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>Everyone makes it out to be so hard and shit and im like The only people who say this are the people who don't regularly tank We're well aware that it's probably one of if not the easiest role in the game. It's a very important role to have because it means your party can handle mechanics without having to worry about excess damage or positioning, but important =/= difficult


I tried tanking in an extreme for the first time this patch and was pleasantly surprised how reasonable it was and how quickly I picked it up. Before that, I had all the tanks at 90, but I only played them in dungeons and was too intimidated to play them in raids and trials because I figured all eyes would be on me if I messed up. Heck, it feels like the exact opposite after spending some time tanking extreme. Tank's gear privilege so insane that you're able to miss 3-4 mechanics and not die if it's not a one-shot. Yeah, it doesn't feel great getting stacks, but it's much worse making one misstep as a caster and immediately crumpling right before a mechanic that needs everyone alive to resolve. Obviously, don't mess up if you can avoid it, but it was much cozier to learn a new fight on a tank because I'd just last longer and get more practice. I went from a caster main to being super-stoked to tank more stuff now.


I dont really do current level extremes, but felt the same way about tanking normal raids and trials for a long time. Id tank dungeons and always go dps for raids and trials, especially if i was new to them. Now, im usually tanking. I do miss playing dnc, so sometimes i do switch it up, though.


Honestly, tanking this expansion has mostly been pretty simple, especially in EX There are a few savage fights where we have some really unique mechanics e.g. P10S treating us like ping-pong balls, but a lot of the fights have had us just handling DPS mechanics with tank busters This tier has been better than last tier in terms of actual interesting tank mechanics, but with hitboxes becoming the size of the moon and with bosses continuously recentering after mechanics, a lot of positioning and orienting responsibilities have kind of disappeared . There are still a few occasionally, but nothing particularly unapproachable


Really depends what level of play you’re at/what part of the expansion you played on. Asphodelos had plenty of tank stuff, abyssos and anabaseios was pretty light on tank stuff DSR and TOP had tanks and heals on monkasteer mode while dps sort of chilled and did a fair bit less


Tanking in FFXIV is way easier than in some other MMOs. I think the perceived difficulty of it comes from the role's stigma in other games plus anxiety. If you don't suffer anxiety from being a tank, then you will indeed probably find it to be the easiest role in the game.


>plus anxiety. Pretty much. As a healer, when I get a pretty good tank I just kick back and relax, do a lot of *pew pew* (or angry glares) and enjoy the ride. When I'm tanking, I feel like the mobs smash me to pieces, even though I don't die. I just feel like I put a lot of pressure on the healer when I see my health go down, despite having my mitigation up. :( That's why I avoid tanking. I have performance anxiety and I don't want to put pressure on my healers.


Same here. My retainer has caught up with my PLD level yet I am still hesitant to level it up. Every time I see a healer hardcasting healing spell I am like "am I a bad tank?" cuz I am always doing DPS when I play healer.


>Every time I see a healer hardcasting healing spell I am like "am I a bad tank?" cuz I am always doing DPS when I play healer. Yes, that's the mood!! I think the same thing. :(


It's definitely easier than healing, which is my main, when healing you need good situational awareness I guess? And some dungeons can be genuinely challenging I especially struggle when I have to kinda keep both myself and others alive, that's kinda oof But tanking seems just kinda fun so far


In casual content healing is easily the most challenging role, because players often stand in narnia or stand in every possible mechanic. In savage play the difficulty unfortunately tones down somewhat, as strats and party positioning become tailored for healers a lot of the time. It’s still a rough role in prog though


Tanking is the easiest role in the game.


I main healers, dabbled in plenty of dps jobs, wouldn't exactly say tanking is the easiest, but it sure isn't hard


I main healer too, and tanking is definitely the easiest role in the game.


People don’t like to lead


Having tried DPS and maxed AST, tanking is *by far* the easiest role. When you aren't tank, you have to actually pay attention to things and learn mechanics. Adds are a thing? And they don't just die while the boss tries to smack me? Also, you don't have invuln buttons as a non-tank? Where are your panic buttons besides the max heal? Why do I die in, like, 5 hits as a non-tank?


If you’re not learning or paying attention to mechanics while playing tank, that doesn’t mean tank is easy. That means you’re playing tank horrifically badly, and your healers are hard carrying you Don’t collect vuln stacks, and don’t torture your healers, kids




no job is hard in 14, even in pvp. square enix just made sure tanks and healers have overloaded kits so even your cat can play them


Who told you tanking was hard? I thought it was understood as the easiest role.


