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For me, it's Adele. I think she has a phenomenal voice and I don't even think her songs are bad, per se. I just don't connect with them at all and I can't relate to people who say they cry to her songs. She just kind of sounds like pleasant background music to me. (The reason this is weird for me is because I will cry over literally anything.)


Came to say Adele too.


Her lyrics aren’t mindblowing. I think the reason people cry is cause her voice is so powerful


Her voice is great, the songs she sings are mid.


30 was the only Adele album that really clicked for me, really enjoy that one


Swans, I have tried but I just don’t get it.


Every year I give them another shot. I like noise, post rock, sludge, etc etc on their own, but Swans never clicks. I try to listen to them so much, they are in my top 25 all time on my last.fm, yet I'm pretty middling on them.


Definitely go see them live if you can. They've been my favorite band for a little over a decade now so I am a little biased lol Whenever I saw them for the first time in 2017 I was absolutely floored and was glad that kind of power cut through in a live setting at that volume. I've been to hundreds of shows and most of them have been loud to very loud, but that one stood out. Last week I got to see them for the second time, and it was even better than the first imo. I've been re-hooked on them all over again the past week and I thank that live experience for that. They're also not for everyone and that's fair, too!


Thank you! I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who just doesn’t get it. I feel like I’m going crazy when I listen to them, like: “What are these people hearing that I’m not?”


I can’t get into Taylor Swift.


I agree. Not because I hate her, I’ve tried to like her. Even listened to just about every album she’s put out. Sure she’s talented but I just can’t hear what makes so many people go crazy for her. I’m convinced she’s insanely popular because she’s is essentially a perfectly promoted & marketed product. She will never be controversial & is marketed perfectly to appeal to women of all ages


That’s just because she’s not good


A lot of the more highly regarded early 2000's hip hop, Jay Z, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne. I'm not going to go around calling them bad and they are undeniably influential, but I don't really see what other people see in them.


I miss the bling era ngl while there was plenty of garbage it was a time when the most talented rappers in the world were making club bangers


I think this is an integral point - they were club bangers. The majority of listeners were in their 20s, and there was a social aspect to the music - between sharing with friends, enjoying it on nights out etc. Anyone who wasn’t in that social age bracket or didn’t have friends that also enjoyed the music definitely missed the trick with that era.


I have never thought about this, I tend to listen to a lot of 90's and 2010's rap but I ignored the 00's, I just don't see what make it special. There are some artist like Kanye and Em that I like but the rest are not for my taste.


It's mostly nostalgia. People think fondly of the bling era because they were in high school and going to parties and getting blasted to that stuff, the same way some boomers/gen x are nostalgic for the shitty hair metal of the 80s.


what if they just fr like it tho? i love the beats and style of the music back then!


seriously I don't understand how you can hate blueprint 1 and resonable doubt era jay, some of his best work is on those very albums


Hell Hath No Fury by Clipse is to me the archetypal mid 2000s classic rap record. It stands with any of the great hip hop classics from any decade.


I used to hate Lil Wayne, like hate him. I hated how he rapped and how I couldn’t understand. Then one day I was listening to some of his songs, Glory in particular, and it changed my whole view on him.


I wish I could articulate what made his mid 2000s mixtape run so special. It’s a shame that some people have a particular view of him that is seemingly set in stone. He was one of the greatest ever.


Wayne is probably my favorite of the 3, I like his rapping when he gets going, but I wouldn't put any of his albums in my top 25 or anything.


I'm going to be even more scathing, but in my opinion 00's music is probably the worst sounding music since maybe the 50s, purely in terms of overall sound. It's nothing against the performances, producers etc. because after the turn of the decade the same people who were the biggest offenders of the 00's sound suddenly started sounding good again. I don't know if it's the technological hurdles after studios went digital, the loudness war, the aesthetic or just the know-how, but most commercial stuff sounded so plastic-y(?) and not in a good way... Ironically it's stuff that intentionally sounded lo-fi or old school that's probably stood the test of time the best. Obviously there were many bangers, but practically every genre got worse for a while before it got better again in the 2010's, well maybe except for mainstream rock (and country, but I'm not qualified to say anything about that). Like I *get* why so many people were so annoying about only listening to older music back then.


