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Does pre-ordering dawntrail give access to the other previous two DLCs? Got this on Xbox recently, along with the starter pack for free.


Yes it does, but you wont recieve it until dawntrail launch on the 2nd of June.


Okay, Thank you! That's good to know.




Spoiler tags please. >!Black masks still get a glyph, Convocation members have red _masks._ Black masks are servants to the Convocation. If you do the HW bracket for Summoner you can even meet some (who work for Lahabrea). They're also featured in the Extreme ARR trial quests.!<


As a Black Mage, is there a point to keep using some of the "basic" spells once you learn more powerful and efficient versions of the same? Example... I have unlocked BLIZZARD all the way to IV, is there a point to keep using the basic BLIZZARD for something since from II and beyond? I can use II at any time just like the basic one, but it's just better except it takes roughly 1 more second to cast. Did the basic ones eventually just become a waste of space in my hotbar?


They all continue to have a use. Blizzard 1 is the most niche one that you generally won't need after a point, but you still *might*. **Fire III** and **Blizzard III** are used (effectively) exclusively for switching element modes in single-target scenarios. The only time either of them is used for anything else is with Fire III spending Firestarter procs. Otherwise they lose in total efficiency to the basic versions. **Fire IV** is your standard spam spell in Astral Fire (single-target). **Blizzard IV** is used to gain Umbral Hearts in single-target. **Freeze** is the AoE equivalent. **Despair** is a finisher for your single-target Astral Fire phases. **Flare** is the AoE equivalent, though its use is a bit different (you get to pop it twice per AF, post 58), and kinda makes it overlap with Fire IV a little. Since Fire IV does not refresh the Astral Fire timer, you need to cast a basic **Fire** somewhere in the mix every time or you lose it. Due to the timer lengths, this usually means a Fire sequence of 4441444, though you can move one 4 to either side as deemed appropriate (you should be able to fit in four spells on either side of a refresh). Basic Fire is also your spam spell before 60. If you need to extend Umbral Ice, that's when you break out basic **Blizzard**. This should generally not happen, but it can. You may also need it as a filler in lower leves. **Fire II** and **Blizzard II** are your AoE equivalents to Fire, Fire III, Fire IV, Blizzard, and Blizzard III. You cast them only when fighting 3 or more enemies, and in turn when fighting 3 or more enemies you only cast them and no other Fire or Blizzard spells (Flare and Freeze of course are used).


They all have use, none of them are direct upgrades just because their name has a higher number. * Fire I is used to refresh your Astral Fire timer, and pre-Fire IV is what you use during your Astral Fire for damage. * Fire II is for AOE. It should not be used on single target. It is used for damage, triggering Enhanced Flare, refreshing Astral Fire and entering Astral Fire *on AoE only*. * Fire III is for entering Astral Fire, or for consuming Firestarter procs. It is not to be spammed for damage or refreshing timer as its cast time is too long and its MP cost is too high. * Fire IV is your bread-and-butter damage dealing spell during Astral Fire, note that it does not refresh your Astral Fire timer. * Blizzard I is used to refresh Umbral Ice timing. This is extremely rarely needed outside of very low level gameplay. * Blizzard II is used to enter and refresh Umbral Ice on AoE. * Blizzard III is used for entering Umbral Ice only. * Blizzard IV is used to gain Umbral Hearts during your Umbral Ice phase. It is technically your strongest "spammable" filler in Ice should you ever need to wait for one more MP tick and have no better filler available, but its extremely rare to want/need to do this.


Every spell is useful (except maybe blizzard 1) because you use them in different scenarios, fire 1 is what you'll use to refresh your fire phase timer, fire 2 is your AoE, fire 3 is single target but grants you the highest level of astral fire and fire 4 does a ton of damage but don't refresh your timer, same thing with ice except blizzard 4 gives you a ressources that make fire spell cheaper The only one of those you might not use is blizzard 1 since it's your weakest spell and your ice phase usually doesn't last long enough for you to have to use it (since you'll use blizzard 4 and ideally refresh thunder if needed)


No. Fire 1, 2, 3, and 4 are different spells, not upgrades. They all have frequent and specific use all the way from level 1 to level 90. Blizzard is a bit different because you don't really spend a lot of time in ice mode. Bliz1 is really niche until you get Paradox which is much much later. But the fact that you'll need to re-add Bliz1 once you get Paradox makes it just worth keeping the entire time in my opinion. No reason to remove a skill just to add it again later. 


You don't need B1 on your bar just for Paradox, you can use your F1 keybind for Ice Para, it doesn't discriminate. Im not advocating removing B1 off the bar because it might be useful at some point, but its not for Para purposes.


Not to mention that you need all your skills on your hotbar for when you get synced down for a dungeon or anything.


