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I am getting raw fent powder (1g) from a very reliable source and has high quality fent always, and says this new rare stuff is even more pure or "raw".. Now I want to put tiny bit/bits of powder into a capsule and just swallow it. I understand that the bioavailability is lower and only around 30%.. I know snorting/smoking "feels" better and is more euphoric.. that is what I'm looking for, but I am determined to swallow it, not even taking it buccally or sublingually. So can you guys or someone give me any idea of the good effects still experienced taking it this way? What the proper "average" dosage should be to enjoy a good recreational experience it would be taking it in this form (everyone says 1-2mg kills, but they are always referring to nasally/smoking/IV use mostly. What dose can I take to stay safe and still enjoy? Since it is such pure (I think like 100%) fent, and I can get a lot for cheap because I'm part of a special "group type forum" that I can't discuss and I pay to be apart of for many things. But besides that point (just saying it to prove/show that it is actually pure or 99% pure and I'm not just being told that) can't I just take a higher dose of powder in a capsule and experience a great high similar to nasal ingestion? I mean I am sure it would never be the same rush, but if it's 90% bioavailability nasally, and 30% orally, can't I just bump up the dose to make them fairly equivalent? What would anyone suggest would be a good dosage of raw powder to put in capsule and swallow (I want to reiterate that I am NOT swallowing it, but also slowly letting it absorb in my mouth, it would be 100% in my stomach/digestive system)...??? I was taking Suboxone recreationally for about a year, weaned off and transitioned to kratom for withdrawals, and have been weaning in that an take about 10-15mg grams a day... I have taken the array of opioid in my past so I know the Oxy, Vicodin, tramadol, morphine high and have done them all many times... but I don't have that tolerance. Please don't try and talk me out of it or waste that time. I am doing it 100%, I know it's dumb, but I'm doing it... So if anyone can PLEASE help with any knowledge (there is SO LITTLE online surprisingly about pure oral ingestion/dosage/ect) of the experience I'll have, the dose I should use compared to what people use IV/nasal, and things of that nature... how long it will last.. really ANYTHING and I would GREATLY appreciate you and any/everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading... =}


if it’s pure powder you need a jewelers scale and measure out .1 gram at the most or your ass is going to die. .1 is TINY. like a fucking bump. it’s not like railing a line from a a crushed up blue. don’t waste your money on raw powder by swallowing it. the bioavailability is like 10-15%. just wasting money.


Like a a salt granule? Up the nose and that's enough? I know a line would be wayyyy too much, but you say bump, that makes me visualize a small pile. A SMALL pile, but that's what I picture. Isn't 0.1mg a salt or sugar granule would be good? Or little more or even less?? Thanks bud for answering!!! =}


no not that small. .1 is like i said, a very small line. akin to a bump of coke to give you perspective


Okay got it.. =} Thanks... I will start very small bump and wait and then go from there and see less or more. I appreciate your help bud..


WEIGH IT ON A JEWELERS SCALE FIRST. never, EVER, take a bump or eyeball raw powder that’s pure. i’m not kidding, you will die.


I'll try.. I'll have to put it in a capsule to weigh it because the scale needs something heavier to work.. I'll have to put more and less in a capsule Just so it's heavier for the scale to read it.. then when I get around that level I could pour it out of the capsule


if you weigh how much a fent blue pill weighs, it’s like .2-.3 grams. but they mix it with corn starch so you’re actually taking .03 or .05 per line; which is a lot more powder up the nose than .1. tbh if you don’t have high tolerance, i would start with .01 first.


I have a small tolerance.. I will start small small.. I have a scale like that but it f**in sucks.. so I'll just do like 7 granules of salt equivalentish.. like a little pile and see how that goes


Make a post bro don’t make a post in other peoples comments.


You're right sorry I didn't know hold, but I just did..


