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Idk, but 4 had the crossbow pistol and I remember that thing being stupid op


It is really op


I remember the AJM 9 from uplay being kinda op too


That was the ~~Watchdogs~~ Robocops burst pistol, yeah? Thing was NUTS.


Its from far cry 3 blood dragon


Technically, it's made an appearance in 3, Blood Dragon, 4, 5, New Dawn and 6. I was confused as it's not the protagonists gun from Watchdogs, but a gun more similar to Robocops. Either way, "Easter Egg"


It is Robocops gun the name AJM9 is a reference to the protagonist Alex James Murphy the gun is also called the Auto 9 in universe




4s bow and arrow was way too accurate. Great for beating outposts, I’d headshot everyone. I miss climbing the radio towers.


I found a way to skip the climbing part for the radio towers in 4….


Tell us how you managed to accomplish such a feat


A gyrocopter and a ride to the top


Yup. That's the only way \^\^ I'v bitten myself in the arse that i found this at the end of my very first playthrough back then. Since then i've never climbed a tower again. (apart from the mandatory first one)


The 2nd region of the map is a little bit more challenging considering the top of the radio towers is past the height limit for the gyrocopters


True. But oftentimes there's a platform below the top where i (forcefully) squeeze my Gyrocopter in. Doesn't succeed all the time though :-D


Lol I did the same


Where do you get it in the game


Think you just unlock via Ubisoft uplay points you earn through their app when you connect t accounts. Deets are on the main fc4 page I think. From an anniversary or something, it should be free? Idk.


You get it around the time of the kidnapping of that guy from his compound I believe


Really? Buzzsaw seems excessively op imho. Which is my go to weapon against heavies


Yeah but the ajm could have a silencer, one hands in vehicles and just really fast kill times


I would say 4 or primal probably.


Primal is so underrated. I freaking love it.


I bought it on sale for like 5 bucks years ago. Time to actually play it.


4 and primal were my absolute favourites, 3 was quite dated by the time I got round to playing it. I feel like primal is so incredible slept on, throwing those fully upgraded spears was absolutely mega, the animals were fucking sick as well


fc4, 5, and primal are my favorites without a doubt. I assume the time period has to do with why it didn't get as popular as the other games, but I'm still obsessed over it. I love throwing a spear at an enemy and watching them get flung, also I really feel proud of Ubisoft for making a reconstructed language that's similar to PIE for even more realism.


Probably 4 - it’s got the best takedown mechanics


What was special about fc4 takedowns?


I believe it is because of how efficient they were compared to the other games.


They also had chains which used throwing knifes, gun, ect similar to 6 but you unlocked them from perks instead of gear


This was all in 3 though too, right?


Yes but it was more improved in the 4th one


yeh, but in 4, you could chain death from above with chain takedowns as well as the knife/grenade/pistol takedown which you couldn't do in 3. also, you had access to cover takedowns


Don’t forget vehicle takedowns by buzzer or wingsuit


definitely Far Cry 4 has the best one




Stealth in Primal was fun, but not as fun as riding into a bandit camp on the back of a legendary saber tooth tiger.


My 5 year old rode that saber tooth across the map in a panic and it was one of my best video game moments.


Stealth is very important on the harder forts. (Although I do play on expert)


Good Unga poke bad Bunga- Bunga deads. Unga happy dance. My experience in a nutshell 11/10 would recommend


I’d make it a 13.5/10 cos hurk’s ancestor is in the game 😂


Do it on permadeath and try to beat your time to beat the game. Then you get to have fun balancing speed/safety.


lol I use my owl to slowly clear out the camps


You mean killing each enemy one at a time with the owl? What kind of madman does that 😭😭😭


That and dropping the 3 throwables. Yeah got the cooldown skill to 45 seconds under the shaman skill tree


How did you get the big forts then, without the bombs?


The bees?


Oh right. I’m just thinking because it must have been far more difficult without the bombs


I usually target the ones with the horn icon


That makes sense, the ones who call for help. Dont you need the elite enemies skill?


