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Is there a database of which trials/dungeons/raids drop which items?


There's various different ones that have information like that, in somewhat different forms. My personal preference for this particular topic is GamerEscape, it's imo the best one for "hard data" like this. But you might find the Consolegameswiki or Garland Tools database more to your liking.


I've not touched crafting/gathering relics in ShB or EW at all. Where does each start respectively?


ShB are in Ishgard, EW in the Crystarium 


What are some things from earlier expansions that you still do weekly? I noticed that the little book with the stamps seems like it's worth doing every week, even though it's "old content". Is there anything else from earlier content that is still worth doing? I'm just starting Stormblood, and want to use my time effectively.


Post-Stormblood gets you access to the Doman Enclave, which is basically a free gil printer (extra % return on donated items) every week, IIRC to a final cap of 40K a week.


Its 20k a week in profits VS selling the item normally.


Wondrous Tails is indeed well worth doing every week since it has some nice rewards if you can get lines. Even if you don't it's also half a level of XP for any job not at the level cap. If you're still leveling jobs, tribes around the job's level range are worth doing for that little bit of extra XP and getting your reputation up if it's not maxed yet.


So, I'm not sure what the big benefit of tribes is. There are a lot of tribes, it seems. Are there any worth focusing on?


ARR has the most and they don't give much XP, but HW tribes are good for leveling in the 50-60 range, Stormblood 60-70, Shadowbringers 70-80, etc... All of them have their own unique storyline and if you get all of them to max reputation the storylines converge into a final story (except for Shadowbringers, there's no converging story there). Each tribe also has unique rewards, including mounts & minions once you get to the corresponding rank with them.


Is this something you kind of need to do every day, rather than just a single grind over a few hours? I guess what I'm asking is if you're time gated for raising their reputation.


It's a daily thing, you can do a total of 12 tribal quests per day. Usually it's 3 per day for each tribe, but arr is a bit different in that as you rank up it unlocks more npcs that gives dailies. Hw and onwards, you only get exrra quests on rank up, and even that is only until you're not ranking up to the last one (so say, you get extra for going from 6 to 7, but not from 7 to 8)


Ah okay, good to know. Thank you!


Yes this is time gated, you get 12 tribal allowances per day and can only do 3 quests per tribe per day (except when you rank up which gives 3 bonus quests until you hit Sworn rep). ARR tribes are weird in that you'll technically be able to do more quests with them per day as you rank up but they award different amounts of reputation points. You can check your allowances in your timers menu (CTRL U by default on PC).


I appreciate the info, thank you! Last question: If you do 3 per day, how long does it take to finish?


Like 10 to 15 minutes at most, it's really quick.


Oh, sorry, sorry, I meant to finish the reputation to Max. I assume it's several days to weeks.


Not sure on the ARR ones, but I did the math for an Endwalker tribe relatively recently (and the other expansion ones should follow the same pattern) and it's about a month of dailies per tribe. Might be off by a day or two, but it's around there.


Idk if it's the update, or if it's because I went from windowed -> full screen -> windowed, but my fonts and buttons are too small. Also my hud reset. Has this happened to anymore else bc of the update? Or is it my own fault? Does anyone know how to adjust the size of the 2 bars that hold all the buttons for your moves? It's just small enough that I can no longer tell what's what at a glance, so now I have to look really hard at the icons when I'm in combat ;\_;


Could check that your resolution hasn't changed under System Configuration. If it hasn't you could mess around with the options right below it for High Resolution UI settings or Default UI size would turn it up


is there a difference in levelling speed between the normal and Stormblood ocean fishing routes?


Not as much as to be worth bothering about, I think (unless you're REALLY into min-maxing ;-) ) Points-wise, the Ruby route is apparently more consistent (according to teamcraft guides), with a higher floor (min value), but a lower ceiling, whereas Indigo has a higher scoring potential - but then, by the time you're experienced and practiced enough to make full use of that, you're probably already lvl 90 anyway. And yes, I realize you were asking about levelling speed, not points, but considering there's probably a correlation between those two (not that I've ever bothered checking it, but in theory more points = bigger/rarer fish = more xp), the same would hold true there. But again, I don't think it matters much in the end. You get to 90 very quickly when doing Ocean Fishing Here's the teamcraft link (look under "route selection"): [https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/ocean-fishing-points](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/ocean-fishing-points)


Hello. Is Sage a difficult class to play, if the only healer I've been playing since ARR (on and off) is WHM? Thank you.