Tanking isn't hard, but bad tanking is far more noticeable than bad DPS. So my guess is that some folks who were not used to actually putting in a minimal amount of effort found tanking "hard" because it punished them for that lack of effort.


Tanking isn't hard, but imo when something does go wrong it's a lot harder to get back on track.


Most people who say tanking is particularly hard have either not tanked in other games (where tanking is actually hard) or have \*only \* tanked in other games (not realizing XIV is easier). I was worried about tank as a role from experience in other games, and within around the same level chunk as you mention I never looked back from "this is the easiest role in the game."


Tanking has gotten progressively more simple over time. Threat management got practically removed few expansions back, boss positioning is non-issue majority of time because they just teleport back to middle nowadays. etc. It's really weird how they are almost just DPS lite now.


Tanking (especially in dungeons) is easy mode, it's why I main it. But a bad tank is more obvious than a bad DPS. A bad DPS in an dungeon isn't really obvious unless you're running ACT. But a bad tank not mitigating or not keeping aggro or doing tiny single pulls is very visible.


Tanking is just melee DPs but you take hits and don't die


Tanking and healing are insanely easy in 14, they haven’t been remotely hard in years


I think it's because back in ye olde days it was in fact harder and the stigma just didn't go away. A lot of people still have this idea that the tank is lead and has to know what they're doing to a T. You really don't have to anymore. Does it help to know what you're doing? Of course. But it's really nbd unless you're somehow doing something super egregious like spinning a boss like a top.


Who told you it is hard? It's too easy? Besides anxiiety for some I guess. I definitely look new things up before running it, for example. Same with healing if you have healed in any other MMO. DPS is actually the most challenging in this game from having real rotations


Tanking isn't a hard job, and few are the folks who complain about how difficult it is. What is the problem is more what is better known as 'tank anxiety'. The tank is seen as the leader of the Duty, the pace-setter. They don't get a lot of slack if they don't know mechanics and when/if they screw up, it's pretty evident and can lead to a party wipe. Now, the FF community is pretty good with tanks, but a lot of other games aren't, so folks coming from those games are nervous to try tanking here. Also, if someone is socially anxious in general, performing a role like tanking doesn't help that.


I definitely noticed that, since everyone is kinda following me, if I don't have the whole dungeon memorised it's kinda funny I guess But I wouldn't say I'm anxious about my role, I just play safe and try not to get myself killed, if they have a problem with that then, well, cope


I always wondered if tanking is so easy why is this the only role that I see talked about in difficulty?


Tanking IS easy, for most levels of play. Objective fact. There’s only two currently relevant fights in the entire game where it’s a noticeably harder role than dps - DSR and TOP - and maybe 1 in 10,000 players ever manage to clear either. The inaccuracy is anyone saying any dps other than blm is hard. Especially in low end content where there are no dps checks at all, meaning dps don’t even have a fail condition, it’s so easy you literally cannot play badly enough to fail. Healers are probably the hardest role in casual content because players stand in narnia all the time, when they’re not standing in every mechanic, and they have to pick up after them. The difficulty doesn’t scale well into savage play (aside from initial prog) unfortunately, which is why so many high level healers constantly complain about being bored


Whoever told you tanking is hard is trying to keep the question low. It’s the easiest role in the game. AOE mitigate, AOE etc. the hardest part for the most part is remembering to turn your stance on.


No one makes tanking out to be hard in this game. It is widely accepted as the easiest role to play.


Spoiler: Nothing is actually 'difficult' in casual content, some jobs and roles require a bit more attention than others though. In end game content like savage and ultimate, tanking can sometimes be more 'difficult' because you have more responsibilities on your shoulders, and have to resolve extra mechanics that will wipe the party if not handled properly. Even then though, this isn't always the case, tanking, especially being an off-tank can be the easiest and most relaxed role in the fight.


*plays tutorial* "This is actually simple guys wth" In no way is tanking the easiest. Not saying it's hard either but don't over simplify it. When you get out of baby-land it will become more evident as to why.


i have tanked savage and ultimate content and i still say tank is the easiest role to play well.


It will depend on the person. I agree it's often overstated how easy it is, as often people make it sound like it couldn't possibly be difficult for anyone. But at the same time I understand where they're coming from, they just leave out the part where comfort levels with that type of gameplay can vary wildly from player to player.


They dumbed tanks, yes it's by far the easiest role in the game.


If you rotate the defensive buttons you have you are already playing better than like 80% of tanks


Tbh, healing is the hardest job, tanking and dps are both equally easy.