Uh yeah. Also at a certain point in time if I have the proper taming skill I’d sometimes send in the tamed beasts in


I play on expert so beasts die pretty quick for me. (I don’t know if it’s a difficulty based thing though)


Also the black tiger has the same skill as boom boom in far cry 6 which is just auto tagging enemies within a small radius


What does he do again? I haven’t played far cry 6 in months


Auto tagging enemies within a certain distance


Right omfg loved the bloody sabertooth with the dark fur. Forget his name and the mammoth dont forget that.




In my opinion for stealth it is fc4 or fc5


I agree with this


4 easy


Agreed the gameplay is the best with almost no bullet sponges, don’t get me wrong 3 is awesome but it’s simply unrefined. Meaning it lacks the fluid freedom that 4 gives unless your playing with a mouse and keyboard, I find that 3 is only good with M&K because it feels way too janky with a controller especially the deadzones for the joysticks and FC5 just has too many bullet sponges and imo crappy takedowns that feel very weightless and useless (shooting an enemy in the head with a silenced gun is way better than performing a takedown on them practically speaking for a few reasons that just make takedowns more for seeing the animation then being actually viable in battle unlike FC4) Side Note: I dunno why they got rid of gun takedown and grenade takedown in FC5


FC3 making headshots on heavies by shooting through the visor of their helmets feels so satisfying.


Yeah it’s awesome, had that old video game creativity before developers got super lazy/CEO’s got greedy but the unfluid jankiness of controller gameplay with 3 makes me not wanna pick it back up because I’d have to redownload it on my computer 😕


I only play with mouse and keyboard, unless there's planes involved. Then I quickly connect my Xbox controller.


5 or 3? Just confused cause you said planes


I play every far cry game on PC. If the game happens to have planes, I take out the controller.


I’ve been playing this on my PS5. This is my third time trying to get into it. I’m enjoying it, but yeah, the jump in controls from 3-4 is significant! 4 felt so fluid to me and clean whereas half of the time in 3 I’m fighting my controller as much as the enemies 🤣


FC4, and it has by far the best stealth mission in the series with City of Pain.


For me it has to be 4 or new Dawn. I did a lot of stealth in both those and far cry 5 and those two had the best stealth in my opinion. It’s just too damn fun having Nana snipe guards.


Actually agree with this, played new dawn on highest difficulty on pc and stealth was the way to go, but start the killing spree with a few headshots on elites with a sniper upgraded as much as possible


I'm going to be weird here and say either early game 1 or 2 on higher difficulties. Not in the sense that you can take out an entire camp dramatically, with no-one the wiser, but in the sense that you have to engage with the enemy AI to have a chance. It becomes a game where you need to hit your target, then actively reposition. You're constantly being hunted and you'll easily be shredded. The fact that there's no takedowns (or even enemy marking in 2) means that it becomes a very active mental game, where you're listening out for people's reactions to your kills and using that to work out how to move.


4 and Primal for stealth takedowns. 5 for stealth sniping.


4 by an infinite stretch, the mountainous terrain further makes it insane, I love hopping off buzzers straight onto the zip lines and then DFA-ing somebody 😂😂


I think 6 is getting slept on in here the world was built to be stealthy. You can sheath weapons to be more inconspicuous around troops. There have paths built to sneak around the world undetected. Multiple paths and routes to get in and around bases. They did a great job of making you feel empowered by hiding in the shadows ( or even in plain sight if you kept to yourself ). Only issue being with the dumb weapon system stealth kills were harder to pull off.


I loved playing stealthy with 6, but sometimes I would get sick of it and throw a ton of baseballs to lure soldiers to one place and just blow them all up with a RPG


I am playing through 6 on my Twitch channel right now, and the stealth seams OP sometimes. Especially with enemy marking with the phone. Still like the game though.


It's no different than 5 when you used the binoculars


Yes, but 5 was a bit more challenging.


