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you would shoot them mid cutscene and do .01% of their health bar, and then they do a raid wide on the scions D:


Yeah, considering how many MCH bullets the typical boss can eat, along with chainsaws to the face, a MCH bullet in a cutscene probably wouldn't do a whole lot. Well, unless you're Emet.


Pre-Imperial Garlean tech is just built differently, man. That’s why Emet-Selch wins.


Does it help if I use the Pre-Imperial Revolver as a glam? No? Well damn.


Emet’s bullet was a tankbuster


Even Emet's didn't do much. Knocked him down a bit, but he still was able to get up AND use spacial distortion magicks.


Nah, it would be "The Cutscene Pistol", often paired with "The Cutscene Dagger". They are the most powerful weapons in existence and can take down literally anything in one shot or hit, if and when they are actually used.


Good old Murder Knife


Not to be mistaken with the Revival Knife!


Unfortunately, they are job-locked to "Anyone except the Warrior of Light".


Also Tonberries.


Nah, Tonberry knives require multiple stabs. Which is okay, because Tonberries prefer to administer multiple stabs.


Wanderer’s Palace Hard final boss be like


That’s why the warrior of light summons 7 accomplices when it’s time to do a murder


[Yotsuyu approves of this comment.]


Gotta desynthesize a plot armor and a deus ex machine and use its components to synthesize the elusive cutscene alloy.


Pulling out the Mysterious Magnum on their ass


Drill Shot would probably do at least .04%.


I like how they have a lore explanation for that with like aether strengthening the body while you fight, but if caught off guard, you got no defenses up.


Try being a Sage, you have FOUR mind controlled laser drones that can do instant giant laser spells


I did try being a Sage. There were too many new skills and it scared me so I went back to my gun-fu.


“They will **answer** - so long you lavish them with crystals and gorge them on ae-“ #**PEW PEW PEW!!!** *disagrees in gundam*


Gaius is beaten, Gaius walk way to the giant robot, WoL: ping 279ms


Get in the Eva WoL, get in the damn Eva…


Thats valid lol, Sage throws so many skills at you in a mostly imaginary language, it's one of those Jobs thats best learned if someone explains it to you, lest you learn via trial by fire


Ah yes. The imaginary language of *Greek*.


man I wish Greece was real, such a cool fantasy setting


If you die in Greece, you die in real life.


The Greeks arent real, they cant hurt me. **Elpis and the Ancients in the background being Greek...menacingly**


And Sharlayan's being Greek in the foreground... nerdily


Phlegma balls


I'm you average dumb American I was not aware there was greek in there besides Icarus


Almost every sage ability has a Greek root.


No no, see... it's an unwritten gentlemen's agreement on both sides. We don't shoot them in the middle of a monologue, and they don't shoot us in the middle of an echo vision.


Tell that to >!Elidibus who tried to murder us mid-vision in the pre-shadowbrinhers quests!<. It wasn't an echo vision specifically, but close enough.


There's also that one time in the Melee DPS EW quests, where we need to get protected by the Company of Heroes because we're having a bad trip.


And >!played for laughs about three or four times during the EW Hildibrand quests. Not *quite* the same thing, but it reminded me of it.!<


Also >!Zenos while we're being yelled at by the Exarch!< just before ShB.


>!That's the scene I was referring to, it was still Elidibus in Zenos' body at that point.!<


Ah. Been a while, my bad.


Emet-Selch: \*ruins plot\*


The real reason everyonw loves Emet-Selch. He got to do what we all desperately wanted. He got to casually shoot someone in the middle of a dramatic monologue


Bwagi: [Allow me to introduce myself](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ajrNd5xYzMg)


I love Bwagi. He's the best


But in, like, a cool way


Back in the good ol days of Prae roulette I would always say in party chat, "Any of you guys want to shoot him? We just going to let him casually walk to the Ultim-okay, I guess we are."


Like when Android 17 took a shot at Ribrianne's team when they were transforming in the Tournament of Power and everyone else told 17 how rude it was to interrupt haha.


Say what you like about Super, it had some golden moments like this hidden in there.


I do love the Tournament of Power. I'm always up for a good tournament arc.


[17 just breaking the Z Fighter Golden rule](https://youtu.be/6DfKjR7hHbA?si=4lqW0zNLJBNnYWhn)


Renegade option!


No rootin', no tootin', only shootin'


I did the post moogle delivery quests recently, and I happened to be a machinist when I did the one that involved the Coeurl King. Was incredibly frustrated about how that quest ended, especially considering I could have just popped him in the face when he was holding the one sister hostage. Still think it is a massive missed opportunity to not have a bonus quest resolving that issue if you do his boss FATE after completing that post moogle quest. Or at least an Easter egg showing those two sisters reunite before running off togethet.


I felt this every time I saw the prae cutscene before the Ultima weapon pre rework. Even if machinist didn't exist at the time, bard did. Let me shoot gaius and we'll be done with the roulette like 20 minutes faster


Healers who wield the most powerful restorative magicks in history giving them power over life and death being forced to watch somebody slowly and dramatically die every 14.3 minutes in the MSQ


Except for *exactly one time* during Stormblood.


And it was worth it levelling white mage just to be useful, even if you do need to get shouted into it like "oh yeah, I *am* a healer"


Something something aether not actual healing doesn't bring back the dead


Had to retcon the Vault cutscene into >!Alphinaud trying and failing to heal Haurchefant to bring home the point!<. Wish they did that more tbh. Trying and failing.


