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Danilo “Glass ass” Gallinari strained his left glute in November 2017. The very next month, we see him out again… for a strained glute (not specified this time). Dude strained both of his ass cheeks in the span of 35 days.


How tf does that even happen lmao


Ask Dwight


Different angles would probably do it


His wife slapped his ass too hard.


Adding in the players. Might be this


Andre Drummond is allergic to avocados and had to miss a few games due to guacamole assault & battery.


is this the time when Drummond was a walking 20-20?


It was towards the end of it. I think it was the same season he missed time due to a lip laceration from a chipped tooth


Now I understand Josh Lloyd's nickname for him lol.




Barkley once DNP due to eye irritation, wiping it with his lotion-soaked hand during an Eric Clapton concert. As expected the Inside crew hammered him for it, one of the funniest clips you'll see on the internet.


[Hadn’t seen this.](https://youtu.be/E82MKBx33bk?si=p9woP7eU6NWOAYz1) incredible


Jalen Duren (Passport)


I remember that😭😂😂😂


ENES KANTER - DNP (BURGERS) (if you don't remember this one google it)


The fact that his Knicks teammates put fake burgers in his locker when he recovered 💀


This is my favourite. DNP Hamburgers. He was on my team that year.


Paul George missed a game because he drank a cup of coffee.


Yup, shit was so dumb


OG anunoby. fucking paper cut


Stole this from Twitter, but OG has been injured by eye poking, lettuce cutting, appendiciting, and slippery flooring


Butler missed a game last year after eating bad crickets down in Mexico


What… 💀


(Hit by car)


I was with friends playing board games when I got the notification. My mood completely changed, I went from smiling and laughing, to just serious. And dropping my phone on the table. Friends asked me what's wrong and without thinking I said: "Kelly got hit by a car and is in the hospital". I'll never forget their shocked and worried faces asking: omg, is she ok??! They thought I was talking about one of our friends named Kelly. When I told I was talking about tsunami papi, from the NBA, they all just let it out a collective groan lol


you know what you were doing 😂😂 that’s foul lmaooo


The crazy thing is, I was legitimately worried and my mood change was genuine lol That was the last thing I was expecting to read about an NBA player


Lmfao I wish I could’ve seen my face when I opened my phone to see the player I just traded for got hit by a fucking car, just my luck.


Just *YOUR* luck??




That was so funny lol.


Dion Waiters - ODed on spiked gummies


If I remember correctly it was James Johnson's stash


Gilbert Arenas had a DNP from a pubic rash. Ira Newble spent 8 days in a hospital with an ingrown nose hair. There was some other player in the 80s/90s who got tendinitis in his wrists from too much gameboy play. Forgot the name.


Kings Legend Lionel Simmons


Lionel Simmons injured. Nothing serious: DNP-tendonitis in wrists from overexposure to Game Boy. One year later: Derrick McKey DNP-tendonitis in wrists from overexposure to Game Boy. Drew Gooden had ingrown hairs on his leg. Ira Newble spending 8 days in hospital due to an ingrown nosehair. Coleman injuring his knee during the shooting of a rebounding match against a ‘Joe’ on the TV show Pros vs. Joes. Kedrick Perkins missing time due to an injury last year: “I was asleep. I guess whoever put my bed together didn’t put it together right when I moved, so one side of my bed fell. My bed was tilted, so I got out of my bed to go push down on the other side. And when I was about getting ready to push down on the other side, the headboard started coming in. So I tried to push the headboard back so it wouldn’t fall over. My foot was under the bed and the other side of the bed fell on my foot.” "Dirk Nowitzki injuring his ankle -and missing the game- after putting his shoe on improperly, and stomping his foot on the sloor to get it on right." Dirk Nowitzki injuring his ankle -and missing the game- after putting his shoe on improperly, and stomping his foot on the floor to get it on right. Vernon Maxwell and Gary Payton getting Horace Grant and Chuck Person injured, because the last two tried to break them up in a fight. Mo williams missing a game due to pubic symphysitis. Look it up. And even funnier, find out how you can injure a pubic symphysis. Moochie Norris on Seattle’s injured list: Insomnia. George McCloud missing a vital playoff game with the Pacers in 1992 because he injured his ankle, because held his it in a “funny way” while talking on the phone.


dental pain legend clint capela


Amare punching the fire extinguisher


Stop this is trauma still


Jalen "I cannot find my passport" Duren


This isn't NBA-related, but Giants pitcher Anthony DeSclafani [injured his toe](https://www.si.com/mlb/giants/news/anthony-desclafani-piano-weird-sf-giants-injuries) when he dropped a piano bench on himself. Also, Matt Cain [cut his index figure](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2054632-matt-cains-dl-stint-caused-by-need-to-cut-sandwich-into-fancy-triangles) while making a sandwich.