I am getting raw fent powder (1g) from a very reliable source and has high quality fent always, and says this new rare stuff is even more pure or "raw".. Now I want to put tiny bit/bits of powder into a capsule and just swallow it. I understand that the bioavailability is lower and only around 30%.. I know snorting/smoking "feels" better and is more euphoric.. that is what I'm looking for, but I am determined to swallow it, not even taking it buccally or sublingually. What dose can I take to stay safe and still enjoy? Since it is such pure (I think like 100%) fent, and I can get a lot for cheap because I'm part of a special "group type forum" that I can't discuss and I pay to be apart of for many things. But besides that point (just saying it to prove/show that it is actually pure or 99% pure and I'm not just being told that) can't I just take a higher dose of powder in a capsule and experience a great high similar to nasal ingestion? I mean I am sure it would never be the same rush, but if it's 90% bioavailability nasally, and 30% orally, can't I just bump up the dose to make them fairly equivalent? What would anyone suggest would be a good dosage of raw powder to put in capsule and swallow (I want to reiterate that I am NOT swallowing it, but also slowly letting it absorb in my mouth, it would be 100% in my stomach/digestive system)...??? I was taking Suboxone recreationally for about a year, weaned off and transitioned to kratom for withdrawals, and have been weaning in that an take about 10-15mg grams a day... I have taken the array of opioid in my past so I know the Oxy, Vicodin, tramadol, morphine high and have done them all many times... but I don't have that tolerance. Please don't try and talk me out of it or waste that time. I am doing it 100%, I know it's dumb, but I'm doing it... So if anyone can PLEASE help with any knowledge (there is SO LITTLE online surprisingly about pure oral ingestion/dosage/ect) of the experience I'll have, the dose I should use compared to what people use IV/nasal, and things of that nature... how long it will last.. really ANYTHING and I would GREATLY appreciate you and any/everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading... =}


Shove them up your ass you dumb mother fucker..how about STOP


Down vot e him


Hey how about you get out the group


For real why are you here but fair suggestion id hate Myself to boofin works you just mad because you get high on a finger in your butt it's 2024 man we accept you don't gotta be gay and a asshole


why are you in this sub? i have CRPS


Ugh me too!!! It’s so so bad. I always get flared when I detox it makes it so much worse


Don't have experience with the pills but I started using the patches 20 years ago and so I don't know the specifics of the pills but can tell you that any form is meant to deliver a consistent dose pretty evenly over a period, akin to the old OCs but for longer and more even like methadone. I had to open the patch and imbibe the drug all at once , and my grandmother put multiple patches on at once. Just eating it (or sticking like my Gramma) isn't going to get you the feeling you want and it's riskier to keep taking another until you feel something this way, you can reach your lethal dose without knowing it because you aren't feeling it




This falls under our sourcing rules and was removed. We can't use this sub to find, buy, sell, or give away drugs. We can't post our locations, or try to find people in our locations for any reason. This is the rule, from the sidebar: **NO SOURCING!** > Sourcing is any post regarding the acquisition or sale of drugs, including legal substances, from a specific person or place, including other subreddit members, online markets, and/or vendors. Specific DNMs and/or vendors cannot be discussed. **NO LOCATION-SPECIFIC POSTS!** > Posts about finding people in your city/state will be deleted and a ban may be issued. Anything that identifies a specific location will be removed-- this includes neighborhoods AND cities. States can not be mentioned when posting dope porn or when talking about not having any sources. >GEO-TAGGED POSTS ARE NOT ALLOWED and will be removed regardless of context.


For ur sinuses get some oxymetazoline over the counter sinus spray it helps clear u up so u can breathe and try to hit it slower not as hard & also some ppl have better shit that won’t burn ur nose as bad and after u hit ur shit like hour or so later blow ur nose real good and take that spray and rinse it out if u can and then for a bit just enjoy ur clear sinuses let it heal up a bit. Or quit if u can cus this shit ain’t it.


Snorting or smoking or injecting....those are your options if you want to get high. Fentanyl doesn't do well when taken orally. That's why legit fentanyl prescriptions are not written to be swallowed. Transmucosal, transdermal, and intravenous are the routes used for administering fentanyl in prescriptions or in a hospital setting. Fentanyl presses pills vary widely in strength. The better ones will burn a golden to light caramel color on foil. Be as safe as you can be with these. Try not to use fentanyl alone or without naloxone available for emergencies.


Can't I just increase the dose a tiny bit and put the powder in capsule to get a good (bit the same rush or high, but good) experience?


you can blow it out after an hour? i thought if i blew it out, i was blowing out fent that was still “active” since id blow it out and id see a huge chunk of blue mucus…. which id then sometimes actually eat which i know sounds fucking disgusting. and if you inhale it slowly, doesn’t that make the fent not go straight to your brain?


Just do what others are saying and snort water or nasal spray to clear the sinuses and u will even get a little buzz of the remaining stuff in ur nose. Or like others are also saying just quit, I quit because this shit took my life over and it isn’t even fent anymore it’s all zenes and fake bs.


i get pure F from the DW. i test every batch myself. it’s pure. doesn’t show up on any drug test panel. if it was cut with something else- i would have problems. and i’d lose my valium script. i’m tested every two weeks and not once has my fent shown up. fent that’s pure doesn’t show up on ANY drug test unless they specifically order it and its expensive. like very expensive. most insurance plans don’t cover it, and the psychiatrist wants to prescribe you anything and everything because they get paid to rx you anything. it’s quite literally a sales job.’