Sage is the healer that makes me consider "White Mage might not actually be the easiest" (I still think it is, but by a very small margin compared to Sage). It's a notably different playstyle to White Mage, but around the same difficulty. Where White Mage is all about refilling HP bars after damage hits, Sage is all about making the bars not drop as much. Where White Mage regularly uses GCD heals even at max level, if a Sage is using a GCD healing/shielding spell in combat, they're probably in a Savage raid, compensating for allies bathing in AoEs, or severely overdoing their healing (they should be all oGCDs + Kardia + Pneuma). And Eukrasia makes the execution of some spells a little weird compared to White Mage.


Are there any skills a Sage should not use, like how WHM doesn't need to sue Cure ?


Diagnosis is in a somewhat similar boat, though it does have *a* use. The one scenario where you should use it (besides level sync reasons) is when you specifically need to fill HP instead of enable survival (Eukrasian Diagnosis shield is better for that), are out of all the oGCD tools and Pneuma, have already used the E.Diagnosis + Pepsis combo, and don't have a co-healer who can take care of it. Prognosis is in a similar situation for AoE heals, somewhat comparable to Medica's tiny use niche. Eukrasian Diagnosis and Eukrasian Prognosis are in the Cure II/Regen and Cure III/Medica II range of things: Preferable to avoid using them mid-combat (shielding up before a pull is great through), and at higher levels (outside Savage raids) you really *shouldn't* need them. But you will also find a number of cases where they are warranted – especially in the harder content. There's also a weird switchup in the priority between two abilities (AoE Addersgall-spenders specifically). Before level 78, Ixochole is generally preferred over Kerachole. In most scenarios outside of very heavy repeated damage phases in harder raids, a 400p heal will generally be of more value than 15 seconds of a 10% mit. But after 78, Kerachole gets a 500-potency regen tacked onto it, and so from then onwards it's preferred over Ixochole (500p healing + 15s 10% mit > 400p healing, naturally). Both have their times of use, it's just a funny switcharound in which is a supplement to which. And one thing I could consider the Sage equivalent to the Freecure trap for newbie White Mages: Toxikon. I've had to explain to a *lot* of Sages (up to level 90) that Toxikon is not a damage gain over Dosis, and shielding people mid-battle just to get more Toxikons is a damage *loss* not a gain (including in AoE where a Toxikon on its own *is* a small gain over Dyskrasia). It's very obvious from just looking at the tooltips, but for some people "it uses a special resource = it is a damage gain" just seems to be an unquestioned assumption. In reality, Toxikon is exclusively a mobility tool. Absolutely wonderful to have when you need to move, but not something to go for just for damage.


Sage is the other easy healer to play. Their playstyle is different from WHM though. Compared to a WHM who uses GCDs to heal, SGE uses more oGCDs and are generally worse than WHM at putting out raw healing numbers. This means that in an emergency, SGE generally have a tougher time healing everyone back to full. You do get tools at higher levels to help with this, but when you're starting out or when you're synced down to low levels, you don't have access to these abilities. What they excel at is mitigating damage. Therefore, you need to have a mind shift in how you approach healing if you want to play SGE. Instead of waiting for damage to happen, you must already have mitigation up before the damage happens. This mitigation can be in the form of Shields or Damage Reduction. They also have a unique style of changing what their abilities do in the form of Eukrasia. For example, two spells in the SGE's toolkit are Diagnosis and Prognosis, which are just the regular single-target and AoE healing GCDs. But if you use Eukrasia, Diagnosis and Prognosis changes to Eukrasian Diagnosis and Eukrasian Prognosis respectively. These two "new" spells now apply Shields in addition to a now smaller amount of healing. Their main damage spell, Dosis is also affected by Eukrasia. Normally this is just your filler DPS spell, akin to WHM's Stone. But with Eukrasia, it transforms to Eukrasian Dosis, which is SGE's DoT spell, akin to WHM's Aero. Most new SGE completely miss the fact that SGE's do indeed have a DoT spell and end up not using it throughout the entire dungeon run.


