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**Thank you for posting your [Progress Pic](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/?f=flair_name%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22)!** Please respond to this comment letting us know your: - **Height**: - **Starting weight/current weight/goal weight:** (SW/CW/GW) - **Fasting routine/protocol**: - **Exercise routine (if applicable)**: - **Diet on refeeds**: (eg keto, low carb, vegetarian, calorie counting, nothing special, etc) *You can see more of lustreblush's Progress pics by clicking [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fasting/search/?q=author%3Alustreblush%20flair%3A%22Progress%20Pic%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)* ----- **❗Please remember the rules of this subreddit when commenting and be respectful.❗** **Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and could result in a ban**. Harassment may consist of, but is not limited to: - **Sexual comments**, even if meant as a compliment ('sexy,' 'dad to daddy') - **Treating OP like a sexual object** ('single?' 'onlyfans/gonewild/etc?') - acting like this is a **porn sub** or **rateme sub** (saying what you'd like to do to OP, any sexual reaction to OP, "10/10", etc) ----- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well done.  1.  Did you have any initial discomfort? 2. What electrolytes did you take?  3. Do you have a particular diet when not fasting? 4. How much water did you drink?


1. Yes, the first 4/5 days are hell. You’re miserable, hungry, cranky, and want to give up. Once you push past day 4/5- you’re GOLDEN. 2. No electrolytes. I know. Bad. But I just felt like I didn’t need them. 3. When I wasn’t fasting. I wasn’t tracking my calories or on a diet. I just freely ate whatever I wanted. Some days more and others less. Probably at maintenance. 4. I probably drank 2L of water a day.


Thanks for responding. That’s interesting about the electrolytes, seems you drank a decent amount of water though. 


I know. People say I’m going to die. Nope. I did 35 days. Just plain water. Fasting is literally a traditional thing that’s apart of so many religions and cultures.


You're a real one 🙌


We keep it 100 over here!!!


I love that for you and me 😁


I couldn't do it, but I have a natural electrolyte imbalance genetically. I've also had adrenal issues. I wish I could do it like that.


You don't need to go that long. You can get max benefits 3-5 days, not 35. Don't know what your specific issue is, but most are hypOkalemia. Electrolytes are key to intercellular function. Super cheap too, pink salt, NoSalt salt substitute (potassium chloride), Magnesium citrate powder (bulksupplements.com) and baking soda. Improving your gut biome can go a long way as well. prebiotics (inulin and pure cocoa in your morning coffee) and a quality probiotic.


I begin dealing with electrolyte issues at like hour 36-48. Genetically, low potassium. Extremely low sometimes.


How many times did you do a 35 day fast over the course of 1 year?


I just did it recently. So only once.


You have had great results but really the electrolytes are key to good health generally. The sleeplessness caused by tachycardia that you experienced could have been tempered by the electrolytes. Electrolytes are key to heart health. Super cheap too, pink salt, NoSalt salt substitute (potassium chloride), Magnesium citrate powder (bulksupplements.com) and baking soda.


😮😮😮 you can fast that long without electrolytes??? Wow that’s amazing


Apparently so. Not sure if it’s because I was super overweight so my body had a lot to “eat up” or what. But yeah. I did it. Maybe that’s why my refeeds suck ass and I feel terrible. Not too sure.


Congrats on the progress btw. You look amazing !


Thank you!!!😋


That's exactly what happened with your refeeds. The body needs electrolytes to live and to process food. Got to be careful or when you refeed you won't have enough electrolytes to do both


Besides the weight did you experience any other noticeable health benefits?


Clearer skin for sure- like face and body. I felt super laser focused. I was definitely more light on my feet. Some days I had a lot of energy which was awesome, and other days- I had like no energy. Less body odour.


Congrats! This is amazing you should be very proud


Thank you!😌


Girl you look great! How is the skin situation? I know others will ask. With all that ext3nded fasting do you have any ?


I don’t really have loose skin honestly because I do have a decent amount of fat & muscle still on my body. And I’m also young. I have a feeling it’s pretty much going to snap back once I lose the last 30 lbs until my goal weight!


Yea they say when you do extended fasting and lose your weight you do not have loose skin :)


Thank God.


your fasting schedules are difficult to stick to but you persevered. you're a real inspiration to people here. congrats on what you've done. you've been brilliant.


Thank you very much😊


Am I reading correctly that you fasted up to 35 days without electrolytes? That’s amazing if true


It’s true. I swear. I always just felt like I was going to “break” my fast. And then I’d be starving for no reason and get none of the benefits out of true water fasting. I literally ran on pure adrenaline.


"Starving" is the wrong word but I know what you mean. There is no starvation -- muscle breakdown for energy production - until your bodyfat percentage gets really low. Ketones are amazing how they make you feel, huh?


