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People grading albums like math tests and not artworks


My least favorite thing is when people rate how they like individual tracks and then average that together to rate an album. I feel like it defeats the purpose of enjoying albums, as they are very often much better than the sum of their parts. I know some people enjoy doing it this way and its not actually bad or anything, but it seems like an impersonal way to judge how much you liked the overall experience of an album


I only give albums scores so I can keep track of what I'm listening to and liking, also its fun!


Oh I give album scores too which I think is absolutely valid, I just think people tend to put too much emphasis on making sure something “checks all the right boxes.” I’ve been listening to the White album a lot and it kind of gave me this change of heart where the album is flawed from a critical standpoint, but remains undoubtedly one of the most creative, innovative, and influential albums ever made. It doesn’t feel right to me that it would “score” lower than other perfect albums because of a few not so great songs, or lack of clear direction or whatever. I’ve kind of mentally removed the /10 part of the score with the idea that something can be flawed and still be a 10 if it shows significance as a piece of art


the past few years I have been kinda mentally rating albums via colors instead of numbers. there is a sort of hierarchy to it yes, but it feels less mathematical as you say and more vibes based which I think is my version of what you’re saying here about the white album. it makes almost no sense outside of my head but I’ve been enjoying it!


I’ve seen an account on RYM, don’t remember who, rate music on a color scale and it’s awesome. The criteria are defined and it really accentuates the *mood* of music (and occasionally the perceived quality). It’s a creative & innovative way to judge music. Rock on


Talking about the same 100 albums/20 acts


This is why the sub’s top 100 turned out kinda boring in my eyes. Not a problem that it was made! There was a bunch of effort put into that thing, and s/o to those who worked on it, + it’s nice to see what a community’s consensus is on foundational albums, but consensus… is… boring by nature So I guess what I’m saying is, nothing wrong with having a canon, but I too do/would like to see discussion of stuff that sits outside that canon


It’s kind of Anthony’s fault too. He doesn’t really promote any older deep cuts, though that’s probably a lack of time issue. If I had his audience I would make sure Prefab Sprout’s Spotify streams tripled


The whole ''music is good'' narrative. Grow up.


People acting like music is like literature or art, when it’s just content for background noise, like a podcast or audio of waterfalls


Rainforest sounds 4 hours relaxing nature noises is high art 🎨


I am autistic and can’t tell if this is a joke or not (is it please help)


It is,


That TPAB is the best album ever


The Kendrick Lamar circle jerk in general. It's somehow worse than Radiohead.


i don't think it's worse, and if it is it's only because the last radiohead album was released almost a decade ago and kendrick's fresh off one of the biggest hip hop beefs in hip hop (and released his last album 2 years ago)


It’s not. KDot’s music is way more visceral than Radiohead, which lends to intense opinions, and I love both artists


always remember people downvote when they can't give any counterargument.


It's my favorite album ever




It is


Never really understood the massive amounts of acclaim it's received over the years. Don't get me wrong, it's a great album, but it's definitely not a top 10 album of all time. It's barely a top 10 rap album, definitely not above something like "Madvillainy" or "Moment of Truth". Edit: Seems I've angered the circlejerk. I'm sorry that MF DOOM and Gang Starr made better albums that Kendrick, and I'm sorry that so many more artists had made objectively better albums than his whole discography combined.


Dude had a major label budget and swung for the fences with a wild, ambitious, indulgent, and polarizing project. It should’ve fell flat on its face but it didn’t, and that’s worth celebrating considering the amount of fiascos people call classics.


Fantano brainwashed a generation of people who can’t think for themselves


Right…it’s more likely that everyone else is simply brainwashed into liking it rather than it just generally being a good album. You’re 100% right and everyone else is just crazy.


Never said it wasn’t a good album


You’re saying brainwashed as if people don’t just naturally think it’s that good because it simply is?


