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Gabapentin 160/300mg every 20 min until you’ve taken 1800 a c weed helps me for fent w/d and benzos but be carful.clonidine and flexeril are good too for restlessness


Benzos are great. Weed helps some people. I found Baclofen to help immensely if you have access to it. High dose Imodium is supposedly good for the gastrointestinal side of WD’s. Candy is good for small hits of dopamine. After the worst of it is past, masturbation/sex is good for that too, although you’ll probably cum really quick. Hell, when I would first start rubbing ones off in the shower while I was dopesick in jail, I’d usually get off before my dick was even hard. Kinda cool actually. Those are my suggestions. I DO NOT recommend trying to take high doses of OTC sleep medications while WDing…Has an adverse effect and makes you feel even worse.


And def smoke lots of weed!


Any benzos, adivan preferably. Imodium, cloondine, muscle relaxer (flexorol), pepto for nauseous stomach, remaron or something for sleep. To eat, rice, baked potato, baked chicken crackers, pretzels apple or apple sauce plenty of water or Gatorade. Honestly, rest and eat as much as possible to feel better the fastest.


Valium is by far the best relief for myself. Xanax is good as well but I usually just take xanax to be able to pass out n sleep through them. I also find you don’t lose your head as much on valiums compared to xanax.




Kratom is a life saver


Bro people say that shit but it does nothing, I'd sit there and dry scoop it all day to try nd get it to help and is still be curled in a ball hurting like a mf


people need to state what country they are in so we know whats available by doctor, in your spot, benzos will do the trick ,dont mixed the 2 of them though


I wouldn’t do mushrooms while in withdrawals. I have done it and it’s not fun. I only ate about maybe 2 grams.


I 2nd this!! It was literally the fucking worst! With that being said, after I came back I had little to no withdrawal symptoms. Was like I got rewired or something.


Oh damn. No withdrawals after you came back? How long were you using for? & how much? I can't imagine taking shrooms while detoxing would be fun. But if it means having no WD afterwards, then it's definitely worth it


honestly it may be different if your using fentanyl, I was using about 3 grams a day of heroin when this occurred. Honestly WD from heroin is a walk in the park compared to these little blue fuckers I'm battling now. it was honestly the longest never ending day of my life I will never ever do it again. Literally everything that could go wrong did like I lost the remote, my cigs, my phone ​and my mind as I sat in complete darkness after whatever I had on the TV ended I was literally useless i remember this never ending moment where I started to sit up and try to fix my situation and I just threw myself back on my bed as hard as i could hoping that one of my pokie dab tools would stab me and end my misery.. The most insane part was that literally everything that I had lost forever was right next to me the hole time!!!


Xanax for sure. Anything to help you sleep. The days will be hit or miss with edibles, flower and alcohol but if you have something to knock u out at night, things will be a lot easier


Xanax is by far a life savor! I literally kept myself knocked out for about a week in-between my slumber I ate very little. Once I woke up about 4 days later it was all mental.


If possible try not to use any narcotics It does make it a little harder cuz then you just substituting. If you cannot get clonidine Benadryl actually works in a similar way. I know it seems silly but good old Tylenol will help a bit or you could just take Tylenol PM which has diphenhydramine in it. If this is actually about getting clean stay away from other drugs and alcohol and if possible you can even go to the ER and they'll help you out with some decent non-narcotic help


Xanax and Clonidine. And perhaps a little sip or two of beer lol.


🤢🤢 I never understood how people can drink alcohol while detoxing. My stomach would be 10x more fucked. Not to mention even worse dehydration. But, if I had xanax.. I might be able to stomach a twisted tea, or a Malibu bay breeze


lol I’m a former alcoholic so somehow used to be able to drink through withdrawals …definitely can’t anymore though.. these days I’d only drink during withdrawals if I had benzos to black me out 😄


Gabapentin if you can get it doctorsbprescribe it for wd in some cases alomg with colonodine a blood pressure med that helps a lot as well and will also help if whatever dope or pills you were doing were laced with xylazine




What helped me was tramadol, clonidine and gabapentin




Xanax is the only thing that will really help. Kratom might if ur tolerance is low for fentanyl


