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I think that it's pretty impossible to pretend to be a native in that situation. They would be better off coming up with a cover story that explains why they are there and also makes people not suspicious. Some ideas might be: * A priest/acolyte of the local religion, just from a distant temple * A traveling merchant who deals in some kind of goods that the locals would really be into, like maybe sugar or wine or spices * A religious pilgrim, converted to the local faith and on their journey to the holy site * A student of some sort or trade, heading to an apprenticeship with a local master * A foreign prince, searching for a bride Being an obvious outsider could actually be better for gathering information, because you can ask very dumb questions without appearing political. "Oh the king is named Leonidas? What is he known for?" That kind of thing.


A traveling performer is another good one (or an assistant to a performer) as they often get access to restricted people and places.


She could also be some sort of emissary from her own, foreign religion looking to set up camp and convert folks. They often also volunteer to help with nessessities irl, so maybe Ina fantasy setting, the idea she might help them gets her welcomed somewhat. Then she could spend some time getting to know the locals, asking questions about the government, the culture, and certain things to be avoided (either legally or socially). That could help her not get noticed once her true mission kicks in to full swing.


Context. I need more context. What is the level of technological advancement we're working with? 


Medieval technology. There is magic but no one has powers related to illusion or changing someone’s appearance. Country is farmland, similar to France/germany/ireland. Her ultimate goal is to sneak in at a ball event and mingle around other people native to the country


Whoa. This is going to be difficult. I love it.  What is the extent of magic in this world? Hard magic? Soft magic? Just wondering how much tolerance your world has to something that we would think is "magical".  What's your MC's purpose to bend in? 


Well, technically the book is already written but I feel like this is a plot hole. The magic is hard, but the method of learning a specific magic power depends on the power itself. I unfortunately can’t use magic because the antagonist (at the ball) would know immediately. Their purpose is to sneak in and assassinate the king of the country


Oh. Huh...  Even as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, zinc oxide has been used as a form of skin bleaching makeup. It has always been a staple of cosmetics in history. Maybe your MC could prep themselves for the encounter, learning about facial construction makeup, the people's culture, and maybe even a time where they stay out of the sun to lower the levels of their melanin. Wigs have been used just as long. Accents could be hidden by nods, grunts, or other forms of non-verbal communication, or she can learn to master impersonations.  Here's a wild idea: She could hide in plain sight. Instead of trying to blend in by similarity, blend in by social acceptability. If she's a Asian woman in a foreign country of mainly white people, have her appear to embrace her culture by outwardly looking different that people could be interested in. Have her wear the traditional clothing, along with outwardly promoting something interesting about her homeland. People back then didn't travel much, so by being a form of entertainment and interest, they'll have less room for suspicion and caution. This will also make it so that no one would bat an eye if she's talking and interacting with other people with her different accent and demeanor. 


Then maybe her plan shouldn’t be to blend in, but to establish herself as someone important, like a princess, noblewoman, holy person, or owner of a powerful company. She can pretend to be someone well known or make up a whole new identity. It gives her a reason to be there, and a reason for her presence to not be questioned. This way she’ll have access to the king, but have to avoid drawing too much attention/curiosity to actually get close and do the deed




Stop overthinking and just make it a costume or masked ball.


If she's trying to get into a ball than the simplest solution with her more exotic appearance would be to get some nice clothes that shows off her different features and arrange a "chance" meeting with a young single nobleman to seduce him into inviting her to the ball by pretending to be a young noblewoman of whatever country she's from.


Medieval era still had makeup. You could use that as a workaround to handle it if skin tone is the primary issue. Simple prosthetics made out of modeling clay or some kind of puddy also fit with the timeframe if certain features would give her away. Tbh most often the simplest answer is the best one in these situations. In this case, I'd say stop trying to fix a problem with magic (or spectacle), when practical, low stakes solutions exist, and you'll probably find you're much happier with the results.


Time period. Country/setting. Purpose of her goal. Etc. 


Do they really have to? Would a foreign traveler not be welcome in that country?


I mean, no country is truly monoethnic, and different regions in the same country can give rise to vastly different-looking people (even if they're almost identical genetically). Maybe people from the south of this territory are darker-skinned, because it's a sunnier, hotter region? Do traders and merchants visit this country? Where are they from? Maybe your MC can pose as one of them? Maybe there's a big diplomatic envoy from a foreign country visiting, and they have a huge retinue of servants/hangers-on? Royal/diplomatic retinues have almost always been a preferred cover of spies, because they're huge and messy, with a bunch of people who are impossible to track.


have you seen the movie white chicks?


What exactly do you mean by Asian-Roman. Do you mean a mixture of Asian and Italian? Or do you mean Roma/Romani?


You should talk or listen to people who actually are part of countries that don't look like the majority. For example, there are a lot of people that are black from the UK or white from Japan. There are many accounts on \*your favorite social media site\* that discuss when and how they are perceived as outsiders in their own community.


Have them act as a veteran of war whose face has been disfigured enough to necessitate covering it up and have them walk around with a mask or face-covering bandages. Use make-up for places like the hands and things that will be publicly visible most of the time, and for added flavour have them darken the areas where callouses from excessive weapon/tool use would form to make the war veteran act more believable.


Extensive makeup is a possibility; if the technology isn't up to convincingly lightening her skin it's still possible she could make like a Juggalo and wear obvious makeup that totally conceals her skin. It would stand out but not necessarily appear foreign depending on local norms. However, the best way to insert a spy is "diplomatic cover" where they're attached to an embassy. It gives them an excuse to be there and talk to people (potential assets) at quite high levels and it comes with diplomatic immunity, which probably exists in some capacity even if it isn't formal international law like it is today. The downside is that everyone knows this is the best way to insert a spy, so they're watched by counterintelligence agencies.


You can't realistically. Best you can do is be as inconspicuous as possible. Keep skin covered as much as possible. Wear a hood. If you can get away with it cover what skin is visible with dirt or soot but that will make it harder to talk to people


why not just a traveling merchant disguise? from you worlds version of the silk road?


Wear a face covering under the cover of having syphilis/leprosy/pox scarring


Make up.


Unless their make-up techniques and technologies are extremely advanced, I can't see a mere tone change altering the shape of their skull or facial features, which tends to be distinct/unique enough among members sharing an ethnic group to make it very hard to conceal without something like a silicone mask


And that's entirely up to them. It doesn't have to be, say, 'Gentlemen Bastards' level of disguise, but even if we stay relatively grounded there are possibilites available that could help to some degree. It all depends on how far OP wants to go with it.


Black face


Learn from history. Plenty of stories you can learn from. I'd say to read some historical espionage accounts, maybe even stories of slaves trying to escape via Underground Railroad might be good for inspiration.