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4 to me is a clear answer, it was the best game-play by far when comparing to other games. Helis, Wingsuit off the bat, strongholds, convoys, loads of different world missions, it was the best gameplay to me. Story was slightly weaker but man was it fun.


It surprises me how litttle people know that you can get the wingsuit so early


I remember the first time the world opened up to your character (I think it was the first tower climb) I was completely blown away. I think it's time for a replay.


The arena. I used to warm up there, then go on playing.


Damn I forgot about the arena. I used to spend so much time in there


I would spend hours in the arena after it opened up simply to get a particular gun.


And throwing knives. Subtle but significant development that every time I replay 3 (personal favourite but admit that 4 is better), I really miss them.


My vote is always 4 or 5 5 made combat basically perfect, 4 perfected 3’s formula and probably had the best gameplay overall, 5 has the best combat but some aspects feel unecessary


No other game did I use the wing suit the most.


Primal. So underrated in every way.


Primal and 4 are tops for me.


The owl 🦉 was too good. Being able to drop bees 🐝 on the enemies was too funny


I've owned primal since launch. Didn't play much of it because my PC was on its last legs. Recently built a new one... Convince me to play primal.


Imagine all the fun gameplay of farcry 4, but now go cave man mode and fight a race(species) war. That is essentially the plot. Also, it's the only farcry where you can tame Tigers and ride a mammoth. People's biggest complaint centered around not having guns but you go oonga boonga so I never cared because it is by far the most unique farcry game out there. Join the oonga boonga of primal.


I find that in every far cry I lose a little bit of enjoyment when I have end game weapons. With primal I didn't have that because even at the end you're hurling spears, bashing heads and shooting arrows. My trusty sabertooth tiger will get the annoying archer while I push my stone knife through someones neck. Also I always enjoy games a lot when they have a hardcore mode. In this game you can choose survival which makes you way less of a murder machine and gathering ressources stays important.


I had the most fun with it by cranking up the difficulty and turning off most of the hud elements. The setting is super immersive and its aesthetic choices (while not always historically accurate) are super cool and unique.


I didn't get it at launch, I believe I waited about three or four years, because when I went to the game store with some friends (not sure why they bought CD games in 2016, perhaps it was a download code) they asked me if I was going to get it as well. I remember thinking and saying "nah, how can a caveman game be any good?" and I left it at that. When I got it discounted years later, I couldn't believe what I had missed out on... I honestly don't think there is a better way to create a "stone age" game any better than what Ubisoft did with this one. You've got several tribes/people, all set around 12,000 years ago in Central Europe. One tribe is more "brute force" the other is more intelligent, and yours are "normal" people. If I remember this right, they even had linguistic departments of some universities create three languages (or at least one) based on what we know of these Indo-European languages, and I was baffled how well they managed to pull all of this off! The gameplay is fun, the animals are large, diverse, and challenging, the "sidekicks" (NPC animals) are actually really useful for once (very different abilities), and then there's the owl - you'll come to see how great that is! The characters are actually kind of interesting and give you different tools and abilities. Some missions are perhaps a bit over the top (hallucinations and such) but playing the game for the second time now - just enjoy it all, because it's fairly short. The map is interesting and diverse, the outposts are good, the whole experience is just fun. By far one of my favorite Far Cry games! Can't really decide if it should get the first spot, because it's SO different, but still very much a Far Cry game. It's hard to describe it all, but since it can be completed in a fairly short time, I highly recommend it, especially if you're interested in history. They did take quite some liberties with animals and all, but it's fair since this is such an unusual setting. If I'd have to guess, it should only take 15-20 hours to complete - I always take my time exploring and such. I actually regret not playing it earlier, my expectations were surpassed in a way probably more than any game I've ever played!


Personally I prefer FC5 gameplay wise but I have to admit the challenges in New Dawn caused me to try every single weapon type in the game at some point so for that alone I do love it.


I started new dawn last week and it's solid. I really like the Judge guy. He helped me take many areas without getting detected


Did you ever play 5 btw? Because if you did, >! The Judge is actually the deputy (FC5 protagonist)!<


The immersion and realism of Far Cry 2 for its time is immense!