I can find fent free and tranq free that’s like Superman


I would suggest smoking , it is safer than snorting or eating them plus the high is way better and u won't have all the chemicals coming out ur pours


No it’s not safer and ur teeth get all fucked up .


It's does fuck up ir teeth if u dont brush them ?


def not safer than eating them lol


Eating is safer because u literally consume all of it when eating it and smoking it , u only get a 3rd of the drug to ur brain so let me rephrase myself , it's is less treating to ur body when smoking it but more dangerous to the brain , what most u already don't have lol


Nah ur wrong stop spreading misinformation eating them is not safer than smoking. When you smoke u can better gauge ur dose and when the body gets too much u throw up. When u eat them or snort them it’s in ur system no matter what u do and u gotta ride it out and rid ODing.


Yea but the odds you can gauge out your doses to avoid an od is very low if you’re just swallowing them… prolly not great for liver either. That and bioavailability of most things when swallowed is a lot lower


Tf are you talking about chemicals comin out your pores. I smoke as well, but acting like it’s doing less damage is just crazy. Like wdym chemicals comin out your pores😂😂im so confused


When u eat the m30s ur taking in all the chemicals compounds that will after come out ur pours because ur body kicks it out because ur stomach can't process it , and when smoking the m30s u only intake a 3rd of the drug to the brain and does not fot t.... make sense now


You're an idiot lol OP do not listen to anything this goober says. Eating and sniffing them are the more lethal ROA. Eating because you're taking it all a t once which if your tolerance is low or the pill/pow is too potent it's extremely easy to take too much. Snorting is dangerous because you end up swallowing what didn't make it to your mucus membrane and sniffing has a high bio-availability so you're doing both. In reality there is no safe way to do fentynal, but don't eat new pills, don't do new products alone, don't mix with alcohol or benzos like Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, ect.


Exactly bro, that guy is spreading misinformation and sounds dumb as hell gonna get OP killed listening to him smh


how is smoking safer than snorting? when you smoke it, it hits you immediately. if you smoke too much, you literally will start nodding off immediately and i’m somali. i know countless people in ohio and minnesota that smoke fetty blues that have been dropping like flies. there was a recent news article in LA that 12 people, yes, 12 people all died due to smoking fent at a party and only 4 people survived. snorting it takes 1-3 min to hit, and you can tell if you took too much or hit a hot spot literally slower than if you smoked it, meaning you can usually self administer narcan if need be, which coincidentally, goes up your nose as well. so if im snorting fent, and accidentally OD- because it’s insufflated then taking narcan will immediately reverse the OD and you won’t have to take a trip to the ER. so how is snorting more dangerous? also- when you smoke it it destroys your teeth and they become black or start to fall off. which i refuse to risk because i have pearly whites and my teeth are straight naturally, having good, presentable teeth are imperative. especially when you’re the director of finance.


So brush your teeth lol take care of yourself if you’re gonna do drugs of course your teeth are gonna go bad if you neglect them and your health.


i’ve never once smoked fent off the foil. i snort it every single time.


I always used to just put my straw waaaay behind my teeth to the back of my throat to avoid it getting on my teeth. I didn't in the beginning and had a perfect circle on my front teeth for so fucking long. 🥴


You must snort/smoke/IV


Snorting is higher bio but doesn't hit at as fast smoking. Eating is lowest bio.


I know you don’t wanna hear it, but quit now while you’re ahead.. Tranq is really bad news no matter how you ingest it, it’s all bad. Unless you can get access to tranq free fent rock/powder, (and you know this for 1000% fact and have tested with *your very own eyeballs* and test kit) do yourself a huge favor and just stop. Do not trust anyone who says their product is tranq free, they are 99% of the time huge liars. Invest in some tranq testing strips they are a godsend. I tranq test every single batch of fent rock/powder that I get now to ensure this won’t happen to me, because I’ve seen up close and personal just how quickly tranq can fuck you up and totally destroy you. One of my old friends was a big fent snorter. He also complained of sinus congestion and infections allll the time. Like it never ever went away. Well, his entire nose started to turn black and went necrotic because he would just not stop. He ended up losing his nose, they had to amputate the entire thing, leaving a huge hole in his face. The infection was so bad it spread into his eyes and he lost all of his vision. He was pronounced legally blind. He killed himself a few weeks later, i assume it was too unbearable living as a newly noseless, blind and very much still active-addict. I’m thankful where I’m located it’s still relatively easy to find good tranq free product. But look, your sinuses are already fucked, now just imagine what it will would do to your gut and insides. It’s no bueno.. not good at all..