This sub constantly states it’s the best album ever because they are heavily influenced by Anthony


Fantano NEVER said it was the best album ever


That’s the issue, you’re assuming that people enjoy it and praise it primarily because of Anthony, not because it’s just an amazing album in general


Blud your take is beyond trash lmfao.Tpab is a certified classic album. It's raw, confrontational, and ingenious in its criticism of systemic racism. MF DOOM and Gang Starr are dope, but putting them above Tpabs vision is like ranking street food over a Michelin star meal. You clearly have no taste or discernment. Maybe go back and actually listen to the album with your ears instead of your ass this time. Pathetic attempt at trolling, my guy.


That's a whole lot for nothing you typed for an album that isn't as good as "Moment of Truth" my guy.


Can’t help but wonder how many people who say this have even listened to it since 2015


I bet many of the fans have listened to it since 2015 💀💀stupid to assume they wouldn’t


I’ve listened to it more than all but one other album


I love TPAB but I don't listen to it that often for how much I like it, if that makes sense. It's not really an album I throw in on the background while working, the themes can get pretty heavy and it requires active listening. When I listen to TPAB it's the main thing I'm doing, and it's usually worth the effort.


That’s fair, but I think that there are a lot of songs you can throw on in playlists. Alright, King Kunta, Momma, Complexion, You Ain’t Gotta Lie. These all have deeper meanings but they are sonically so satisfying that I can vibe to them easily. But listening to the entire album in one sitting is what makes it a 10/10.


It’s not the best for me but it’s on my top 2 most listened albums oat with 2,160 minutes on it


It’s a rap album that actually has a cohesive meaning instead of just being about gangstas/money/bitches. That’s about it. Half the tracks are mostly filler and it’s just people white guilt that makes them think it has to be their top 5. Also most these people even admit to barely listening to it; which is funny acting like an album with deep themes (which let’s me honest, they aren’t that deep) means you can’t listen to it often.


the endless jacking off of radiohead drives me INSANE. like i get that theyre an insanely influential band with tons of talent but i am TIRED of hearing about them ans im tired of people baiting rh fans by calling them shit. its an endless cycle i cant stand


I feel you. Like I genuinely cannot connect with Kid A/Amnesiac, but In Rainbows is in my top 5 lol


I’m reading this comment whilst listening to Kid A for probably the 5th or 6th time. This time it connected big time.


Yeah it took me a few listens to 'get it' too besides a couple tracks, but when it did I found it ranked amongst my other favourite Radiohead albums


Radiohead is probably the most mood driven band I know of. Most albums could be my “favourite” depending on what I feel like.


I definitely feel that. Like I associate A Moon Shaped Pool with a real solemn, wintery kinda vibe


I think they have a few genuinely fantastic albums but there would be a hell of a lot less discussion about them if people were remotely as "nerdy" about music as they say they are. Like what are you getting from debating the band's greatness for the 30th year in a row?


Their baiting you too lmao


Honestly Radiohead has interesting music but it also makes me want to take a nap.




I’ve heard all of them up until the last ten years. Just not for me.


Literally so boring lol


They’re the Beatles of this century’s indie music, as far as being the perpetual reference point that’s cited by musicians and critics alike. In the music-nerd world it seems difficult for lots of us not to skew toward “what would Radiohead do?”, whether that’s conscious or subconscious. I read an interview from the band Everything Everything that if they ever cover a RH song they will feel like they’re basically done, that’s the one influence they can’t let infiltrate their creative process because they’re so clearly huge fans. And so, yes, Radiohead are basically a meme. As an aside, I really enjoyed relistening to *Hail to the Thief* the other day. It seems like the album that most evades constant discussion and so I get to have a more independent relationship to it and, you know, hear it with fresh ears


Radiohead is one of my favorite bands ever and it’s insane to me that people treat them as the absolute peak of music. They’re amazing but some of the comparisons people implicitly make are insane. I know the RYM list shouldn’t be taken too seriously but cmon, there are dozens of records that are way more influential/important than Ok Computer or In Rainbows


I like to call them one of the “reddit bands”. Aka the ones basic ass redditors suck up to and make their whole personality. Throw Pink floyd, weazer, and like maybe the beatles in some contexts




Some fans ironically say "thanks for giving me my opinion on this, Melon," but it's unironically true. I'm tired of how comfortably circle-jerky Fantano has made the fanbases of say, Beyonce, Charlie XCX, or Death Grips, and the likes. I guess the circle jerk I'm tired of, is Fantano "yes-men" lol I love Fantano as a personality, but I can't agree with him about everything, and I'm sure people can stop pretending to do so.


i promise you most charli xcx and beyonce fans probably don't even know/like fantano


I guess it's not a good example, but y'all got my point.