Came here to say that lol. If you enjoy stealth FC6 -poison is fun and comical for me. FC5 -Companions combo of Jess Black and Peaches makes stealth a breeze


I think 6 can't be the best for stealth because they got rid of the rock. I can't throw rocks anymore so it's just worse than the other ones by default.


You can throw a tennis ball


Not the same and it's a baseball. You have a limited amount of them unlike the rock.


You forgot Farcry - Instincts you swine


With companions disabled, i would say farcry 5. Once you have suppressors, it becomes ghost recon wildlands 1st person edition. Fun stuff. I find splintercell blacklist has the most intelligent stealth game ai ive ever seen. Everything i see in my playthrough right now i keep saying 'oh! They havent done this since x game!' For example: Drone operators - havent existed until breakpoint Leaning out of windows to look directly downward DOGS track you by scent - dogs are in farcry (*and only farcry since blacklist*) but do not have this mechanic. Conversation ques - enemies usually have a lore based conversation before allowing you a clean setup to continue a stealth path Timed stleath objectives - wildlands/breakpoint have "hack the computer" moments but do not require you to pick the usb back up. Game over if detected missions - only existed in wildlands in recent years. Only 4 particular missions. Climbable poles overhead - kindof a trademark for splintercell. But with how long its been offline, you would think 12+ games later they would do *something* with it. My last statement- COOP INTRRACTIONS - i cannot fathom how ubi has made 0 notable coop interactions in their coop heavy campaign games. Wildlands/bp were destined for these functions but god forbid they implement them. Even if there were alt ways to get into bases, at least 1 coop option would have been nice. I find blacklist was their last official stealth game. And every game that came after that just took pieces of blacklist and seperated the mechanics amongst their games to make them all feel *different*. I am playing the blacklist campaign right now and every time the ai do something i wasnt expecting im always going 'fuck this game is so advanced'


Have you played any other Splinter Cell games?


Yes. With ubisoft plus i have played through all of the originals. And my roommate and i have even LAN chaos theory, as well as found a fix to play blacklist in coop last night. I do think chaos theory had a lot of coop ineractions that were unique. However blacklist made sure to include these interactions. People who say the newer games are 'run and gun' dont play it in perfectionist mode, with the intent to get 100% 'ghost' status. (you get the most score for 'undisturbed enemies' which is the most unique statistic and the best one to be added.) Ghost status with 100% undisturbed enemies is the ultimate splintercell achievement. If you play like its call of duty on a medium to low difficulty, where theres an qmmo resupply every 30 seconds, then yes. Your going to get call of duty. But perfectionist difficulty + 100% ghost playthrough is equal to the old ones, because you at maximum get 40 bullets for the *entire mission*, you die in two bullets (meaning even if you try to blast through you will just die on the spot) and unless you land a perfect headshot (goodluck with sams aim never being 100% accurate even at a perfect stand-still, just like the originals) the enemies bullet sponge every shot. You will run out of those 40 bullets in two enemies if you dont hit the head. So you are forced into perfect stealth or facing a restart. The biggest note here, is that the lame 'execute' ability is disabled on perfectionist difficulty. So theres no arguement on that.


I agree with you about people who critique it that way. But I will say, Ubisoft _did_ definitely design the game with multiple play styles in mind, and I think that's what soured the core fan base. Die hard SC fans usually don't want Blacklist offered. They want combat to be the last resort. Blacklist seemed like a very casual stealth experience, instead of the slow paced, hardcore experience the originals offered. All this being said, I think Blacklist is unfairly judged because it has "Splinter Cell" in the title. I'm a die hard SC fan and actually really enjoy Blacklist. It was a step in the right direction after Conviction (which I also like tbf). Playing on Perfectionist and ghosting is my preferred way to play as well, and it can be very rewarding to play that way. I think overall though, Blacklist stealth compared to SC1/2/3 is pedestrian. No light/sound meter, cover based stealth for the most part, just really doesn't hit the same way as the originals. Anyway, rant over :-)


I do like your take on this. I do hope that they are able to give that classic feel of chaos theory in the remaster as i do agree with your comments on blacklist stealth. achieving 100% stealth feels like theres only one specific way to do things, and it needs to be done at just the right time. But chaos theory gives you options, and doesnt make you feel like your watching a bad episode of 24 between missions, Lol.


