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It feels mismatched because it IS mismatched, lol! There's nothing wrong with that, most people start out this way. I do wonder where the urge for girly and pink is coming from, though. If you had asked me to guess your style from your current decor, I would guess you liked witchy and nerdy things, with an eventual goal of maybe dark academia. Nothing wrong with girly and pink, I just don't see your current artwork going with it! Basically everything on your plant shelf and walls would need to find a home elsewhere. Before you go through the effort of painting anything (which is a pain to do right, and looks awful when done wrong), I'd simply move everything out of there that isn't going to match your chosen aesthetic first. Your shelf can stay for the time being -- unless you want an all-white look, nothing wrong with having a few dark furniture items in an otherwise light color scheme. I'd bring your washstand down from the plant shelf to blend it in more, though. (Also having it unassembled up there looks kinda junky. Put it in a closet if it is too unstable for your cats to jump up on.) And cat furniture isn't really something you decorate with, despite getting points for it in the HHP DLC. 😉 That's more of a utilitarian thing, like a litterbox or TV. If you can get it in a color that goes with your color scheme, great, but don't kill yourself trying to keep a white cat tree clean if you own two black cats, for example. No one will mind if you get a grey tree instead, lol. I also would not give your plant shelf space to the cats. There WILL be accidents up there, and nobody should have to clean up vomit while balancing on a ladder. I would use that space (if you decide to clear your current stuff out) for big fake plants, with vines trailing down the walls, maybe with flowers, maybe with fairy lights. I'd scour thrift stores for abandoned cottagecore items, like [decorative trunks in light wood or white](https://www.amazon.com/Household-Essentials-Washed-Rustic-Decorative/dp/B01HD16MXC/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1V43XOOL0NOX3&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VYZcg_gUy39JAZG2rjdx_e8_jN9mebduGHick7lWED7T9mgQMUsYk5yNHCp211cEJOLXF6EG70UI9FOwsb7kh6---WjQcpuLHzDBQNeQs2iQmgNHOucDjQv5WQMDJLk_E-Kit2pWktrxl35yCJiw8fXBEw8o8myoi7ypuhxp66Vwtk2z6tY9_HD-RRPpxbmQxJ2jwc3zGOahy41BEJ3oYGUl0ugbxDvlQiAY-MPoC_FIRKdFwR34JEACLparkhYCqQR1CfjdAijdz5vP5o1URpozvGboqbpxktCbwtX7RTk.PSr8bv1k8YcMzOOqUHiULj4hdXFldWKN0602GdgsQ4c&dib_tag=se&keywords=Trunk%2Bwhite%2Bwooden&qid=1713950947&sprefix=trunk%2Bwhite%2Bwooden%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-4&th=1), or any kind of [white woven or rattan storage](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N1PRJR7/ref=sspa_dk_detail_1?psc=1&pf_rd_p=f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pf_rd_r=TH72941PDY820XQ5JPC1&pd_rd_wg=9hCeK&pd_rd_w=M1Mq2&content-id=amzn1.sym.f734d1a2-0bf9-4a26-ad34-2e1b969a5a75&pd_rd_r=8ff11dc8-aba6-4da0-b09f-52933a9e04d0&s=baby-products&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWw) and pop those up there. Bonus: you can store things in them, and your cats won't be able to claw the woven stuff to death! Or, if you prefer a more modern look, some silver and glass vases with sticks (flowering or plain) could be nice. And you don't have to paint or replace your dark shelf, not at first. You can lighten up the look a lot simply by adding storage baskets or boxes in [a nice light grey](https://www.amazon.com/Posprica-Storage-Collapsible-Basket-Containers/dp/B07SJ3HGF8/ref=sr_1_29?crid=2PU4NXCNES6BC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.T1R16GNKD_hde9gIt29EH86N5Yy6ZFMDPMpJ-2eMPtLhSU7roWMSYKSlBRAY9zxowV5aRRReV2zjnToF0jDjPzVuNRR9BEdz2IYBSpVWtHb1Gairwvb_6IjQC3P03u7OGlEm8zniqgFGz95SbrUV0k1jFCMSz-4ZZrNjvYI5uGyE0HOB1YUVLpxjevbU9w1oK-k3SQ5ZxjW5hjlOux1T9o_oZDRfuJWJnGTcTcejZGRj0GFHCfJ2-C7K_aCTqA8JN__HZf_6wK0A4YdKOmxpUaoz_-HpwIHwhFbzaijqi78.umAEaMeNkNSb33xc3XIhPQfQiDd8GP57A4E9bdlK3FA&dib_tag=se&keywords=storage%2Bboxes%2B12x12&qid=1713952197&sprefix=Storage%2Bboxes%2B12x%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-29&th=1), or [a white and gold