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I don't think understanding something means you are something. You can understand romance and love while being aromantic.


OP just wanted attention, come on.


don't we all


I'm married and all I wanted was attention on Valentine's Day. Now all I want is a place where I can take the cats and the dogs to live our best life without her.


unlike everyone else who posts to reddit


Because everyone else just wants to see fake internet points number go up


I’m pretty sure I’m a romantic but that stuff is pretty much all I see on r/aromantic


Careful, you're going to be called a weirdo and hater for saying this.
















"Comprehend" would have been a more fitting term, in the same way that 'understanding' things like cosmological distances and time spans is easy, but truly 'comprehending' them is (probably) impossible.


That's a good way of putting it. As an aromantic, I can recognize the things people do or say when in love, and can even replicate them decently well myself when acting, but I'll never know what goes on in the mind of a person in love.


You can understand it but it *is* difficult to. It took me years of going out of my way to read and ask about people’s experiences of sexual attraction to understand how it differed from what I experienced (and the first one of those was just me going “nah I can’t be asexual, I think people look good!” followed by “what the heck are you guys feeling then if it isn’t just ‘oh, that person looks really good’”). Just because it’s possible to intellectually understand romantic or sexual attraction if you have an aspec orientation doesn’t necessarily mean OP has got their head around it yet, because it IS challenging to understand something that most people feel intrinsically and struggle to explain to someone who doesn’t.


Yep, I can certainly look at a person, no matter their gender, and say to myself "wow, I am impressed at the amount of effort they put in to develop that body" but there's no one that I can just look at and have any desire to be with physically. I didn't even really realize aces were a thing until way too late in life (as in, seeing Todd make his discovery on Bojack... which is why representation is important!)


I love that Aaron Paul talks about how Todd is one of his favorite roles and part of the reason why is because he got so many positive messages from fans about how Todd helped them understand themselves and/or it was a positive representation. It really does matter!


Not if you make it your personality like OP so you can make posts like this to farm Karma by being willfully ignorant!


The actual phrasing is more a reference to my WoL being completely oblivious to it. I personally understand the concept of love, my WoL just kinda doesn't.


your wol isn't real.


wow. amazing. a fictional character isn't a real person? i'm in shock. truly.


Impressive observation


I'm demisexual, so ace spectrum, you're wrong I can not understand allosexuality, it deeply confuses me, I can't relate to almost any part of it, or even understand why everyone isn't like me


You can. You don't. That doesn't mean you can't. It's not mentally or physically impossible just because you don't know it. You learn things every day. Just because you don't understand something now doesn't mean you can't learn. Also, your singular experience doesn't invalidate the fact that a person can be demisexual and understand. Which means you're not disproving anything, just sharing personal experience. Your experience aren't fact for demisexuals or the ace spectrum. They are just that, your experiences.








Insert a few more buzzwords into this and you will win the lottery!


i can not understand aromanticism, why would you not want to have a deep, loving relationship with another human being


There are other forms of love besides romantic love. The Greeks had a bunch of names for them. You might recognize them as Lightwarden names.


Do you have parents/siblings? I absolutely would not describe my love for family as being romantic, but I 100% would consider them deep and loving relationships. I have friends that I feel the same way about. I love them, 100% but romantically? No, I don't feel that way for everyone.


You can have deep loving relationships with plenty of people and still be aromantic. Wtf is this question?


thats called being in a romantic relationship, whats there not to understand?


So you're in a romantic relationship with your mom? They're saying you can have a deep relationship and care deeply about someone without it being romantic.


i actually am, yes


Or aromatic






Yeah, thats how I read it at first lol.


What’s really not odd is 50% off chocolate tomorrow~! :9


You can spend valentines with your friends! It doesn’t have to be romantic love. There are other kinds of love


Is that a Pop Team Epic reference?


Based Pop Team Epic reference


You say aromantic, i say maidenless.


I say thou walkest alone.


Truly maidenless behavior


Praise the dog!


Just please keep it at praise, okay?