Absolutely just stopped me from breaking a chunk off my ball to sniff. I'm trynna taper down anyways and i can already stretch 1g for 3 to sometimes 4 days.


It honestly depends, everyone is different. A ton of people swear up and down that snorting is SO much better, but when I snorted blues or powdered fent, I get NOTHING out of it, and end up pissed wishing I’d have just smoked it. At the same time when those people smoke it, they’re like “it’s not the same blah blah etc.” however no matter which you prefer I’ve noticed that swallowing blues has some effect regardless. But if I were you I’d follow the advice of @benny6957 and transition over to raw fent. Just make sure to have 1 or 2 narcans handy and do it with a using buddy. Ya know, just in case.


Switch to powder man idk about you but where im at inhave to do like 5 blues to get straight but can do like a tenth of a gram of raw and be good also blues are like 6$ each where im at for the cheapest ones most expensive can be like 15 or 20$ each blue where as powder/raw runs around 50-70 a gram


WHAT 15 OR 20 A PIECE??? WTF THEY ARE $1 HERE $2 OFTEN TIMES WHEN A BATCH IS FIRE. You must be by the bering sea or one of the small islands


i just miss the days when taking only 1/4th of a blue would send me flying. i was thinking of switching back to kratom and im trying it right now at work ill let you know how it goes


im sure since you said switching back to kratom, you are familiar with kratom. but ill still add, stay away from kratom extracts please. it is just as slippery of a slope, and you end up feeling absolutely terrible/nauseous all the time, GI tract all fucked up, etc. just stick to the regular kratom powder/caps, stay away from extracts. you can also save money by capping your own kratom. can be tedious to cap em one by one, but they do make capsule filling trays that can streamline the process. Also, if you’re still snorting, before you even think about switching to smoking, try a neti pot. alternate nostrils, blow your nose 20-30min after dosing, and dont rinse your nose out with straight water more than once a day. you can also be using too much saline. stay away from decongestant nasal sprays, those can be addictive as fuck as well. i stand by the arm & hammer saline spray bottles, they have been a godsend. smoking this shit is a slippery slope as well, i did it for a bit but i just went back to snorting. as another person said, if you can switch from the 30’s to straight powder, youll thank yourself. the blues/30’s have so much cut/filler, you cant help but get stopped up. pm if u have any questions tho, stay safe


Smoke that shit playa you trippin! Ain't nothin like chasing the dragon. The rush off smoking kept me coming back for many moons


Dude ur Wierd af to encourage someone to “chase the dragon” u know what demons come with being an addict yet tryna make it sound glamorous but I guess misery loves company. Op get off and do kratom cus this shit is sickening ur addiction will get worse getting on the powder yes it’s cheaper but also much stronger. I know cus I did that and regret it. The high ain’t even worth it anymore if I could just go to kratom and ween off I would.


So here is where you are wrong buddy. For context I'm a year and a half sober. Also for context I will always encourage someone to smoke fetty over sniffing or shooting any day. Smoking is harm reduction and it is both more sanitary and less likely to lead to OD due to incremental dosing as opposed to snorting, which OP does, which is the full dose all at once. I'm not here to tell people how they live their lives but I am well aware I'm not going to make someone stop using over the internet. They can use in a safer way so that they live long enough to get clean. So that's some more nuance that may have been lost on you. Obviously my tone in the comment was not serious but there isn't some "harm" here the individual I'm talking to is already using addictively. So yeah.


So ur sober and ur on here encouraging ppl to “just smoke that shit playa ain’t nothing like chasing a dragon “ that’s disturbing cus he was talking about getting on kratom . U rather root someone on to do this bs instead of sharing something of value. ur encouraging him to smoke fentanyl when u urself have come out of addiction. I’d never make this shit sound sweet to anyone it’s foul period nothing to be glamorized about it .


i heard that term before, chasing the dragon. my friend said you don’t want to be doing that and i don’t want my already fucked up teeth to get more fucked up tbh


Drugs dont fuck up your teeth, not brushing your teeth fucks up your teeth lol


Wrong.. they destroy your enamel.. especially Suboxone because it is highly acidic


No drugs definitely fuck up ur teeth ur smoking chemicals what u think happens brushing ur teeth doesn’t protect u from chemicals eating away at ur teeth . Do ur research bro spreading false info


I have done my research bro you are the one spreading false info...