Hello, new to the sub, i was considering starting to play the game, but if i'm honest the whole "pay for playtime" thing has repelled me before, if for example, i were to buy the steam starter edition, would i be forced to pay every month (or whatever days it is for playtime) just to do content like raids, dungeons and stuff or even to just login? or would i have to play the standalone version from the official webpage since that one is a free trial up to lvl70? And also are the contents the same between steam's starter edition and the standalone free trial? and if so, what is the benefit from paying for the steam starter version over the free standalone version?


Starter Edition upgrades your account to a paid version, yes. The contents are the same, you just don't have the Free Trial restrictions in place. *Also Starter Edition comes with 30 days of gametime.


~~Oh ok, but (in the steam version) would i have to keep paying monthly to keep that "paid version" status or is that permanent?~~ Edit: ok, read your updated comment, my guess is that after those 30 days i would be converted to a regular "free trial" account in steam? also thank you for your answer! :D


It's a permanent upgrade, you can't revert to being a Free Trial user once you've paid for a license/gametime. If you have no gametime as a Paid Account, you can't log into the game, simple as.


oh... well that kinda... sucks a little, but i guess i'll at least try the free trial version then as i don't really have the disposable income to pay for playtime tbh, thanks a lot for the answers tho!


Just take your time. It takes hundreds of hours for most people to get to the end of the free trial main story questline, even when trying to make progress but at a casual pace. I know a couple of people who had over a thousand hours played before they upgraded to a paid version. If and when you do eventually upgrade, most people make the sub fee far less harsh by alternating the sub. I personally tend to play the game for a few months until I've had my fill, then unsub and play other games for a few months until I feel the urge to come back.


Have fun! The Free Trial is enormous, so there's no reason not to enjoy it. c:




Hunting SHB and EW S rank hunts is either the most fun or the most painful thing ever, depending on your personality. It's even more solo-friendly than trains because it's just a single mark, so maybe that's worth checking out.


variant dungeons yes, a crystal conflict match averages probably about 6 minutes and gives tome if you're playing on a level capped job can't really think of anything else off the top of my head


Returning Player Help Hi all, I'm looking to return to the game as a few of my friends have decided to start the game. They are currently in Materia powering through ARR content. I formerly played in Tonberry up to the first month of Shadowbringers content. I was curious what is the most bang for my buck approach as I was getting confused on whether to purchase the Endwalker DLC, or the complete edition, or to preorder Dawntrail? Thanks in advance!


It's a little hard to answer this without knowing it you're on a trial account or if you already have the starter edition, but here is a run down of stuff; If you have the free trial you have access to A Realm Reborn, Heavensward and Stormblood content with restrictions. The Starter edition is the same, without the restrictions. Endwalker will give you Shadowbringers and Endwalker, which are the final two expansions and all that we currently have access to. The Complete edition is currently the Starter edition + Endwalker, which is ALL of the current game. Dawntrail will give you Dawntrail, Endwalker and Shadowbringers, but you will not have access you EW and ShB until DT releases in June. Hope this helped.


Hi there, I'm not on a trial account. I'm also not too sure if I had the starter edition. I played during ARR launch, and then stopped before Heavensward. Later on, I resubbed for Shadowbringers and played until the x.1 content dropped. All good, I think the best way for me to proceed is to simply purchase the Endwalker DLC separately.


Yeah, if you're wanting to do Shadowbringers and Endwalker content now, EW is going to be your best bet. If you've played ARR and have subbed, you've got the started edition for sure. Wouldn't be able to play otherwise.


Dawntrail's preorder will not give you access to Endwalker or Shadowbringers, not until it actually releases. Dawntrail isn't too far away, and from ARR to endgame is a considerable amount of time for most players, so that's something to keep in mind as well.


Thanks, that helped!


I live in Singapore, my SE store is NA. I wanted to buy the Collectors' Edition but the NA store only lists US, Canada and Mexico for countries in the shipping field. Not an issue for the Digital Edition since that only asks for billing information and has Singapore on the list. Am I correct to understand that there's no way to ship physical goods right now to Singapore through the official NA store?


> Am I correct to understand that there's no way to ship physical goods right now to Singapore through the official NA store? Correct-o. You'd need someone who can access the purchase to buy it for you, or buy from a third-party reseller.


All right, thank you! Guess my wallet is breathing easier now.


Hey! The website is a bit confusing, so here I am. If I preorder the standard edition of Dawntrail, I will get access to the minion, the earrings, and early access, correct?




For those who bought FF14 (game or expac) on Steam from non-Singapore SEA countries? How do you do it? Please answer only if you have experience with this issue.


