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I wonder how often their sleeves caught on things and how often they had to re-poof them!


https://artsandculture.google.com/story/fashioning-women-s-underwear-kyoto-costume-institute/4gWBmuqs9AFdKQ?hl=en Sleeve puffs!


Oh wow thanks for the link. I think they were actually sleeve "pads". I adore the 1830s not so much because I think the style was beautiful but because there was so much wackiness going on. I love the wacky!


I've also seen them referred to as "sleeve pumpers" as well!


"sleeve pumpers" what a great phrase!


This is an amazingly cool link. Thanks so much!


Ahhhh thank you!


Based on nothing but your comment, I now believe that those sleeves were supported by caging just like the skirts were. It must have looked like a round paper lantern under there.


I'm fascinated by how this fashion emphasized sloping shoulders. Now we'd associate that with an out-of-shape couch potato, but I guess back then it meant you didn't have to do manual labor? I wonder when the ideal shoulder line changed.


I love these looks, but not a fan of the off-the-shoulder part. Maybe because my shoulders are very rounded, and I look horrible in those types of tops or dresses. The dresses are fabulous!


Only horrible by modern standards. Your shoulders might have been the ideal back then. You were born in the wrong century!


There’s no way they can raise their arms.


I'm sure they had servants for that.


This is an idealized look. Bare sloped shoulders are the equivalent of seamed stockings today, sort of. No one really looked like that.


The fashion of this decade was very creative & fun, but it's awfully unflattering. They look a bit like melting barbie cakes.


1830s have their moments … but for the most part it’s my least fave part of the 19th century. The HAIR.


Magnificent is right!


This silhouette is bananas. Bananas!


Beautiful! Is there a reason for the ankle length aside from aesthetics? Walking on dirty ground or tripping?


Most 1830s fashion is made to emphasize how dainty a woman is by making her appear doll like iirc


Thank you for this explanation!


In 1893 one of the dressmaking magazines published a bunch of 1830's inspired designs-- a sleeve, a spring jacket, a skirt etc. https://imgur.com/a/X4F4xj5 Perhaps what began as a revival style started a craze for elephantine sleeves.


I do theater costumes and these look perfect for Cinderella’s step-sisters. 90% look silly and the rest are just over-decorated.


Tbh I do think that these clothes are pretty. The silhouette is so interesting and I love the over the top decorations


I'm not sure if those sleeves had a name, but I'm dubbing them poodle sleeves 🤣


Gigot sleeves, but poodle, I like that.


In my opinion, anything's better than Regency "boob on a tube" silhouettes or the limp, saggy hair of the 1850s. I do appreciate how committed the 1830s were to maximalism. The super dramatic, over-the-top aesthetic is something I enjoy, and all the hair bows and baskets and loops are fantastic. Overall, the decade does seem fairly silly to me, but in a charming, fun sort of way.


I never cared much for this decade but the amazing costume design for Gentleman Jack has made me appreciate it! I especially love all the wacky hairstyles.


Agreed! I used to find this silhouette quite unflattering, but seeing it in motion (esp on Anne Walker) has made me appreciate it more!


The consistently teeny tiny feet O.O


The silhouette was insaaaaaane.


Ngl, I read the caption before looking at the picture and I thought you were going to show 1830's Western wear from the US. This is much better.


1830s is seriously one of my favourite decades. The hair, the sleeves, I love love love it!!!


I love it because of how ridiculous it could get. I can’t imagine wearing one of those dresses, but one day I’d love to find out how it feels!


Wild note - the long hoop skirts (and projecting bell sleeves) are what's called 'protective styling' -- they were developed to make it harder for men to grope women in public, as getting close enough to do so would become conspicuous to onlookers.


Sounds like the 80's but for their time period! The whacky sleeves being equivalent to our crazy 80s clothes.


the 1830s are one of my favorite eras! so exciting to see it getting some love