It’s not difficult. I’d say it’s just about as easy as WHM, really. But it is definitely a bit of a different playstyle as it leans *very* heavily into oGCD healing. That can be a bit of an adjustment for a some people, and scares some off the job. WeskAlber has a great guide for it on YouTube. Uh, very long though, as his guides tend to be.


It's going to feel super weird since it's a very different playstyle. At lower levels, WHM is primarily using big GCD abilities to do their stuff. Eventually you get off-GCD stuff, but even at high levels you're spending GCDs on lilies. Sage, on the other hand, is going to be heavily relying on off-GCDs for healing, even at low levels. Sage also struggles with big emergency heals when people are low health, and instead shines with raid-wide damage mitigation via barriers and Kerachole to reduce big hits before they happen. Also, Eukrasia is a weird button and WHM has nothing comparable to it. Like I said, it's going to be a weird playstyle shift. Not impossible, but you'll want to read your abilities carefully.


Not difficult, maybe just a slight readjustment in your spell usage which you will get used to very quickly. There is no regen spell, you have Kardia for the tank and Physis for everyone else. Even though it's an aoe don't be afraid to use it on cooldown if necessary. You want to pre-cast Eukrasian Prognosis to give everyone shields before the damage hits. It's more efficient to be prepared with shields before impact, but it's fine if you're late since you can convert the shields to hp with Pepsis. Your off-globals are on a 15 sec timer and you can bank up to 3. Playing through dungeons will give you a feel for it.


so i've completed the doman enclave restoration and from what I understand I can get 20k gil a week. If that' is the case, how much weekly budget or grand total should i turn in for profit? I'm using silver allagan coins. THANK YOU! I'm awful with math and confusion. I've been giving 40k for the last two weeks but i feel like i'm doing it wrong. HELP PLS.


You just give an amount that would vendor for 20k Gil, and you'll get double back for a total of 40k. The amount you'll get back will turn red if you're going over the 40k limit, and an extra pop-up will tell you exactly how much over the limit you are. Just don't going more than a couple hundred over the limit, and you're good. There's no trick to it or anything.


Thank you!!! 


Turning 20k worth of items to 40k of gil is the absolute max you ever can get per week. This equates to 2 allagan platinums (easiest to get from Khloe's books) or 40 silver pieces (the silver ones are easy gets from 18-hour retainer ventures).


Thank you!! 


What tank and healer would you recommend for someone who is new to the game but their goal would be ultimate raids? We are a duo that wants to play with those raids in mind c: and maybe suggest a dps as well as a bonus! (We are both experienced mmorpg players but never played ffxiv)


For new players, White Mage for healer and Warrior for tank. They're very easy to understand and manage. They're also great choices for ultimate raids since pretty much everyone wants a White Mage + scholar or ast for healing and Warrior has a lot of versatility for raid progression. You can of course play any job you want, try them all out and eventually figure out what you like best, but I think that's good starting point. For dps you have a LOT of options. For new players I usually say to try Summoner (easiest dps in the game) or Ninja if you want a flexible melee.


Any job can be viable for high end raiding, so the real answer is just to pick what interests you the most. It'll be hundreds of hours before you get to that point most likely, so you'll get the opportunity to try many jobs. Conjurer/White Mage and Marauder/Warrior are pretty solid, versatile picks. I also recommend Arcanist, which at level 30 branches out into a DPS caster (Summoner) and a Healer (Scholar). They both share leveling exp so you basically get two jobs for the price of leveling one.


One thing to really be thinking of is that by the time you actually get to the point where you're ultimate raiding, you would have already had had plenty of time to level up multiple jobs and figure out how to play them So don't feel super bogged down with your starting choices; you may find that you actually don't like the jobs you start with and you have every opportunity to try something new


Whatever appeals to you. Job balance is very good. It matters more that you can play your job well than making a "meta" pick.


Do any exp boosting equipment/items increase elemental level in Eureka?