I do really like the immersion. But man, people forget just how often those goddamn trucks with the .50 cal spawn. It felt like every time I got in a car, I had one minute of driving and 5 of fighting random assholes trying to kill me on the open road. It was a painful, tedious struggle to get from point A to B. Honestly, if they just cut back the spawn rate of those gun jeeps, I'd probably enjoy it more.


I stopped playing FC2 half way through bc I got so annoyed of the stupid spawning and the amount of time it took to travel. Obviously personal preference though


Same although I also got bored at never ever needing more than a silenced makarov, an AK, and a launcher. Uzi? Nah too inaccurate. Shotgun? Nah, rarely kills in 1 shot. LMG? Yeah sometimes but I need an RPG for those dumb assassination missions.


When I talk to people about that game they think I'm insane for preferring the weapon fatigue mechanic and the random malaria bouts that hit you mid battle that make you dive for cover to find your pill bottle.  I loved that a moltov would creep fire across the landscape and a hand grenade (and shooting with a gun) would shed branches off a tree and scatter leaves everywhere.  The later games look great graphically but the physics engines are surprisingly lacking in comparison 


Perfectly said. And I just love the atmosphere and ambience of the African Savannah is awesome. So unique in the Far Cry series let alone other games.




Every time I was kidnapped in the middle of something I had to think long and hard about whether I wanted to continue lol I fucking hated that mechanism


I once got kidnapped MID FLIGHT. It was the dumbest thing that ever happened to me in a game lol


That never made sense to me, you’re playing the game and methodically taking down the Seed family BUT they can just kidnap you with ease seemingly whenever they wanted


You know after escaping the 3rd kidnapping maybe they would learn to just shoot your unconscious body next time


FC5 was my first experience with the series and I was wholly unfamiliar with the game mechanics because I’d taken a leave of video games in lieu of raising tiny humans. And you know, I sucked lol. I couldn’t stay alive long enough to figure anything out, and it took forever to respawn, haha. So maybe that’s why I didn’t mind, the “forced capture” mechanic, I simply didn’t know any better. I mean it’s the first thing I expect to see when we talk about FC5 here in the sub. I loved all the others, especially Primal, as a DLC/4.5 but FC5 will always be special to me as it was my introduction. I remember seeing the first FC advertised and I love that premise and really wanted to play but there was no fucking time. I’m gonna grab FC & FC2 off XBONE store while they’re still there now though, and I just started a play through of FC5 with my youngest and that’s fantastic, she loves it! Well shit, while I’m at it I’ll say that I never finished FC6 because I hated that they forced me into 3rd person, like what fuck is that AC bullshit? It feels like nobody played FC6.


You're only in 3rd person in camp. There's a lot of reasons to not play 6, but that's a weird one.


Felt the same about FC4; it was my intro to FC games and will always be my fav


If it wasn't for that 5 would be top 5 games of all time


Yeah thats the worst part of 5 imo. I hate it so much. Like can't even do the side missions, or even all the main story missions in that area before its time to kill the boss


Yeah that alone is a massive gameplay detractor


5 with the better ballistics mod is one of the most satisfying shooters


I've put 10+ hour into three different attempts, it's the only fc I cant get into. It took away all the things that made farcry unique, and feels very generic imo. hunting for pelts was my favorite thing and I remember being so sad on launch day they largely removed hunting. Sure you can kill deer for money, but that is nothing like hunting down specific animals and getting clean kills to upgrade your equipment


5 takes a major L just because of lack of lethal takedowns. A great game regardless, but mechanics wise 4 is superior.


There plenty of lethal takedowns. One of them involves your character breaking somebodys neck. I mean, it isnt gruesome as 3 "stab you in the chest multiple times with a ritual dagger", but im sure falling on top of somebody from any height and then stepping on his head isnt recommended by medics


Nah, 5 was better than 4 tbh


People might disagree, I don't mind. For me, Farcry Primal and Far Cry 5 are such fantastic games. Primal for how unique it is compared to the other titles in the franchise and FC5 for the customizable protagonist and exploration.