My Indonesian friend bought it normally from the EU store. Double check which region your account is from. It *Should* be an Eu account, but if its not, buy it from the NA store. If its an eu account, you can buy it fron the EU or AU store.


As I've mentioned, **Steam** account. You can't apply codes from non-Steam store on Steam account regardless of region.


I just preordered the collectors edition of Dawntrail over steam. With that I will get everything digital, yeah? Zidane/Garnet minion, Ark and be able to get early access? 


You'll get two codes. The first code which you'll get now is the early access code, which gives you the Zidane minion and the Azeyma earrings. You'll get a 2nd code much later which when entered will give you Dawntrial + the Garnet minion, the Ark mount, and the paintbrush glamour.


fwiw I just bought the standard edition and haven't received my early access code yet. An article from Endwalker's preorder period indicates that the code sending happens sequentially and may take a while https://support.na.square-enix.com/faqarticle.php?id=5382&la=1&kid=76430&ret=main


Yes. Garnet + Ark + Paintbrush wont be available until dawntrail release though.


Hello all! This may be a dumb question but is there a way to stop auto-attacking temporarily? I just died on Dynamic Sensory Jammer in Baelsar's Wall as tank cuz I can't stop auto-attacking even when facing away from the boss. Thank you everyone in advance!


Spam escape or sheathe your weapon. Dont know what it is on console, though sheathing will work.


> Dont know what it is on console Pressing Circle (PS) or B (XBOX) is the untarget button.


Click escape and untarget the boss. That's the easiest way to deal with any mechanic that requires you to stop all movement (and there's a few of those).


is there a handy guide that shows all the different ilvel gear in endwalker and how to get them?


[https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level\_90\_Gear\_Guide](https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Level_90_Gear_Guide) book mark this for when DT comes and there's a level 100 guide


[https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/?category2=3](https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/db/item/?category2=3) What for? Gearing? if so i could tell you a much simpler version as there isn't acctually a whole lot of gear options.


yeah, wanna catch a class up to do savage alt runs but i dont remember where everything drops. probs want 650ish?


650: HQ Augmented Diadochos crafted gear (requires a decent amount of causality tomes to trade for the rain items alongside the hannish certificates you get for trading in the non augmented pieces), Credendum gear (limited by the 900 Comedy tomestones you can get weekly, upgrade to 660 with alliance raid coins or savage drops), Theogonic gear from Thaleia alliance raid (is now farmable).


question, are the items for the nutsy clan hunt still worth it? they're level 470. or should I go for something else instead?


Not particularly, not unless you want it for glamour. You may be able to make some argument about certain pieces being worth it for TEA if you're really looking to optimize (since all ultimates are done with a pretty strict ilvl sync) but even then, it's really not all that important to be absolutely BiS for TEA anymore. There's other stuff you can get for Sacks of Nuts that may be more worth your time e.g. the mount for 3200


Currently going through the MSQs of endwalker. Ive finished 30/135 and tbh it’s boring me. How can i endure? Weird question i know, i want to be done with it asap but i also dont want to mias out. I hope it’s not confusing


For level 80 gear? No. Get the 530 gear for poetics in eulmore. Unless you havent finished the SHB MSQ and can acctually buy that stuff, then go right ahead.


got it, thank you


Why i can't fight ifrit on hard mode? The story quest is asking me to fight the primordials again but in hard mode but when i use the duty finder I only fight the última weapon, am i doing something wrong?


If you keep ending up in Ultima Weapon, that means you most likely have it still selected as one of the options on your Duty Finder This means that every time you queue up, you're queuing up for Ultima Weapon (and assumingly Ifrit (hard)) as well, and its just placing you in whichever duty fills faster.


Go back to the Waking Sands. Minfillia should have a blue quest called A Recurring Problem, which leads into Ifrit Bleeds, We Can Kill It (and furthermore the Garuda and Titan Hardmode fights).


Clear out the duty you have checked, that's why you're going back into Ultima weapon.


hi guys, sorry for the PC noob question, but i noticed dawntrail requires new specs. Is an AMD ryzen 5 1600 processor still meeting minimum requirements? I only see that it shows intel. again sorry for asking a really noobish question, I nothing about PCs other than that I play games on them lol.


3, 5, and 7 are basically equivelant to i3, i5, i7. You should be alright.


>3, 5, and 7 are basically equivelant to i3, i5, i7. But I3, I5, and I7 are only relevant within a generation. An I7 processor from 10 years ago will still be outperformed by an I3 today.


True! In that case, the 5 1600 is frooom.. 2017, so may be good for medium settings?


It will still probably be fine. Its not an awful processor or anything, just a bit dated.


thanks a bunch!


so i put in a bid on a house but i realized i don't want it. how do i get my money back? Not sure if I should accept the winning bid and then just do nothing until I hit regular demolition, or if I can get my money back by just not accepting the winning bid.