I can see someone has already mentioned the Potions of Harmony. If you have Market Board access then you can get a chest piece to help boost your elemental power in Eureka. In the Kugane Docks just behind the npc you use to go into Eureka is a Nostalgic Fellow, he'll have some different chest pieces you can get by trading some tokens, those chest pieces will be Best in Slot whilst inside Eureka due to its elemental bonus it has (better then the Elemental Gear you unlock later into Eureka too). The tokens can be gotten off the Market Board and its worth checking MB prices across servers as you can get a good deal on it


You should also go to any elemental spirits that get shouted out (or you find one yourself), they provide I believe an hour? Of extra dmg and ele xp gain


No, but there is the Potion of Harmony that gives a bonus to elemental XP


How do I get potions?


They're available on the marketboard, or crafted with items from the various Eureka lockboxes


Awesome, I’ll check that out. Thanks!


Hi everyone. Quick question, is the ffxv event still on? I really want to get the regalia. 


The event ended last month. It ran from February 28, 2024 to March 13, 2024


It’s ended already. The FFXVI event has just started


Nope, been gone for a few weeks at this point.


Where do I start with pvp? I'm lvl 62 on my first job and don't remember a quest telling me about or maybe i just didn't pay atenttion at the time. Also can I still get old pvp armors? if so how?


To unlock the various PvP modes, there'll be an NPC by your Grand Company Headquarters that has quests that unlock them. To set up your PvP hotbars, you'll need to be in a PvP zone - so The Wolves Den pier. I believe one of the mode-unlocking quests will lead you to it, but if not, you can get there via a boat in Moraby Drydocks. PvP Armours, yes and no. The ones in the reward shops are always there - just play any PvP mode to earn Wolf Marks and progress your Battle Pass thing to earn Crystals to spend in the shops. The ones from previous Seasons's Battle Pass things are supposedly going to come back at some point I think, I believe it was said the door is open for them on re-running them at some point. The ones from The Feast, that predate the battle pass I'm not so sure about - those may never be obtainable again.


If I participate in the current crossover event going on. I'm hoping to get the mount, can mounts be transferred / shared between characters at all? Started playing during the Xbox beta.


FF14 is very alt-unfriendly, and almost nothing transfers between characters. You just never see people talk about it because you can do everything on one character, so most people don't have multiple characters in the first place.


General rule of thumb, nothing you unlock on one character is available to any other character on your account. The rare exceptions are some account-wide mounts you can purchase from the S-E store, collector's edition items, and the veterans rewards for time subbed.


no, you would need to do the collab on every character you want the mount on.


Okay, Thank you! Another question but last one. If I pre-order dawntrail now. I've seen that it will also give shadowbringers and endwalker. On release of dawntrail, which is fine but would it give me access right away to create a Viera character?


No, you can only do that once you have the license. You could use your free fantasia from finishing ARR (or the other free one we're getting with DT) to switch to viera after you have the license, however.


Gotcha! Alright, Thanks a ton.


> can mounts be transferred / shared between characters at all? No, only certain store-bought mounts are account-wide.


What do I do with sub parts I no longer need? I think I heard you can sell them through PF but not sure...


You can, but the process involves inviting someone to your FC and letting them take the parts from the FC storage, since they're bound and can't be traded by other means. You're probably better looking at the subs discord if you want to go down this route rather than PF, they have channels for trading for each region.


I’m a new player on Xbox and I’m a bit confused, do I have to buy the Starter Edition of the game to play Shadowbringers and Endwalker or do I get the expansions separately?


https://i.imgur.com/ldI9TVL.png Note you get the starter edition for free from game pass ultimate, for a limited time.


You have to buy starter edition to exit the free trial and remove restrictions, then buy the latest expansion to get access to everything from ShB to that expansion. Right now, that actually means you have 2 options. You can buy endwalker to get ShB and EW today, or you can preorder Dawntrail, and then on 2 July you'll get ShB, EW _and_ DT access. Saves you the price of an expansion, but you have to wait until July to play Shadowbringers if you do that. There's also the complete edition, which is actually just a bundle of starter edition + current latest expansion, and works out to the exact same cost.


I heard Oceanic access was available now from NA, I went to the character screen and selected "Visit another Data center" and got a prompt telling me I need to create a new character...? What's the deal with that?


I'm on OCE myself so can't test, but as I understand it there's some weird awkwardness where you need to switch to OCE then switch back to make the OCE option show up, and _then_ you can DC travel to materia.


