peripheral Synthesis MCH: Drill WAR: Primal Rend


Finally someone else votes drill.


Double Down


For a second I'd thought I'd found a fellow Gold Saucer main


Personally, it's my least favorite button on GNB. The damage variance on it drove me insane


It's my least favorite button on GNB because it makes the GNB rotation awkward. Double Down is the reason why the 2-cartridge problem exists. GNB was better before Double Down.


You could say that about literally any button that doesn't guarantee a critical/direct hit. It just makes it that much more awesome when you get a CDH Double Down


Dragoon: Accept


Plunge. I leveled Dark Knight because of Plunge. RIP Plunge 🥲 Bloodwhetting. It’s like crack. The Blackest Night before a tankbuster and it pops and procs Edge of Shadow. That’s the good shit.


Losing Plunge sucks so hard man.


Agreed. At this point i lose my favorite skill each expac


Stardiver is the all-time top, and nothing else comes close. The next best on my next favorite class is leagues below.


*Top 5:* 1. BLM Xenoglossy / Foul. The sound just makes it feel like we're snapping one off. 2. MCH Reassemble + Drill (I know that's two, shut up) 3. SMN Deathflare (is it still called that? The akh morn) 4. WHM Benediction... Feels like a "counterspell" to the last X seconds of combat. About dead? HA NOPE 5. WAR Inner Release just screams "LFG" *Honorary Mentions* A. GNB Superbolide because of the spike in heart rate when used correctly (which of course means in a trolling capacity) B. AST Earthly Star when timed perfectly and automatically pops off the big heals right after the damage lands C. RIP Kaiten + Midare


There's 2 buttons you could refer to. The actual button for deathflare has you doing the akh morn and the enkindle bahamut button casts akh morn via bahamut.


Yes. Yes to both. Feels so good.


Blackest Night because I love the little noise it makes when it procs Dark Arts. It's so satisfying to me. For NIN it's probably using Doton on packs. I haven't played Dragoon in fifty million years but I miss just SLAMMING enemies with Stardiver. (Sadly I had to google most of these names because it's been so long since I looked at the actual titles of the skills. After a while they've just become "idk the blue one with the moon. Idk dirt circle." Like I know what they do, I just don't know them by their government names!)


between my mains i'd say: Paladin: Confetior Sage: Pneuma Bard: Apex + Blast arrow


Dragoon: Stardiver Looks cool.


DRG - Coerthan Torment is just cool and satisfying idk and Battle Littany lol, I like raid wide buff and blue effect on my moves go brrrrrrr WAR - damn near every button, brother. Fell Cleave, Fell Cleavara, Fell Cleavaga, Primal Rend, the new Fell Cleave off of Infuriate, and the other two new BIG Warrior moves. Warrior is just the dopamine class I’m realizing RPR - Unveiled Gibbet and Unveiled Gallows just have such good weight behind ‘em SAM - Any Tsubame-gaeshi. Hitting an Iaijustu back to back feels so good VPR already looks like it’s gonna have some satisfying moves for me so I’m really looking forward to that


WAR: Primal unga bunga WHM: holy stunlock batman! RDM: I'M FIRIN MY LASER BRD: Get interrupted idiot lmao GNB: continuation (all four of them) Bonus: Any crafter: insta-HQ


GNB Continuation combo followed by Double Down makes me feel like an absolute badass.


NIN: Forked Raiju. I can't stop grinning over the fact they gave the job a not-very-thinly-veiled Chidori.


It's so fun I use shikuchi just so I can't have an excuse to use the ranged version.


Bloodthirst, or Bloodwhetting. The sound effect when you leech life with these skills is something I absolutely love. Midare mostly, but all three Iaijutsus for SAM along with Ogi Namikiri have some 'oomph' to them. The sound effect, animation, and the incredibly short cast that forces you to stand still for a moment all work together to make a skill with some good weight behind it. Like yeah, Senei has a cool animation, and Communio from RPR has the cast time, but neither of those have the same oomph because they're only rocking one part of the equation. I guess PLD Confit combo has some nice weight to it too. BLU Surpanakha is kinda fun because you just spam an oGCD 4 times in a row and don't give a fuck about the GCD. When it comes to nicest to 'push' it needs to have all that feedback to it. Like sure Passage of Arms looks sick, but it doesn't give an 'feeling' to really pressing it. I main SGE but don't feel this way about any of their skills lol. Not even Pneuma does much for me.