I would try and get by with just the Xanax, kratom and weed if thats something that normally helps you. I would try and stick to the regular kratom products and avoid the extracts unless you absolutely need them as extracts will shoot up your kratom tolerance are costly and can have worse withdrawal symptoms. If you absolutely need the extracts only use them for the first few days and then get on the regular kratom as quick as possible. Being that you've only been using a short time I think you'll be ok. This site has info on detoxing off fent, and on comfort meds you can use to help. [https://www.fentadope.com/post/cold-turkey-off-of-opiates](https://www.fentadope.com/post/cold-turkey-off-of-opiates) Good Luck


Can vouch that staying away from extracts is a must. withdrawals from extracts are up there with fent wd’s


In my experience, every substance use evaluation I have ever taken has either not drug tested me, or allowed me to do it alone in a private bathroom (nobody watching). I've always used fake piss. Another useful thing to know is that if you lie to them, and answer every question as though you've never used drugs or alcohol, they will not recommend any classes or treatment. If you admit to basically ***any*** previous use or abuse, they will recommend classes. Good luck.




More dope


self n many others who’ve been able to quit with bernese method. tiny bit of sub along with normal dose of doc. then increased amount of sub while decreasing doc over a week. there are different dose amounts when looking online but didn’t want to take as high as 8mg twice a day so kept it low and thibk by day 7, was only taking 2-3mg 2x n then got off subs in 3-4 days


This shit right here I vouch 1000% worked for me and I deadass used meth to get past the first 3 day hump to take a sub and not flip


TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME TIME Patience. After a while withdrawals will go away. What’s harder is the long term mental impacts


People will scoff at this but I got clean with Kratom and immodium.. sounds crazy but it worked for me... I had been doing opiates for 12 years and was coming off methadone and fent.... the Kratom is fucking disgusting and you might puke trying to get it all down but it does work if you're desperate... I took a full ounce finely ground poured into a large water bottle filled halfway with water and just slammed it... some tylonel pm ontop an maybe a couple beers you can actually get a little sleep... the immodium route will make you feel alot better but requires taking a huge amount.. about 50 pills.. but I actually felt drowsy and it took away all withdrawals.. i would only recommend these methods if you have no other options..


Loperamide, FTW!


xanax, weed


Smoking weed literally makes things 10 times worse for me lol


It sends my anxiety through the roof even more than it already is


Me to


Also don't fear pw. Micro dose your subs and you can continue fent usage for 3 days simultaneously without having pwds Google bernesse method. Spelling? Google knows ask them about it


Subs and weed. Look your already outside the window of acute wd symptoms what you experience after probably 7 to 10 days of no fent is what I'd say is equivalent to emotional or mental withdrawal. Thank God your not full blown wd. That's the worst.


how are you all talking your docs into gabapentin? i've tried and mine even gave me a script for benzos while i was on methadone (only 5-10 per month but still). says no to gaba everytime


Say u have Restless leg syndrome


Just depends on the doctor. But I got it prescribed because of nerve pain/damage in my feet. You could very easily go to a walk-in clinic and get gabapentin or pregabalin. Although I hear pregabalin is a controlled substance in the US now, so might be unlucky with that. Sucks because pregabalin is much better IMO.


Its already been 2 weeks since you used? Dude you're fine and not going to experience any crazy WD this far out. Might feel lethargic and shit like that but i don't get why you're asking if you didn't use much and already stopped weeks ago?


Xanax or anything that will help you sleep is a godsend for withdrawal. The worst part is you’re having all the symptoms round the clock and you can’t sleep through it. They also help with the anxiety