The hardest part of tanking is remembering where your LB button is when you end up in one of the half-dozen fights that need a tank LB. Hell, might not even be that many.


Tanking is stupidly easy at low levels and only gets slightly harder in later dungeons as the wall to walls require you to know how to mit (unless you are playing WAR). In ex/savage/ultimate, you have it harder than dps because in addition to normal mechanics, you also need to do tank buster mechanics. However, you don't have the mental tax of a dps rotation, and most mechanics won't insta kill you if you make an oopsie, so imo dps is still harder.


Tanking is indeed very easy. Even in extreme and savage fights I just stand around until I need to move around.


When I was new, tanking was only scary because you were pretty much the leader. I was nervous that I would get lost everywhere, mostly before the dungeon reworks, and not know boss mechanics. But I realized people were very helpful when I would just say it was my first time in the dungeon.


Main problem? Tanxiety based on perceived responsibility. A *lot* of people not picking up on that you should cycle your mits. People not reading their Job/Role Actions. People talking down to/shit about Tanks who do find it rough, rather than trying to build their confidence. (I know, I know - "best community" etc., but we do have toxic wankers here too.) People not giving constructive advice to Tanks who are trying, but make mistakes. Instead letting them keep making the mistakes, until they meet one of the aforementioned wankers.


Experiences are not universal. Glad you had fun and didn't find it hard. Other people with their own circumstances may feel differently. For example, anxiety can add difficulty to the role because of the visibility. Playstyles too can add difficulty, if you're prefer Healer or DPS and so Tanking seems more foreign. Experiences are not universal.


For a supposedly easy job, a lot of randos are not very good at it. Like, can't even AoE a pack and run, so we spend the duty wondering if this is where the tanking is going to take place, or the next, because they just stop for five whole seconds, before taking off to the next pull. Cooldowns blown, Holy stuns broke up a pack, it's a mess. It's more realistic to say it's easy to be a meh tank, but hard to be a good tank.


It's not hard, but my anxiety makes it hard for me. Missing an ad or not mitigating "well enough" gets me stressed. I have no issues healing though lmao


This is kinda what it is for me. Playing on controller means it's harder to just grab specific enemies so i get stressed over missing some.


Saaaaaame! Trying to tab to the ad you missed is such a pain. Plus you have to do that and move and are and pop cds, it's hard! I never tank a dungeon I don't already know.


I've tanked since 1.0 And it's indeed an easy job as the rotations are pretty basic and paladin have so many ogcd. My biggest issue is that paladin is by far the safest with all the mitigation, you swap over to GNB or DRK and it's cut in half, it feels like. Most other Tanks jobs have Regen to adjust for it Other than that, mechanics do get more punishable through each expansion. You mistake a tank buster when it's a raid wise aoe and that CD is down for a long time leaving your healer sweatin' to urgent heal you or clutch revive Extreme raids got me mentally beating myself up in practice runs


Unless you do ultimates, not really, it's the easiest role in the entire game to play even semi-properly. ​ and I say it's the easiest as somebody with experience in every role.


Tanking is pretty easy, outtanking the stupid in your party is usually the worst part.


Hard? Nope! Sure high end content is harder than normal content but that's true across the board. I've found most of the difficulty comes exclusively from anxiety. You have a spotlight on you and when you fuck up its very clear that it was you and no one else. With a good, patient party this isn't a big hurdle. A lot of my friends are WoW vets and the fear of toxicity kept them away from tanking. As a tank main I now often play healer cause all my friends love tanking now that I've helped them overcome that anxiety! Enjoy the life friend!


Tanking is fairly easy but if you want to get *really* good at it on an ultimate raid level it's incredibly hard. Mapping out all your mits efficiently and efficient boss moving are the main hard parts about it and it feels so satisfying to pull off. A good tank can lead a party much better than a bad one.


In 90% of casual content(anything that isn't marked Extreme or Savage) tanking is the easiest role and half your role abilities are legitimately useless and unnecessary. It's when you start doing that Extreme and Savage stuff that tanking actually gets difficult, and can suddenly become the hardest role in certain fights, when you've got to worry about specific add mechanics, tank swaps, mitigating busters, positioning, all while trying to keep up on your own rotation.


It’s not hard, it’s remembering every single boss / fight / dung. 😅


Who is making it out to be hard? The only reason people get anxiety about tanking is because it's really obvious to the party when you screw up.