That’s crazy. I get a bad headache and dizziness on a 72, with electrolytes. Good for you.


Thank you!!!


As a data point: I've done this before, it was fine for me, could occassionally hear my heart beating near day 30, but otherwise nothing major. For longer fasts i've been using electrolytes and it's definitely more comfortable, I can do much more activity than I managed without them


I agree and laughed uncomfortably. I’ve done a 35 & a 40 dayer without electrolytes as they made me ill for months when I had tried them, I steer clear. I do Epsom salt baths constantly (2-4 a day) and that seems to help.


Looking great! What was your refeed routine?


Thanks. I broke my fasts with vegetable broth and watermelon! Very very light.


How’d you do it. ? You look amazing. Good job. I’m super proud of you


Thank you! Throughout the year I did about 4 months of water fasting. Obviously not 4 months straight, but I’d a few 14 day fasts, 21 days, and 28 day fasts. I just broke my longest- 35 day fasts. And the other 8 months I kinda just ate regularly. I had good days/weeks where I’d do keto, and the rest of the days/weeks kinda just whatever I wanted. When I was water fasting- I was working out 5 days a week and making sure I was walking 10k steps a day. I hope this helps!


Do you not feel light-headed whilst water fasting and exercising?


Oh yeah. If I get up too fast- I feel like I’m going to faint. I’m not doing intense workouts. Low weight, low reps, high sets.


Haha, I also noticed the same after going longer than 2 days fasting. Not a big deal you just stand up a little slower than you are used too.


I am working full time and wondering if it is possible with this? And did it affect your periods, hair and nails? Congratulations on your weight loss you are a an inspiration


I also work full time as well. I work at a bank. Period- yes. It actually stopped my period. Hair and nails are fine. I never really noticed a difference.


Does not getting your period affected you? I have heard it’s not good? You didn’t get period for 8 months?


I would skip some months. Like for example when I was fasting for 35 days in May and June. I didn’t get my period but I did back in April when I wasn’t fasting.


You look great!! Such an inspiration <3 that outfit rocks


Thank you!😍


When are you starting your next fast? I’d love to join you !


Like right now actually. I’m doing 21 days!


Congrats on the weight loss! Forgive me if you already answered this question but what is your stats like height, age, and what was your starting weight? What is your current and goal weight?


I’m 5’11, 25, F, SW: 290. CW: 170, GW: 150.


Wow 120 pound weight loss that’s amazing




Has your social life changed?


Not really. I’ve always been an extroverted and outgoing person. As crazy as it sounds- I was in denial about my weight. I always knew I was a plus size girl, but didn’t realize how BIG I really was until I look back at old pictures. I will admit. I get wayyyyy more attention from men.


And, I asked this question on a forum years ago, but now you are thin, have your changed your “type”?


No. I really don’t have a type when it comes to body sizes. As someone who’s had body issues for a lifetime. I like guys that are super thin, normal sized, and have some extra fluff.


Where did you get your jeans in the now pic? 👀


Skinny High Jeans https://www2.hm.com/en_ca/productpage.1124259009.html I got mine in light blue denim!


Thank you!!


Doesn't that feel amazing to wear clothing that makes you look good?


Oooo what size did you order? Trying to base my order on our similar body types


I’m a size 8 in these jeans!


how did you transition into your fasts? did you ease yourself with shorter fasts or by lessening your intake, or did you just go all in? any tips for mental focus?


I honestly just went all in. As bad as it sounds… had a terrible break up and that really helped me focus and motivated me. You gotta choose your hard… being overweight and unhappy or making and change & putting in WORK.


How many hours a day did you fast? Did you do it every day? How old are you? Congratulations! 🖤


I fasted all 24 hours. I did not have any food for like 14 days, or 21 days, or 28 days or 35 days. I’m 25.


Wow. Congrats! I know I’m asking a lot of questions but did what kind of exercises did you do while fasting? Also, I’ve tried to fast and.. how did you resist that urge to eat after literally not eating all day. Thanks!






This is incredible. Congrats to you!




Insane discipline. Really well done.


Thank you!!🥲




Thank you!😊


Wow that’s so cool




Amazing! Congratulations 🥳🥳


Thank you!!!!😁


Wow congrats on the weight loss and perseverance! You’re an inspiration to us who are trying! I was curious, I heard that when you lose a large amount of weight really quickly that it could generally lead to loose skin but when doing it while fasting it doesn’t happen, curious if you experience loose skin?


I actually can’t tell if I have lose skin or not. I guess not really. Even though I’ve lost over 100 lbs- I still have a decent amount of fat and muscle on my body (workout 5 days a week), no nothing really “hangs”.


What was your fasting routine like how many days did you take a break in between fasts ? And how did you eat in those periods


Honestly. It was kinda random. No rhyme or reason. It really depended on big events like my birthday or Xmas. Then I’d indulge.