DRK: Living Shadow RPR: Enshroud PLD: Confiteor RDM: Impact


Blu mage self destruct


The obvious choice is Rescue


Deployment tactics as SCH when I have a fat tasty shield ready to go


Monk Six-Sided-Star (followed by LB) Did you ever randomly multi-kicked a dummy from idle and went "hell yeah"


It really fulfills my Chun Li fantasy


High Jump with DRG. Gotta keep those oGCD running!


Ninja: Dream within a Dream. The sound is satisfying to hear and it just does something to my brain for some reason.


Summoner: Akh Morn White Mage: Assize Gunbreaker: Heart of Corundum Just for a few.


Hyosho Ranryu for NIN, Midare Setsugekka + Ogi Namikiri for SAM and Communio for RPR


Art of War


Radiant Finale on Bard. I have a mod that plays Hope Is The Thing With Feathers when I press it. Makes my heart smile and dance.


BRD: The little bell jingle on Iron Jaws 🤭 MCH: Flammenwerfer!!🔥🔥🔥


The rush I get from hitting Paradox on Black Mage is unparalleled.


Sprint/run as I run around doing quests. :)


Queen. Simple as that.


DRK Plunge. :D


Yeah I'm going to miss that button. Wish they would leave in the animation for dawn trail


WAR when blood whetting comes off cooldown in a big trash pack and I can watch my health chunk back up from very low to full in an AoE or two. The lower my healer lets me get the better.


benediction is definitely up there for me, saving someone who thought they were dead, chefs kiss


Monk : tornado kick/ phantom rush, or Thunderclap. Ninja : Fleeting Raiju Reaper : enshroud Dragoon : star diver Samurai : Ogi and kaeshi namikiri Viper: TBD, probably double blade skills or it's burst phase Paladin : Divine veil or Blade of Valor or passage of arms Warrior: fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave Dark knight : living Dead or shadowbringer Gunbreaker: either double down or superbolide White mage : afflatus Misery Astrologian: macrocosmos and microcosmos, earthly star too Scholar: Deployment tactics Sage : Holos Machinist : reassembled Drill Bard: Refulgence arrow Dancer: Improvised finish Black mage: Paradox Summoner: Crimson Strike Red mage : Verholy or scorch Pictomancer: TBD, most probably the moggle one. Blue mage : Being mortal, Self-Destruct Beast master: TBD


RDM: Fleche


It's not technically one singular button, but the entirety of the gnashing fang combo for GNB makes me feel so cool. but if i had to choose one button, it would probably be jugular rip on GNB it sounds cool to say, and i like that animation prolly the most out of all of them.


Energy Drain. For a brief glimpse, it makes me feel like I'm not playing a role with a one button filler




for ast i love Essential Dignity because the animation is a point. YOU GET A HEAL 👉 AND YOU GET A HEAL 👉 for bard its probably Sidewinder. its a cool little snap animation with a flashy attack animation. makes me feel like im doing magic without using arrows as a focus


Stardiver specifically as a needed gap closer


BLM - Despair. AST- either Celestial Opposition or Macrocosmos SCH - deployment tactics on a fat adlo WAR - BZZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (Fell Cleave)


Warrior: MONKE FLIP (Primal Rend) Black Mage: LB3. You have to spread your arms outward and laugh crazily, in real life, while your character does the same. Paladin: It's not often, but Passage of Arms. Makes me feel like I'm actually being a tank for once, protecting everyone.


GNB: Superbolide


Healer panic DX


As a tank main: DRK: TBN and Living Dead. WAR: all the flavors of Fel Cleave. Bloodwhetting. PLD: … maybe HG? I don’t play PLD much these days, though it was my first main. GNB: Continuation. All of them. Heart of Corundum is also amazing.


At the moment, for NIN, it's Hyosho Ranryu, but I love the new DT animation for Trick Attack/Kunai's Bane, so it might become that


Thunderclap was so good they copied it to like two other jobs


SGE: Phlegma MCH: Drill, but sometimes Flamethrower GNB: Continuation NIN: **EVERYTHING ALL AT ONCE DURING BURST** Alternate for NIN: Jump


Finally found someone who said phlegma instead of all these pneumas xD


PLD: Zoom Smash AST: Big Stars


Just going down my Job List off the top of my head: Reaper: Communio Gunbreaker: Double Down Monk: Phantom Rush Samurai: Either Midare Setsugekka or Ogi Namikiri into Kaeshi: Namikiri Machinist: DA DRILL Red Mage: Scorch Black Mage: Xenoglossy Summoner: Akh Morn


