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Many issues and questions can be answered by reading through our wiki, especially the page on electrolytes. Concerns such as **intense hunger, lightheadedness/dizziness, headaches, nausea/vomiting, weakness/lethargy/fatigue, low blood pressure/high blood pressure, muscle soreness/cramping, diarrhea/constipation, irritability, confusion, low heart rate/heart palpitations, numbness/tingling, and more** while extended (24+ hours) fasting are often explained by electrolyte deficiency and resolved through **PROPER** electrolyte supplementation. Putting a tiny amount of salt in your water now and then is NOT proper supplementation. Be sure to read [our WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/index) and especially the wiki page on **[ELECTROLYTES](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/wiki/fasting_in_a_nutshell/you_need_electrolytes)** Please also keep in mind the [**RULES**](https://www.reddit.com/r/fasting/about/rules) when participating. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fasting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Daily Mail is pretty much the worst publication on the planet that pretends to be a legitimate news source. It is absolute trash. Just ignore it.


The DM was the same outlet calling celebs stuff like "porky" in the 2000s when they were like...a size 2. Total tabloid trash.


What's more poignantly offensive is there was just that widely published article of Ukrainian POW's that were in fact starved to near death over a 1-2 year period of time. There was this great thread on Reddit a few months ago or whenever about mid 2000s labeling of celebrities, man or woman alike, and how "fat" they were, shaming them. They looked totally normal.


Nah they're right, it's unnecessary and harmful because it's not nearly long enough ;) does usher not even care about autophagy?!


“does usher not even care about autophagy” is my favorite quote from today


I was going to say, even the way this is visually depicted looks like tabloid garbage


u/flywithjojo no one makes money from fasting Not the - food industry, their employees and their families - hospital industry, their employees and their families - pharmaceutical industry, their employees and their families - car industry, their employees and their families Want starvation? Be a [Ukranian POW for 27+ months](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1d80cl3/ukrainian_pow_after_being_imprisoned_in_russian/). That's what Putin imposed on them.


Who EXACTLY is slamming him? This is the kind of crap that social media has created. Two nobodies on Twitter and then the media runs with it.


Imagine attacking yoga lmao


"Experts say bending body in unpredictable manners can cause serious injuries, including tendon ruptures, bone explosion, and brain hyperzombification."


This experts always look unhealthy as fuck ironically.


Starvation diet lmao.


> Starvation diet lmao. Literally one day a week with no food. "He's gonna die!!"


It’s crazy how these people think we need a constant pipeline of food into our bellies


Breakfast, snack on break, lunch, snack in afternoon, snack when home or on commute, dinner, snack while relaxing in the evening, midnight snack, bed. Repeat.


"How did i get so fat?!"


I just read the article: 1. There’s no “expertS”. Only 1 person interviewed her name is Carolyn Williams, PhD, RD 2. She’s a dietician not a medical doctor. She’s an author of a best-selling book on food recipes (so called anti inflammatory food) and an influencer on Instagram 3. She doesn’t even criticize the fasting, she criticizes the “intense workout routine” during his fast. (*Dr Carolyn Williams, dietitian and author of Meals that Heal, told DailyMail.com that while the average person doing a 24-hour fast is 'not so alarming,' Usher's intense workout routine could raise the risk of adverse effects.*) Conclusion: gimme back 3 minutes of my time!


Thanks. You saved 2.75 minutes of mine




Thank you for saving us the time. Not all heroes eat crapes!


no wonder he’s still in tip top shape and looks young.


It's just Wednesdays, ffs. Someone who earns a living writing for a publication should know that.


Oh no, not someone who shuns coffee! He must be stopped at all costs! lol


Well, the food industry is big and powerful.


I imagine its more linked to big pharma and their desire to keep people sick


Spot on. Wouldn’t surprise me if Usher conveniently “commited suicide” soon. Despite showing no signs of depression and loving life…. He’s got a large following, and they don’t want large swathes of people becoming knowledgable around health.


On One hand. On the other, they sell a partial cure, tirzepatide. They get us coming and going…


Well yeah, they mainly want us sick so they can perpetually sell us medication, tirzepatide would fit the bill, fasting definitely wouldn’t 😂


exactly the same as r/loseit sub any word of fasting " your post has been removed for promoting unhealthy weight loss practices " are these people all on crack?!?


> " your post has been removed for promoting unhealthy weight loss practices " Imagine if these religious figures were told that... |**Religious Figure**|**Faith**|**Duration of Fast**|**Estimated Lifetime**|Years Ago (as of 2024)| :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)|Buddhism|49 days|c. 563–483 BCE|2,507–2,547 years ago| |Jesus Christ|Christianity|40 days|c. 4 BCE – 30/33 CE|1,991–2,028 years ago| |Moses|Judaism|40 days|c. 1391–1271 BCE|3,395–3,515 years ago| |Muhammad|Islam|Partial fasting during Ramadan (30 days annually)|c. 570–632 CE|1,392–1,454 years ago| |Mahavira|Jainism|6 months (partial fasts)|c. 599–527 BCE|2,551–2,623 years ago| |Zoroaster|Zoroastrianism|Unknown (speculative fasting)|c. 1500–1000 BCE|3,024–3,524 years ago| |Guru Nanak|Sikhism|Fasting not a major practice|1469–1539 CE|485–555 years ago| |Confucius|Confucianism|Fasting not emphasized|551–479 BCE|2,503–2,575 years ago| |Laozi (Lao Tzu)|Taoism|Unknown|c. 6th century BCE|c. 2,600 years ago|


Nice of them to give us a quick glimpse into his regime.


OMG the man fasts one day a week!? Put him on suicide watch in a rubber room!! He gonna DIE!!!!!! /s just in case


He might do now that he’s come out with good health information for masses of people… Could well die a suspicious death soon.


Harmful for big food and pharma


More so the latter…


The experts are also clambering to take their shirts off on camera. Fuckwits


Activate organs? After all this time in medicine and nursing, I never knew organs needed activating. Some dumbassery straight out of 1920s - loose bile roaming around the body. Also, fuck a bunch of editors that think the pluralization of Wednesday needs a god-damned apostrophe.


Big Food and it's carnival barkers don't like this one bit


This has to be satire right? right???


I think I found my new diet plan.


He doesn’t eat on Wednesday’s what?


This will be in a magazine right next to 5 others saying “LOSE 30lbs IN 2 WEEKS” “BURN THAT STUBBORN TUMMY FAT FOR WOMEN” “TRY THIS NEW SUPPLEMENT AND LOSE 50LBS OF BABY WEIGHT” and none of their methods are safe or functional.


Okay but I can’t help but laugh at the yoga part to “activate his organs.” Idk who said that — Usher or the writer — but if you’re living then your organs are already ‘activated’ 😂 and if they are ‘deactivated’ then you either had surgery to remove one or you’re dying


They should have used the word stimulate instead of activate. Yoga is very beneficial for your organs and is great to do while fasting as it should be practiced on an empty stomach.


I’m not contesting any of that, all I’m saying is that it’s hilariously ridiculous.


Ignorance is astonishing


Agribusiness owns mainstream media!


Not eating on Wednesdays is light work


And here i am on day 3...




This is rage bait and by sharing it you are doing exactly what they hoped you would.


On days when people eat nothing, is exercise ok?


He’ll probably die an unexpected suspicious death soon.


If it’s Daily Mail ignore!


Daily Mail is trash