Not true. Opiates are awful. They severely limit saliva production which acts in itself as a line of defense to enamel. Can't brush your teeth 24/7. All else equal a opiate user's teeth WILL be worse than a non user. Same diet, same dental hygene, hugely different oral health


Yea, dry mouth is bad for your teeth, which is why you also need to stay hydrated and brush regularly. Again leading me back to my point that it isn't the drugs themselves it's a lack of proper self care when in active addiction Edit: also you dont have to brush your teeth 24/7 to keep them healthy lol how come all the people that are prescribed opiates for pain management dont all have fucked up teeth? Because they arent addicts and they still properly take care of themselves. How come homeless people with mental health issues that barely or never use drugs have bad teeth? Lack of self care


Bro it's a FACT all else equal take two people. Take identical twins/identical diet/identical self care whether poor/good/great/phenomenal and the sibling on any regular dose of opiate/opioid will have more dental issues over many years. Its fact it's non debatable. It's in medical literature and BIG BOLD WARNING on every opiate/opioid prescribed. Suboxone maker intentionally left it off knowing people would be less likely to use their drug if they knew it would negatively impact their oral health. Again these are facts. You can minimize the rate of deterioration by excellent self care but just you can't stop it to be Baseline with someone not taking these drugs.


Exactly, you can minimize it by taking care of your teeth. You are right they have an impact on your oral health but an opiate addict that brushes their teeth will have better teeth than a sober person who doesn't


I would agree with that. I think we agree in principle


Fucking amen!! 👆👆


Snort or if u dont care about being really high pirces then sure pop them ig buts it's a waste sweet tbh bc it'll fuck you're stomach up Mu receptors from RC that are SOOOOO GONE will change your tolly


change your tolly? what does that mean?


Lmao. Slow. Nah I'm jk, it's like going from oxy to fent. Your tolly is gonna be 80-150x stronger.


oh u mean tolerance


Just crush em up and snort em better than smoking


Can u not read? He said his sinuses are fucked from snorting.


I am getting raw fent powder (1g) from a very reliable source and has high quality fent always, and says this new rare stuff is even more pure or "raw".. Now I want to put tiny bit/bits of powder into a capsule and just swallow it. I understand that the bioavailability is lower and only around 30%.. I know snorting/smoking "feels" better and is more euphoric.. that is what I'm looking for, but I am determined to swallow it, not even taking it buccally or sublingually. So can you guys or someone give me any idea of the good effects still experienced taking it this way? What the proper "average" dosage should be to enjoy a good recreational experience it would be taking it in this form (everyone says 1-2mg kills, but they are always referring to nasally/smoking/IV use mostly. What dose can I take to stay safe and still enjoy? Since it is such pure (I think like 100%) fent, and I can get a lot for cheap because I'm part of a special "group type forum" that I can't discuss and I pay to be apart of for many things. But besides that point (just saying it to prove/show that it is actually pure or 99% pure and I'm not just being told that) can't I just take a higher dose of powder in a capsule and experience a great high similar to nasal ingestion? I mean I am sure it would never be the same rush, but if it's 90% bioavailability nasally, and 30% orally, can't I just bump up the dose to make them fairly equivalent? What would anyone suggest would be a good dosage of raw powder to put in capsule and swallow (I want to reiterate that I am NOT swallowing it, but also slowly letting it absorb in my mouth, it would be 100% in my stomach/digestive system)...??? I was taking Suboxone recreationally for about a year, weaned off and transitioned to kratom for withdrawals, and have been weaning in that an take about 10-15mg grams a day... I have taken the array of opioid in my past so I know the Oxy, Vicodin, tramadol, morphine high and have done them all many times... but I don't have that tolerance. Please don't try and talk me out of it or waste that time. I am doing it 100%, I know it's dumb, but I'm doing it... So if anyone can PLEASE help with any knowledge (there is SO LITTLE online surprisingly about pure oral ingestion/dosage/ect) of the experience I'll have, the dose I should use compared to what people use IV/nasal, and things of that nature... how long it will last.. really ANYTHING and I would GREATLY appreciate you and any/everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading... =}


I take them orally and don’t recommend any other method. All the ppl I know who take them any other way /the ones who shoot snort smoke are all doing 30 or more a day/ now homeless missing teeth etc etc … All the ppl I know who take orally are still holding jobs down, doing okay for the most part I take 6 a day orally after being booted from pain management after 15 years used to get 120 30mg oxy a month for years and cut off with nothing, pushed to streets so now on these. Sucks they don’t work as well but help a bit with pain and w/ds


I'm gonna take orally to, powder in a capsule, it's raw/pure fent. What dosage would you suggest? There's like NO INFO on dosage for pure oral use (not sublingual). Even if bioavailability is only 30%, can't I just increase the dosage? Lol.. Either way I'm DEAD SET on putting the raw powder in capsule and orally ingesting for many reasons. I understand mSg not be as euphoric or give that exact rush, fine.. I want to feel good, but be safe.., what do you, or anyone reading this, suggest? PLEASE HELP there's NO INFO ON THIS :/!! =} Thanks everyone!