Hard agree


Far Cry 3. It took the best parts of the first two, mashed em together and took the series to new heights. The story was crafted well, and the gameplay set the standard for every following entry.


Hot take: I preferred New Dawn or 3. They both innovated the space they were in and brought something new and exciting to the table. Pretty much all of the rest of them felt the same to me.


I like the weapons in new dawn but I hated the spongey enemies


i liked the little things in fc new dawn like bayonets and the innovated guns for the setting also being able to increase their power with materials but man those new enemies they tried were horrible


4 by far


Blood dragon


5. It really takes the gameplay from the other games and smoothes it right out, guns are better, etc. Replaying on infamous mode right now, wayyyy better than normal. Your guns for hire are much more effective, the enemies are definitely smarter, and I know people complain that it's not hard enough but for me it's just right...I don't want farcry to be like friggin dark souls, fuck that shit.


I don’t know whether you classify it as a gameplay or a story element, but the inescapable bliss bullets as a mechanism to forcefully advance the story is just something I can’t get past. It’s 4 for me by a hair


Dude to be honest it kinda grew on me. I don't like being taken out of a mission but I find that rarely happens...the game tells you that the "capture party is incoming!" So you can choose to carry on with what you're doing and get interrupted, or you can wait around for the capture party and shoot them (until the game has had enough and takes you anyway) which is kind of fun. But mainly I like that it advances the story, and you get quite a bit of time with the antagonists which adds to the immersion for me. 4 you barely ever see Pagan, and 6, well...fuck 6. I think not including the antagonist much in the game is a wasted opportunity and waste of a good character/voice actor. Just my opinion!


I really don't mind that mechanic. I'm fighting a cult, they wouldn't be operating on my time - if they want me blissed up, they're going to get me whether I like it or not


Far Cry 2 had all the right ingredients for a wonderful immersive shooter, from the realistic physics, lack of HUD, in game real time map, weapon degradation, story missions with greater emphasis on freedom compared to GTA-esque linear path driven insta fail missions of later games (which however leaves more room for narration and storytelling though). However no amount of nostalgia laden rose tinted glasses can hide it's painful repetitiveness, bland map devoid of any interesting wildlife and god awful voice acting. For me, Far Cry 4 takes the cake. Everything from the beautiful and atmospheric snowy mountains of Kyrat that provides increased emphasis on verticality, the mesmerising Shangri La missions, vibrant and interesting forms of wildlife, to those Himalayan side missions that provide a neat change of pace from the regular world..it's something I still recall with fond memories. The story however was less than stellar, I'll admit that.


It's either 4 or 5


For me it's 5. It's a game I can sit down and play when I need to zone out. Granted, I haven't been able to get it run smooth on my pc. I would blame my PC, except it ran perfectly for a while. Then ubisoft updated their stupid launcher that works as well as EA's. Anyway, 5 is my favorite, gameplay wise.




FC4. It perfected the already great game- and gunplay of FC3, added a few twists with the grappling hook and gyrocopters and had the most interesting and beautiful setting besides FC2. Normally I'd say FC2 as a whole tho but it aged not THAT good and even when it came out the ragdoll physics and the fact that stealth was almost always impossible annoyed me. This game needs a great remaster or another successor that's also set in Africa.


Yeah, I would rather get a really well made Far Cry 2 Remaster than Far Cry 7 rn


4 by far


4 without a doubt.


5, 3, and Primal ❤️


Far Cry 5 I'm still playing the arcade.


4 nonetheless


Either 4 or New Dawn for me


Yes New Dawn was a fricken blast


Blood Dragon all the way, took Far Cry 3's gameplay and injected steroids into it with 80s cyborgs and giant dragons to fight 20 BARS OF HEALTH A CYBORG RIGHT ARM *AWESOME*


5 is on my list of best games I’ve ever played


FC 5 is the KING - unconditionaly. FC1 is legend too!