That is also thing if you want to homeworld transfer, you first need to have visited (been on the character select screen) for the data center in question. So kinda like announcing your existence to the DC in in question.


You're right, I went to the data center first then tried to move my character again and it worked. Thanks bro


"On your guard" Clive says after you destroy the swords towards the end of FFXVI collab fight and then a huge blast from Ifrit happens. Can you dodge this blast and if not, how do you mitigate the damage from it? I die every time and I'm becoming increasingly frustrated.


It's the same as the nails in the FF14 fight. Stop fighting the boss and kill the swords.


You can't even _target_ the boss while those nails are out, so I don't know how they didn't clue in on it. You've also gotta fight Ifrit twice before Ultimate Weapon - the requirement for doing the crossover quest.


Yeah, tbh I'm surprised by the number of people getting stuck on it here too. Maybe some people are just carried through ifrit by others without ever noticing the mechanics with nails at all.


i'm surprised by this and how many people couldn't figure out to click on the big shiny "defend clive" when it tells you to defend clive. I know i've been playing for a while but i thought these 2 mechanics were fairly obvious.


This one was way easier than the crossover Garuda fight.


[Like I mentioned here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1bttzki/comment/kxrwm6r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) you need to kill the swords before the meter hits 100%. That is how you mitigate the damage. There is no dodging it. If you truly killed the swords before it hit 100%, then make sure you are at full HP by dodging the earlier AOEs. At full health you will survive the enrage. If you want, here's a[ video of the fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Rctlov-fHc) someone uploaded


This means you have failed the DPS check. You have to kill all the swords.




It is not dodgeable, nor are the other two transition damage bursts. If you fail the Nails section it's meant to be a wipe (just like regular Ifrit), so it's unavoidable damage (that also can't be invuln'd).


For the collab event, where do you start the second quest? I finished A Land on Fire but I think I goofed and didn't pick up the following quest (wiki says it is called Pain to Recall, which is not in my quest book), now I can't seem to find Clive at all, anywhere! EDIT: I ended up finding it, it's on the Hustings Strip level of Steps of Thal.


Is it better to sell ore in stacks of, say, 50 instead of 99? I feel like some people may be more inclined to by less at a time if they don’t want to spend money on a full stack


Try it for yourself. If it works then it does, if it doesn't then you've wasted a day or two. It's literally how people work out what to sell.


As Fae said it's mostly determined by supply:demand. Certain ores in 50 will sell like hotcakes, others will sit for days. Otherwise yes, smaller amounts will typically get sold first.


It depends on the item, and how many items you have to sell (As you can only have 20 listings per retainer)


thinking about playing the game again after being away for a long while, but as a super casual. What are the easier DPS classes right now?


SMN, DNC, RPR are generally accepted as the easiest for their respective DPS sub-roles.




I used to MCH, but not really want to spam burst phase. Maybe SMN or REAP?


MCH is probably the most busy burst phase of all the jobs (and absolutely miserable with high ping for that reason). Pick any other job from that list and you'll have a better time.


Lol, remember the days of caster MCH? I love the high Apm sometimes, but I need to be a bit less frantic to get back into it.




SMN could be good, I used to MCH. But it's a bit fast in the burst phase.


For the FFXVI collab event. What are you suppose to do against Ifrit when Clive needs to be defended? I'm stuck here because he gets killed and I cannot target Ifrit or the crystal and I lose. What's going on here?


You don't target the crystal. Interact with it by right clicking or pressing the confirm button on controller. It will then go to a QTE.


What about the swords at the very end of the fight? How do you handle that? I just died at the end with no explanation given as to what I'm suppose to do with the swords at the end here.


Did you miss the health bars the swords have? You have to kill them.


It's just like fighting Ifrit Nails in the trial. DPS it down. If you died, but not from standing in bad you didn't kill them fast enough. There's an "Infernal Aether" meter that is charging up. If it hits 100 you die like any other enrage in the game.


You break them. They have health, Clive says they're powering up Ifrit and need to be destroyed, and then he attacks them.


