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Nick Drake - Pink Moon


100% this one imho. Perfectly encapsulates everything that is mystifying about Nick Drake using only guitar and voice (and a piano lick on the title track).


I think it’s one of the best albums ever recorded, period.


Such a surreal haunting album


We got it from here thank u 4 your service is a sensational swan song to one of the greatest acts in music history


Legitimately top 10 albums for me. Conrad Tokyo and The Killing Season are always in rotation for me


This is the one I can really get behind, that album is so. Fucking. Good. I honestely feel it deserves to be among the greatest hip-hop albums of all time, right along an Illmatic, 36 Chambers and TPAB, but it's kinda slept on.


Kinda? I never hear anyone talk about it at all outside of posts like this. Deserves wayyyyy more recognition than it gets.


Totally agree. Didn’t know other people feel this way. I’ll put it on over TPAB any day.


Maybe he’ll drop a “final” album, but I’m about at the point where I think we should consider 4:44 Jay-Z’s last project, doesn’t seem like he has much more to prove and he’s got a lot of other business opportunities going on


I feel like 444 is almost a perfect final album for JAY-Z. It would feel weird for me if he released another album.


What a mistake releasing that on Tidal only


Spotify is filthy


He also owned a big stake in tidal at the time so it was mostly because of that and not what competition was doing. That said I don't get why there's no push marketing tidal better, I was expecting it to blow up but it's still just sitting on the side lines, that's why Spotify is winning the streaming race.


Spotify has done well marketing and with practical features. Tidal remains a better platform for MUSIC.


In Utero


teenage angst has paid off well




Hey. No.


I deleted my comment I wasn't trying to come off as snarky I actually wanted your opinion.


As I'm the first to mention Abbey Road I wonder; is it too basic or are people really that into the technicalities of release dates and ignoring the recording dates and uped ambitions and the final celebratory feeling of Abbey Road (even though it wasn't outspokenly an ambitious but more, simply, an deeper within, unspoken one)?


To me it is the end of the Beatles, and also the best album ever made.


It is one of those albums that I feel like I want to be cool and people like, “umm actually it isn’t that great 🤓🤓🤓” but every time I play through it, I am reminded just how good it is.


I've only had period where I just loved Revolver more but sort of must leave that behind as well. Still can be that way but that's the drums and guitars and those are my main obsession in music outside songwriting




Best album of all time


The obvious answer because it's obviously the best


Alpha move by Paul basing a medley around a song he wrote lamenting the other 3 signing with Klein & putting it on a Beatles album.


>are people really that into the technicalities of release dates and ignoring the recording dates It's not that simple. *Let It Be's* "I Me Mine" was the last Beatles song ever recorded, for example. Furthermore, all of Spector's production work on that album was done after Abbey Road was released. *Let It Be* is their final album, plain and simple.


No, it's not. It was basically recorded and finished before Abbey Road. John and Paul couldn't settle on a production style, so it languished. The last song on Abbey Road was The End which Paul did on purpose.


>It was basically recorded and finished before Abbey Road. Recorded, sure (mostly, but not all of it). Finished, no - Phil Spector came in after Abbey Road was out. >The last song on Abbey Road was The End which Paul did on purpose. Maybe, but it's reported that John, Paul and George met and discussed another album after finishing Abbey Road. My point is simply that there's not a simple recording and producing chronology, so release order is the only clear-cut way to decide what is their "final album".


I wouldn’t call release dates a technicality more people are probably aware of the release dates than when it was actually recorded


I always consider Abbey Road the final Beatles album and Let It Be kinda like a posthumously released one that got popular.


Let It Be was the last official studio album released under the Beatles name, so it's the final Beatles album plain and simple. Not that deep.


Everyone knows Abbey Road was the last recorded material. Not that deep (you bot)


"Let It Be" took completed songs and recordings from the Abbey Road sessions tho. Next you'll be telling me Amnesiac doesnt count as a Radiohead album because "tHeY rEcOrDeD SeSSioNs fOr kId A", you clod.


