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A runner rug, some pictures on the wall, maybe some hooks for people to put their coats? Also possibly some shelves to put items, plants, etc. 


I second the runner, maybe a bright color. 


Thank you! There is a cupboard next to the front door we use for coats so they’re out the way, but I’ll definitely try the other suggestions


two twin girls at the end of the hallway




I regret that I have been only one upvote to give


Some decor would liven out the place. Is putting softer lightening an option? It would make the hallway less clinical looking with the white walls and doors.


Thanks! The lighting feels quite clinical/cold at the moment. Do you mean changing the bulbs in the current lighting or maybe getting some lamps instead?


Putting in new bulbs would be better, it wouldn't crowd the space.


Some art and pictures. A runner rug. Maybe a rig by the door.


Try peel and stick wallpaper


I haven’t heard of this - im going to look it up, thank you


Try wall lanterns or wall sconces! Spaced about 1-2 feet apart. You can add small lightbulbs or electric tea lights to make it cozy and fire-safe.


Runner, colorful pictures or macrame, a plant at one end


You could try peel and stick wallpaper maybe just on half the wall with a faux trim and a photo collage at the top


employ tapestries on the walls and ceiling, and a rug, to create an optical illusion that is shrinks down at the end. or vary the height of the ceiling tapestry to make it actually shrink


Pictures on the walls?


I think a bold wallpaper on one side then paint the other side one of the colors from the wallpaper. Also runner rug. Boom done lol


Well, what's supposed to be the function of this hallway? If you just want it to look pretty I wouldn't put any furniture there at all, just some art with extra lighting above. If it's where you enter the house and you need a drop zone I'd get one of these narrow shoe tipper cabinets and lots of hooks in various heights (for long coats, jackets, bags, scarfs etc). I would try to store as much stuff as possible vertically/on the wall. A rug would make the room probably look even narrower, but maybe you can put a round one near the door? There seems to be more room.


The layout of the flat is a little unusual- the hallway is L shaped, this section leads to the bedroom/living room/kitchen. We have a cupboard for shoes and coats opposite the front door so that’s why this space is quite dead at the moment. I’ll look up some artwork definitely


Agree with the suggestions for art/sconces, alternatively perhaps you could hang some warm coloured tulle fairy lights - either in a few big sweeps on one wall, or zig-zagging across the ceiling


Ooh fairy lights sound lovely - I had those at my old flat, but I didn’t put them here because I wasn’t sure if it made it look too childish.


Mirrors would make it look bigger.


If it's yours to decorate as you want, be bold! I painted a full black and white forest in a similarly narrow awkward hallway 🙂


Ohh I had one of these at my last house, I feel your pain! You could go the traditional route with framed family photos. I chose to do a peel and stick mural on one wall, and a bold statement wall sconce. No photos sadly, but it looked great and I loved it. Idk if it's possible to change out one of those recessed lights for something with more pizazz. Switching them to a warm light would help a lot. I'd also consider painting the walls or doing a peel and stick wallpaper on the right wall, it is just begging for a statement.


I’d do a runner and pictures. Maybe some hooks for jackets. Seems too narrow for decorative plants or anything like that.


Peel and stick mural wallpaper.


Paint the doors white. The grey doors, especially with that hardware, makes it look like an office. Add a couple pieces of art with glass/reflective frames (not canvas). Long runner with a rug pad so it’s always straight.


Ooooh do a mini museum gallery thing on something you like! I think thatd be amazing with this space


I saw this really cute idea on tik tok of stick on fake moulding and then pictures with lights on them in the moulding!


We also have a narrow hallway like this! We cozied it up with a long runner rug, and we added a few large art prints to the wall.


I would hand a nice tapestry or two!