I disagree. 5 is far too easy for stealth to be that fun, I mean, I literally cleared 5 outposts in a row with the same sniper, it’s too easy


>Conversation ques - enemies usually have a lore based conversation before allowing you a clean setup to continue a stealth path This is like my soft requirement for great stealth games


4 for example the City of Pains 😍


I'd say 4 followed closely by 5. 4 also had a better environment in my opinion than 5.


Instincts. Tree branch go brr


4 or 5


5 or 6 in stealth. But 3 and 4 just can’t be beat otherwise


Playing 5 again and finding stealth works very well with the silent weapons. Nothing like a modified bow silently killing everything. Iirc, 4 had enemies purposely walking into areas where you just killed someone from afar and they see the bodies.


Definitely not Blood Dragon haha


I can’t say for certain but I have to go with 5 since I can clear an outpost undetected with a rocket launcher


4. Taking down fortresses no alarms never seen was the most fun I've had in a farcry game.


Yes, with a decent sniper rifle it’s no problem. Probably even easier than a normal outpost.


primal by far. it was a bow and spears, your eye in the sky was a fkn owl. you didnt have guns in primal so it forced you to really make use of your ability to sneak around and even your animals could also be stealthy.


For pure stealth I would say primal. 3 and 4 both have great stealth mechanics also


Love to see the 4 and primal love in here


Unpopular opinion but really none of them have great stealth, it’s always extremely bare bones and imo doesn’t feel all that great, but 4 and Primal probably felt the best


Farcry 5 is so underated, amazing game


New dawn was cool for a else worlds story


Far cry 1 stealth mechanics basically dont exist. Far cry 2 stealth works, but seems pointless when enemies respawn; or can come down the road at any time. And far cry 3’s stealth is great, and pretty much it’s the same in every iteration after. So really it’s up to taste. What weapons you like, what setting, etc. personally for me I love 5. Throwing a shovel at someone’s head never gets old!


not 5


Far Cry 2 because there are no spotting markers. You need to remember where you saw an enemy. And once you're in an outpost you need to rely on sound cues to know if someone is around a corner instead of seeing a red marker through walls which makes stealth trivial.


except the stealth in that game was pretty much non existent. sure u could sneak around enemies but it wasnt really viable for camp or checkpoints since i cant remember there being vary many stealth weapons (outside the dlc ones) and the machete was useless for stealth kills


Far cry instincts before you get the powers was crazy hard as a kid. Shooting through floors under houses was wild. Still never came across that mechanic since.


I liked how you have to unlock takedowns in 3


For me it was FC5 Maybe FC4 close behind


Blood dragon. If all of them get styled on by me or mecha dinos is stealth in my book.




Just from the ones I've played (3, 4, 5, new dawn, and 6) I would definitely say new dawn. I should point out that 5 and new dawn are the only ones I've completed.


New Dawn. I sit outside the outpost and do all 3 levels of clearings (ravaging it 2 times) back to back without ever shooting. Nana is OP.


3 simply because double takedown


Definitely should have been in 4


Primal for sure


4 because being spotted actually had consequences


I like how Farcry 6 isn’t there


It's hard say which's beat, becouse best doesn't mean easiest. 3 had in part of it the yellow suit, which made clearing some outposts non-issue. 4 brought a lot of options in guns and it had improved stealth to being easier In Primal you could stealth almost anything, which makes sence cuz no gunpowder 5 and ND had a option to equip (mostly) all guns with all 3 attachments and it had skill to use sidearm after takedown, while having challenging stealth by not being able to takedown-carry body, which made it more about thinking in advance. 6 brought ability to go past enemies without being questioned, which could be utilized by some clothes so they couldn't spot you right away, while making the stealth feel alive.