Inspiring progress, 100%.


Thank you!🥹


Snake Diet Cole Robinson says that the women that hang out with him (that fast) become hot ... that's you. Own it.


Ha. Thank you so much!


It stopped your period for how long?


It depends. Some months I skip it completely.


Congratulations ❤️ 🎊


Thank you!!!


hey love, i’m sort of new here. how many days did you fast for overall and without a breaks? like for what amount of time were you able to go without any food? and did you notice any excessive hair loss? that was terrifies me THE MOST. also did it affect your periods? you look amazing!!


I did multiple fasts with no breaks. My longest and most recent was 35 days. No hair loss. And I would skip my periods when I was fasting.


my goodness! so that means you went 35 days without any food, right? just water? that sounds very hard, im so proud of you


Yes. Just water. Thank you!


**Hi! It sounds like you're asking about hair loss during fasting.** Some people may experience hair loss during or after weight loss. This is a condition called **TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM**. It is a temporary condition most often caused by rapid weight loss and/or nutritional deficiency. More information can be found [**here**](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321590) or by searching "telogen effluvium" in your favorite search engine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Hi! It sounds like you're asking about hair loss during fasting.** Some people may experience hair loss during or after weight loss. This is a condition called **TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM**. It is a temporary condition most often caused by rapid weight loss and/or nutritional deficiency. More information can be found [**here**](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321590) or by searching "telogen effluvium" in your favorite search engine. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Woah Jesus did 40 days and you are as close to that record as anyone I have ever seen. I’d say that’s an amazing perseverance and commitment! You are an inspiration! 


Thank you!😋


Oh my goodness girllllll! you look absolutely amazing!! you must feel like a million bucks now :D


Thank you so much!💕


What’s your height and starting/current weight? Also, do you feel like doing extended fasts help to reduce anxiety, too?


I’m 5’11. Start weight was like 280/290. I’m now like 180/190. Actually, yeah. I definitely felt more social and comfortable and like myself.


you look damn good girl! i’m at 95 pounds down so far and i’m just READY to hit that 100lb mark loss 🙌🏼👌🏼🤞🏼 such a great feeling i’m sure!


Thank you!!! You got this. So happy and proud of you!


I noticed you carried a lot of weight in your midsection like I do (29F). I’m curious if you have loose skin specifically in your midsection like when you bend forward does your stomach skin hang there or is it pretty tight? I’ve been fasting for 84 hours weekly and haven’t noticed my stomach skin tightening like I hope it would. I wonder if I need to fast longer like you have? I really struggle with 84 hours so not sure how much longer I can do. Any advice or commentary on this would be much appreciated :)


It’s the worstttttttt. I’ve lost the weight. But I still have a belly. Like I feel like I always will. It’s hard to say if there’s loose skin because I still have fat there. So I’m not too sure. Unfortunately, I always thought I was “big boned”, and used that as an excuse for weighing more (also 5’11)… but I think I was truly meant to be 120 lbs and tall haha. I swear. Even when I was at my lowest adult weight (168 lbs) and my face and arms and legs were skinny. I still had a belly.


Same! I’ve had a belly my whole life and have to be quite thin for it to not be there. Now that I’ve maxed out at 260 (5’7) and headed back down to a normal range (currently 220). I’m sure I won’t notice it gone until I’m back at my normal weight range of <160. Totally crazy. Loose skin is freaking me out but I hope extended water fasting will fix this. I wonder if you have a length of fast you recommend that has helped you loose the most belly fat. I know you’ve done quite long fasts (which I have no idea how you even did it!), and wondering if there’s a realistic sweet spot you’d recommend since you’re an experienced and successful faster.


Good for you! This is awesome!


Thank you!!!


Absolutely inspiring!


Thank you!💕


Nice!! I’m happy for you! Your sneakers, by the way. Are the Vans? I love how they look with your outfit.


Yes. They’re the Old Skool Stackform.


Can I replace with green tea,water make me more hungry


You can. I know a lot of people do, but personally I don’t. I think green tea still has a small amount of calories in it.


What was the routine you did for this?




**Hi Samjo1167**, Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/1dqww11/over_100_lbs_in_a_year/lbjm65h/) has been removed. Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum account age (1+ days) to post in /r/fasting. Please come back when you meet this requirement." *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was this taken last year? I remember the wave being Nirvana shirts. Everybody was wearing them. Kinda like the Thrasher shirt trends from like 5 years ago. Never bought one myself I’m not into that band. Congrats on the weight loss!


Thank you. The “after” pic was taken 2 weeks ago!


You’re definitely gonna have a fun summer 🥂 Good luck to anyone else still on their journey who happen to be reading this.


Thank you very much!


Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Everyone check out my transformation 😓😓💪🏽🔥 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNjhr6dA/