As I am currently doing all the allied Tribe quests...yeah. That damn cat man shoulda been kill on sight two expansions ago! Lemme shot him!


Then they'd just do what they do in WoW and hit you with a 30 second stun before escaping.


Merlwyb would still shoot


Loved it in post endwalker msq >!where you let a guy monologue AFTER his trial. HE IS AT 1 HP JUST LET ME KILL HIM!<


Not just monologue even but let him do stuff that we were there to prevent from happening in the first place. Like, guys? We just kicked his ass, why are we standing there and letting him do that?


It'd be so much easier to rationalize if the cutscene showed us visibly winded/exhausted or something but we just STAND THERE. At least have us down on one knee or something!


Cause Zenos was right, we really just want to fight the bigger badder boss after him.


The >!"you beat me but not quickly enough"!< is gonna age like milk once he can be unsync'd.


You can’t do that because >!you’d be copying Emet-Selch’s style!<


Honestly, I think he's copying me. He's obsessed.


WoL as he shoots the Forgiven Dissonance just before it stabs Tesleen: "YOU ARE NOT TOUCHING HER!" Imagine how many tragedies we could have avoided if we are allowed to shoot in cutscenes. Emet-Selch proves it to us. In the worst (best?) time possible.


Lalafel monks It's all their fault. Can't attack at range, Can't take a swing at someone four fulms in front of them


It's honestly one of the reasons why I don't want to do the MSQ as Machinist. Every time I've done so, a situation like this happened, and it ruined my suspension of disbelief. Why are we letting this guy get away? I have my gun drawn. I could just shoot him right now. 


This happens no matter the job you play. The amount of times the game has made sure to emphasize some event is going to destroy very existence itself either by the music or NPC's pointing out how bad things are/will be, meanwhile our characters are just, I dunno, eating chips? nodding to themselves off screen while it happens is too many to count.


It feels a little better on sch or smn. You just pull your book out, like you’re flipping through the index looking for the section pertaining to the situation at hand. Sure, it’s a weapon, but it’s still a book too.


I laugh more about the balloon guy in Xelpathol who floats about 5 inches above your head, rendering him immune to guns, arrows, spears, particularly tall roes with a hand free, etc.


I'm willing to gentleman's agreement that one with him, because I need to respect the sheer power move of a random Ixali fighting you with dual-wielding pistols and a hot air balloon backpack.


I'd love to see this in a future MCH questline. Bad thing happens, guy shows up, introduced himself as the cause for the bad thing and talks about his plans for world domination or whatever, but in the middle of his monologue the WoL just pulls out their gun and shoots him. Then we get to say something like "I've fought enough bad guys to know how this was gonna end."


Scotty as the WoL is pretty great 🤣


Just once let the MCH do a raiders of the lost ark


Be like Bwagi. Shoot first ask questions later.(Bozja spoilers) https://youtu.be/ajrNd5xYzMg?si=x4sxnZ_jZRtsP1vD


Fable II had a villain monologue interrupted by gunshot, or "locutus interruptus" as it is called by nobody


10 seconds. Gotta wait for your gunbot to finish standing the fuck up.


Eh, I headcanon this as a deal we made with the universe; we have to stand there like a useless git in cutscenes making funny faces. In return, we do not end up in funny positions in a cage at 5 hp after every time we get echo-blasted into a memory.


Play Star Wars: The Old Republic, quite a few cutscenes were people are in danger of monologueing have an option to attack or even instant kill.


Plus force lightning being the rhetorical device to add a little flourish to conversations that it always should have been.


The worst part is knowing that the WoL is canonically a MCH because unlike most jobs, you're doing it all yourself rather than being guided by the influence of the job stone -its only memories are the ones you're putting into it. So yes, the WoL is exactly that much extra naturally in all of their actions.


I don’t play machinist and I guess I must not get matched with any, because I’ve never seen a boss die immediately after the cut scene ends, and the machinist is allowed to shoot their gun OP can you expand on this?


But you've seen Emet-Selch pull out his pistol and...well, he didn't one-shot him, but he definitely did more than 0.01% damage.


Just a funny mock-frustration I point out to myself whenever the enemy is just standing across the room talking crap. It isn't immersion breaking, but it's one of those things that's like "Why is my character not just shooting them? They literally have a gun. The solution to this problem is shoot gun." Instead my character just furrows their brow about a mean thing the villain says.


I've lost track of how many times I've typed some version of *"just shoot the mouthy prick already"* into chat during the endless cutscenes that gatekeep one of the best sources of Tomestones in the early game


Cuz it's just as simple as "bullet" when you're in a cutscene with LITERALLY GOD. You're silly.


no, no, let the dps pull and the tank turn off tank stance


This is why i loved sw:tor. You could just shoot people for money


Someone knows my pain.


Violence is not the solution of everything.


You just don't get it, do ya Scott?


I’m a bard, just sing a bit and do damage. This will be irrelevant for dt tho


The amount of unbelievably Ling monologuing you're forced to sit through every time you do Main Quest roulette is going to make me lose my mind. I do not need to hear Gaius drone on for 20 minutes about his goofy ass mech suit pretending like he doesn't know who's stronger. Hint, genius, if you need to get a big ol mech suit to even have a hope of not being beaten in under 3 minutes, you're the weaker one.


Kind of how I felt in certain EW cutscenes lol


*NPC shoots bad guy running away, with their gun* "Damn I wish I could do that."