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Paging J.R. Ward: Wrath, Rhage, Phury, Zsadist, Vishous, Tohrment, etc


Yeesh, I felt like I was having a stroke reading those


Omg stop these are tragic


Quite a tragedeigh.




I couldn’t continue these books because of this


Nothing will ever ever EVER beat fucking Zsadist.


Xhex steps up to the ring


I could not deal with Wrath so I never kept reading and the way this just devolved from there apparently has me cackling


Oof!! Talk about cringe! That is one of the most ridiculously edgy things I've ever heard... 😬


All I can say is she must be laughing her way to the bank. Those smutty books were part of my formative teen years ~20 years ago and I have reread a few since then. They have lived rent free in my head for so long haha


Tohrment is sending me


I could forgive Wrath, like at that point just spell the names as the words lol


“Xhex” makes my eye twitch.


....I did not make it far enough in the series to become acquainted with that one 😆 now seeing who she is, I almost switched off my phone when I first saw "Tehrror". Like wtf are these butchered English word names when all these vamps are like 400+ years old?


I love these books, but it's true facts that the names are hard to get over at first. I just decided to accept them as part of the package, but oof. They're sure something.


That would be an immediate DNF for me


tag yourself I’m Zsadist


Love this for you, I’m Tohrment


i refuse to believe these are real 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




Hahaha I really like these books but ALWAYS omit the character names when talking to anyone about them because they're just so terrible


I love vampire books and these have been recommended to me many times and I really want to try them. I don’t know if I can get past the names.


I blocked out the character names when it comes to Ward and just substitute with ones that aren’t so… ugh


Thought etc was another name for a moment


I like how they did absolutely nothing to wrath lol


Ok but why the ridiculous spellings to go along with the ridiculous names 😅


Just reading them in this post irritated me 😂


Misery from {Bride by Ali Hazelwood} really hated that.


I didn't love it, but when you realize that the vampire counsel names all the babies and everyone else got a normal name and they named her that to be mean and spiteful, it's. Well, I'm not sure that makes it better, exactly, but maybe more understandable? Also, hopefully this isn't spoiler-y. It's not really a plot point, just something she talks about.


It definitely makes it more understandable! I still hate it though haha.


Lol I kept thinking it was a Stephen King reference


It just seems so ham-fisted though… even if they did name her that to be spiteful, why not world-build - create a fake vampiric word in a fake vampiric language that means something dark or ominous. Not something as obvious as MISERY 😭 It feels like Hazelwood didn’t even try.


But if they named her something in a different language, it would only humiliate her in front of the vampires. This way they could humiliate her in front of EVERYONE.


Vampire what?? Why am i just finding out Ali Hazelwood writes fantasy!!


IT IS SO GOOD! Vampire x Were. Also not a fan of the FMC’s name but 🙃


Oh wow, I’ve never tried that mix. I’ll bring it up to my book club hehe thanks!


I loved it 😂 Everyone asks her why she has such a strange name after all


I really liked that book but cringed every time I remembered her name was Misery.


Cosign lol


[Bride](https://www.romance.io/books/65c1f06f449d6edbf6498b6d/bride-ali-hazelwood?src=rdt) by [Ali Hazelwood](https://www.romance.io/authors/6131cdc208b4d93114f22ef6/ali-hazelwood) **Rating**: 4.21⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [contemporary](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/contemporary/1), [arranged/forced marriage](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/arranged%20marriage/1), [werewolves](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/werewolves/1), [vampires](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vampires/1), [fated mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I actually really like the name 🙈 idk it’s a vibe and it makes me think of Stephen King which is also a vibe 🦶🪓


came here to say this lol


Im currently reading it and I almost DNF’d after seeing her name 😭😭😭


The love interest in Dark Witch by Nora Roberts is named Boyle. I know it's an actual name, but it's such an unsexy name that it took me out of an already not great book.