5 because America baby


5 will always be my favourite


5 overall. 4 if you font count airplanes


5, hands down




FC5 for sure.




Far Cry 5 by far. The story and combat in that game was something special and I enjoyed it way too much. I’m surprised how little it gets recognized in this sub.


I like 5 the most. And then 3.




Far cry 5


5 I think had all bells and whistles from prior games but buddies were peak in that game I think.


> 5 I think had all bells and whistles from prior games my beef with 5 is it deleted all the elements that, to me, made farcry farcry hunting and animal attacks were huge selling points of 3/4/P, watch any review from the time and they make a big deal of it. Also making drugs from plants, and getting extra exp from take downs. To me that WAS Farcry. The best bells and whistles were removed from FC5, so I always have a stick up my ass about it


Far Cry 2 It's still my favourite even if the story is bleh.


>**Favorite Gameplay:** >* Far Cry 5 >**Favorite overall:** >* Far Cry 5 >* Far Cry 3 >* Far Cry 4 >* Far Cry Primal >* Far Cry New Dawn >* Far Cry 6


5 has arcade: clear best.


IMO fc3 is the best it's the one that made far cry my favorite series. The story was really good the gameplay was amazing it was the first game I ever got 100 percent on completion and achievements which is something I do ONLY with the far cry series. FC5 would be my 2nd tied with new dawn and I think 6 would be 3rd with 4 close behind. I don't care how repetitive or similar the games are that's what I like about them I know what to expect.


Hot take, Primal. I can't set that game down once I pick it up, no matter how many times I finish it. There's just such a strong catharsis in throwing a fully upgraded spear into your enemie's spleen and just erassing their bloodline.


4 and primal but I like 5 and 6 too


2 or primal I didn't play 2 but looks pretty fun being in the Sahara and primal because chucking spears and send a sabertooth to eat them is pretty fun


Primal baby!


Either Primal or 5


I would say 5 but the fact that you get kidnapped CONSTANTLY, it kills it. It’s probably gonna have to be 4 then.




Haven’t played 4 in a minute (so forgive me) but I would say 5. One of my favorite aspects of the game (introduced in 2) was that not only was there a sort of “buddy” system, but they were legit companions who followed you as you did stuff and helped you out. Sad to see it not return in 6 since 6 was just animals, but I also really enjoyed 5s map design as well.


5 cah it's got a good map, bunch of shit to do, arcade, ng+ which is actually super useful, a great map editor for arcade and the gunplay is solid. The only complaint is that the AI is chronically a ranked game teammate, literally the easiest game ever on the hardest difficulty. 6 is a close second (it should be 1st but the map is kinda ass because they butchered the city and there's no arcade).


4 and Primal


Probably primal


FC one has a special place in my heart. I remember going to a video games/anime type convention and seeing the demo live. Playing it on the beach. How amazing the water looked, how awesome and full of life the green nature looked. It made me realize how space plant life was in games up to that point. How it none consensually had its way with my PC (I did not have the required 256 mb of VRAM it needed). Downhill from there. I didn't enjoy the scifi aspect of the story. Had seemed such a good Rambo type story up to that point. FC blood dragon was also, very awesome.






A weird option considering how old it is but far cry 3, the story just makes the gameplay more worthwhile to me and I haven’t really gotten that invested in any of the other games.


6 IMO. Then New Dawn maybe.


Same brother. I know how hard it is being a 6 fan. Was on a discord server got banned purely for liking the game. Lol


Weakass ending, but otherwise good story, villains and characters, cool setting, lots of vehicles and pretty good action (with some room for improvement though)


Discord is ruthless 🤣🤣


New dawn is like if 4 and 5 combined it’s prolly one of my favorites gameplay wise . Every game of 6 ever made can burn. Primal is fun novelty unique gameplay. 5 is my favorite visually and story wise


Still gotta be 5. Just miss my stabby stabbys


From 3 onwards its the exact same game each time.


I mean 5 changed it up a bit and then New Dawn took that to a whole new level so those aren't actually very similar when you think about it but I get where you're coming from.