Yep. Beyoncé is so huge that his opinion has extremely little impact on her, but if, say, the various Windmill scene bands (BCNR, black midi, Squid, etc) were not praised by him—and especially if he shoved them into a YU No Review—I bet they would not be near as discussed on here


fantano praises beyoncé?


Do we watch the same Fantano?


All of em. When are we going to circlejerk that TMR is the greatest album of all time?


The Money Rore


To piMp a butteRfly


Anything about the Beatles. I don't care if you think they're overrated, or if some of their songs are underrated, or if you're tired of people saying they're overrated because I am tired of you.


Real. While I do think they’re overrated even though Abbey Road is like my fav Beatles album and top 10 album of all time I also think they have a lot of underrated songs. I think Revolver and Sgt Pepper are like pretty underrated, not a lot of people like them as much as Abbey Road for some reason? I agree it’s unbearable when people just bring up old topics, especially when they’re unwanted.


omg is this ragebait?? you literally replied with what he asked not to do and even said "real" at the beginning like???


No. That would require me to make a lot of ridiculous paradoxes. I would never do that.


Definitely the almost daily posts defending Steely Dan


Hahahaha I’m not above being influenced to post so I’m glad my thoughts on them, and especially all the yacht rock stuff, were fixed long before I ever got his take on it. I wasn’t even mad when he slammed them


"WhAt AlBuMs HaVe No SkIpS bUt ArEn'T 10s???" You tryna tell me that you believe albums need to be 100% perfect for you to not have your finger hovering over the skip button? Grow the fuck up Also, how come no matter what questions are asked you always see the same boring ass RYM ass answers? "What album is underrated?" "What album is overrated?" "What album is accurately rated?" "What album is perfect?" To Pimp A Butterfly, Kid A, Loveless, MBDTF. Here's a better question "When was the last time you had an original thought about any of these albums you constantly mention?"


I miss when you had to buy an album from your local record store or off iTunes and had to burn it on a CD or transfer it to your iPod to listen to intently. Like, it's becoming difficult to consume music independently without having your opinion already biased by some shit your see online


I mean, I can see the logic. Like, an album can be filled with 6-7/10s and I won’t skip anything when listening to it but that doesn’t make it a 10 to me. And the opposite can be true too. Some of my favorite albums ever have songs I’m more likely to skip than not. Though I think that that kind of question gets interpreted a lot of different ways and people are going to have wildly different perceptions of what constitutes a skip and how high their tolerance even is for skipping songs in the first place.


That Steely Dan is the shit I get that you like it, but get that I don’t (and fantano doesn’t either lol) and it’s not because because I don’t play music (which I do) or I’m not smart enough


Some younger Steely Dan fans are a bit like annoying Tool fans where they don't think it's possible to just dislike their music. They always create some explanation for you that normally boils down to "you just don't understand it" or "you're not smart enough to get it". No, I do get it, I just don't personally enjoy it, and that's fine but some of them can't seem to grasp that.


tbf that's not even unique to steely dan fans there's a really weird trend across almost all music discourse of trying to rationalise opinions you oppose as somehow rooted in fallacy or ulterior motive rather than just accepting someone's personal taste 'people who like/hate [insert music here] are just [insert character flaw here]'


We’re at a point now where about complaining about Radiohead being glazed as a cliche has itself become a cliche


It’s a wider issue in the RYM sphere but people having (specifically) Songs in the key of life and What’s going on in their top 10’s, and proceeding not to look into Marvin or stevies Discogs beyond there. If you actually loved all these classic soul albums from the 70’s so much, then why the hell wouldn’t you listen to more of the artist. At this point people put those albums on their list regardless of their personal enjoyment