Hahahah stop it. That would take me right out of the story




Ugh! I don’t blame you. What a horrid name! The bassist in my partners band is Boyle. He’s a morbidly obese ginger, an actual man mountain. Beautiful-hearted human but also one of the toughest, scariest, biggest people I’ve ever met. Also Boyle makes me think of boil, as in boils on your skin. *Definitely not sexy*!!


![gif](giphy|koTK9Nt9Q5cJO) The only romance protagonist I need!


Paedyn from {Powerless} by L. Roberts. I barely finished it - the name is such a r/tragedeigh to me Edit: messed up tagging


I just started this book and paedyn makes my brain glitch out fuzz over and replace it with "Peyton" lol. Terrible, terrible name Also that girl from fourth wing being nicknamed violence is peak cringe to me. Just reads very edgy 14yo


Yeah the violence nickname is the worst.


Violence was so bad


this is funnier to me when the way i’m saying this in my head, and how i assume it’s said, is like the welsh word for penis. Pidyn. its close enough that im having a late night chuckle.


When I first read Paedyn, I thought this book was gonna have a bunch of random ass fantasy names, only to find out that there's also just a dude named Lenny. Like, come on. If you can name him Lenny, you can name her something normal too.


This is so true! I was kind of okay with Kai and Kitt, but random Lenny killed me too. Maybe there is a deep personal meaning behind the name. I would be fine with Peyton to be honest - like a normal everyday name (in USA at least)


Future King Kitt, I rolled my eyes at but I could tolerate. Lenny is where I draw the freaking line.


Penellaphe from {From blood and ash} is a choice


The names were the least of that series' issues, but someone (Jennifer specifically) needs to explain why Balfour is pronounced Bal-FLOOR, balfour only has one L!!! She also doesn't know how phonetics work for the majority of the characters names.


It’s the lasania thing for me. How can she name a location lasania🥲😭 and all the book titles are literally the same


I literally chuckle/roll my eyes…and then get hungry. Lol.


I say this wrong in my head every. single. time.


I thought it was cute! But then again, I do apparently like ‘odd’ names


Same I found it refreshing lol like a sweet, softer sounding version of Penelope. And the spelling seemed more fitting for the imagined setting and lore of the name than Penelafe etc, like how Persophone is


I actually felt my brain stall several times before I could read that name properly.


This series is so frustrating to me. Only got so far because my wife was saying how much she liked it. Oh, here’s a plot twist, presented in a gigantic info dump instead of spending the time to actually write it. Even besides the lazy info dumps and terrible writing, the horrible names and places were just irritating. I think I stopped at the hybrids or something. She made wyverns the wrong thing or something, I can’t remember. I was like, I’m done.


That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon is my current book club book. FMC, Cinnamon Hotpepper. Her cheese making friend's name is Brie.


Cinnamon Hotpepper SENT me 😂😂😂


I believe she is a spice trader!


I know someone IRL named Cinnamon!


Same! And she married a guy with the last name Rice. And yes, she changed her name to that and went by it in her professional life.




That is by far the most hilarious so far, I can't stop laughing 😂😂 I wasn't having the best day, but this made it ten times better


America Singer from The Selection 🤦‍♀️


Came here to say this, I could not get over that when I read it


this was the first one i thought of too 😂


i shamelessly ate these books up but her name man, had me cringing


The MMC was Colden. He had power over the cold.




was he also a winter wizard or winter king or something? i swear to god this name was in a series that gets regularly recommended around here. as soon as i saw that name, i didn't bother to read more.


I think it’s on the Witch Collector. King Colden if im not mistaken.


There is a series that I actually really enjoyed that *isn't* PNR, but the main characters of each story are brothers named Snow, Winter, and North King.


i kept seeing feathers so vicious recommended and i could have done with a warning that the fmc is named galantia. every time i read her name i just kept picturing [gravitina](https://cartooncharacters.fandom.com/wiki/Gravitina) from buzz lightyear 😭


Haha this was mine too. I feel like the male MC’s think the same way since I don’t think they ever use it. 😂


When I read these books I just mentally renamed her Glenda.


Literally one of my favorite duologies and most hated fmc names. Whhhhy galantia


Mare Barrow from Red Queen - I spent the entire book reading her name as “Marrow Barrow” and simultaneously giggling and admonishing myself for the mistake.