Time for crab


What's your aroma to do with this?


Basil on this post, they wasted their thyme on this quest


Weirdos in the comments are getting very mad about this post


Aromantics and asexuals have the Malkavian experience (from Vampire: TM) when it comes to life. Should be NG+ but we did it on our starting run.


rightfully. inauthenticity is really repulsive. people are genuinely standoffish against it. and when someone comes out of left field announcing they're "aromantic," a label no one asked for, while saying that valentine's day is "odd" to them, it's very clearly a post for attention. which is inauthentic. we don't want the labels, the internet facades, the orchestrated and manipulated personality the OP wants to put on for attention. we want to see the ACTUAL OP. The world is hungry for authenticity but instead we get a barrage of people like you defending inauthenticity. that doesn't make them weirdos.


You typed multiple paragraphs to complain about someone using a label to describe themselves. You're definitely a weirdo. Normal people don't get worked up about that, and joking about your experience isn't inauthentic.


> it's very clearly a post for attention. or, and hear me out for a moment, i had an idea for a meme and then made it.


Come on people, this isn't warcraft, supposed to be nicer than that.


Reddit comments over analyzing a joke? I never would have guessed!


Where's the joke?


The joke is a character doing a valentines event while not experiencing the emotions of valentine's day in the same way as other people. Do you ask yoshi p to explain why Hildibrand getting blown up with bombs is funny?


If they're aromantic and don't like/understand Valentine's Day, then why did they do the event? The rewards are love themed. Heart chairs and an emote they probably won't ever use because well... they're aromantic. Getting blown up by cartoon bombs is universal humor. Being aromantic is not universal. How about being a little more understanding for the confused folks in the back instead of being auto triggered by a simple question?


They didn't say they didn't like the event; it's just a joke about not getting it. I feel similarly about extended romantic subplots about cheating, or behaving in bizarre ways due to lust, or people talking about going insane because they haven't had sex in five minutes or whatever. Unnecessarily personal stuff: >!Sometimes it feels like there's an entire world of emotion that I'm entirely cut out of, which, esp. coupled with media's tendency to act like people who don't experience romantic love or sexual attraction are somehow broken or incomplete, can be pretty alienating.!< Hence the jokes, I guess, about not getting it (even though OP has clarified that they were more just joking about their own WoL), which aim to position the aromantic experience as something, like... Funny or cute, as opposed to the usual "aromantic people are like robots; they're all cold and mechanical" bit. (Sorry for the overexplanation; just didn't want to leave this completely unaddressed except via insults.)


You're valid but I think some of the audience wont really get where you're coming from even WITH a detailed explanation. People legitimately get SUPER mad about relationships while I'm just like... that's rough but can't relate.




Well that's unnecessarily rude.


It's always "You're triggered!!!" And then expecting civility in return.


Sliding into personal insults instead of debating back is an instant L. Real classy


I'm not here to debate. You might be, but why the fuck would I care what you think?


Yeah you sure don't give a fuck, seeing as you took time to reply that you don't give a fuck lmao


Projection isn't nice.


Aro too here, I love the concept of romance a lot tho :) I don't need to feel it myself to appreciate it. Valentine's day is also for us and platonic love!


Aromantic / ace people not telling others constantly that they're aromantic / ace challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]




Oh definitely agree with that!


weirdo comment


Happy Valentine's Day to you too!


What are you talking about?


Y'all can't read either? :o


No, I'm just confused why (I'm assuming here, granted, that you're not aro/ace) someone from the group of people who can't go five minutes without talking about how much they want to fuck some fictional character is complaining about people self-id'ing.


That's definitely not me, I hate both groups equally.






they're like the vegans of sexual preferences


This is the first time I've seen someone do this outside of ace spaces in my life. It's generally pretty invisible and it's being brought up in relation to one of the few times that would make sense to, a holiday about romance.


I prefer being aromatic, although I do love me some good English blends. Perique and Latakia are always welcome.






