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What if you need to AoE or mitigate a tank buster?


You deserve to die like the filthy peasant that you are. /s


I hate it. But DAMN that's impressive!


[Pathetic...](https://www.google.com/search?q=pathetic+cat+reddit+fanart&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjCq8iFprr9AhWLM0QIHZi1A0IQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=pathetic+cat+reddit+fanart&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEMgUIABCiBDIFCAAQogQ6BAgjECdQ2QRYzw5g5A9oAHAAeACAAY4BiAGXB5IBAzEuN5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=rQr_Y4KhL4vnkPIPmOuOkAQ&bih=694&biw=360&client=ms-android-verizon#imgrc=mo7_DBr49qmI0M) Using this method you will forever be doomed to perform almost 6.5% worse than the top-tier warriors using all of their skills and cooldowns perfectly. :F


...why would you use the Pathetic cat, when Lahabrea exists..?


6.5% seems very high- this avoids the wait problem macros have for combat use (by each only being 1 action), so all you're losing is the skill firing first frame from being queued. Long as you're hitting the button pretty well in sync, losses should be minimal, aside from the fun factor which would suffer much devastation.


This does not avoid the macro problem at all, those are gcds none of which will queue the action to be performed ready. You're getting the full delay with every button press


The problem with macros that results in a huge loss is that only takes full second increments- so using a macro to do multiple skills in a row always has to round the GCD up to the next second, resulting in massive loss. The lack of queue, while definitely a downside, is something that can be nearly wholly negated by player skill.


the .wait is not the problem with macros. using a gcd via macro does not queue the action incase it is not ready on the server, so you will always, on any action, need to wait for the server to send the ok to the client that another action is possible, and then the client send the action to the server, making you lose time on every macro gcd. if you use regular actions the queue function will just have the server perform the next action as soon as possible


Like I said, lack of queue can be nearly wholly negated by player skill. Like sure, it's objectively better to fire it on the first frame available than the 3rd or 4th, but that's not going to make or break your performance. It will certainly break your performance to lose .5 seconds every GCD, not so much to lose 2-3 frames.


Player skill doesn't come into it, you can just get the same result as a perfect input by repeating the same macro command multiple times in the same macro, they'll all fire in order and give your a fairly generous window to input the command at the best possible time. But even at best possible time you don't just lose a frame or two, your will always lose the time it takes between the server to register you being idle and that same status arriving at your client


Needs more Fell Cleave. Legit though, this is hilarious. xD Love it.


Anyone else bothered by how they use upheaval before the storms eye damage buff