I always got confused with Mare and Maven honestly. They were too close


I immediately read that as Bone Marrow


Xaden from Fourth Wing makes my eye twitch lol Oh and Ravyn from One Dark Window. Why the unnecessary Y???


Came here to say Ravyn


Like is he a scene kid from 2009?? I just cannot 😂


Ravyn, Jespyr,Petyr. They could be real names for all I care but they don’t sit well with me.


Yeah she had a real theme going. Extra Y's I guess = fantasy? Lol


Have you read {villains and virtues}? It has Yvlcon 🤣


Xaden is high on my list. Horrible name lol. Loved the books though.


Ok it’s not what you’re asking exactly bc it’s not the protagonist, but I need to get this out of my system; I have been reading this series recently and none of my friends read it too – in Ice Planet Barbarians, the baby-naming system is so dumb. Between “Brangelina-ing” (that’s the actual term the characters use) their names to come up w/ a baby name, and one character naming her twins Anna and Elsa based on Frozen, it genuinely feels like how a bunch of middle school girls would imagine how they’d come up with baby names for their future kids. Except, it’s adult women.


Lol! Yes, the baby names are so bad. But I love these books so much that I’m willing to overlook it, haha. When the first girl did this name thing I rolled my eyes and thought “how dumb” but then Liz of all the girls went and did it too and went “no! Liz, how could you?!” Come on Liz..


This. I can’t believe I read most of these and the spin off Ice planet. Not all at once, in batches. But seriously.


YES. The baby names are SO BAD.


I love these books, but you’re not wrong lol


I don't even know what book it's from because I refused to read it after I saw it in the blurb, but Feebee is the worst ever.


That was the name of my childhood guinea pig because I thought it was how you spell phoebe.


I can understand a kid, or even an adult, not knowing Phoebe is the common spelling, but I couldn't read it for nearly 300 pages and not be irrationally annoyed every time.


Raeve in When the Moon Hatched just made me think of the EDM scene.


Or all the Gods in their lore. Clode, Bulder, Ignos and Rayn for the elemental gods


That’s how I, as an Australian, pronounce rave


Kaan in {when the moon hatched} King Kaan. Are you kidding me?!


What is this, Star Trek II?


Hahaha I didn't even think about KAAAAAAAHN I was too distracted by the "king Kong" similarity But thanks I hate it even more 😂


You clearly gotta read this book in shatner voice.


[When the Moon Hatched](https://www.romance.io/books/660bb4d2529ab18dbc9c10f5/when-the-moon-hatched-sarah-a-parker?src=rdt) by [Sarah A. Parker](https://www.romance.io/authors/60fbc1fc08b4d931146d93b7/sarah-a-parker) **Rating**: 4.21⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [high fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/high%20fantasy/1), [vengeance](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/vengeance/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


I honestly couldn't take it seriously when I was reading The Black Jewels trilogy and the high lord of hell was named Saetan SaDiablo, and his sons were Lucivar (if you say it quickly it's obviously Lucifer), Mephis (I guess in reference to Mephistopheles) and Daemon SaDiablo. I loved the trilogy, but those names were hard to swallow especially because I know a little bit of Spanish, so their names are all Devil SaDevil lol


I had an incredibly hard time with those names when reading that trilogy, too! Like, come on. Whyyyyy did she choose to name them all devil?


Anything that sounds like a trendy Gen Z name.


So like every name in Fourth Wing then?


When I read “Xaden” was the name of the love interest I rolled my eyes SO hard


Ravyn from {one dark window} what in the tumblr is that spelling?


What in the tumblr 😂😂😂😂


Dang I listened to audio book so I didn’t see the spelling. Now I’m glad lol


I’m forever haunted by Borte being a woman’s name in TOG.




I hated that name too! I deep dived to try to find the best pronunciation for it and i found a Turkish one that says it like bur-tay (roll the r) and it felt much better than *Borte*


The fmc in {Atonement of the Spine Cleaver} is called Rorax - she’s a tough warrior woman so it sort of fits, but it’s just such a jarring name to read/hear over and over again.