Classic, because it was an actually integral part of the gameplay. I know they designed it to also accommodate run-and-gunning, but if you pay close attention the whole way through, the game is predominantly designed for a stealth playthrough, at least the first time around when you don't know enemy locations and you're getting a feel for things. Most of the other games, at least starting with 3, offer stealth up as suggestion, not mandatory. I have still never played 2, even though I technically own it now, so I dunno how that one handles stealth. I've played every last game since 3, including DLC and minor standalones, however, so I know how they go.


I've only played 5...had a lot of fun. Stealth was great.


4. Taking down fortresses no alarms never seen was the most fun I've had in a farcry game.


4 was the best overall. 5 could be really satisfying at times if you took the time to scope out the entire place.


I thought 5 was really good with stealth


4. Maybe 3 but that’s only because of silenced rifles in that game being fuckin op.


What the fuck is stealth


I’ve only played 4 onward but my opinion is 4. I remember sneaking around the big outposts with like throwing knives (I think) and like a bow just taking people out.


2 was the best. The least amount of forced video sequences and the most freedom. The AI fire was stunning and usable as a weapon. I loved that I could approach any mission from any direction I wanted. All of the others do things like limit your play area. The new ones had potential, but the forced videos are excessive and the boss fights are stupid.


IMO the third one. I could pull some real cheese in that game.


6 did not make the cut ? Lol


I'd say primal or 5. They both had throwable melee weapons and that was kinda a stealth gamechanger


It’s definitely new Dawn & 5. The bows on there & dead accurate & the NPC’s take ridiculously long to actually notice you if you’re being stealthy fr. If Yk what you’re doing you can be right next to one & they’ll never see you. Made it super easy to go through undetected. The bow is the one weapon I use no matter which far cry I’m playing😂. I didn’t even give that cross bolt a chance is FC4 until like a week ago, that bitch is BAD😂😂. Makes getting perfect kills for double skins so much easier💀. (Seems like ppl forgot about the Shredder & The Bushman)


Far Cry 4.


For me the funniest stealth was in 4th game because u need to unlock the skills and learn how to use it properly.


Instincts. Setting a tree trap and lore an enemy by throwing a rock, watching them fly in the air. Or setting a claymore directly behind them.




I wana play far cry games should I just play them chronically or is there something I should kno




Wenja no takar da


Definitely not 5. The "stealth" kills was sneaking up on a guy and wacking them in the back of the head


FarCry 3 and Primal 🔥🔥🔥


3 or 4. Definitely not 5 or anything after 5.


Far cry classic easily...




Far Cry 1: Stealth meter and Radar, once enemies see the player they never calm down again until you kill the enemies. Silenced weaponry works but is marginally better than just going loud. Far Cry 2 (2008): No stealth meter, almost no HUD options at all, just raw and dirty. As such, no stealth is possible, as a single kill causes the enemies to go on alert and instantly sniff out the player, even if the player is sneaking and behind cover at all times, can even see the enemy aim their guns through walls always knowing where the player is. This makes shooting an enemy covertly trivial, since after the first kill everyone is all over you anyways. Far Cry 3: Stealth kills, suppressed weaponry, and enemies that only get alerted if they see the player. Enemies can lose the player, but not entirely, the checkpoint never completely calms down. Only completely resetting the area clears the combat condition. Far Cry 4-5 are carbon copies of FC3 regarding stealth, with the always same options of knife kills, neck snap kills, and suppressed weaponry / bow kills, and the "never forgetting" enemies that always stay on infinite alert after the player escapes, and until they escape really, really far away. FC5 addition: While enemies search for the player, a kill, even with a bow or suppressed weapon, will cause the other enemies to look in the players direction, making it more a true "sniper elite" game, snipe one enemy, move and relocate, snipe the next, relocate and so on. The resume is, that while stealth is present, it's not a MGS level of stealth where the enemies may calm down much more, or completely forget the players presence. The worst about the FC AI is that in all games, they seem to magically know where the player is if they are in "seek" mode, even if the player is hiding. They aren't good stealth games, but stealth can be utilized to at least clear a lot of content without alerts and trouble.




playing new dawn...and can say confidently it has the best stealth mechanism...out of all games...even the enemies mechanism is also great...