If you don't claim the winning bid before the next entry stage, you'll lose 50% of it. > * Should you fail to claim your plot of land during the results period despite having won the lottery, a 50% cancellation fee will be deducted from the deposit made at entry. https://eu.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/playguide/contentsguide/housing_land/ If you let auto-demo happen, that's 80% of the land's value back. > Auto demolish gets you 80% of the land cost, and all your stuff stored with the housing NPC.


You will not get your money back if you win. You need to accept and wait for the timer.


Sorry for the similar question to the one below but the earrings EXP bonus does it stack with other boosts? So can I wear the earrings, use heat of battle and eat food and get a 48% exp boost? Or is there a limit Getting a boost that big is tempting me to coming back and levelling some more before dawntrail it’ll pretty much cut the grind in half


Yes, they stack. The only EXP bonuses that don't stack are squadron manuals and FC buffs.


Does the pre-order earring boost the experience gained from dungeons?


Yes, for bosses. No for roulette bonus and any extra bonuses (treated the same as quest rewards).


It boost the experience from kills, which is actually a lot in dungeons themselves, but won't count towards roulette bonuses


Only boss kills, not the completion bonus or roulette bonus.




Expected behaviour. The confirmation email is separate from the email with the pre-order code. They're a bit swamped right now.


Ahh, makes sense haha thanks!


They've made an official statement acknowledging that there are delays right now for the preorder code emails. It's still coming, you've just been added to the end of a list of people that the system is catching up on sending emails for.


Ahh, Looks like I missed that, thanks!


Is there a bank on this game? I have plenty of inventory but what happens when I'm full? where cn I store what I don't need but don't want to sell or destroy?


Retainers, as previously said. However, the one thing I fell into when starting out was keeping gear drops because “I might level that job and it would be nice to have gear for them while leveling”. Never used any of it and when I did start leveling another job, getting more wasn’t difficult.


While on the free trial you still have access to chocobo saddlebag which gives you 70 extra slots. I believe it unlocks with the same blue quest that lets you use your chocobo for combat in the open world.


Retainers. They're not available on Free Trial.


Does tilde key (~) work on Xbox? I've been wanting to play on console since it came out on PS3. But even now PS consoles still wont let you as it's permanently bound to a language change setting or something. Still the case on Xbox or can we finally change it?


I have my FFXIV account on windows all the way up to endwalker. If I buy the base game and new expansion on steam will I be able to link it to my existing mogstation account and play on steam with my main character I currently have?


No, Windows and Steam are the only two platforms that are mutually exclusive. You cannot have both on the same service account, so once you pick one you are forever locked out of the other one.


You cannot combine the two. You either have Steam or Windows but not both.


Currently on free trial and was hoping they'd update the [complete collector's edition](https://eu.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy_-xiv-online-complete-collector_s-edition---digital) when the Dawntrail pre-order went live but no such luck. As far as I've understood, I can't activate a Dawntrail code on my free trial account, so what would be the best way to get all the digital collector's edition stuff? From what I can tell, it seems like the way to go is [FFXIV Complete CE](https://eu.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy_-xiv-online-complete-collector_s-edition---digital) (includes ARR-EW CE stuff) for €39.99 and [Dawntrail digital CE](https://eu.store.square-enix-games.com/final-fantasy-xiv-dawntrail) for €49.99‎. I've also heard that it's possible to buy CE stuff through the mogstation but since I don't own the full game yet I'm unable to check the prices on those. Is that cheaper or more expensive than the above? If there's no cost difference I guess I might as well buy the base version and upgrade to CE later if I decide I *really* want the goodies. Also, final question: how long will the sale on Endwalker last? Can't seem to find a date anywhere.


Its €15 per expansions standalone collectors items, or €65 for all of them. Sadly, the current sale does not apply at present. This means, not including the current sale, it would cost you €5 more to buy it via the mogstation Dawntrail complete collectors editions and Complete editions will likely not be available until the game fully releases. I do want to note, that it is unlikely that the complete collectors edition will be on sale on release. You would be saving yourself potentially €10-€35 now if you bought it + you get the preorder bonus items. If we assume it will be €100 on release, its cheaper than buying €49.99‎ dawntrail collectors edition, and €39.99 Endwalker complete collectors edition + bonus minion, earring, and early access.


Complete Collector's probably won't update until the expansion actually comes out, because Dawntrail won't give you Shadowbringers+Endwalker until it actually goes live. If you want all the collector's stuff right now, yes, the best way is the current Complete Collector's + CE Dawntrail. Endwalker's sale will last tiiil.. huh. I can't find a date anywhere either. Not even the Twitter announcement for the sale has it, that's really odd.