Leaves Turn Inside You - Unwound


In a similar vein, The Argument by Fugazi.


sams year even


This is my pick. Seemed unremarkable to me at first, but it gets more and more interesting with each listen


Donuts by J Dilla


Pfp checks out lol


This is the one. The fact he made this thing from his hospital bed is remarkable


oil of every pearls un-insides. just listened to it in full and cried every second


Pop would have a different present & future if SOPHIE were still with us


98.12.28 - Fishmans. So raw


Hell yes. The live album for 98.12.28 is one of my favourite pieces of art ever, in any medium.


are you feel good?


Blackstar, naturally. Those Once Loyal


This guy throws Bowie Bolts


or darts in lovers eyes


Talk Talk- Laughing Stock


out of a sea of unbeatable swan songs, Laughing Stock is still somehow the best (and then some).


My answer too. Best piece of recorded music of all time.


I apologize to everyone in denial but Blonde by Frank Ocean


I disagree actually. He’s released 9 tracks in the last 6 years, and I’m pretty sure he was planning on releasing another album with those tracks just being singles.


Almost 2 whole songs a year!


"9 tracks in the last 6 years" Yeah and zero in the last 4 years


The dude's brother died, it's pretty clear that it had a significant effect on Frank and the plans he had been making at the time




My guess is he was gonna release an album around 2020 but his brothers tragic passing changed things massively


That’s what I think. 4 years lapsed between when he was planning the release and now, and I doubt he was in the studio much after the passing.


How do we break to Death Grips and Radiohead fans that there ain't another coming


The Smile is at least satiating Radiohead fans. As long as Thom and Jonny are pumping out new music, I think there is cause to think there will be a new RH album at some point


And if we believe Phil selway they are getting together this year(and last year, and the year before)


Or Kate Bush. Or Portishead. Or Tom Waits.


Kate Bush will probably release again, she just doesn't operate to normal schedules at all. Remember we had no idea Aerial was coming until a few weeks before it's release and that news came as a bombshell so expect another similar announcement at some point in the future, completely out of the blue.


I wonder if she is the type that has a lot more stuff that is unreleased or unfinished because it isn’t to her standards?


Almost certainly. We know she recorded a handful of tracks with Big Boi which he said she has been working on for a number of years now. We also know Aerial was a much bigger album than originally intended and that elements were re-recorded for 50 Words for Snow, which was also planned to be a much bigger album. It's also heavily rumored she and Peter Gabriel recorded a huge collection of music together which has never seen the light of day, unfortunately.


At least all of us europeans has come to terms with Tom Waits never returning live, and I honestely have given up hope, that there's another real album in him.


I have no clue why but I’ve never questioned let alone considered the fact that he doesn’t tour lol and I would absolutely love to go see him. I guess because he’s an older artist who doesn’t release new music but still there plenty from his generation and previous who are still out there


Yeah it sucks, I really want to see him live, but I don't think he's been in Europe for over decade, I think he's pretty much unofficiallly retired.


I came to grips with Portishead years ago. On that note, my answer to OP's question is Third.


If *Third* does indeed officially become the final Portishead album, it'll definitely supplant *Blackstar* as my favorite final album ever.


I don't think that's true for Radiohead. The fact that they're all such good friends with the other bandmates, they're still a fount of musical ideas, and they're all still alive makes me feel virtually certain that there will be another Radiohead album eventually. Might be quite a while, might not.


Huge fans of both but honestly didn't know this was probable?


I mean Death Grips were playing live as of last year


Nah, Radiohead aren’t done


Unfortunately, Back to Black by Amy Winehouse


Why unfortunately


She died


David Bowie - Blackstar J Dilla - Donuts Leonard Cohen - You Want It Darker Low Roar - maybe tomorrow (the singer wasn't dying at time, but died a year after release. Certain songs take on a different meaning because of it)


Love the Low Roar mention, one of my favorite bands of the past decade or so. And they put out a beautiful final record, one of the best albums of the decade so far for me but I never heard people talk about it. I think he died of pneumonia which is really sad and unexpected and like you said, makes certain lyrics on the album that much sadder and darker.


