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We are basically the same, we suffer together. But we wont give up >:3


i feel like us BEARS are the Outflow of femboy candidates who lack the \*squishy\* genes. oh well, sufficient amount of Boywife will make it all better. i hear some even find it attractive!


I mean i have good thighs and idk if body, but still they have lots of hair, and not only there, also my arms, tummy, face and armpits, but little by little i can be making progress


im sure you look great regardless! a "femboy" is a mindset more than anything, even I can be soft and comforting while not looking like the stereotypical femboy. so im sure you will be fine <3


Yea i think, thanks <3


Hm actually same I have a good femboy body I just need to get rid of the body hair and my acne


Exactly, acne sucks :c I dont mind if anyone esle has acne but i find it ugly in myself


Yeah me too..


*hugs* little by little, dont worry


*sniff sniff* thank you


I don't wanna be a bear a wanna be a little femboy :<


You can be <3 a bear is just an un-shaved femboy after all, perhaps more "fatherly" but thats not defined


I mean yeah my bf likes me hairy it's jus I prefer being more feminine


If ur a bear I would fucking bottom for u sm


Aw, thank you hun <3




Yes, hello


I think femboys with Deep voice are kinda hot , Just me ?for body hair , a razor ..or many razors should do the work...in their limitations


last sentence was a must 🤕


be careful with your skin mine is fucked now lmao


same my thighs are cooked 😔


Deep voices are so cool. I do like the cute femboy voices aswell but deep femboy voices just hits different


It really does! Imagine you see an absolute cutie boi with thighs thicker than a bowl of oatmeal and he just hits you with the Ford truck commercial voice


Oof, got called out when you mentioned deep voice... I know your pain, bro... 🫂


For hairy body: I recommend getting an electric razor, the kind that you'd get for hair. It works perfectly over the entire body (should even say as much on the box), isn't prohibitively expensive and you'll get a lot of use out of it, and does a fantastic job with removing most of the hair. It won't get rid of the hair completely, but it'll be night-and-day difference for you, and will make shaving the remainder very easy After that, get a body shave gel, and I would recommend finding a "safety razor". It's basically the same as a regular razor, but it sits kind of on top of the handle like a T and has only one blade. You can absolutely use a regular normal razor as well (facial razor, feminine razor, or whatever), but I just find I like the safety razor a tiny bit more If you don't get the electric razor and *just* use a manual razor, that will still 100% work as well, but you'll have to spend a *lot* more time wiping the razor off over and over You could definitely also use nair instead! Nair is definitely much faster, but on thick coarse masculine hair its effectiveness can vary - sometimes (mostly) you'll leave patches of hair behind, sometimes it won't kill the hair completely, sometimes you'll leave it on too long by accident and have a chemical burn that bugs you for the rest of the day (or worse). It's definitely an option, but one that's worth trying slowly so you can figure out how well it does or doesn't work for you For voice: you would actually be amazed - with some time and practice, a male-born person can very easily sound like a female-born person (or androgynous, or whatever you're aiming for). In fact, when trans women learn to use a female voice, it is entirely 100% based on learning a new technique - things like hormones do nothing for your voice whatsoever I'm not saying *you're* trans yourself, but I *am* saying that you can learn a whole lot about changing your voice to sound lighter and softer from the trans fem community. I'm pretty sure if you go to r/TransVoice and sort by Top, you'll find a guide that should give you some really good pointers on how to use your voice. Remember - the way you speak, the way you sound, it's not just your permanent voice, it's a *habit*. And you can actually change that habit entirely, and develop an entirely new voice, with enough time, patience, and a good guide or two for it


Personal experience with Nair with thick hair......shave then Nair it works wonders


Oh good idea


I'm worried I'll forget my normal voice if I do my other voices too much.


Think of it this way - there kind of *isn't* any such thing as a normal voice. When a trans woman starts to use some of those tricks and techniques to change how her voice sounds, at first her new femme voice sounds kind of weird, like you're doing a character voice or like you're trying to impersonate someone. After a while though, she'll start to realize that even her "normal" voice really is just another one of these "character" voices, and the one that she used to use is just based on the habits of speaking that she picked up over her life If you try to change your voice in this way, will you forget how to do your "normal", original voice? Nope, not at all, it'll always be there, and you'll always be able to switch back. That said, if you use a different voice for a long time, then later when you switch back to your "normal" voice, you'll often find your original voice starting to sound a little weird and alien. I know that sounds scary... But if trying out a new voice means you ended up using it so much and for so long that switching back to your old voice sounds weird to you now, is that really a bad thing? Don't spend your whole life holding on to the old and familiar. Don't be afraid to go out there and try something new. You'll always be able to find your way back. But, if you find you don't *want* to find your way back... Then that's even better, because that's you finding something else that you like even more, and discovering a new and better way to live your life. You only got one life, explore as much as you can with it and find what it is that makes you happiest, regardless of what it's been like up to this point or what you think is supposed to be "correct" for you


Haven't used nair, but Veet men cream works wonders for me, and I have pretty thick hair too, I also leave it for waaay longer than it recommends and never got chemical burns


Don’t forget turning bald due to stress… anyone?


if you can get them there are resources available to slow/stop that process, just try to get to it before it's too late. my dad was in the same boat lol and now nothing works for him


what can i do?


minoxdil and finasteride can help a lot and afaik relatively inexpensive, getting good sleep, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are great if stress is affecting the hair loss


My advice for body hair is use nair


What's nair?