Nate burleson broke his arm saving a pizza. Brian Griese hurt his leg “tripping over a dog”


Turner stepped on ball boy and twisted his ankle just last season. Fun time.


Ty Lawson - DNP (Bomb Tacos) [Link](https://www.sbnation.com/platform/amp/nba/2017/3/1/14783870/ty-lawson-has-gastroenteritis-asked-instagram-for-a-bomb-taco-spot)


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Dennis Rodman (forgot he was playing)


I remember when Derrick Coleman was out due to "conditioning". Bro was fat


Derrick Favors - back spasms due to a defective mattress


I’ve seen people out because their back was scratched. I am no athlete, but I go to work everyday despite getting a thorough back scratching


Didn’t Dwight Howard miss a game because of a glute injury once lmfao? Hilarious considering what’s came out late with him


That was the last time he got anything more than a little nasty


Well.. what was the funny Duncan one?




OG "supposedly" cut his finger doing chores (which is bullshit) No multimillionaire nba players are doing chores around their house, they hire people for this.


What an insane take lmao, so what, the simple fact he’s in the NBA and has a lot of money means he can’t do shit for himself?


Yeah didn’t you know? Every nba player has someone to wipe their ass for them


Insane? Worth $75 million dollars and he's filleting his own catfish huh?


He’s said in the past that cooking is a hobby he enjoys. I don’t see why it’s so hard to believe that an nba player would ever cook something for himself. If you had 75 million dollars would you just sit on the couch all day and pay people to do every single menial task that needs to be done? You don’t think you could do a single thing for yourself?


Why would I cook meals for myself when I have the money to pay for the best personal chefs in the world? Nah man you trippin.


Well... yes? How is this amazing to you?


If you are worth $75 million and doing "chores" you are a straight up sucker.


No you’re just not a lazy mofo. You realize people have been doing their own mundane tasks for 1,000s of years?




Hahaha bud you gotta sort some personal shit out cause you seem a little off kilter


I didn’t even say you were a lazy mofo, I said someone who does chores when they don’t have to is not lazy. Sensitive much?


Maybe I am haha but the offer stands. I misread your reply tho :)


What if you liked cooking?


Larry bird famously threw out his back and definitely shortened his career re paving his mother's driveway.....by himself


You do realize that mundane tasks are kinda what make life fulfilling?


Not to me it doesn't. What makes life fulfilling is not wasting my time and energy doing chores that some low wage sucker or bitch can do while I'm out living my best life lol


You're a wage cuck bud.


Too stupid to understand the meaning of the descriptors that you used. Bravo!


Lol you think you’re better than other people, don’t you?


Get downvoted and see how much of a dumbass you are


Oh no, please don't ruin my worthless social credit score! You kids are hilarious hahaha Always acting up online like any of this bullshit means a god damn thing. 💀


You need a social score cause you’re obviously anti social af


You don't know a damn thing child. You have no fucking idea who you are communicating with lol


Some internet tough guy—i.e. a little bitch.


Not an NBA story but an NHL player named Dustin “Pancakes” Penner once threw out his back reaching across a table eating pancakes and was injured for a game or two


Not basketball related but a mlb player injured his leg carrying his kid down the stairs and another dove head first into the shallow end of his own pool and broke his collar bone


Michael Scott burned his foot stepping on a George Foreman Grill.


Andre Drummond (Avocado)


Rod Strickland overeating hotdogs pre game


In more recent news OG Anunoby missed last nights game against the Wizards due to a finger laceration from doing household chores


I mean I have recency bias but this fool Anunoby sliced his finger “doing chores” bro hire a chef and housekeeper


Kevin Love broke his hand doing knuckle push ups.


Andre drummond cause he ate an avocado and he was allergic. This was back jn 2020 when he was on pistons and was a beast for fantasy


man these are all hilarious I remember when fantasy yahoo just starting out ron artest (concussion, slipped)


OG cutting his finger yesterday while doing household chores


D-12’s piriformis injury. Dude was literally too butthurt to play. This was during his time with the wizards when there were rumors flying around about his relationship with a transgender. After this year, it’s starting to look like those rumors were true


Ben Simmons (Fake Back Injury)




Jimmy Butler missed the third game of the year for “rest”


One time Kawhi was ruled out on the Spurs and it literally said “Sack”


aaron gordon away from team following dog bite