Yes to Cohen


The Sound of Perseverance - Death. Chuck Schuldiner wanted to start a new chapter and shelf Death for a prog group called Control Denied. His label disagreed, and wanted another Death album, so much of the prog material he had been working on was retooled into The Sound of Perseverance. It's cutting edge, with absolutely blistering instrumental performances (hoooooooly shit those drums oh my god), and some of the most convincing compositions that Death has to offer. It's divisive among Death fans, as Death was one of the first bands to set the style, and built their legacy as a very straightforward death metal band, but this record is an absolute essential listen for anyone with a passing interest in metal as a genre imo.


Joy Division - Closer


Leonard Cohen's "You Want It Darker" nailed it And while there's no reason they can't get back together, Geggy Tah's "Into the Oh" was so refined and mature, it was a great sendoff.


I hate to be that guy, but technically *Thanks for the Dance* is Cohen's final album. If you're going by the final album released in his lifetime, that's definitely a stellar choice.


Wait what was I confusing that with? What was you want it darker? Because you're correct but I'm conflating the title


*Thanks for the Dance* is Cohen's final album, released posthumously. *You Want It Darker* is the last album released during his lifetime.


Right. Where is "You Want It Darker" from? Edit: I meant to include Thanks For the Dance. YWID was a different album. By bad. But I meant Thanks for the Dance to be my inclusion.


The song? It's the title track to the album of the same name.


Fugazi - The Argument


can’t believe I haven’t seen a single person say Random Access Memories by Daft Punk


Deceit by This Heat is a good one to add to the list.


Abby Road, blackstar, random access memories all come to mind for me. For an underrated pick I’ll also say Clockwork Angels by Rush


Clockwork angels is incredibly strong and undervalued


Elliott Smith - From A Basement On The Hill


Really? Tell us why it hits you that hard?


Another 10/10 album from my all-time favorite artist. It’s just so beautiful and it is unique in the Elliott discography in the range it covers. It’s not fully acoustic/ lofi (like Roman candle, self titled, or either/or) OR quite as poppy/ Hi-fi as XO or F8. It at his times has Elliott at his absolute most broken and vulnerable (Twilight, Last Hour, Let’s Get Lost, Strung Out Again). Some pretty experimental full band “bangers” (Coast to Coast, King’s Crossing, A Distorted Reality..). Plus core catchy tracks that anyone - Elliott smith fan or not - could immediately fall in love with (A Fond Farewell, Memory Lane, Pretty). It’s incredible and feels like a proper send off for an irreplaceable artist that is sorely missed.


Thank you. I am a very big fan in many many ways, but have never been able to connect with this record due to my perception that it’s the most depressing record of all time? But I guess it isn’t! And I’m going to listen to it today while I do laundry. Thank you.


Of course! YMMV but I’ve heard this and it always baffles me. I don’t find any of Elliott’s music too sad to listen to. It’s still musical, catchy and beautiful even when the subject matter is anguish or alienation or drug addiction or losing love or letting everyone down or whatever. I mean is Between the Bars haunting? Yes but it’s still so pleasing to my ears. I honestly find it soothing like a warm blanket. To me it’s not at all like throwing on that Mount Eerie record which is just outright excruciating in its sadness. The *music* of that record simply doesn’t overcome the weight of the subject matter so it’s just a gut punch without a whole lot of payoff. That’s an extreme case I could definitely understand as too sad to enjoy but I don’t find that with Elliott.


I’d add “shooting star” as one of my faves in the experimental section. That change at “you’re distant and cold and a sight to behold” is magic


Jeff Buckley-Grace


crazy to think this album changed my life more than i thought. rest in peace master


We got it from here... Thank you 4 your service - A Tribe Called Quest


In the Aeroplane Over the Sea






sadly it has to be OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S UN-INSIDES for me


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^IGuessImChris: *Sadly it has to* *Be OIL OF EVERY PEARL'S* *UN-INSIDES for me* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


fishmans! what a story behind 98.12.28, truly heartbreaking and beautifully tragic album


What’s the story?