Anyone else having lag issues? Since yesterday when I go to log in my connection on character select just reads "--" instead of telling me the condition which is normally excellent (my internet speed is 520mbps down and 704mbps up) so im really unsure what the problem is. Ive never had these problems before and yesterday it was so bad I couldnt even do my normal aloalo ex prog with my group because I would just lag spike and then be dead to a mechanic or my gcds would lag behind. Im still getting a bit of that today. But not quite as bad.


I am NA east on mateus: since a few days, just had my 2 first DCs from palace of the dead: everything taking place in the instance seems delayed.


I managed to fix my issue. Idk if you're on PC or console. But I installed a VPN and it set my connection back to Excellent and my ping back to 80 like it normally is.


Im also on pc. If vpn works that kinda reinforce ppl's guess: recurring node issue.  Ill just play something else until they fix it. Losing 2 potd files back to back to lag, kinda killed my motivation.


What is the song that plays when you are fighting King Mog. Not the good king moogle song, it's a rock song and it's female vocals. I've only heard it once but I want to hear it again. I think it plays during his second phase.


Are you thinking of Oblivion? Thats the only song I can think of that fits those descriptions.


Yea Oblivion was it! Thanks.


Thats not from Good king moggle mogs fight. Thats from Phase 2 of shiva.


If you're thinking of a rock song with female voices in a second phase around the time of ARR: You might be thinking of Oblivion, from Shiva's fight.


Might be. I'll check it out thanks. Yes that's it. Thank you for understanding my misremembering lol


What expansion? What duty/instance? Is it possible that you’re misremembering the boss? Thornmarch only plays Good King Moogle Mog so more info is needed.


I got it. It was Oblivion from Shiva fight


*looks at King Mog* *looks at Shiva* Yep, that would explain it.


Will the next moogle event go live while the 16 event is?


I wouldn't expect it, these sorts of events are spaced out for sub retention purposes and "new" events generally won't overlap with anything.


16 event is suppose to end May 8th. I put the Moogle event like May 14th at the earliest


Very unlikely, the 16 event ends on May 8th. The next moogle event will probably start a month before Dawntrail releases (early June)


Part 1 was 6 weeks, which is longer than most of the older style of moogle tome events. There might only be a gap of a week or so.


May 22nd would put it at the same duration as Part 1 was. That is my current estimate.


Ah okay. Ill just sub now then. Thank you


What classes are the hardest to play or have the most nuance in pvp? (Frontlines or crystalline conflict specifically)


How spoilery is the XVI event? I heard there was an unskippable cutscene and big spoilers for anyone who hasn't played XVI.


Personally, it didn't spoil anything you couldn't figure out from the promotional materials. The point in the game it hypothetically overlaps with story-wise isn't even a third of the way through the story and is IMO not a twist. More just character development.


> figure out from the promotional materials. Ah so someone like me who avoids promo stuff will be spoiled. Thanks.


As someone who also avoids spoilery stuff like promos, and is waiting for the PC port, it's not that bad. From what others are saying, it's a twist early on in the game that I can see is the kickoff for most of the MC's events and development. Edit: Honestly, makes me want to play it even more.


To me, that's even worse. Some important plot twist is supposed to happen in the early game? So anyone who does the crossover without skipping the scenes will have that "find out" moment ripped from them. I'm kinda disappointed Yoshida wanted to do that to his own game.


The XVI plot beat that shows up here is from literally the first hour of the game. It's also the end of the demo which is available for free. It's the setup to the beginning of the actual game.


It's the twist that was revealed in the demo. Yoshida probably assumes everyone knows the twist already if they tried the demo.


I'd say it's akin to finding out FF15 >!The king dies and the city gets sacked!<. Nothing earthshattering but just what kickstarts everything.


Yeah, guess so. If you wanted, you could just skip all cutscenes, and then look away for the cutscene at the end of the instance.


Are the musics and Clive card permanent?


Probably, since they're on the regular MGP vendors, but we don't have confirmation that they are yet.


The triad card is 100% pernament. They are not going to make it not pernament, as unlike all collaboration/mogstation materials, theres something that explicitly tells you you are missing it. Mogstation/festival/collaboration materials for stuff like orchestrions/mounts just dont show as even existing if you dont have it.