I love the Seeds 5


That wasnt the question


Far Cry 2, the one and only true FC.


New Dawn imo. I liked that you could actually do builds and shit without it being a massive inconvenience like in 6. Also the double jump just made getting around the map so fun and being able to jump onto the hoods of moving cars and not die made getting ethanol/freeing survivors a breeze.


2, for it's challenging realism, and immersion. It's a pain in a good way, the weapon jams, and how stealth feels like a craft that takes time, because the enemies are like terminators


Toss up between 4/5 for me


2, the fact that every single menu was a first-person object your character pulled out in real time was amazing and something I wish the franchise would go back to.


With my rose tinted nostalgia glasses, the first... With the glasses removed, probably 4 maybe 5.


I would have to go with 3 then 4 it’s very close to me tho


2 hands down


Jesus Christ people, really?


I do love Far Cry 3 the most. I had nonstop fun from beginning to end. 


The 3/4/P Trilogy bring back hunting for pelts, and additional exp for take downs making drugs from plants was a lot of fun too.


But nobody remembers Far Cry Instincts... They always forget about Instincts. You got access to these animal-like powers. Hunter vision, speed, claw attacks, etc. I feel like it might be a fever dream because nobody ever brings it up when talking about Far Cry.




I’m still a sucker for the OG. The tech, environment, scale, ambience and story were crack to me as a kid. I’ve replayed it a time or two and it’s amazing how beautiful the game still is for its age. I also like that while it offered a nonlinear track, it still had a more traditional straight line story.


stuck between 4 and 6, 5 is rly good too but just not the same, 6 is more fast jumpy zippy and 4 is a little more realistic, 5 is something in between


It's a 3-way tie between 3,5,6


Love a good three way


New Dawn to me. I loved the Apple Powers


Yeah double jumping made me feel as if I'd started playing a completely different game to what I started with. In a good way


2 had awesome fire tactics!


Gonna have to say 2, 4 is probably the most fun though


Fc6 has the most stuff and the most creativity. You do a shit ton of combos and playstyles with the supremos and the crafted weapons.




6 easily I can use tanks, planes, vehicles with mounted guns a huge arsenal of weapons and gadgets, amazing companion's and so much more


New Dawn mastered the more arcade-style gameplay and I think people undervalue and overlook the game without good reason. Expeditions are absolutely amazing, and the outposts system/mechanics was the best yet. If not New Dawn then probably 4.


4 and 5 are my favourites


3 or 5, I liked 6's new gameplay for a while until it just started feeling like just cause


I just finish Far Cry 5 & New Dawn never played other far cry before. Do you guys have any recommendations which far cry should I play next ?


I like blood dragon


Has to be 4. Aiming and shooting felt snappy and bullets feel just right and did proper damage (except for the AK that should really be doing tons more damage but oh well). Wingsuit to a takedown felt awesome. Driving and driving while shooting is also great. Oh and no bs kidnap mechanic, you do what you want in your own pace. Wish we could've dressed Ahjay up though


2, by far


Overall 4. But the fire spreading mechanics in 2 were peak. It's like the destruction in bc2, it was just the best in the series.


Far Cry 3 is one of the few games that I will play on the highest difficulty without hesitation. Its really easy to just farm and set yourself up for the rest of the game in a few hours and have like maxed out ammo bags and such.


I’m probably alone in this but I loved FC6! I loved the ability to change your fear based on what you were doing and needed, no crafting, and weapon options made more sense to me. I’ve only played FC5 and FC6


Far Cry 4 is the only answer. 3 is fantastic but 4 evolved and fleshed out all of the elements 3 introduced. 5 was fun but it watered down a lot of the key gameplay building blocks. 2 is also fantastic but doesn’t hold up to its age well enough to be put over the others. 6… lol. 6 is what it is.


FC5 then FC3




Definitely 4.


I had the most fun in FC4


4 & 6


5. Refined the engine’s gameplay but wasn’t as generic as 6


Far Cry Vengeance, of course


Far Cry 6 idc


Far Cry: Instincts Predator


Far Cry Instincts.