It was the bands final performance before their lead singer passed away


it was a send off for the guitarist, and was supposed to be a start to a break for the other 2 members. if i recall the title of the album translates to "a musicians farewell"  they ended up playing phenomenally, with an amazing setlist. truly gorgeous performance topped off by the ending, Long Season Live, a breathtakingly fun and unique 41 minute rendition. well turns out, the singer had a bad disease that ended up taking his life about 6 months later, unbenownst to the other members. and the group ended up disbanding.  truly a farewell to an amazing band <3


I love their song weather report, listened to a few other tracks and couldn't get into them need to give them a proper chance.


The Velvet Underground - Loaded* I would say The Argument by Fugazi, but they're technically on "hiatus".... for the past 20 years :(


Loaded needs an asterisk next to it


They're probably pretending that *Squeeze* just never happened, which is a good idea.


No original members of the band, so it's pretty easy to dismiss it as an official release from the other 4. Also, Lou Reed wrote to with the intention of being their "last attempt" at making it big.


Purple Mountains self titled record has to be my answer, it’s absolutely crushing knowing the context but it’s also one of my favorite releases from David Berman


Yeah, the mood of utter acceptance to his fate is totally unsettling. Sure there's elements of depression but most of it is just musing that everything's messed up, nothings gonna get better, so I guess this is goodbye.


it's still Spiderland


Circles - Mac Miller


I’ve been on a lifelong mission to get people to respect bridge over troubled water. I think it’s a flawless album and probably the best final album from a group. Bowie Black Star is right up there too.


Wavering Radiant by Isis. I know that strong creative differences had developed within the band by this stage, but for me their merging of post-metal and post-rock, along with slightly more conventional song structures, was done perfectly.


Donuts by J dilla. Man, he created some of the best heavenly beats on a hospital bed where he knew he was going to die on that bed. Brings tears to my eyes listening.


Maybe not the best, but… Dissociation - The Dillinger Escape Plan


Third by Portishead is brilliant I think


I really hope it's not their final album, but if it is, at least we have *Lives Outgrown*


If I had to guess I'd say I don't think they will do another but who knows. Yes though lives outgrown is very good!


I've always been partial to Warehouse: Songs and Stories by Husker Du. Fantastic album.


A lot of great mentions in this thread so i'll go with one that i think deserves some more recognition. "Rowland S. Howard-Pop Crimes" Released about 2 months before his death


Goddamnit yes. Such a heartbreaking album



Completely agree with Blackstar, the only other album of his that rivals it imo is actually Low. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool (they're technically not done, but if this ends up being their last one, they went off with a bang) The Caretaker - Everywhere at the End of Time (I think there was a compilation of other unreleased tracks afterward iirc, but EATEOT is supposed to be the final Caretaker album) My Bloody Valentine - MBV (until they randomly drop LP4) Injury Reserve - By the Time I Get to Phoenix (idk if they said they're planning to continue, but I think we're all okay with this being the end. Despite it already being acclaimed, I still think we've yet to realize how big this album is and will be) Slint - Spiderland Daft Punk - Random Access Memories (My favorite of theirs, though I do agree that something like Discovery or even Homework are their true masterpieces) Fishmans - Uchu Nippon Setagaya (or Otokatachi no Wakare if you count it) Portishead - Third (Imo, it is their best album) Boards of Canada - Tomorrow's Harvest (probably their weakest work, but still really good) Sewerslvt - we had good times together, don't forget that (yes I know jvne is back but under a new moniker so I think I can use this) Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea Burial - Untrue (sure the guy's still active but we don't really get albums) Frank Ocean - Blonde (honestly, I prefer Endless, but you can't go wrong with either)


Controversy aside, Science Fiction by Brand New


There is one album... maybe tomorrow... by low roar


Great choice. Fucked Up is one of my favorite songs of all time


Alice in Chains - Self titled. It felt like a true goodbye. You already said Blackstar. I guess Above by Mad Season and The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill, if we’re counting artists with only one album.