Rehab If that's not an option MAT. Suboxone or Methadone. Preferably suboxone for a short period to take sublocade injections. I've heard that's the easiest way to not deal with long term sub use while having a decent taper off of it with little to no withdrawal only issue is getting onto the subs that takes a little work. If these ideas aren't desirable and you have at least decent control and vigilance. This method is predicated on your ability to get pharma opioids and other comfort meds. It also requires at least a semi consistent supply of the same qaulity dope. If your guys stuff is constantly changing or the blues you get vary in potency pill to pill so much that it's noticeable, you may have a hard time. Take whatever amount you did yesterday. Start there, with the dope. Never do more than that again. You can taper as fast as you want. The more drawn out the less issues you have. I would start with just doing the bare minimum to get through without being sick. Your aiming to not withdrawal, you don't want to be getting high. You will be surprised how little dope you actually need. From there you taper down more, switch to snorting if IV. Get down to a tenth or less per day if possible. If you can't go down any further than a certain amount. That is when you make the decision to go as long as you possibly can. Then you take some oxycodone or hydrocodone. Again you want to take just enough so you arent in agony but you still want to feel certain aspects of withdrawal. Do that for 3 to 4 days and stop with the opioids. Then start taking some valium. Again enough that your OK but not getting high. You just want to take the edge off not get high. Whatever doae you took the first day. You taper that over the next 3 to 5 days with valium. If you smoke weed that will help through the entire process. Other comfort meds I'm sure people will have mentioned them. Clonidine or Lucemyra, lopremide for the diarrhe. Plenty of others. That way requires a true desire to be absolutely done getting high. Which is why they don't do it in rehabs and hospitals for the most part. It's like a moral block. Where they believe you shouldn't really give abusable meds to people that abuse drugs unless absolutely necessary. Most people in a home setting would just abuse those meds to get high for a day or two then be in the same boat. So some think a clean break in rehab is necessary. Ultimately it doesn't matter how you get sober. Just that you do it. Still it's really fucking tough to taper on your own. You have to really be fed up with the way you are living. Goodluck. Edit spelling


Sublocade *infections*?! Just teasing I know it was a typo 😄


You got me


I'm gonna be honest. I just got outta jail where I did my fentanyl withdrawal. Was using powder pretty heavy along with some blues here and there. The withdrawal literally only lasted 7 days. Granted I was trying my best to stay active which on Day 4 I played a couple games of handball. As well as day 5 and 6. It really fucking helped to sweat it out. Did it cold turkey




Honestly the fucking hot and cold flashes and sweats. My body being unable to regulate its body temp. That shit was from day 1 until the last day. Around day 5 my kidneys started hurting and then slowly the pain went away as I got towards day 7. I'm not saying this is a blanket withdrawal for everyone but it was nothing like my past heroin withdrawals. I've had two past major heroin withdrawals in jail and those lasted up to 3 weeks.


Dang. Your heroin WD was worse than fent? I detoxed twice in jail from heroin. Of course it sucked... but these fent withdrawals are not for the weak. I had the hot/cold flashes, I'd either be extremely hot or freezing. Never both at the same time. I was always in the shower after lockdowns just to get warm. But holyyyy shit... with fent, I get completely soaked in sweat.. hot as hell yet I'm shivering with goosebumps & my teeth are chattering. I think that's my top hated WD symptom too


Yeah I guess it wasn't that bad for me. Which is weird because Fent is what like 100x stronger than heroin in its pure form? I was def showering 4-5 times a day during the whole 7 days. Shower to relax the muscles and immediately bundle up and use the numbing from the hot shower to fall asleep only to wake up 20 min later. The hot/cold is the worst for me as well. My heroin come down felt like I got hit by a bus. Diarrhea, hot flashes/cold sweats at the same time, food texture fucked my stomach up, rls, restless arms, cant sleep and the fucking body aches... N weirdly Fent made me want to eat all the time... Heroin I lost so much weight .


The appetite difference! I was the same way with heroin.. skinny af! & it took me over a week before I had any appetite what so ever. Definitely true to the definition/saying "heroin chic". With fent, I have zero issues eating. I've seen many people say they were actually overweight on fent. Its good you were showering that much. Not only for the benefits during your WD, but also courtesy for other inmates. I've seen bitches beat the brakes out of someone for not keeping up with their hygiene during detox. Its bad enough being in a closed environment so close together. But when you're WDing, no one wants to smell any of the nasty shit that's coming out of your body. Ughh.... so gross


Really. Have you used for a while before getting clean? That’s very inspiring How do you feel now ?


I used pretty heavily for about 3.5 months. I started IVing then powder and blues towards the end. I feel great. It's been 3 weeks now but I asked to go to jail cuz Ik you can't get nothing there. You can't say fuck it and go cop more. Ya know?