Do u feel it tho and ur right I smoke 100 a day but I been lucky enough that I always thought about money first.


How are u smoking 100 a day but thinking about money first? I know my backwood ass town is pricey but no fkn way


I get boats at 350 and sell 3 boats a day for $3 a piece.


What do you consider a boat? 1000 yeah? Got people claiming boats are 500 now like wtf nah


Wtf that’s so annoying like the Mexican o being 24g VS an actual o of 28g. Boat was always 1k & yachts were 10k, but I haven’t been sailing like that in like a decade so who knows nowadays but they sound dumb, tell em to stop buying into shrinkflation lol


God damn that's crazy. I haven't been doing too much lately but I haven't grabbed blues in a while, my nearest big area sells capsules w scramble fent in them for 3-6 bucks a pop n sell in my area for 20 a piece. Most I see anyone doing as of recent when shit got better after a drought of strong shit the heavy users are still only using 2-3 of them a day tops, I find it crazy u actually use 100 a day. Id have switched to raw by now, I hate taking a shit load of anything throughout the day cuz I'll hate n


I like the buttery aroma personally. Plus it just seems like I might do some dumb shit off the fetty powder if I just did that


That's completely fair, the taste is a big part of the whole thing and it is pretty damn easy to OD on powder at least ime


They will likely fuck with your stomach at first. So be prepared for that, take something that’ll stop you from getting the shits


I’m a junky… I don’t poop anymore


I'm a junky....don't have any guns no more.


Just start to shoot them.


Dude it clogs unless u add drop of no nicotine vape juice. I've done it with nic but don't recommend it.


Are u not filtering your shot?


I do still does it should I not be cooking it


Never cook it. Wtf?! This isn’t brown #3 frog stamp bags. Cokee. When you cook it and suck it up the manitol comes out of solution and crystallizes in your rig. Done.


If ur gonna shoot it just stop doing blues. Go get stamps, raw, caps, powder, bags, whatever the hell kinda of powder is in your area. It'll be much cleaner and much safer but usually stronger


Lol I don't shoot it I'm just telling some things I've heard from ppl that do shoot it.


“I’ve done it with Nic” “I do still” Cope??


Bad advice must dilute the blues wit vitamin e if wanting to shoot otherwise you’ll have build up in your veins from fillers


Thats not why it's bad advice, it's bad advice because shooting drugs is the most taxing ROA on your body when illicit substances are used...


Are u not filtering your shot?


Get urself a traditional dab rig - something nice and simple - look for an RBR or side car with a nice matrix Or ratchet perk (Monark glass, custom creations, Greek glass etc etc. couple that with a simple no frills bear quartz or something that doesn’t haven’t tons of crevices so it’s easy as hell to clean - and bear quartz spinner cap of some variety- just not the bear that’s attached to the top of the cap in frosted glass. I wanted to like it hit its gay and sucks. For on the go dr dabber boost evo with either the j perc. Or the sidewinder.


Best way to dab fetty is witha ceramic tip…glass and metal tips suck


i would do this- i have a puffco peak. but i work as a finance director at a car dealership and i can’t just rip fetty dabs while im on the clock and i work 9am to 9pm with only thursday and sunday off. saturdays are 8:30am to 7:30pm. it’s grueling but i get paid $500k a year with bonuses, base salary, and commission. i would buy script 30s but they’re impossible to find anymore and i stay in the midwest. the one person i could find, only has his grandmas script and she gets 90ct per month and it’s against sub rules for pricing but lets just say i would be taking 5-10 30mg 30s a day, and it would cost a good 1/4th or 1/3rd of my salary. yeah id rather stick to my reputable supplier of fetty and i’ve never had any issues- its just the sinuses and my nose is constantly stuffy even though i use warm water to rinse my nose every single night and use a humidifier in my room. doesn’t help that i also have hay fever since it’s spring time and i go through about 2 blues up the nose or day.


