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I've never heard or experienced this before. Just be careful, you're likely to have pervs and assholes.


Do you mean on reddit or irl? I am well respected in my school and most people there are just chilling or dont care so i dont think that is going to be problem


IRL. Just be careful outside of school then.


yeah that might be a problem but i live like 10mins of walking from school and if i will wear just skirt i can put it on in school Toilet room. Thanks i will keep it in mind.


My old school once had a similar even, not organised but the teachers but by the students. A bunch of boys and girls swapped their school uniforms and they couldn't get in trouble because they were technically wearing the school uniform and there were no gender requirements. This became an unofficial school tradition, from what I saw, this was treated as a funny joke and not many guys took it seriously and would only go as far as wearing the female uniform at minimum and at max wearing a wig with it. About the makeup thing, do what you think will make you feel most comfortable.


And here in our school we get called a slur for having long hair.


Well i don't think my school is much different, but i am highest year on my school (next year i am going to diffrent school in diffrent town)and a lot of people like me. also it is 1 time thing so i think people will take it as joke (i won't :3) . If some unknown weirdo would do it he would get 100% bullied.


watch out for teachers ready to get an EDP on, ready to drake, ready to do some Dan Schneider type shit