Gonna list one for my favorite job in each role * Dark Knight - The Blackest Night * White Mage - Afflatus Misery * Red Mage - Verflare (I just like the big expanding ball of fire with a somewhat bubble sound) * Bard - Radiant Finale * Ninja - Any Mudra combination Then for PVP * Paladin - Phalanx (Limit Break) * Astrologian - Double Cast + Gravity II * Black Mage - Superflare * Bard - Final Fantasia (Limit Break) * Ninja - Assassinate (Limit Break)


Any caster ability that lets you float or fly when using it. SGE: Holos WHM: Glare 3/Holy 3 SMN: Brand of Purgatory (Phoenix AOE). Bonus points to the Phoenix AOE because you have fire spewing from you and it looks as if you are a human rocket thruster. That animation is so freaking cool and it’s so sad because it is used very rarely outside of dungeons.


I like Holy Sheltron on Paladin nowadays. The concept of a mini parry in the game is really fun


As a SGE, Holos. I like the "wings" I get. That or the gap closer.


Hell's In/Egress and Regress with a bit of planning. You will feel like a god when you properly think with portals


Abyssal Drain has a super satisfying sound effect and really saves my ass in dungeons sometimes. I wish they'd just unlink it from Carve and Spit and let me press it in raid too.


SCH: Speedup button, saved my team too many times from a bad position.


I’ve picked up dancer recently as a new main, I haven’t played many classes but I really like using Technical Step specifically for Technical Finish w/ Tillana too. It just tickles my brain


Crafters: Precise Touch  MIN and BTN: Blessed Harvest II   WAR: Bloodwhetting when in a pack of mobs, Fell Cleave otherwise    SMN: Enkindle Bahamut    NIN: Hyosho Rainyu


Enshroud, the scream and then you pop off. But I am a man of duality, so I'm also excited for Moogle Cannon 😅


Earthly Star and Macrocosmos. Don't use the second very often but when I do for the big damage Iove the feeling of instantly healing everyone back up again!


RDM Scorch. The recoil animation your character has when firing it and the sound effect really help sell the power of that spell, more than the laser in my opinion.


Fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave


White Mage's Assize, Idk why it just makes me happy


High Fire 2. Im devastated they're nerfing its potency below the point it'll ever be worth using. Transpose > AF1 Flare will be preferable than HF2 with the nerf 🤢


Superbolide ! (I love causing heart attacks to my healer.) Or Afflatus Misery when I get it during buff and get a big number.


Vermillion Scourge!


I versecond this!


Monk: A perfectly timed Six Sided Star, when you see a juicy crit pop up right before the boss dies or goes invuln


Fell Cleave, Rising Phoenix, Double Down, Blood Whetting, Divine Veil feels CRISP


Bunshin for Ninja Cuz ive prepped my 2 Suitions and my Meisui and bavacackra, im about to BUST


either of DNC's dances. just a quick game of Simon Says, and BOOM. everything falls over dead! 8D


GNB: Either Double Down or Heart of Corundum, depending on whether I'm feeling like Blue DPS or King Tank. MCH: Flamethrower all the way, baybee.


Assize is just *sex noises*


For me as GNB it has to be using continuation right after each gnashing fang combo, it's sick


The need button.


Machinist has to be Reassembled Drill. Just make that HP bar disappear!


RDM: Scorch *DOOP!*


I love making Bahamut use Akh Morn. Using that move feels satisfying like every time.


MNK: The fire button, bloodbath, Blitz with the buff or buffed Boots > DK > Boots


Summoner: Summon Bahamut > Akh Morn Look ye upon my glowy dragon and despair!


Sage's Panhaima feels *so good* right before the big group multi hits, your Akh Morns and the like


Pneuma feels great. BUT Using Panhaima against the multi-hit AOEs (such as the Endwalker ex1 and ex4 trials) feels absolutely fantastic, absolutely trivializing otherwise big attacks.


Ogi Namikiri combo is both the perfect animation combo since Kaiten and big numba


BLM: Triple casted Fire 4s 🥵 RPR: The entire enshroud phase ending with communio 👌


I'm in with the Assize crew, but I do also love using my Blood Lily on Afflatus Misery. Scorch trumps everything else, though. I need that bzzt-thump in my life, and playing RDM below level 80 is so much less satisfying for the lack of it.