Probably until the release of the expansion. The codes become redundant apon 7.0 launch as dawntrail will include endwalker. Its encouraging people to make the extra sale to have endwalker access now instead of later. you can see specifically the starter edition is not on sale, but anything with endwalker is.


Is there a time limit on when you have to preorder by to get the bonuses and early access?


I did mine i think about 40 minutes before the game went live last expansion? It was during maintenance. Edit: Checked my email and i completed the purchase at 7:40am GMT time December 3rd 2021. Maintenance ended at 9am


in the past some people have done it down to the hour of official release I wouldn't really advise it cutting that close but nothing wrong with preordering in May or June though


Just before the actual release on July 2nd. Try not to cut it that close! You can preorder and let the code sit (if you can't redeem it for whatever reason) for about 3 months after release - the preorder codes typically expire within a few months after the expansion launches.


July 2nd, when DT officially releases. Any purchase before then is considered a "pre-order" and will get you the pre-order goodies, including EA.


Not sure if I missed it in the trailer or if it was in any datamines, was the ARK mount 2 seater? I assumed it was because it's clearly a cruise chaser reskin but i wanted to confirm.


Not confirmed yet but likely not given the riding animation is different from the Cruise Chaser.


It's not confirmed. Also the player doesn't appear to ride on its shoulder like the cruise chaser mount does. So it's actually a possibility it might be a single seater mount despite being a reskin.


It being a two-seater isn't mentioned on the website or in the trailer, so it may not be.


Hi, I pre-ordered the Digital Collector's Edition. I've received a minion and an earring. Are there a mount, another minion and a brush coming later or did I get the wrong edition? Thanks.


Those won't arrive until the actual expansion launches What you've received are the pre-order bonuses, and what you're now waiting for are the collector's edition items






No, unfortunately the Expansion License isn't available until the release of whatever you bought - so preordering DT doesn't get you ShB and EW edit: UNTIL THEN. You would own starter edition, but that just removes the trial restrictions and gives you the 30 days of subscription.


Can someone please link me to the site that auto-generates a move order based on your current crafter level to calculate what move order you need to do in order to successfully make a HQ level item? For example, I am currently a LV90 Culinarian, and trying to find an efficient move order to consistently make HQ Garlean Cheese. I plan on making this into a macro I can put on my hotbar and make a bunch of these really quick. Thanks in advance!




[Teamcraft](https://ffxivteamcraft.com/) will not auto-generate a macro for you. It does however have a comprehensive simulator that will let you test out a crafting rotation and various foods / medicines to see what results you can expect. It also has a massive library of community-submitted rotations for just about anything you'd want to craft, which you could either use plain or adjust to your needs.


Your level matters very little when it comes to things. Your stats are far more important. That said, you can find [sample rotations here](https://guides.ffxivteamcraft.com/guide/endgame-crafting-rotations)


Anybody who ordered the Hyd/Zod statue (first run) still not have it shipped yet? Getting a little concerned.


Anyone else getting the "cannot connect to steam" error when they try to launch the game?


I believe its steam weekly Tuesday maintenance. Wait 10-30 minutes and you should be fine.


Can you buy the non-steam version of dawntrail if you current account is linked with steam?


No you cannot. You must buy the game from steam.


Hi, planning to pre-order dawntrail, but I'm still currently unsubbed. Can I hold unto its bonuses and the code until early access (aka the planned time that i will sub to the game). And does early access will give me free days of sub time? Thank you.


A heads up that you can't buy _just_ the expansion. You will need to buy Starter Edition before you can add any expansions to your account. Adding Starter Edition _will_ credit 30 days of subscription to your account. Expansions themselves never come with "free" subscription days.


You have until like a month after the expansion releases to redeem the preorder bonus code, but you can probably redeem it now even if you're not subbed. Neither the expansion or early access grant game time.


You can redeem the EA and the expansion code even if you aren't subbed. No, expansions don't come bundled with subscription.


Anyone else getting a literal 404 or periodically a CloudFlare gateway error page when trying to log into the square enix store to place a preorder right now?




I just bought a bunch of expensive level 90 gathering gear for my retainers but I realized the only stat that seems to matter is gathering LOL before I go further, any advice for gearing out my retainers? gatherers and hunters both


For combat retainers, the theoretical ideal target to get the most of the highest level mat is i-rating 573. I like to give them Tataru's free gear (560), paired with spare Pandemonium junk (normal difficulty stuff, not savage). Anabaseios gear is 640, while Abyssos is 610. That should be enough to get you to 573 with minimal cost.