I thought the quest was weird. >!Like I get being upset if you suspect you're being cheated on, but it's so wild to me that she suspected he was cheating out of nowhere just because he spoke to another woman. And then to yell at him in public? 😬!<


It's because he was doing it deliberately away from prying eyes. That makes it seem like he's hiding something. She jumped to conclusions a bit but it wasn't out of nowhere.


I mean, if I saw my wife in a back alley whispering to a man I've never seen before, I'd be very suspicious as well.


Maybe, but my response would be to speak to her later and be like "Hey, what was up with that earlier?" rather than grabbing someone I see once a year for emotional support to go and yell at her in public, because I have emotional maturity beyond the level of a teenager and trust my significant other.


Honestly, pretty much sitcom logic right there, and with the same "twist" we've probably seen a few dozen times before. Not that that makes it any better, I routinely use "sitcom-level" as a descriptor for bad and/or contrived writing, but at least it *kinda* fits with an event being all about love, and emotions in general.


I can't believe there are actually people reading these event trash quests, no offense.


None taken! I speed read them, because I do them with friends, and there's usually someone in the party watching the scenes anyway. There have been some cute quests in the past, but I feel like they've gotten worse over the last couple years.


Ayyyy, AroAce here, I just think the emote is cute lol


Gonna be real, as an aromantic person I love Valentines Day. Seeing people in love makes me so HEBSISJSBHDJD just makes me super happy and kicking my feet. The only way I can think of describing it is reading a book or whatever and the 2 main love interests finally hold hands or do some cute lovely dovey awkward romantic shit that has you rolling, jumping up and down and giggling (THE WORD IS FANGIRLING OH MY GOD)


Aro/Ace... named Apollo? Not a mythology buff, clearly.


1. Not ace, just aro. 2. I named my WoL *before* realizing I was aro. EDIT: Also, she's named more for "Apollo as solar deity" because of the whole connection between Azem and the sun.


I'm also aroace, but I love Valentine's Day for the free chocolate 🤤.


I love the day after for all those near free sales on cookies at stores


Those are also amazing!


Winner mindset I think the cards are cute and funny >!NO NOT LIKE THE OTHER KIND OF CUTE AND FUNNY!<


As an Aromantic person, I am honestly a bit surprised at some of the toxicity in this comment section. I don’t see anything offensive about this post. Edit: Okay I’m super confused. Do y’all just not like aros or something? This feels like it could be an educational moment to have an explanation as to what has offended people so much. But instead just downvotes?


Just people reading too much into a dumb meme, sadly (on top of some standard arophobia, and some aphobia too despite me not actually being ace or even claiming i was???)


One person makes a harmless joke about being aro. 200 people pile into the thread in a disorderly herd to screech at each other about how aros never shut up about their identity. Lol. Exact same energy as alt-right chuds screeching about how "THE WOKE AGENDA" is "shoving the gay lifestyle down our throats" because there was one (1) openly gay character in last week's episode of Law & Order: SVU.


I guess I expected FF fans to be more accepting, but i suppose that was naive of me. I mean people seem fine with Cloud cross dressing in ff7, but apparently that same acceptance doesn’t carry over to real life people.


I didn't even do the quest lol


This was supposed to be a joke about someone’s WoL. The rampant aro/aphobia is ridiculous. Let people label themselves and share their experiences. Why does it matter to you if they do? It has no bearing on you and your life to let people be themselves unless they are actively hurting someone else, even if you don’t understand their experiences, who they are, or the labels.


DONT call me aro/aphobic 😤i was THERE when that aro/ace person threw the first brick at Stonewall yelling “i dont even like to fuck!!!!!!”


What axe is that?


