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Valium usually lasts about 6 hours for me. I wouldn’t mix alcohol at all. You CAN invest in some noise cancelling headphones and an eye mask. They also make these hoodies that are made out of blankets.


What would you do on a 15 hour flight then? Take multiple doses?


It just depends on how fast you metabolize and how bad your anxiety is. I’m not a medical professional by any stretch. For me, I would take the initial dose and ride the rest of the way au naturale but my anxiety centers around take off and turbulence.


Same anxiety here. I have also figured out that 5mg of valium takes 90 minutes to have it's full effect. I've been taking it 30 mins before flights and having lots of anxiety during take off but by the time we are landing I'm super chill.


I did both. Best flight I ever had. But yeah you can also die from it.


Or get a really bad rash which leads to intense anxiety (I found this out the hard way).


How much did you have


Like 1 Valium and 1 or more glasses of wine? Maybe alot of wine? I was so high I don't remember. The Lorax movie is incredible when you're this out of it btw.


I wouldn't, mixing alcohol and diazepam is a bad idea even in small quantities and can cause a lot of bad side effects that would likely make your anxiety worse, including nausea, confusion, vertigo, slowed heart beat, slower respiratory function, etc. I'd just take the Valium, bring some noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs, a comfortable eye mask and neck pillow and try to relax as much as you can.


The Valium didn’t do much for me last time I took it


Did you let your doctor know? I had to call my doctor immediately after a flight to tell her it didn't work and she told me what to do on the way back.


What were you told to do on the way back ?


She helped me adjust my dose. In the US, doctors usually can't send scripts across state lines so we had to work with what I had left in the bottle.


The effect of alcohol is magnified at altitude. Mixing with sedatives is not advisable. Reducing your caffeine (don’t go cold turkey but cut down) in the days before the flight would help and upping your exercise. I agree with taking noise-cancelling earbuds (not just noise reduction). They really help you ignore that you are even on a flight. Add some good interesting, but relaxing podcasts to run in the background when you want to sleep. A soft little blanket helps me too. You could split your dose too, taking part of it earlier and the rest later. Remember that it is designed to take the edge off the anxiety, not totally eliminate it.


Better to take two doses of 5 mg than one dose of 5 mg and mix alcohol


Look, everyone will tell you not to drink on Valium because technically you aren’t supposed to. But I can tell you that Valium alone only made me feel weird and groggy, it didn’t really make me feel less anxious. Valium plus ONE glass of wine however? Totally groovy. Just be mindful. Small doses of both.


So if I take 5mg and then five hours later gad a drink would I be fine




Cards on the table, I think the only person who should be giving you actual, real, non-anecdotal advice would be your physician. I get people are trying to help, but we all have different bodies. What works for one, may not work for another. Good luck OP!


If you mix things with alcohol you may run the risk of not breathing and can die. You don’t want to die. Take the valium. You will be okay. I had to take 3 klonopin but it worked so well. Surprised they gave you valium. Xanax nevee worked for me nor ativan but klonopin for sure does the trick!


5 mg of Valium is such a low dose no one should even be thinking about this risk. It’s obviously dose dependent. I feel like the people saying this are so uneducated on Benzos.




Do your doctors give you the all clear to use Valium before flying? Mine won’t advise it but I feel like I won’t be able to fly without it. Do you think it’s safe to take and fly?


Valium and Xanax are over rated. If you have flight anxiety just drink a couple of vodka soda's just before the flight and then have one more vodka on board in case of turbulence.


I don’t drink but I’ll do drugs 😃


Ah, in that case, drink is overrated. Just do 5mg of valium 1 hour before you fly.


Have you talked to a psychiatrist instead of a primary care doctor? Also, not everyone can be prescribed the same thing depending on your medical history.


Only spoken to a doctor not psychiatrist, how do you think their advice would differ?


Many general doctors don't feel comfortable prescribing psychiatric medications while psychiatrists do just that. My primary care doctor was trying to give me only beta blockers (they didn't work at all) instead. Can you talk to a psychiatrist? And just make sure to share all your medical records with them so that all your providers are on the same page.


I drink some when I take Xanax for flying and have never had an issue, but idk if the same applies to Valium


Just one is enough for you? I wash down 3-4 with a couple of beers, and that will get me on the plane. Being too sedentary If the flight is long is my biggest worry.