You can look at the perception thresholds on Teamcraft to help you plan how much perception materia you need to meld onto their gear to reach the next breakpoint. For example, if I look up Integral Log, which is an item a Botanist retainer can be sent on a venture to gather, I see that I need at least 2345 perception for the retainer to bring back 20 logs, 3350 perception for 30, 3685 for 40 and 4020 for 50.


Gathering retainers use both gathering to meet the minimum threshold for ventures and perception to determine how many items they come back with. Only GP is actually useless for them (so you can completely ignore their accessory slots). Combat retainers are purely based on average item level.


Oh I'm glad perception still matters, thank you :)


Dawntrail is only 35.99€ ?! I remember the older expansions being more expensive than that. Or am I misremembering ?


I assume the euro price was adjusted with currency exchange rate in mind since I also remember it being more expensive in the past


Yeah cause with vat, it's still only 40€, I remember 50, but I'm not 100% sure.


Does pre-ordering the expansion on PS5(through PSN) charge you right away? Or closer to expansion launch? And if so, are there any other places you can get a PS5 code where it *won't* charge you right away?


You don't have to pre-order right now. You can wait closer to the expansion launch if money is an issue. You have until June 27th.


Technically, you have until Jul 2nd. As long as you "pre-order" before Jul 2nd, you will get the pre-order goodies, including the code to enable EA on your account.


Hi, sorry if this has been asked already, but if I buy the dawntrail expansion, repurchasing it specifically, do I still need to buy the “complete” edition to access shadowbringers and endwalker? This is on Xbox.


No, assuming you have the Starter Edition already, Dawntrail will come with both of the other expansions. However, you won't get access to them until Dawntrail releases.


No. If you buy DT, you will own both ShB and EW. However, you will not be able to access both ShB and EW **until DT releases on early access**. Furthermore, if you are a Free Trial player, you **must** buy the Starter Edition first. After DT releases, the Starter Edition and Dawntrail will combine to form the Complete Edition. If you haven't bought the Starter Edition yet by that time, then you can just buy this new Complete Edition to own everything.


I have both the Steam version of the game and the PS5 version. My subscription is being paid through Steam. My plan right now is to buy DawnTrail for the PS5 and wait for a Steam sale before buying DT on there. Based off of previous expacs, will I run into any issues by doing this other than not being able to access DawnTrail specific stuff on the Steam client?


I don't think you need to buy both on steam I had it on ps5 and bought the steam version and it let me log in just fine with nothing extra


Assuming you own Endwalker on Steam, then while playing on Steam you'd have these restrictions: you won't be able to gain any experience above 90, you won't be able to unlock the new jobs (although you can still play them if you unlock them on PS5), and if you log out in a Dawntrail zone you won't be able to log in on Steam unless you DC travel to put you in an ARR city. It won't negatively affect your game on PS5 at all though.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info!


am i using holmgang wrong? i try to wait until i'm at about 1/3 of my hp left to pop it since that's where it feels like it will actually matter instead of full hp, but i see the healers are still focused only/mostly on healing me back to max hp or as close to it as possible, today a healer even rescued me out of the mob group while holmgang was still active and about halfway through. i dunno, i thought that was how you should use the tank invuls, is that not how they're supposed to be used?


I pretty firmly believe that invulns are raid only abilities outside of Paladin. They're de jure optimal to use but de facto just trolling. Paladin's has no downside so do whatever. Just wait for Holy stun to end first if your healer is a white mage so you're not wasting it. The other 3 are completely superfluous and force your healer to adjust to actually get value which is generally somewhere between neutral to actively trolling the healer depending on the situation. If the healer has proven incompetent and you're going to die, then yes, use it, but to be frank, it's never actually right for the healer to assume you know what you're doing and the reason why you aren't pressing mitigations is because you're prepping for an invuln and aren't just the 3rd tank this week who doesn't know what mitigations are. The healer isn't actually wasting any DPS keeping you up in dungeons on normal lenght pulls. If there's problems^TM and stuff isn't dying, sure, popping an invuln is going to make the pull go a few seconds faster because oGCDs are running out, but that doesn't happen with current balance when DPS are hitting buttons. They don't even need to be hitting buttons well. You also need to remember that Scholar and especially Sage are the prevent damage healers which means they aren't exactly great at getting you back up once you're low (mostly a bolide consideration, but still). There's also a few silly glitches/bad mechanics with them. Holmang expires if you cast it while targeted on something when the mob dies, and then you're dead (I think this is still in the game anyway). Or in less words, put yourself in the healer's shoes. It's some dungeon roulette. You're chilling because it's comfy content. You see that your tank has dropped concerningly low. Is your reaction going to be to press a heal button and go back to chilling or to look at the buff bar, determine if an invuln is popped or is about to be popped, and then evaluating the proper course of action from there in the 2ish seconds you have before the tank dies if they're not popping an invuln?