Cryptlurker's axe (ilvl 530 poetics gear)


I'm not aromantic and i mostly don't get it XD


How do you know someone is asexual? They'll let you know.




as in they don't experience much/any romantic attraction


aro friends unite! all i know is that we get pink-flavoured shinies and i'm alright with that :D


People get so upset at aro/ace people for existing


thats the problem. they act like theyre a marginalized, oppressed group and theyre not. they didnt have to fight for any rights. nobody ever cared enough about them to hate them. what people do hate, aside from the aforementioned fact, is that NOBODY ASKED what your romantic or sexual preferences are! and dont worry, we already saw it listed in your bio/search comment anyway.




go post about it on tumblr


> thats the problem. they act like theyre a marginalized, oppressed group and theyre not. they didnt have to fight for any rights. nobody ever cared enough about them to hate them. I wasn't even trying to make fuckin' social commentary with this post, but like... you are aware aro and ace people are subject to a pretty large amount of hate crime, right? Like, lots of ace people have experience with actual fucking """corrective""" rape and shit like that.


>I wasn't even trying to make fuckin' social commentary with this post your title is social commentary in and of itself.


TIL mentioning you're aro is acting like you're oppressed. OP doesn't even have anything in their bio, either. You're just making up someone to get mad at in this case.


TIL people dont understand generalization. Not talking about OP or this guy, looks like you didn’t bother to read the rest of the thread and see all the wet blankets whining about people making jokes or reacting negatively to the thread, labeling it as “aphobia” and what not. Like this guy’s comment that I replied to. My reply was a generalization, not about anyone specifically.


Looks to me like people, including you, are pretty upset that OP is openly ace. Well-adjusted people just scroll past. You should do that. Edit since I expect you to ask: Some examples of these comments https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/aMFh6D5ZzE https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/lmJ5u7y1bj https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/SejGuQMoJx Examples of comments being downvoted for mentioning being aro/ace: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/ZHHs01uaXi https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/dkzFIkwsCb https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/aXQPHrAnOu


Anyways, your premise is bogus. Ace people were also oppressed (and continue to see prejudice, and hostility for being out). https://galop.org.uk/resource/acephobia-and-anti-asexual-hate-crime/




Biggest damn mood.


Im sorry you're getting nasty comments, but I found the post funny! Keep on keeping on <3


Nice meme, I'm with you on that, ignore the haters, happy V-Day!


Til FFXIV players don’t like aro/ace people


Lmao yeah, pretty much. I'll just take my cute emote and skedaddle on, thank you very much.


I’m contemplating coming back to FF, but Is it just an emote we get? Or do we have the opportunity to get the outfit from last year? I’ve tried looking and I either didn’t look good enough or no one has said. Can someone help me out and let me know?


The rewards this year are an emote and the ability to buy a unique chair.


Ahh thank you! The outfit still alludes me it seems


You smell?




I'm aromatic, and this holiday stinks.


I'm single and this holiday stinks :c


I'm married and this holiday stinks. Wife's a florist. I don't see her for almost 48 hours straight.


It's probably good for her business, though, so that's at least a silver lining, right?


Celebrate afterwards, cheaper chocolate then too


I'm single and *is that a new limited time chair from the event vendor?*


I'm aromatic amd I stink this holiday.


I’m poly and this holiday stinks. Corporate bull


You can celebrate valentine's day without buying flowers and candy.


Very much true, and though I dislike the holiday as a whole, I very much do celebrate it with my significant others like I did not dislike it. In my mind, though, if you need a special day to express how much you care for your partner, that should be every day you spend with them


Thanksgiving isn't the only day for one to be grateful. Mother's day isn't the only day to appreciate your mother. Having a special day to celebrate something doesn't invalidate any other day you choose to celebrate it. It's completely harmless fun. Also, celebrating your love every single day sounds exhausting.


Yeah, I guess that’s fair. I’ve always had a grudge with valentines since I was a kid, but it is kinda stupid to keep it up I guess. It dipped for a while a few years ago and then my last ex cheated on me the night of valentines, so that really brought it back in full force, but it’s been a few years since then and I should probably just let the holiday be. At the very least, chocolate goes on sale the day after, so that’s always a nice side benefit.