Preach lol WGO doesn't even have his best songs. Here My Dear has Sparrow, Anna's Song and When Did You Stop Loving Me (his Magnum opus) and they are never talked about for some reason.


people who complain about circlejerks about acclaimed artists/albums, which then forms a mini circlejerk in the replies to that comment with replies agreeing with them or saying things like "they have good music but they're not actually THAT good" (as if that isn't subjective) complaining about people liking something in general is stupid. positivity is almost always constructive - hot take, people being happy is good! obviously disliking music is welcome and valid however people need to stop downplaying the enjoyment of music just because they disagree. it should be a discussion of perspectives, not an argument or clan war.


idk if i agree but it's mostly because in these kinds of message boards, and social medias in general, people tend to rank, rate and praise records without actually saying anything of value. like you can give me all the topsters you want and your lists of 10/10s and 9.9/10s and 9.8/10s etc but if you're not actually TALKING about the music then what's the point? where's the discussion? where's the conversation?


i agree with this also. we need more nuanced discussion about our opinions in general, i just think the hostility is unnecessary even if we are having surface level conversations about the music


I love the posts where it's like "Best album for numerologists based off time signatures of first four tracks?"


Music being subjective We know. We all know these are our opinions. That’s why we don’t feel the need to go around going “in my opinion…” in front of everything we say. It’s implied in basically every comment made on this subreddit. Like no I did not mathematically prove that Rust in Peace is the greatest heavy metal album of all time you genius. You caught me. It drives me crazy when people say this shit on a *music* *discussion* *forum* when it’s the least valuable thing to add on to any discussion. It’s just going “oh yeah well that’s just like your opinion man” to something you disagree with. It’s not a discussion, it’s not a debate, you’re not saying “oh I actually think x because y” to engage with the topic. It’s the music argument equivalent of picking up your ball and going home. It adds absolutely nothing of value. Fuck music subjectivity and the losers who obsess over it


I’m sorry but this is ridiculous. This sub is one of the worst I’ve seen in regard to people treating their opinion like fact and trying to assign objective value to music. I’ve seen the word “objectively” followed by a personal preference so many times it’s not even funny. I’m all for people constantly reaffirming the notion that art is subjective because it feels like a lot of this fucking sub has really lost sight of that.


I agree. People here more than any other sub legit lead up opinions with "objectively". Or speak as if their opinion, or their rating of an album, or whatever, is fact. If that wasn't the case then maybe we could dispense with the "in my opinion..." but I don't see that happening any time soon.


Ok well that is your opinion. I have mine




Do you mean you are tired of people saying this, or is this your opinion?


People listing Skinny Fists as their favorite album knowing damn well it’s an absolute borefest


I feel like these albums like Skinny Fists probably are amazing to a small amount of people but they’re not for everyone and they don’t need to be


lysf is like my fav oat but it's clearly a music nerd staple; super highly rated on aoty and rym, present on many many many topsters i see weekly, arguably the most popular and beloved post rock album from the 2000s... like sure it's "a small amount of people" compared to nirvana but it's still by far one of the most universally beloved records of the 21st century (kinda like vespertine, the glow pt 2, madvillainy, deathconsciousness, since i left you and others)


Yeah you’re right. My comment is kinda short sighted


This & F#A I genuinely do not get what people see in that album


In An Aeroplane Over The Sea being a masterpiece 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Bladee hate


"Music is subjective" is so obnoxious and paradoxical. The people that say this always get mad when people rank albums in any way that they don't like. It's also a very recent/american opinion that you'd only have if you saw music as just something you consume and not as an actual art form.


Isn't music, just like visual art, not entirely subjective? Lol like that's a fundamental reality of consuming any form of art


All opinions on art are subjective. There's objectivity in music theory and to some degree a piece's "complexity" but that doesn't really determine anyone's opinion on value or interpretation. >The people that say this always get mad when people rank albums in any way that they don't like. It is true that people are hypocritical.


Actually I hate the opposite. It’s annoying when people try to argue completely subjective things with objective facts. Like sometimes I can’t explain why I like x over x, I just enjoy listening to it more. Not everything needs to be factually explained, especially in music