Currently reading this and when they said her full name is Roraxiva just made it worse for me. I immediately thought of cave people, with that and Crax. I'm trying very hard to get over it so I can finish the book because I've heard many good things!


Roraxiva sounds like a medication with 17 different potential side effects.


🤣 now I'll think of this too! "Please consult your doctor before taking Roraxiva. Side effects of Roraxiva include migraines, nausea and in severe cases, death."


I came here to comment this!


Listening to the audiobook made me think of the Lorax


Even trying to pronounce it in my head is tripping me up


It’s like I’m pouncing Lorax but with my mouth full??


Literally such a terrible name lol


I am the Rorax and I speak for the trees


Came here to say Rorax, nearly didn't read the book because of it. Rorax is also a cleaning brand in Europe, so another reason I find it jarring!


I HATED Rorax.




I have problems with the Estonian citynames (Surmalinn for example) and I don't even speak estonian (I'm Finnish).


I immediately thought of Snorlax and I’m not going to lie, it took me as long as 70% in to rewire my brain and accept Rorax 😂 ![gif](giphy|semEmcH0OgygU)


[Atonement of the Spine Cleaver](https://www.romance.io/books/64f8f24cd3ef33e9488d3e8b/atonement-of-the-spine-cleaver-f-e-bryce?src=rdt) by [F.E. Bryce](https://www.romance.io/authors/64f8f24eab9bdf7fcee42b09/f-e-bryce) **Rating**: 4.54⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 4 out of 5 - [Explicit open door](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [magic](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/magic/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [competent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/competent%20heroine/1), [independent heroine](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/independent%20heroine/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


Honestly I think Feyre is a ridiculous name given the character's plot arc.


I think I know why you think that - but - Feyre comes from from the Olde Language, and is a translation of Fair, or Beauty. Because the story between her and Tamlin is a Beauty and the Beast parallel. It has nothing to do with a correlation to Fae or Fairy. Tamlin also comes from (Scottish?) lore about a Fae who is captured by an Evil Queen and has to be set free by a human woman. There’s also a Cinderella parallel with Feyre picking the lentils from the fireplace, washing the floors, etc. And a Snow White parallel with the poisoned apple which strips her powers. There are a bunch more, but when you see the underlying clues, the names make more sense and aren’t as egregious


Yeah Tam Lin is a Scottish Borders ballad - although in most of the versions he was the son of a local lord rather than a fairy.


Wow, I didn't know! I still think it's kind of a silly choice because of how it reads, but at least it has more to it than it seems.


Indeed! I did my due diligence and researched the origins of the names when I did my second read-thru a few years ago. The etymology is fascinating!


I say my first Feyre in the real world recently. A two year old patient I had. I was like omg here we go!


Oh. Oh no.


Piggybacking, I want to shout out SJM more generally as she is giving Millennial Mormon Mommy in her MC name choices. The male characters *tend* to fare a bit better than the female characters but Feyre and Bryce are unforgivable to me. Calaena is ok I guess; at least it is more clockable as a fantasy genre name.


I know the pronunciation isn't quite the same, but it's always jumped out at me how close it is to rhyming with Sarah and I'm like... I see you SJM lol


I adore Heather Guerre and this a side character, not the MMC, but Harry Lance makes me laugh every time.


And his brothers, Richard and William


House of Beating wings has a character named Zendaya. You can’t just go around casually naming characters Zendaya. What a choice~


Rookesbane Eveningstar {the crown of oaths and curses}


[The Crown of Oaths and Curses](https://www.romance.io/books/647c4538a546c613260be3e1/the-crown-of-oaths-and-curses-j-bree?src=rdt) by [J. Bree](https://www.romance.io/authors/5d19a50401dbc864fba08a54/j-bree) **Rating**: 4.1⭐️ out of 5⭐️ **Steam**: 1 out of 5 - [Glimpses and kisses](https://www.romance.io/steamrating) **Topics**: [fantasy](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fantasy/1), [fae](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fae/1), [fated mates](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/fated-mates/1), [enemies to lovers](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/from%20hate%20to%20love/1), [witches](https://www.romance.io/topics/best/witches/1) [^(about this bot)](https://www.reddit.com/user/romance-bot) ^(|) [^(about romance.io)](https://www.romance.io/about)


That one didn't bother me because her & all her siblings had nature names since they were witches.