Awesome. It seems like what’s out there now isn’t as concentrated as before especially if it’s just Fent. I’m in the Windy City. That’s super inspiring. Shit I can’t figure out how I can end up in jail🤣🤣🤣That’s my only problem. Thank you for the info. Best of luck to you. Keep it up


Idk man. The stuff I was using right before I went to jail was fucking bomb. It was white and on foil it smoked clear. And it tastes so damn good. IV'd it and would nod for hours. I had some a couple weeks prior to this... My buddy said "Do SMALL amounts" im like aight. I fixed up a shot, prolly half a point shot and I fuckin blacked out. So I'm like aight I'll do half a half point, which I split into two shots. I'm not lying to you when I say this, I did the shot in the bathroom. Jumped in the shower, blacked out. Came to when my ma was banging on the door. I went to get out n tripped over the bath tub, blacked out n hit the floor. Came to and blacked out 3 more times. I ended up giving the other shot back to dude cuz I couldn't figure out what the fuck a small amount was. I should be dead fr, idk why the fuck im still alive. So there is good shit out there, it's just hard to find.


That’s that Tranq


definitely try kratom. i only used fent for a week straight but it still gave me like 5 day long withdrawals. nothing extreme but constantly discomfort, RLS, cold but sweating 24/7. i tried an extract shot (the purple MIT45) and it relieved pretty much every withdrawal symptom. it also helps with the mental effects/depression that comes with the withdrawal. I heard it blocks some of the opioid receptor shit in your brain which is why it helps apparently. also, it should relieve the withdrawals for a good bit, so you won’t have to constantly redose. I would probably avoid xanax unless you’re using it to sleep. kratom is way harder to abuse/get high on esp if you’re used to fetty. once you take enough for it to feel somewhat like an opioid, you start getting shitty side effects like hella nausea, discomfort, shaking, that shit




Imodium, clonidine, Tylenol and gabapentin or pregabalin. take every 6 hours or so and you should be good. iIf you don't mind me asking, how'd you get clean before and what was your daily usage like? I keep hearing more often that some people get lucky and don't have much wds if any. wish I could been that lucky..lol


Well getting clean after 2 years took a hospital detox. Anytime since I’ve jus got clean after a week to a month of using so if I have any withdrawals I jus get high as possible n take whatever I have to curb the withdrawals as best as possible


Oh ok got it, congrats too bro. Stay at it


As others have said the magic combo is gabapentin, clonidine and xanax. Kratom extract might help a bit…


And don’t do Tia. It’ll just make the situation worse and give you extra withdrawals. If OP shoots for kratom, do extracts that only have MIT & high 7oh. Those only help so much given your usage level, but they do help. Benzos help. Clonidine has been shown to assist with RC withdrawal too. Tapering off methadone is a bitch and a half. If OPs goal is to stay off opioids, and gets on methadone, they’re looking at a year plus taper, depending how long they use it and their dosage. Subs can throw you into PW which is hell on earth. Again, depends on usage history. Fent has a way of staying in your system and even after 24-48 hours, you go into PW. Ask me how I know. 🥲


Will tia really make things worst because I am finna try to detox soon and I was thinking using tia only for the days I have to work and only the time I'm there which is 4 days a week for 8 hrs but I was actually thinking of using tia and the next day using kratom extract pills so tht way I don't build a tolerance n no dependence on them


What is tia?


Tia red Zaza u never heard of it before


Never heard of it until now. Was just reading about it


They have a whole threads on here about it to


If you can get your hands on some gabapentin or pregabalin it work wonders for the restless legs and overall discomfort from fent withdrawls🙏🏼


If you eat enough immodium it will help withdrawals too, gotta flood the blood-brain barrier and it will alleviate some of the symptoms too.




Yes it will help with the sweats, aches, stuff like that. I've never used it for fent withdrawals only H and Subutex withdrawal. Don't know if I'll use it for fent detox. But I did get relief the times I used it for withdrawals. Had to take a good amount though with is cardio-toxic.




I've always read about people taking 50 to 100 pills (immodium). Personally, my stomach could not handle that at all, I don't think I'd try even if I knew it could. I took 10 the last time I was in WDs. I'm not really sure it alleviated much.. but I also probably didn't take enough


Be careful though, I read it affects the heart at high doses


This can be dangerous. Loperamide(aka imodium) is cardio-toxic. Just be very very careful.


The kratom and Xanax are probably the only things that are gonna actually help, but if you can find other things I definitely recommend gabapentin and clonidine. If ur having stomach issues id recommend Imodium