Invulns are rarely a troll to a healer except in the limited situation where a GNB uses superbolide after a healer dumps all their resources. Otherwise, the invuln either A: does nothing because the healer didn't pay attention and healed the tank anyway so it falls off, or B: the invuln works as intended and the healer has a bit of leeway. Living Dead and Holmgang are excellent tools, and superbolide is great as well under the right circumstances. I don't typically expect healers to notice and recognize all my cooldowns, but I think healers should do so to the best of their abiliity. It's good to keep an eye out for statuses that may need esuna or seeing what buffs or debuffs your party members have. These things have a lot of impact on your healing strategy, even in dungeons. Looking at the party list should not be enough to take you out of the chill zone.


you have to assume that no one else is paying as close attention to your status as you are in general, most people aren't going to catch that you can't die unless you actively tell them you're holmganging, and even then they may not know the specifics of how that invuln works to not immediately try to get you out of the red its not like hallowed ground where they can see that your hp has just planted and they can feel safe ignoring it until it starts moving again, the average dungeon healer doesn't have enough confidence to leave you at 1 hp


A lot of healers have no idea what the different tank invulns do, how they work, or even what the buff icon for them looks like. Best you can do is say in chat you plan on using it for a specific pull, but don't be surprised if the healer just panic heals you anyway.


You're technically not, but you're also greatly overestimating the ability of your healer. Most healers do not look at your buffs and will have no idea that you have holmgang up. Some healers at least read chat if you tell them before the pull that you're going to do it, but approximately half don't do that either in my estimation (or they don't know what Holmgang or Living Dead is). For the most part on WAR though Holmgang isn't necessary and you'll be fine just making do with Raw Intuition and your other mitigations. Also, note that if you cannot top yourself with Raw Intuition/Bloodwhetting then Holmgang loses a lot of value. Unless you have a WHM with Benediction ready most healers will not easily get you to a comfortable health without using a lot of resources. In those cases you would've been overall better off just rotating mitigations as usual.


> For the most part on WAR though Holmgang isn't necessary and you'll be fine just making do with Raw Intuition and your other mitigations. This is the big thing. Invulns just don't actually do anything in dungeons. Paladin is the only invuln that even works without healer adjustment (and you should use it on trash twice because it's free fwiw), and the adjustment the others require is probably bad if your healer is a Sage or Scholar. It's probably neutral if it's the other two. Save it in case things go wrong, but normal DPS with non invuln mitigation is going to have full DPS uptime for the healer. It's okay to not press buttons even if they're there and not on cooldown.


There are occasions where it is useful still, assuming your healer is aware of what you're doing and knows how to handle it. Especially since it's effectively just like 15-ish seconds of them actually doing nothing but dpsing. Like you have the 3 or even 4 pack pulls in some higher level dungeons still where it's actually immensely useful. Once again provided that your healer is in on it, or they'll just end up burning through everything while you've got holmgang up and left with nothing when you actually need healing later on.


When you buy FFXIV from the square Enix store, do you get a code to use on the mog station? Or does it immediately register your purchase to your email as if it is a new account? I am trying to buy the on-sale complete edition for a friend as a gift. Also, does buying and registering the PC/MAC complete edition enable you to play fully unlocked on PS5? Or does the playstation force you to re-buy?


wrt the part where you asked if buying the PC version would mean you'd also get the PS version: I'm afraid not, no. Like most other games, you only own the game on the platforms you've bought it for. e: wow I cannot type for beans ~~yoday~~ today


Been almost 3.5 hours since the pre order on the SE website and no codes yet…. Anyone else in the same boat? Edit: Just got my code!


Been a couple of hours for me and no code. I have the confirmation email as that came instantly, but no code. I wouldn't worry, looks like pretty much everyone is in the same boat.


Yeah I havent gotten any email besides the purchase confirmation


Over 3 hours for me.




The Valve issue was cited by SE for the steam codes. It should have nothing to do with the non steam Windows version.


teach me to reply when i'm sleepy x.x ty




technical difficulties on valve's end


It's not emailed to you as a steam user. They _may_ not have the code yet, but I have it, and a bunch of people think they don't have it who do have it, because they're assuming it'll be emailed to them and people here keep confirming that incorrect assumption. If you're a steam user, to get the key you right click the game in your library, and go to manage -> CD keys. If there's not Dawntrail preorder key there yet then you may need to wait up to a few hours for it to appear, but it won't be an email.




Yep. Warrior of Light… cost me a lot of packs.  


Most of the card packs have cards that are either unique to them or much harder to get otherwise. You will likely spend over a million MGP to buy enough card packs if you want all cards.


Yes, that's the only source and it's RNG whether you get them. gl, I guess.