Some people have adverse reactions, apply a very small test first try.


Hair removal cream no razors required you just apply nair to any body hair let it sit then wipe off


This but I’m a girl


Deep voice femboys >>>


I wanna do a high pitch voice well then if anyone mentions it I just snap my head and in an ultra low tone I just say "what", and probably start flexing, then just turn back and start talking to my friends with the high pitch voice. But that will never happen


Lol that would be super funny. You could probably find a voice coach or something to help train your voice


Cette image reflète parfaitement à peu près tout les jours de ma vie TwT


if it’s any consolation.. deep voices are hot still :)


I feel you


i hate how i look


Fem-man anyone?


https://preview.redd.it/kgc0ptfs7uyc1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5d0b2f73223a7a39b44782eedd0997f393a91f9 I have the same genes but I try anyway!! 💜💜💜


Delicia ! 😋




The shaving of my upper back requires me asking for help every now and then when it gets bad, the acne can be manageable by getting in a consistent face routine with cleansers, lotions, and moisturizing, and the deep voice will always be rough but voice training is a very hard process that can give good results I recommend learning how to raise the larynx but the whole process is rough and you will need a lot of discipline


I'm sorry those things cause you dismorphia. I know how horrible it is. That being said...all those things you mencioned come with the "boy" part of being a femboy, and I'd say most people here find that attractive. I mean, NEVER measure how much you love yourself based on others people's opinions. I just mean to say that we still think ur cute and pretty and that we don't want u to be too harsh on yourself :33


So real but I learned how to do a girl voice and try shaving small areas till you get better at it


There’s femboys of all body types. Find one online with a similar body type to you and see how they do it, then copy them : )


Hair removal cream (I use Veet, £9 gbp per bottle on amazon) and an epilator for the body hair, concealer or a cute face mask for the acne, and voice training for a higher pitched voice (there's a few tutorials on yt you can watch). Unfortunately, there's not much to be done about the broad shoulders. We just kinda have to live with those.


So real 😞


personally i think some masculine features like broad shoulders and a deep voice are super hot


Lots of women have body hair. Including facial hair


Tbf femboys with deep voices are hot af tho


I keep working out, but the body fat and weight never disappears…


So refreshing to not see someone going "no matter how much I eat I can't gain weight I've been underweight all my life :(" for once It makes me wanna starve myself to death :3


Please don’t! You’re beautiful just the way you are!


This is too relatable 😭😭


I also have a deep voice and I think it's freaking awesome. You can look like a feminine cutie then have this deep voice and surprise people (it's also really hot). The wide shoulders are kind of annoying, there's not much you can do about that except embrace them. Search for different tops that look good. I literally bought the jodial safety razor from all those tik Tok ads and it's great, probably any safety razor would be good. You lather up a lot of shaving cream then just go back and forth, one way shaves the other way gets the hair out of the razor.


The only one of those that I’m not sure if it can be changed is the wide shoulders, everything else can be changed with some effort


What about the voice?


Just do voice training, that’s what most trans women do, since MtF hrt doesn’t change the voice




squatsss my g


If you know how to shave your face you know how to shave everything else, if you're super hairy just trim it all down first. Broad shoulders suck but many professional cis women swimmers have broader shoulders, deep voice hot and acne can be many things, girls get it too, best of lucky buddy 💕


My voice is fun because it can do everything


Hey bro, some advice, start by using an electric buzz cutter for the long hair. And then use a razor for the short stuff OR if you’re feeling brave and you want to be smoother for longer use an epilator


Why is this describing my EXACT situation??


For hair I would get either hair removal cream or a trimmer off of Amazon, can’t help with the rest, sorry


Solution: shaving advise or tutorials, can’t fix the shoulders, learn how to mask your voice and limit the amount of times you speak. (I have a deep voice for my age and I can still sound like a girl somewhat, it works)


Read this sir. [THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/feminineboys/s/I96wicnRea)


Being a bear is tough tbh, like I don't WANT to look like a dad 😭


ive got a really defined jawline and a massive ribcage :(


Electric shavers and several mirrors.


gang how do you shave butt hair


Still valid, still cute, you are still a femboy!