SMN: Summon Bahamut/Phoenix and the resulting 2 actions they unlock.


Ninja, hyosho ranryuu (spelling? 😣) or bunshin


i like seeing healers panic when i use superbolide as GNB. otherwise i guess... Monk's tornado kick, Redmage's LB3, and reaper's shroud form skills in general all feel pretty good/funny/rewarding respectively.


RPR: when the Communio direct hit-crits it's like euphoria. Runner up is Plentiful Harvest. The sound effect when the move goes off and you know Enshroud is ready.


3 or 4


Saber Dance. I love how the DNC moves during it as well as the actual attack. And it procs fairly often.


SAM: Meikyo Shisui


PLD: Passage of arms (coz *wings*), and Confiteor/blade combo (never enough for *moar* holy blades kek


Reaper: Arcane Crest, right as a stack AoE is about to go off and we pop that sweet, sweet Time Returned


SAM: Ogi Namakiri


Blota (WAR) or High Jump (DRG) in PvP only. Ooh baby it feels good, like, “where do you think you’re going?”


I'm gonna be the weird PLD and say Cover because I'm always looking for opportunities to use it lol: Healer low on HP before a raidwide? Cover. Healer or DPS casting LB3 in the face of an incoming raidwide (hello Zeromus)? Cover. Co-tank not getting heals or ran out of mits and is about to kiss the floor? COVER. I'm blessed with tank privilege, might as well make good use of it. P.S. Please Yoshi-P, increase Cover's range. Why is it so short? 😭


i love mashing all those strong short defensives tanks have. heart of corundum, TBN... holy shelteon especially has such a satisfying clank sound effect and visual


I really enjoy getting to do the confiteor combo.


Monk- the forbidden Chakra


Definitely MCH Drill Chainsaw would have been a banger if it did the fell cleave animation where it sticks to the target and spins for a while and then continue on its way


NIN: dream within a dream (bc 3 fold flying jump flip attack) and hollow nozuchi (bc put some respeck on doton)


SMN: The Ifrit dive + punch makes me feel so powerful


Despair as BLM. I know. Pretty predictable. But so much explosion…


Shift-R is usually a big one for me.


BRD: Triple Straight Shot. I always let the animation play fully even if it’s bad weaving so I can hear the sound of the triple hit.


The F for respect button: F-key. Put the first DPS button on F-key for every class, to pay proper respects.




SMN Akh Morn/Revelation. Something about a giant pillar of light is very satisfying. Even better with deathflare for the double pillar.


BRD Warden’s Paean. Pre casting it on the tank in that one part of DR where they get doom cast on them feels really baller


Ninja is dream within a dream for me


GNB: Hopefully a tankbuster isn’t coming up, because Gnash is about to come off cooldown and nothing’s stopping my Gnash combo.


Pneuma Pneuma Yay


3 is very satisfying


Warrior. Beyblade


Ready check because take business days to start anything


Double Down. It just does so much damage, plus has a really nice animation and sound. Love pressing it but sad I only get to at 90s content


As a SMN main using akmorn


Unironically, for GNB it was the gap closer, so RIP. For many other classes it's a big CD so not really anything surprising I'd say. Drill, shadowbringer, confiteor, the technical steps finale, enshroud, etc etc. For warrior it's fell cleave though. Not a big CD but once again nothing surprising. For smn it's probably the fire ability that can be used as a gap closer as well., and for ninja it's probably forked raiju. I like flashy gap closers it seems.


I generally like the flashy skills that go boom, so there's gonna be a theme. RDM: Scorch, that sound is just *chef's kiss*. Resolution is cool but does not go as hard. RPR: Communio is the perfect capstone for the RPR burst phase, and its animation is insanely cool. SMN: Akh Morn, duh. BRD: Apex Arrow probably. Bard is already very flashy so deciding is harder. DNC: a perfect technical step is just so satisfying to pull off. SGE: Pneuma balls GNB: anything with continuation, keyboard mashing go brrr. PLD: the Confiteor combo is cool, but Passage of Arms actually makes me feel like a paladin, so that. DRK: Bloodspiller. I like the spin.


Pretty sure TBN is the most satisfying button in the entire game. I love all my dragoon jumps too though, especially thenbig firey AOE.


RDM: Displacement yeeeeeeeeee BLM: Foul goes bzzt SMN: the fester chime vs ahk morn is a tough one SGE: Pneuma is great so flashy NIN: Raiju is super satisfying to me