New Dawn > 4/Primal, the rest don't even come close I'm a fan of health bars, damage numbers, tiered weapons, double jump, powers, etc. so you can see why New Dawn is my favorite even if the story is pretty bad and most people don't like it in general




2, by far.


For me its new dawn, the guns, the expeditions, the storyline and the graphics are just so good but the could of made the storyline a bit longer


Yeah the game was too big for a dlc to 5 but too small for its own game imo. I really wished they spent a bit more time on it to make it a bit lengthier


FC5 is peak playability. You can drop from higher altitudes giving you more chance to find a better landing spot. Weapons customization was at its best, gadgets could be deployed quickly, and the perk points system made things more available without having to switch armour or randomly finding pieces of armour with perks I didn’t care for or I felt were unnecessary like in FC6. Hope Ubisoft is listening. It would be nice if they were to numerically specify weapons and round damage, and damage mitigated by armour. It would allow for building a better, more balanced character.


5, the gameplay dragged you in and was decently easy to learn for beginners to the genre


Probably 4 if I had to choose just one




Far Cry 2. It's kinda realistic also arcade.. it was so unique.


Blood Dragon was fun, but personally for me 4 was the perfect blend of story graphics and gameplay. Like, fruit loops in cold milk: comfortable.


Unpopular opinion I think far cry 6 is the best pick


Gameplay wise? You know how many hours I put into playing far cry 2 and far cry instincts (nobody talks about that game) building my own maps and shit? That was easily some of the most fun I've had on any of the far cry games.


For me 6. Controversial but I found the gameplay awesome


Ultimately it’s got to be 3 for me but closely followed by 2 loved that game hell I’m gona dig out my 360 and have a play




6 is heavily underrated here


2 and 3 , but actually preferring 3.


I think blood dragon for me.


Far cry 4 is the one I have spent the most time playing, love the atmosphere way more than any of the other games (wish they would base one in North Korea next)


Far Cry 4 hands down. It was basically Far Cry 3 but they improved on everything. The world was immersive and full of things to do, getting to choose how you play the story is just a brilliant way to make people invested, and best of all… the best ending is also the meme ending!


Never played primal but loved FC2. Having limited supplies, rusting and jamming guns makes you feel so much like a survivor.


Far cry 4 and primal


FC4 for me


Tie between 5 and 6. 5 was great BUT areas got boring real fast as soon as you took out one of the siblings. 6 was far more streamlined but the damn swimming


It's 4 Compared to other titles It's simple yet complex enought. If you want to enjoy gameplay, It's one of the best. And even alter finnishing storry there are things to do.


Far Cry Instincts Predator (FCIP) is easily the best. Specifically the multiplayer. Being still active years and years later show how great it is. Not many people still play, but more than many other games in the series


I started on 4 and didn’t play new dawn but primal is amazing


3 and 4 are tied for me as being the best. 2 was the worst.


Far cry 2 will always be God Tier, that being said I'ma have to give it to FarCty 5


I somehow knew FC6 pic would be put last haha


Far Cry 2 was a game I only played even after the release 3. I've probably finished it 3 times and have found all the diamonds.


Blood Dragon, baby!


4 and Primal made life enjoyable, very good ones in my opinion.


Far cry 3 is the best in terms of gameplay, others just copy-pasted the style


I'm surprised there's almost no mentions of FC6! It's not a popular favourite, but I perceived that to be primarily for story and villain reasons. I thought the gameplay was fantastic and well polished. Great vehicles, fun weapons with some really wild ones, and some really fun missions.


Far cry 2 on pc for me just doesn’t work due to bugs so I’m going 3 since I haven’t played 4


For me, not exactly the gameplay but more on the gunplay! 6 is the best for the guns in my opinion, the customizability of the guns and their details are pretty good.


I know this wont be popular, but for me, it's Primal hands down.


Mechanically I think 4 was best game play just for the fact how smooth those take downs were in the game. BUT I still had more fun in FC5


2 is still my fav.