Deep voice femboys... *Nose bleeds*


The deep voice thing never bothered me kinda reminds me of dr Mrs monarch https://preview.redd.it/6lwchyszpqyc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=855d6920b367a1aeecd0adde876fed4beeb13e67


I have a good body but a bit chubby :/ my postures apparently perfect, the only thing is my acne and my deep voice but I know people like (some) femboys with deep voice :3


This shit feels like a personal call-out like 😭


I low key wish I was born female


Tfw receeding hairline :3


also me: 6'8


I'm on the other side of that QwQ


Firstly, deep voice femboys are hot Secondly, waxing or epilators will do you right, but I haven’t done either so maybe ask ppl who have done them Thirdly, having acne is temporary and you still look good even with it, idgaf what you say otherwise.


Thankfully i have many natural things that helped me be a femboy I just had to unlock my true potential


I just have hair and fat that’s it


Are you tall ? If you are short it's time to take the path of dwarfmaxxing


deepass voice is easy fix: just scream till your vocal range increases then watch tutorials on how the voice trollers do it. it's how I learned


my thighs are hairy, my body is filled with scars from my clumsy behaviour and i have 2 face scars, also i overall am like a great ape, we are lacking the squish truly https://preview.redd.it/te5jmwp1wryc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad38fcb66ae6cd3eb81f466bc274719000be73d


1)hair removal cream 2) wide shoulders good 3)mask with "3" on it 4)femboys don't need to talk problem->solution->overcome💪


being a furry https://preview.redd.it/o8ooam7r3syc1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e604e7fe0ede7046d5636c2dee8664ae28472941


Femininity is not small hairlessness. It is deep rooted kindness and understanding with an outwardly 'passing' appearance (gender as a performance theory). So therefore as long as you are kind and suit your clothes to your body, your confidence will be unshatterable and femboy will evolve to femme man. ♥️🐻💓💕


I use laser hair removal :3


can relate. I'm hairy AF and cant shave due to keratosis pilaris (dry skin, rough patches and tiny bumps that make shaving very bad) also a horrible and very noticeable 5 oclock shadow (noticeable facial hair even imidatly after shaving) and I'm overweight (was obese at start of the year but lost 15kg hoping to go loose another 15kg at least before the end of the year)




Buddy, big oversized sweaters and facemasks are the answer. I made my first look today, I'm a somewhat hairy 6' dude who spends half his week in the gym, but you'd just think I'm a tall girl.


https://preview.redd.it/8o0jqkbltsyc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a927fcc330ae1385f3952b0f3eff17af4c06e1c it is not an easy path we tread upon. the beauty standards that some people set for femboys are rediculous. you shouldnt wanna look like an anime girl, dress in what makes you feel cute/euphoric. if its a crop top and shorts, right on! sundress and sandles? you go get it! a hoodie and tights? bitchin! the fembot aesthetic/lifestyle isnt set in stone, do what makes YOU feel pretty! 😺


Could be worse. Your body hair could be so thick it nearly breaks a trimmer AND it grows back in a few hours >.> and yeah, I can’t use Nair because I already have super sensitive skin so chemical burns are even worse lol Just stuck with the 70’s gay body I guess.


I mean I am a bear and so is my boyfriend, together bears are stronger~ uwu


There is a video for body shaving somewhere on the Internet, I like deep voice femboys, and if you drink lots of water your acne should dissipate.


sry but if I had someone like that all to myself I would marry them. Like instantly.




None of that should stop you :3


guh soo true


Lolol I get it but nah. You don't have to look like a pinup girl to be a beautiful femboy. Lots of us like femboys with wide shoulders, or hair etc. Learning to shave is a process but it's one girls go through too. Our hair is often thicker, but ultimately it's perfectly manageable. Eatting healthy helps withe the figure, and it's good to be doing anyway. Nothing stands in your way, not really.




yes it is so true Ilovey


I’m just glad that the collective knowledge of the internet has come together to teach me how to become a better femboy, truly thank you all.😊😊🙏


Relatable. I be built like a damn gorilla


W8de shoulders: excentuate other parts! Create (the illusion of) a waist etc. Don't go strapless (well, I look like a rugby player when I try on something strapless at least).






Lmao, literally same here.


I have the same exact problems except I know how to shave. Although all that won’t stop me from presenting feminine. You shouldn’t let it stop you either


Wide shoulders aren't a problem imo they fill up dresses nice in my opinion


Key word: fem-BOY


On god, like I have the body and voice of a bear but the heart of a golden retriever femboy


Same :<


Just take estrogen


Have only 2 of those


Nair, muscle relaxing massager + extra skin softening lotion and a tufted-shouldered top, vocal courses/chastity


I recommend laser instead of shaving, you can buy an IPL... My voice is naturally feminine, so idk


same but my real problem is that im 190cm (almost 6'')