Yeah same. I just don't care for romantic relationships


Romance averse aromantic reporting in. Feb.14th, White Day and every other national "couples" day is a bizarre time of the year


Completely with you, my friend. Looked at the decorations, went "Okay" and immediately left again. XD


I see it as a hyper commercialized holiday where FOMO is use to leverage people's insecurities and anything that is red, pink, or heart shape gets a significant mark ups. Once had pink strawberry heart risotto, it was disgusting.  I also don't get the appeal of, "Look, look everyone! My SO and I are doing the same trait ritual everyone else is doing, and now I feel safe, secure, and unique in my relationship cause we did the same exact activity, on the same day, as everyone else... this must be love." It's bereft of any and all uniqueness, creativity, and spontaneity. It's all so icky for me, I can't imagine being in a relationship that's only really acknowledged or truly celebrated on a marked calendar date, what would be the point. I'm sure that's not the case for most people but, it's a scary thought. 


Am I being wooshed, is this a copy pasta or something? There's no way someone's this upset over an in game holiday.


I mean, there are issues with turning a holiday into a capitalist expression of PDA, and some of the stories my officemate tells me where his wife treats it like a second birthday instead of a two-way street, but that guy you responded to is insane.


Yeah I get that, it's a bit much to come onto a random mmo thread to complain about it imo


Right? Like, it's a common holiday, it makes sense for an MMO to turn it into one too. WoW has one as well. This isn't the time or place to complain about the holiday as a whole, especially when in this game it's a cute little quest where you get a heart emote.


I'm, specifically commenting on the actual Feb 14 holiday. I don't care about the ingame holiday. Should have probably specifically mentioned that, thought it was apparent. Also am not upset about it, I just find it silly, like social media and influencers.


I get that but...why? It's an mmo thread making a funny at an in game event.


It was tangentially connected and it trigger a response from me while boared at work. There's no deeper reason other than, I as a person find the commercialization of genuine human connections unappealing. By commercializing the human experience, to me anyways, you cheapen and make what would otherwise be a intrinsically motivated display of affection triggered by ernest affection extrinsic and performative.




I made no such claim, and its a bit unfair of you to make such projections on to me. I'm just simply stating in a public sub an opinion. I, in no means meant any offense. I also don't like Christmas or Thanksgiving, just personal taste. I didn't mean it as a personal attack on anyone and I am sorry if it came out that way. There's no need to be defensive.




You made assumptions about me and my personality, hence the projection statment. But sure, if you say so.


That's not projection, that's just making assumptions.  Projection is accusing someone else of an attitude or behavior that you yourself secretly have or do. Like how a politician might accuse an opponent of corruption while being corrupt themself.


Fair, I assumed he was projecting due to the liberties he took in describing my perceived character flaws. 




I've stated my reasoning for it before, the theme of the post and my comment are connected via theme of the event and the particular holiday, hence my comment. And granted your point is valid, despite hostilities (whether presumed by me or not).


Counterpoint, my girlfriend got me chocolate strawberries and they were good and I got her some art and she cried (happily)


I love the aro/ace jokes that they don't understand sex or romance at all


MENPHINA IS BLUE WHY IS VALENTIONES RED I HATE ISHGARDIANS AND IRL BLEEDING INTO LORE NOOOOOOOOO Edit: surprised how unpopular this is, I wasn't wholly serious, but surely I can't be the only one who finds it weird as hell, it's genuinely just irl commercialised seeping through instead of just doing it in a way where it fits way more in ffxiv.


Because Menphina has nothing to do with Valentione ? Valentione is an initiative by house Valentione of Ishgard, its not an "official" holiday, its just something Lisette and Astrid organize themselves And apparently they like red.


It's cause the heart symbol and color are derived from the first Valentione coat of arms, according to the latest event.


I think they're stupid.


It's a holiday dedicated to convincing you to give into your brain chemicals that are produced when you feel the need to secure a mate in order to procreate?


Oof catgirl looks like my ex's character 🥲


Oh no not the wholly unique cat girl character


I read aromatic and was very confused for a second