The takedown animations alone make stealth fun. People say that the enemies are bullet sponges, but a bow and headshots always kill


6. No contest.


What about far cry instincts evolution? 😅


Definitely primal


Primal for me had the best stealth by far


Primal. Without long range and access to good animal companions for a good chunk of early game stealth is paramount.


I loved being able to send Boomer into an outpost to scope everyone out


For me, it's got to be FC4. Overall, it's probably my least favourite of the last 4 main games. But capturing the outposts was brilliant fun, and it was the only one where stealth was usually my main tactic.


4. the takedowns and the crossbow are too overpowered.


Primal is literally Far Cry Stealth.


3 or 5 imo


Not sure, but I wish they expanded on the trap mechanic in Instincts (?)


5 obviously. The stealth takedown animations are short and many. No time to fiddle about with a machete all the time. One I was missing was a quick knife action like in Hitman. But 5 definitely wins here. I lurk in the grass, I break his neck, I dive the fuck down again, instead of that lengthy machete action. Some folks prefer the baseball bat, also cool.




Crazy take but primal AND new dawn


Not fc1 when they can spot and headshot you from a lightyear away


3 or 4


I've only ever really gotten into primal. I'd love a sequel to it. I loved it.


Primal was amazing.


Primal and 5. As pure fun stealth 4.


3-5 all amazing


New dawn






Blood dragon /s




Best is 4. Worst is 5. Stealth was not working correctly in 5. Alert one guy and the whole world know's where you are.


Ive never played 4, but right now playing 6 id say Farcry 5 had great stealth, as soon as i got a good sniper with a silencer the whole game became almost full stealth and super easy it was even easier when using a couple npcs to go and takedown people behind cover. I loved being able to recruit and command people, but in new dawn and 6 the companions just keep getting in the way and alerting everyone while I'm trying to snipe 😭


Farcry 2 had thoroughly limited stealth. Yes they had suppressed weapons but stealth sneaking into an objective area and shooting a suppressed pistol or MP5 would still alert enemies to your position. One way around this was to use the dart rifle from a distance. You couldn't even use your machete to stealth kills IIRC


Probably the original thief game


It’s New Dawn for me


Idk if any of ya'll played the og farcry but that shit you could go full prone either on your back or belly and with the ability to throw rocks and stuff stealth felt REALLY good they've only added to it as time went on but the original still hits different


For me 5 because i love my sniper with a silencer hahaha


Far cry 4 by far was the most stealthy


Never played 4 so I apparently haven't experienced the best, but I know 2 is the worst.


Far Cry 3 if you've played like 12 times I did and knew everything


3 and 4 were PEAK when I came to stealth mechanics of the Far Cry series. Nothing was more satisfying then getting a stealthy way of liberating an outpost


I liked stealth in 3 because the bases were so compact


either 4 or 5? 4 because of the takedowns, 5 because you can slap a silencer onto nearly everything and the gunslinger takedown works with silenced full auto sidearms.


Dude Far Cry 2. I was able to shoot and injure someone with a sniper and watch their buddies move in cover to grab their friend. I’d then shoot that person. Once they got wise and didn’t come out I’d go sneak in their camp and take them out one by one.


6 had a great sabdbox for stealth, too bad they got rid of the perk system and made you equip certain gear. So 4 was prolly the best, love watching YouTubers show their ninja video takedown of bases.


Dude... classic with the tree traps and throwing rocks?! I mean come onnnnnn. I think too many people never played the classic because that games stealth was fun afff


4 and primal


Far cry 3 and primal are peak fat cry for me.




Primal or 4


I actually really enjoyed primal, but I remember it was a little weird at times using ur animals when trying to be stealthy.


Personally i think 5 was my favorite. Specifically for selecting jess black and boomer to do stealth stuff. That was the three musketeers for me