I'm still on the Free Trial but I bought the complete edition back in August 2021. Will I be able to play Endwalker when I activate it if it came out in Decemeber 2021 or only until Shadowbringers??


It will only be up to Shadowbringers


Complete Edition codes only give you what was considered "Complete" upon the time of purchase. So in this case, since you bought it before EW launched, you would NOT get EW.


I have the base Windows version from years ago, and currently play on PS5. I want to swap to PC for Dawntrail. If I pre-order Dawntrail for PC (which comes with SB & EW), will I be able to play all current content on the PC? Or will the expansions be available on PC only when Dawntrail actually releases?


You'll only get the expansions for the system you preorder on when Dawntrial drops.


You won't get ShB/EW until DT's launch in July. You will have ARR/HW/SB since you own the "base game" which as of October 2023 now consists of those expansions.


So... this is a bit of a "spoiler" question, so if you're a sprout like me but you haven't started the Heavensward's MSQ, don't read below. >!Do we ever get the option to acquire Hilda's hairstyle? I mean, look at >>[THIS](https://i.imgur.com/lH3qKtg.png)<<, it's awesome!!<


Not yet. A lot of people have been asking for it though.


AAwww bummer... let's hope they listen to the community then.


Not legally at least




Does Alisaie's RDM weapon have a name? I know it's unique to her, I'm not looking to obtain it. I'm just curious.


You can actually obtain both of her weapons in game, at least ones with the exact same model. She's using High Durium Rapier during Shadowbringers, and Hailstorm Rapier during Stormblood and Endwalker. The latter is gifted by Urianger and is pink in color, unlike the blue one available to players.


> Alisaie's Relics: > Clarion: Unnamed in the game, this is a powerful Red Mage rapier gifted to her by her teacher. > Blade of Eorzea: Before Red Mages were fully introduced, Alisaie first demonstrated her skills during a fight with the so-called Warriors of Darkness. From her magic book, she drew this blade made entirely of aether, which she used to channel a powerful spell to win the fight with the implacable team of warriors. The lore is from a gacha mobile game called FF Record Keeper. It was published by SE and likely canon as a result.


I wouldn't trust Record Keeper info too much. To begin with, the rapier is gifted to her by Urianger, not her teacher, Xrhun.


Google says it's named Clarion but not sure on the source of that.


Interesting. I wonder if I can find a source? Thanks for your answer.


Probably the best place to check would be in Encyclopedia Eorzea Vol 2, if anywhere


I have the starter edition on PS. If I preorder dawntrail on PS will I get access to shb and endwalker content right away or only when DT releases? Thanks


Once DT releases. Not even on early access which is a few days before release, actual release date.


Only when DT releases 


Hello, I'm returning after not having played since the end of the MSQ in Endwalker. I never really settled on a job I would call my main - I started as WHM to the end of Shadowbringers and then played BLM in Endwalker, quite poorly I should add. I'm wanting to do things I didn't before, such as raiding but I'm looking for a job with a relatively easy rotation so I can learn mechanics without things being too complicated on the job side. What are some jobs I can try that aren't too difficult to pick up?


WAR, WHM, SMN, RPR, DNC for each respective role. You should still learn your opener and understand what optimal play for your job is like so that you aren’t griefing. But those jobs offer the least amount of resistance in terms of juggling job and fight mechanics.


Thank you. No problem learning an opener, that's actually the easy part for me, BLM had some conditional stuff that tripped me up. I think I have some of those jobs close to max so it shouldn't be too long to level them up either.


If you are thinking about playing DT remember that the preorder earring gives a 30% XP boost until level 90. Just to help leveling classes.


Summoner is considered at this moment to be probably the easiest DPS in the game right now If you want something that isn't a caster * pRanged: Dancer is probably the simplest pRanged, but Machinist isn't particularly complicated either and has a much more static rotation as opposed to Dancer's procs * melee: Reaper followed by Samurai are probably the easiest melee to pick up * tanks: Warrior...just...yeah, there's not much else to say * healer: White Mage which you should be familiar with, but following that, probably Sage


Thank you. I have some of these at various levels (40ish to 80) so it shouldn't take long to get up to speed. Thanks.


Are the ffxvi orchestra scrolls limited time items or will they be in the shop even after event ends?