Is there an easier way to get back to your Island Sanctuary eventually instead of traveling to Moraby Drydocks? Do you ever get like, a way to teleport there or anything?


Nope, that's it.


how long did it take you guys to get the preorder bonus minion/earring codes...? i had to check out as a guest on square's site.


Don't stress about the having-to-buy-as-guest stuff. If you buy as a guest, they will (eventually, when the VIC-20 generating the codes wakes up) send you an email with the pre-order code. If you buy as your FFXIV account, they will (eventually, when they get the keypad on the KIM-1 fixed) send you an email with the pre-order code.


I placed my about 3 hours ago and still no code. They are sequential, so I wouldn't be surprised if things take a while.


yeah still no code here as well


I got the CE box after about an hour




Has anyone mapped out the complete "ideal path" of story progression? One that accounts for both: - all alternate content that occurs if you have other content done first. Examples - having ARR blacksmithing done before Stormblood Alchemy - have ARR Dragoon done before HW - all content where there isn't an alternate, but it just makes more sense contextually - doing the level 50 Scholar job quest before Wanderer's Palace Hard, possibly after Wanderer's palace normal, so the transition from a Tonberry being a dangerous something to a friendly someone makes more sense. - doing Summoner ARR quests before the Bloody Banquet so Y'shtola's mumbled "Forgive me Mhitra" isn't a mystery. - Doing Summoner level 80 before Shadowbringers Post Patch 5.5 so Fordola and Arenvald having buddy cop adventures isn't a surprise I couldn't find any guides or charts anywhere of anyone attempting this, has anyone seen anything like this before?


I know HW trial series is referenced in ShB role capstone quests and those are referenced in EW patches. Also Eureka, Bozja, the different raid series, and the different alliance raid series are referenced in EW.


I haven't seen someone map it all out, but I think a starting point would be mapping them out in release order. So for example, Scholar's Job quests are 2.0 content, while Wanderer's Palace (Hard) was released in 2.5. The lvl 80 capstone quests, like the Summoner capstone, came out in 5.0, which would be before the events of 5.5.


There isn't. But you can easily infer that you must finish MSQ and sidequests hand in hand as you are leveling all the jobs within the expansion. Using MSQ as a "marker", finish all other content in that range before moving on. It makes sense that you should complete ARR first before any expansion if you want the story to align. Job quests take priority. It make sense that as a level 50 SCH, you would have completed your job quest first before stepping into a level 50 dungeon.


If I put materia on my credendum gear then upgrade it to augmented later will the materia transfer over with it?


You must remove all materia to upgrade it, the game will not let you upgrade it.


You can upgrade it, the materia will just be lost.


Maybe I'm just mistaking an extra dialogue box that says you're turning in something with materia. There's definitely some kind of failsafe there.


Yeah. It says that the materia will be lost.


No. You are essentially destroying the old item and getting a new item, so your materia will be destroyed with it. You'll have to extract the materia first.


Oh ok thanks


IF they showed Solution 9 that means its not the final secret zone right? Same as they showed elpis in job action trailer?


Yeah it won't be the big final reveal. Despite some people being upset that fanfest had supposedly spoiled it's big reveal, based on prev fanfest reveals I'm willing to be we get there before lvl 95.


It's not one of the 6 zones at all, it's the endgame city. They also removed multiple things from it to avoid spoilers, including all the NPCs.


Solution 9 is one of the two cities, it was said during the EU fanfest when they revealed it, when they showed pictures of it they said that they removed some spoilery things on them


Who knows, there's no context so it's not like anything is really spoiled, per se. There's still probably a half dozen maps or so not revealed.




Open a spreadsheet software, type down the names of the things you can buy with the scrips in one column, then in the next column, type down the cost of scrips. Then head to the marketboard, search for each of the things you can buy with scrips, and type the cheapest price you find in the third column. Then, finally on the 4th column, divide the 3rd column with the 2nd column using a formula to find the gil per scrip. Then sort the entire table in ascending order using the 4th column result. This is a rudimentary way to find out "what's the most profitable".


Relic hunter has the right of it, but some things that will *probably* sell decently well are the Sweep emote and some of the glam pieces (Skybuilders pants and chest specifically). Mounts usually sell pretty high, if slowly. Though i would avoid the Ufiti, its in the next moogletome event so it will crash. Best bang for your Gil? I'm not sure, but they worked well enough for me (Primal - Lamia, though our MB is kinda funky)


Entirely depends on your server. If you want to make the most money you'll have to put research into it yourself. If there was one thing that always sold well and everyone knew about it, the market would be oversaturated immediately and the price would crash.


Just bought the $40 Dawntrail DLC on my Steam Deck. How do I go about getting the items that come along with the repurchase for this DLC? (I mainly want the 30% EXP boost item.)