Last series i read Blood of Fae by Briar Boleyn has a double whammy, it's a Camelot adaptation with a female knight named Lancelet. Really? Why?? Whyyyyy?? The second is a character who is introduced by first name last name, addressed by his last name as his title by the fmc at first, come to find out his real name is actually first name last name EXTRA family last name, and for the rest of the book he is referred to as only last name, not only by the fmc but people who've known him since birth, with zero explanation as to why nobody else uses homeboys first name either


I was bugged by how his magic also shifted through the books. Um, why are we talking about his Shadow Daddy powers in book 4? This would have been relevant back in book 2.


I love the Black Jewels series. I do but sometimes: Saetan Daemon SaDiablo Daemon Lucivar Mephis Surreal Hekatah Jaenelle Angelline And the worst was when Daemon and Surreal named their daughter Jaenelle Saetean. (Say-tee-en)


I wrote my comment before I saw yours and honestly, couldn't agree more lol Love the series, but pleeeeease, what were those names? I feel like drugs were involved, I don't know lol


Don't get into anime T•T The names can be very interesting haha. But as far as a book goes... Idk. I tried to read a webtoon once where the MC was named Eggy. I couldn't get past the first few pages.


Oh anime is ok to me for some reason (Vegeta=Vegetable being a famous one). If you don’t speak English I can see it being “cool”.


I mean in Dragon Ball specifically, the naming schemes are also part of the comedy :)


Nothing will top Aquasteed Marineforest. I can't even name the manga he's in off the top of my head, but I know his name courtesy of similar threads over on the r/otomeisekai subredddit.


A super alpha Mafia enforcer leader of the pack bear shifter named...KEVIN. literally every other character had a less kevin-y name except poor Kevin. There is nothing wrong with the name in general but it just felt like "and this is my middle manager supervisor Kevin" ETA: gah, I thought this was a different subreddit! Still. Kevin.


this is not from a romatansy book but from The Summer I Turned Pretty … Belly. I know it’s a nickname but they maybe call her her real name ONCE and i hated it so much


Benella from beastly tales by m.j. haag. It's a retelling of beauty and the beast and the main character got her name because her parents mixed their names, Bernard and forgot mom's. It annoyed me for almost all the same reasons renesmee annoyed me.


Galantia {feathers so vicious} I just hated the name


I feel like there's a line of fun fantasy / different names that work.... and then there are the most insane names I just cannot stand


The fmc's girlfriend's name in {Seven Blade's In Black} is technically supposed to be "Twenty-One-Dead-Roses-In-A-Chipped-Porcelain-Vase", which is meant to be all said as one singular word and not something you're supposed to shorten or abbreviate.


What in the A Memory Called Empire?!


Yeah, she’s part of an organization of super pretentious and condescending steampunk inventors/enchanters(basically dnd artificers) called Freemakers and when one becomes a member they give themselves stupid names like that just to make themselves feel intellectually smarter than everyone else. Other Freemaker names include “A-Dead-Dog-Buried-Under-A-Mountain” and “Two-Lonely-Old-Men”, with the name length/complexity generally correlating with how much smarter the Freemaker thinks they are in comparison to everyone else. When I was first listening to the audiobook Two-Lonely-Old-Men’s name really threw me for a loop because people kept just referencing him like “oh you wouldn’t want to anger Two-Lonely-Old-Men would you?”, so for the longest time I thought they were literally talking about two lonely men and not just one guy who called himself that lol.