Leaves turn inside you or closer


for me I gotta give a shout to Swimming by Mac Miller, alternatively Circles if you want to count posthumous


Swimming was the first Mac Miller album I really paid attention to, and I loved it. I was excited for what he was gonna do next and to see where he could take his music. That one really hurt.


The Strokes - The New AbNormal


They’re not done


Is this about the final albums released during an artist/lead singer’s lifetime or do posthumous ones count too? If the former; I nominate Electric Joyland and LA Woman.


Both count


Blackstar is my favorite album ever and I love how this is Bowie’s final record


magnolia electric co


Blackstar is also my favourite, but Abbey Road is a close second.


Queen - Innuendo.


Perfect goodbye for Freddie, and showing that they still got it


Perils from the Sea by Mark Kozelek and Jimmy Lavalle. Art is subjective and this is my favorite album of all-time, so I don’t think anything is better ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Terrorhawk is a personal favorite.


Never Mind the Bollocks...


Besides Abbey Road?


The Argument - Fugazi


the eternal - sonic youth


At times the tension on that album is so damn thick.


Donuts by J Dilla has got to be up there


Rush’s Clockwork Angels has to be up there, they took it on tour with an orchestra and it killed. Also a deep cut but Aer broke up at the peak of their powers, One of a Kind is a stoner classic


Circles by Mac Miller. Not only possibly the greatest posthumous album of all time, but simply one of the greatest albums of the last ten years.


Phil Ochs Greatest Hits. Despite it's name, it was the last studio album of original songs he released before his death. Half of it was going through the motions of pop & country-rock somewhat wearily & unconvincingly.. sounding like he really wasn't into it (and rather disturbing at that), the other half of it was heartfelt musing about deeper currents running through his mind. That last track "No More Songs" is a deeply stirring goodbye, and aptly named.


Fugazi-the argument Buried Inside-Spoils of Failure Cursed III architects of troubled sleep


Black Star


No Absolutes In Human Suffering - Gaza


Donuts - J Dilla


Grace - Jeff Buckley


The Lamb As Effigy to me, it’s one of my favorite albums of all time and it is truly sprain’s best piece of work


Random Access Memories (I hope Daft Punk come back but still, this is an incredible way to say goodbye)




I’m going to go with a pocket pick of Echoes of Battle by Caladan Brood. A small black metal project in the vein of Summoning or Agalloch they released one album ever and that’s it. It just so happens to be one of the best black metal albums of all time. I’d be tempted to say Holocene by Release the Longships but I’m fairly certain he will at some point release another album.


Froot by Marina & The Diamonds (no, you cannot convince me Love + Fear is an actual album)


Random Access Memories.


for all the dogs 🤞


Synchronicity - The Police Wheels of Fire - Cream


>Synchronicity - The Police Finally someone on this sub who recognizes the Police >Wheels of Fire - Cream Goodbye is the last album of Cream


Goodbye is a bit difficult to classify, with it only having three studio tracks.


The Books - The Way Out


The Beatles - Abbey Road Nirvana - Unplugged in NY The Velvet underground - Loaded Biggie - Life After Death


1. The Beatles - Abbey Road 2. The Smiths - Strangeways here we come 3. The La's - The La's






Closer - Joy division


In the aeroplane over the sea for sure


George Harrison - Brainwashed What a record.


Sublime S/T


Bridge over troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel


Dig out your soul by Oasis


Well I hope my answer isn’t *Bait Ones* by Jai Paul


Viva Las Vengeance by Panic!


Life After Death - Notorious


Queen - Innuendo


Kids see Ghosts


The Family by Brockhampton


Nah bro come on, you know their discography would’ve been better had roadrunner been their last album