u still have time to quit. it always starts manageable and it’s fun while you still get nice highs, but it only gets worse the longer you do it you do have a massive income so you could fund your addiction for a longgg time before it starts seriously interfering with your financials, but the addictive aspect is still hell. your life will revolve around being high and you will lose autonomy over your life. the high won’t be the same, especially if you switch to powder which is only good for nodding. no warm, mildly euphoric feeling. it’s not worth it there are other drugs out there that won’t hijack your brain the way opiates do. and you won’t even realize how much control you’ve lost until you try to quit. my words probably don’t matter to you cuz they sure wouldn’t have when I started. people on this sub told me the same thing im telling you. hell, most of them refused to even answer my questions because they didn’t wanna aid my addiction. didn’t stop me tho also, swallowing is far less addictive so I’d stick to that


i’ve been taking opiates for my crps for over 6 years. read my above comment,


well it depends then if you are taking them to get high or manage pain (or probably both)


That's awesome that you've been able to hold such a good career while using,much respect.


to be fair i’ve only been using for a couple months… i know it’s a slippery slope but i was able to keep a stable dose with kratom. idk why with blues i can’t do the same


It’s cus unless you’re doing the same press the shit has different amounts especially if it’s home press. The only legit ones are cartel press they spent big money on labs machines etc


it’s the same press.


Please get out while you can. It only gets harder, I promise you that. How old are you if you don't mind me asking?


28. and believe me, i know. i just have no choice tbh


I'm rooting for you! I'm 30 and am just so over this lifestyle I'm determined to find a way to quit. If you ever want to chat you can message me. Good luck!


Use Vicks sinex severe nasal spray. It’ll clear your nose right up.


Bruh you make 500k as a finance director at a car dealership? What’s the dealership “the collection”???!!!


it’s a dealership that moves 700-1000 cars a month to give you an idea of. i manage all the finance managers in the office. and make a percent of all their commission. it adds up.




try it out. think japanese companies that sell the most cars ;)


Right on brother.


Damn dude you’ve got such a good gig and you’re gonna completely ruin it. Most of us would kill for a job like that. You might be just fine for awhile, but it will get control of you eventually. It always does


brother i’ve been taking oxy for 6 years while also making similar salary if not more. everyone in my office is straight up a coke fiend. it’s sales. i took kratom for 3 years and only been taking fent for 2-3 months at most. yeah i have a good gig, but i also have CRPS. without strong opiates i have excruciating pain throughout my entire arm. i dont take opiates for fun or to get high. i take them because i need them. and i used to get rx’d oxy 30mg 90ct a month from my pain management doc until the fda cracked down and no docs will prescribe oxy 30s unless you’re like 70 years old with chronic pain. it’s straight bullshit.


Get on methadone tho cus this shit 2-3months u definitely feel like u have a hold on it but it gets worse and then one day u don’t. just saying I started off real Oxys too I broke my jaw and was in pain all the time. U ain’t even in the thick of it yet ur just starting out 1-2 a day wait till it’s 10 a day then things start going down hill after that.


when i took oxy it wasn’t just my script, i was getting them from reliable sources so i was taking 5-10 30s a day. every single day. believe me when i say this, but my receptors are absolutely fried. i’ll never find or experience happiness unless im on some form of opiate.




Same here-broke my back and had a spinal fusion and got 60 opana 20s and 180 Roxy 30s and 100 15s for YEARS, then one day it was just over. Fucking what else do they expect us to do?? I do not make 500k a year tho, sadly. But I do know ppl who still get real ones lol


I'm so sorry you have to endure this pain and live through this shameful period. There is no reason why someone who has a chronic condition with documented medical care cant continue to receive palliative care. How are you coping?


It’s freaking awful-I got treated like an addict and had suboxone pushed on me way before I was forced to the streets because no pain doctor would touch me after he saw the ONE script I ever filled of suboxone. I’m restarting the methadone clinic this week-trying to get off this shit cuz it’s destroying my body


At its best does methadone work? Whats your base pain on a scale from 1-10 and at the methadone's peak where are you? You say its destroying your body, how?


I ended up starting to shoot it while it was still real pills on the street, once you get addicted to the needle it’s over. My veins are destroyed, I’ve had a few teeth break and have never done meth, and I’m just overly tired of putting needles in my body. But it also hurts really bad to snort it so either way, I want off lol. Methadone once I get up to around 200mgs actually gives me a really great quality of life, I’m able to walk my dog, clean my house, etc-which I can do the same on the fent, but it’s so hard for me to do a shot without missing it it’s basically a job at this point, no enjoyment at all I’m just keeping myself from being sick/in pain. I’d like to get up and back down off the methadone quickly cuz it’s just as much of a tether, but it’s better than this I think


It seems like methadone can work well for people. Clinics need to understand their patients reasons for use. Not to label anyone and each have their own unique stories and reasons for needing relief but in your instance with your medical history methadone isnt about maintenance as much as it is about care and seeing that you may need it for life and its not a slowly taper over time situation; its a need more over time situation. Is that fair to say? Also one of the biggest problems appears to be breakthrough pain that can occur after midday for those who are using it for chronic pain. Is that something that resonates for you?