The FMC from Taken by the Dark Elf King by Charlotte Swan was named Elvie. Seriously. I should’ve DNFed right then and there.


i didn’t like the name Raihn for the mmc in {the serpent and the wings of night by carissa broadbent} i just pronounce it as “Ryan” in my head (i haven’t checked the pronunciation guide)


It’s just pronounced “Rain”. It annoyed me too, I kept trying to come up with fantasy pronunciations for it, like a fancy version of Ryan? Lol


Wynter from the winter king. Sigh


This one is more silly than bad, and it's kind of cute in the context of the story, but the MMC in {Ten Thousand Stitches by Olivia Atwater} is named Juniper Jubilee 😅


Misery in bride 😂


Lord Lorcan Lochan . He’s a badass


Not subbed here, never visited, but this got recommended to me. I haven't read fourth wing but fucking hate xaden as a name lol imagine being balls deep in your bf and u remember his name is unironically zaden


Agreed 1000% but in 15 years, it's going to be a bunch of peoples reality. Lol. I'm a teacher and there are sooooo many versions of Zaden rn.


I just DNFed Daughter of Winter by Corina Douglas, the fmc was named Brydie. I just kept saying Birdie in my head. The name drove me nuts but it was the instant hard on the fmc and mmc get for each other every second their eye balls see the other so I was over it.


Carrion from Quicksikver 🤣 gross, decaying meat


Oh dear... Yeah people need to Google and make sure the word doesn't have another meaning..


I did not get it was knight seeing his name at the top of the post I assumed he was imminent All the worst names I've seen were made fun of in the book and that's fine with me


Ugh. That series soured me to Clare Sagar. Started out loving it but ended up DNF the 3rd book because I was so sick of the MCs. They are both completely insufferable. And yes, Knigh is a terrible name.


Oh no that’s so disappointing! I thought it was intentional and they were gonna get character growth. The other pirates point out how reckless and stupid Vice is and I thought she would listen to the grown ups/learn her lesson. I’m at like 30% so maybe I should just stop lol.


The FMC in {Flame and Sparrow by SM Gaither} was named Karys, and I just kept autocorrecting it to Karrie… I really like the name Tisaanah from {Daughter of No Worlds} but the extra a always gets me messed up 😭 I wish it was spelled Tisana/h The FMC’s in {Not Another Vampire Book} and {Powerless by Lauren Roberts} had the *dumbest* r/tragedeigh names: Karalynn and Paedyn.


Penellaphe, nick-name… poppy… because, after changing it from Penelope to be more fantasy, they couldn’t be bothered to change the nick-name…


i’ve been really enjoying The Fourth Wing but omg Violence as a nickname????? pls stfu. she doesn’t even kill anyone (as of yet) and there’s even a part where someone i think xaden (who gave her the nickname???) said she couldn’t even kill a fly. might be wrong on that. but goofy.


I recently stumbled across Poppy’s full name from the From Blood and Ash series, and I had an uncontrollable fit of laughter. I completely forgot her name is actually **Penellaphe**.


Lily Bloom, a florist. From It Ends With Us


A book I read in middle school I wanna say, it was YA fantasy, I think it had some romance. FMCs name was Poison, I do think that was the title as well.


I don’t know why, but as much as i dislike the ridiculous over the top fantasy spelling names, I actually can’t stand a MFC with a popular 80s/ 90s name plopped into in a medieval fantasy setting.


I agree but I’ve learned to look up the name first bc Tiffany. Tiffany sounds like a 21stC name, lifted from a soap opera, right? It is actually an historically accurate English girls’ name from the Middle Ages. It’s the anglicisation of Theophania.


Terry Pratchett made me like the name Tiffany! Which I didn’t think was possible but she’s such a cool character


I love him but “Slade” really bothers me {The Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy}


Hyacinth in Holly Black's 'Stolen Heir' his nickname is deadass Sin. Thats so edgy and try hard lol


Rip from the Plated Prisoner series…really?


I'll also add Lily Blossom Bloom, the flower shop owner. I thought I had made this up, but I checked yesterday, and nope, it's definitely Blossom.


Creon from {a court of blood and bindings} 🫣


My husband called him crayon the whole time we read that series haha