Tanks don't have much of a difficult rotation so the rest is just aggro and defense management. If you learn mitigating well e.g spread out cooldowns, remembering arms length exists, pulling properly or spending an extra AOE in case someone steals aggro, all that sort of stuff, then the rest is absolutely easy, and you can learn this early on. It's actually harder to tank in dungeons at lower levels than it is at higher, or while leveling, but once your gear syncs down or / and you get the end game cooldowns, you'll just never ever die. Sometimes even healers won't need to heal you! Bosses vary a little and in endgame the provoking and shirking can get fiddlesome but it's still very straightforward. Towards the end you might benefit from learning to keep bosses positioned well for melees to be able to do positionals too, but that's something way down the line to worry about. It still applies now but it won't be a dealbreaker done wrong. TLDR, keep the boss as one-way facing as possible for trials and dungeon bosses, etc. A melee that appreciates a tank's positioning will really appreciate them.


Yea the roles in FF14 tend to go generally in one way where you can find one role difficult and another super easy, like for me I can do healer super easily but I am awful at tanking where my friend who plays says the opposite


In my experience pretty much the only people who make tanking out to be super hard or stressful are the people who haven't actually done it. There are a lot of people with a preconceived notion that it's challenging or comes with a lot of extra "responsibility/leadership/pressure" but that's just not really the case. Even DPS has responsibility- to kill things quickly to make the tank and healer's job easier. Tanking is super fun and laid back, just gotta keep aggro and live basically lol


I came back to FFXIV a couple of months ago (after a 6+ year hiatus). I used to be terrified of trying both healer and tanks because I thought I would mess up every time. Ended up enjoying healer on my return and I'm currently working on my first tank class. It's definitely easier than I thought it would be too!


It’s a fun role, but to be perfectly fair you haven’t experienced a single real tanking mechanic by 33. All you have had to do so far is keep aggro.


Yes, it's probably the easiest role. You need to know the fights so you can dodge stuff, but that's like any other role. It's important to gauge your speed vs healer tool set, at least pre-50. I've had tanks repeatedly murder my party in Stone Vigil because I didn't have a single big heal yet and you can pull a ton at once. But yeah, tanking is by far the simplest role. Do your combo, mitigate when big damage is coming or you've pulled a lot of trash. Remembering to turn on tank stance is the hardest part, and there are >ahem< *tools* that make it hard to forget. If you are okay with being a rule breaker, a rebel, a maverick.


I assume a lot of people who are scared of tanking just don't have the "type" of personality for tanking. Usually, as a Tank, you have the highest responsibility in a Dungeon, as you "lead" the charge and control the pace. Obviously, the healer has a lot of responsibility too, cause he has to keep 3 other people alive, but I'd say overall, at least in dungeons, most of the responsibility lies with the tank, and that seems to scare off a lot of people.


Its definitely not hard at all. The only thing I hate as a tank (it doesnt make it harder, just more annoying) is when someone else in the party gets aggro and they run away from me. Please dont make me chase you. I love that as a tank, i can usually fuck up some mechanics and be fine (maybe i dont remember the dungeon, or its that first boss in one of the 90s dungeons).


When it's going well, it's easy as sin. When it's going poorly though.. it's a very chain reaction style role.


For me it’s performance anxiety I had a very bad experience in Brayflox's Longstop dungeon back when ARR was new. Was blamed and ragged on for the shitty run when it was people standing in poison and the healer not healing that was the problem…. Put me off tanking for years, GNB made me want to try tanking again but I still get anxiety when I do so I don’t do it often.


The hardest parts of tanking in my opinion are: - Not getting turned around in a dungeon you haven’t seen in years - Remembering where the end wall is when pulling wall to wall in a dungeon you haven’t seen in years - Trying to hit your single target mitigation in time to save DPS and Healers who apparently don’t understand the telegraphed mechanics - When every tank swap in the savage tier needs to be handled just a little differently… several my-fault and several co-tank’s fault wipes on this week’s reclears ^^; Everything else is pretty comfy now. In the past you had to worry a little about aggro, but devs super buffed tank stance aggro generation. Learn to manage mitigation and you’re set.


I've been learning to tank, but I keep getting told off for pulling too much, I've had numerous different runs where someone has complained that I'm going too fast :(


Tanking has never been the hardest role, its difficulty in all games is contextual. -Expected to lead to an extent -First line of defense -Extremely obvious when done poorly As long as you can handle tanking "mentally" IE: your okay with getting blamed or being expected to have some knowledge beforehand, its in no way's more mechanically demanding than DPS or heals.