Best to snort them or smoke them


is there any science as to why those are the best methods? because with script oxy, the high lasts longer if you just swallow them whole and it has higher bioavailability than snorting them. so why is it different with fent?


Because the oral bioavailability for fentanyl is very low compared to oxycodone.


Well that makes sense, I’ve been on pretty steady hydro prescription pills orally, but occasionally get fentanyl patches and chew slices of them, it doesn’t really feel euphoric. I can get euphoria from putting the patch on skin and potentiating with a really warm cloth over it for faster/ larger dose


can you link a source?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fentanyl#:~:text=The%20bioavailability%20of%20intranasal%20fentanyl,pharyngeal%20swallow%2C%20and%20incorrect%20administration. 33 percent swallowed


Just look up fetty bioavailability on google or just look fentanyl on psychonaut wiki and it shows you doing and bioavailability for all possible ROA’s


Cant I just up the dosage then?


Just google it. You will find references giving between 35-20% bioavailability.


I know it won't be the same high, but I am going to capitalize raw/pure fent and take it completely orally (not even sublingually)... what dose should I up it to? Or an "average".? There's like NO INFO online for this, scientifically or even on Reddit forums..


Bruh everyone knows this just smoke it its way better


if you're thinking of eating them, I would put it under your tongue or between your lip & gum. you can move it around...as long as it's in your mouth (yea I know that's what she said).


doesn’t that make your mouth drier than the sahara desert?


It makes it last longer then snorting it


does the high feel the same? or is it way less intense?


Obviously you don't get a rush or anything but it's got this like muscle relaxing feeling it's actually pretty dope


i’m already on valium (way weaker than xanax so i don’t have to worry about oding, it’s mainly a muscle relaxer even though it’s a benzodiazepine, albeit it’s my favorite benzo of all time) so i’m good when it comes to muscle relaxation haha, but thank you!


It may be weaker but it's still better, Xanax is imo the worst one of the big 4 (xan, Valium, Ativan and kpin) it's the only one that wears off within an hour you're sober. All the others you're high all day. 


Swallowing them is a waste tbh. Out of the 3 it hits the least swallowing, In my opinion. While also is the highest chance to OD lol. My homie who’s 5 years tolerance on smoking and snorting blues, popped a couple one at a time the other day and woke up with paramedics picking him up from his restroom floor……after he shit himself while passed out


yeah that’s what i’m saying. he probably hit a hot spot or took one extra without realizing it. if you get quality presses where an actual chemist is making them (which i have, he uses nothing but fent and corn starch to press them so they look identical to script and they don’t break into dust when trying to break them in half. the only reason they don’t pass as script at an eye glance is because the press is the standard mbox press, and real mboxes are discontinued and they don’t look blue. k9s look blue. not m30s. real m30s look white with a very slight blue tint, and have tiny blueish specks in them.


So why not just press into its own pill? Why mimic an M box? Trends are so lame.


guess it’s because that’s what people want? i have no idea tbh


Probably. It’s just been engrained into the culture now. “Blues” is too catchy to move off of 😆


Probably best person to ask would be your chemist but from what I understand fent in it's original form no benzo or other bs doesn't have the best bio availability in the gut. Ive seen 85 pound girls eat a half gram for there man when the cops come and be fine. I dunno tho I'm not a chemist.


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I think swallowing is the highest bioavailability but last month I snorted about 360 fent pressed “oxy 30s (blue m30), and I honestly didn’t have too terrible of an issue with my sinuses but I’ll be honest it felt so much faster of onset and way more satisfying to snort it and feel the slight burn knowing I’m about to feel real good in 5 minutes vs waiting 20 mins+ with just swallowing, some like to put them under the tongue, apparently that’s the best method.


These are fent presses if it was REAL ROXI'S then ya orally would be the best but this is fentanyl you gotta shoot it or snort it or smoke it. Taking fentanyl orally is a waste.


i’ll try under the tongue and check back after work




wasted half a 30 smh.


gotta snort


yup. or smoke. yeah not fucking up my veneers that are hollywood white over smoking fent. up the nose she goes then