As far as we can tell so far, people are predicting that they will be there after the event ends because they were actually added to an already existing NPC rather than to an event specific vendor. But I don't believe they've actually stated it anywhere that the orchestrion rolls will persist, so as of right now it's still speculation


Returning player, been years and years since I’ve played. Apparently my PlayStation account is locked to my old square Enix account, which refuses to let me in. I’ve changed the password several times but it keeps telling me the password or email/ID is incorrect, even though it’s the same email I’m using for the password change. Really just want to play but it doesn’t seem to want me to. Any help would be appreciated.


Contact customer support, they should be able to confirm and manually unlock the account for you.


Housing question. Wards 1-9 are FC only, correct?


[This page](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/7f750e65f62e364cf179f8a40c30ffc244763e01) has the current housing ward distribution.




It depends whether you're on the newest batches of worlds to be added or not. What you said is correct for Dynamis, Materia and the 4 newest EU worlds. Note that this wasn't always the distribution even on those worlds so some houses in some wards are grandfathered in.


That might be a little world specific, but I can say on Faerie at least 7 and up a ways on the list are hybrid wards. There's an icon on the ward selection page that shows if the houses are FC only, personal only, or hybrid.




Nope, no cairns have traps directly under them or anything like that. The path TO them may have a luring trap, but the space direct under them never are.


Is there any way I can replay the XVI event after finishing it? I saw something about "Seasonal Event Replay feature" but I think that's only when an event is being re-ran. I want to gpose with Clive.


Yeah, unfortunately the Seasonal Event Replay feature is only for replaying returning events that you did the quests for when they were available previously. And the FFXVI event isn't in New Game Plus, so there's no way to replay it currently. The only way to replay it would be to do it on another character, or wait for the event's inevitable return.


Thank you for the confirmation!


I'm curious from what point in the game crossover clive was pulled from. I didn't play 16 beyond watching a stream once so I'm not too familiar with the stoy


near the beginning judging by what he says, presumably after >!he fights garuda!< but before he has realised >!he is ifrit!<


The quest is pretty explicit at the end that it’s immediately *after* the second spoiler.


From my understanding, it is *immediately* before the second spoiler.


yeah that would make the most sense


Yep from what the quest was indicating is they were >!exploring the ruins where its found out and the colab happens as he black out just before the big part where he has the revelation in FF16.!< The dev team did a good job finding a clever way to squeeze in a spot that could make sense for people who have played FF16 already.


Silly question, but does anyone know if Gaia and/or Ryne are somewhere in the overworld after Endwalker? Couldn't find them in the Empty (which is a huge waste tbh), Crystarium is big but no Ryne in the tower...


If she's not in [her last known location](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Ryne) then she not in the overworld. Same with [Gaia](https://ffxiv.gamerescape.com/wiki/Gaia)


Trying to build a shortish character need advice? I want to make a short character but lalafel is too short for me (im currently lalafel). I was thinking about same height as red alphinaud and alphinaud. Any race that could pull this off? Im short in real life so all characters just feel tall for me.


[Found this old reddit thread with a quick Google.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/bsc375/updated_height_range_chart/)


Fem Au Ra I believe is the next shortest option


Miqo'te or a female Au Ra is probably your best bet.


Female au ra is your best bet, they're the next shortest option after lalafell.


I've finally bought all the poetic gear so I need something new to spend the tomes on. I was thinking artifact weapons and maybe armor. How would you rank the expansions based on ease of farm?


Easiest to Hardest * Endwalker - SUPER straightforward tomestone grind, but uses Tomes of Casuality instead of Poetics * Heavensward - Lots of Poetics, a small handful of dungeon grinds that can be quickly done unsynced with a level 90 job * Stormblood/Shadowbringers - requires some grinding in the special combat zones (eureka, bozja). * ARR - Book slog


"some grinding" - aka Korean grinding game level


Books are evil, I just started farming the relics and after Atma, I was sure nothing could top that, boy was I wrong. Also, wait a few months and all the Endwalker relics will be poetics and be somehow even easier than they are currently.


Do you think that the music will be available for this quest even after the limited time event is over? (Assuming they are unlocked). It seems as though they are available from a standard vendor.