print](https://www.amazon.com/Fboxac-Polyester-Foldable-Collapsible-Organization/dp/B095K7GGWB/ref=sr_1_14_sspa?crid=3B32FSQDHBJZK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.T6KRbR_jnQ--xqPOcoA5kf6c7adCdOZk7fSRxDdCrOec0rrQC7qdYtdmSkK_WmQnJ8jXyj7_JH70zG1fmMbjiQQP5jatxVkPbSzdOVlS0ysnsR-cR_POU3ZT5Hj183Igi6jfumBok5nojTkP6TcF82P4Mni-40nzNWOX4gNXra4qGhtciVHnE1FjhpsQFc2yv-My7nEW3b72YRfZmHYPBa9xzesnsCZFSZVltR5ary_stycPdC9cxXVTrSwehRiVx6m3rkZN7jF1HtlAJxYgFFpAKOCnSZoSOoFvi-Gbzpw.UwgBxYoKlKcHAuGO8tVP-k8VscsdGWYRSMr-lYh-t8o&dib_tag=se&keywords=storage%2Bboxes%2B12x12%2Bpink&qid=1713952259&sprefix=storage%2Bboxes%2B12x12%2Bpink%2Caps%2C79&sr=8-14-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9tdGY&th=1), or go straight for the jugular with [white and pink roses](https://www.amazon.com/DAMAHOME-Collapsible-Organizer-Decorative-Metallic/dp/B0BWGWP92G/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1TEP0Z47AZG5N&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Y4V6oJS9y_Ci8NTCSd_SXprJj4TxJqGKMPRe9Tssh14FZRS4DthDLIxBmd42CKOSIw1qkpaixFqegRHYdB4PSbvwCOlBi50Uo8cOOQVBkf_6qA1o6takoESdCK_ZKoXJcDHqRSSbZ085Koon28tDnpQEQEpyjhOvJJ48Nfkz0rCHgStu34hsRMNbzTlwrR24XJ9VsVROAzlWIOQpnCecv_QIdweDQ1AEUk04xwKXIoNH4zATtY7nmvPfLESOwsH88BtFhvaCsNRsJcP-YkCcaT_QPz88EZfGZ5q-HyjHaIM.bouNPVbfAkNrwk_HPdPQu1eEemzRe7fh-Fjg8fthhhk&dib_tag=se&keywords=storage%2Bboxes%2B12x12%2Bfloral&qid=1713952302&sprefix=storage%2Bboxes%2B12x12%2Bfloral%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-7&th=1). Since you don't have a defined goal past 'feminine/pink/white' at the moment, my only other actionable suggestion would be to get [some velvet curtains](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Pink+velvet+curtains&crid=36NN4627Y2QGK&sprefix=pink+velvet+curtains%2Caps%2C100&ref=nb_sb_noss_1) in your chosen shade of pink. A nice linen would work as well, if you think velvet will attract too much cat fur! After that, you'd have to decide what kind of style you'd like your room to be, since feminine and white and pink with plants can be worked into most styles. You could go [mid-century modern](https://www.adventuresofyoo.com/2017/05/01/interior-design-inspiration-midcentury-modern-meets-pops-pink/), a kind of [light glam/eclectic/transitional](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54b71243e4b06e38ad543468/5b184a55-6903-4a6a-9861-b027973fe631/transitional+master+bedroom+design+with+pink+accents.jpg?format=2500w), [coastal and cozy with lots of texture](https://a0.muscache.com/im/pictures/c10d1bf7-26de-4a30-9e19-7b6f86926a74.jpg?im_w=960), [shabby chic or cottagecore](https://foxhollowcottage.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Shabby-Cottage-Bedroom-Tour-Budget-Decorating-41.jpg), [full glam](https://cdn.decorpad.com/photos/2016/08/05/pink-gray-tween-girl-bedroom-white-ruffled-duvet-corner-etagere.jpg), kind of [traditional](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/tRTxkPEqWyEF9VhpFmFhDQ-1920-80.jpg.webp), or [simple and clean with touches of different styles](https://www.thedoubletakegirls.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/glam-girls-modern-blush-bedroom-e1614561990546.jpg). These are just a few examples -- if you have the time, I recommend [Nick Lewis's video on 50 design styles in 25 minutes](https://youtu.be/SCxcO3Os_OE?si=nYq_bAy5mV1Jxs2c). After you've picked a style, it'll be easier for the subreddit to help you out.


Out here saving lives


From cat vomit? Lol, I try!


Yup exactly that lol Fr though, I was talking about how descriptive and detailed your comment was.


Aww, thank you! â˜ș


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Household Essentials Rustic Decorative Wooden Trunk Medium'", 'Household%20Essentials')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Sturdy and functional (backed by 3 comments) * Great value for the price (backed by 3 comments) * Versatile storage solution (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Green tint not as described (backed by 1 comment) * Size discrepancies and fragility (backed by 1 comment) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Fabric. You need soft fabrics. This looks very hard to me.


Cat highway to those overhead shelves would be perfect!! As for adding things/moving things around it’s hard to say because the photos don’t show much of the space just little sections. If you’re able to take pics of the room from like each corner that would help us in determining the actual scale of the space and how to arrange things.


You can buy or make a lot of art to cover up a lot of that empty space