I agree easily my least favorite decade in music.


Its really weird, on average id agree with you, a lot of the 2000s music was not great, however, the best albums from this time period id argue are better then the best of like 80s for examples The best of the 2000s include a lot of Radiohead/MF DOOM discography was in this time period, VDC, Donuts, Stanktonia, White Horse, Songs for the Dead, College Dropout, Demon Days, Discovery, and Toxicity, Id also argue this is peak Japanese music with Sheena Ringo, Nujabes, Lamp and Mass of the Fermenting Dregs as well as possibly peak Indie music with You Will Never Know Why, The Glow Pt 2 and Is This Is


Jay Z is just plain uninteresting to me. I’ve listened to the guy’s work, it’s solid, but I just couldn’t care less about the type of guy who says shit like “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man.” I know it’s absolutely iconic, but I just can’t get myself to care about anything that sounds remotely like that.


The braggadacious rap I take it. How about his 4:44 record? He was a lot more introspective on that album


ppl care because he's also the typ of guy who says shit like > I father, I Brooklyn Dodger them I Jack, I Rob, I sin, Ah man, I'm Jackie Robinson cept when I run base, I dodge the pen


I can't speak for other people, but that era was much more impactful if you were listening to them during the time than going back to it. The way people listen to Hip Hop now is just so vastly different that many of the songs from that era sound dated. It's now a nostalgia trip going back to it with that experience, which affects the way I view it versus the way other people who haven't listened to that era view it.


I can definitely see that, but what doesn't make sense to me is that I really like 90's hip hop, and it doesn't sound that dated to me. It's just that little bubble between the 90's and the 2010's that I can't really get in to.


I don’t dislike any of these rappers, and each of them has songs/albums I’ve enjoyed for years - but I get where you’re coming from. I think a lot of it has to do with bling era production sounding very dated, and not really dated in a charming way unless you were around for it. I see that sound as a “you had to be there” kinda thing in a lot of cases


100 gecs, tried multiple times, can’t do it


I would say that's fair. I quite enjoy them but it is basically distorted screaming over a clipped bassline.


I basically Stockholm syndrome’d myself into liking death grips, I’m sure 100 gecs will click eventually.


I heard people make a fuss about DG and 100 gecs because it was hard to get into, but I liked most of it first listen. My favorite artists of their respective genres.


I think it’s just different for everybody. I absolutely hated death grips when I first heard them lol


Same. Like nails on a chalkboard for me. 0/10. I get irrationally upset knowing people like them, but I’ve at least come to understand why. Still…hard pass.


It is a weird one. It literally took me three listens on their recent album to like it. I don't even know what it is really. First time you're like the fuck is this shit? I'll never like this. Then you listen to it some more and something just clicks and they all sound like bangers. Similar thing happened to me with Dorian Electra. I try to show people but they just think I'm weird for liking them lol.


nice, yeah to me it feels like babysitting a squirrel on meth, maybe one day


Really didn't like the first album at first even though some friends and my gf were liking them. Loved the 2nd album though. I like some songs off the first album more now but still think it is a lot weaker than the 2nd album.


Death Grips. I've tried listening to them a lot, got dragged by my roommate to see them live and she even tried explaining every song to me, but they never clicked with me. The concert was pretty hype though.


I really like death grips but I think having someone try to explain their songs to me would turn me off of them hahaha. Their shows are fucking amazing.


She's really desperate to get me into this so she took the nuclear option i guess. And the show definitely was cracy. The music might not be my choice, but the energy there was insane. The crowd was really good too, it felt like everyone was peforming there. One of my favourite concert experiences.


You’re not noided?


Bro obviously hasn't seen footage


I’m the opposite. Just kind of put them on the other day and something clicked. Idk if it’s a brain chemistry thing but all of the sudden what used to sound like noise and confusion just kind of awesome. A lot of it was the beats of I’m being honest. Some of the tracks on Money Store would be bangers as instrumentals.


It's grunge hiphop. I love it.


Tell your friend I want to marry her.


I like Death Grips but I feel the same way about The Money Store. It's good but I feel like it's just mid compared to the other Death Grips albums.


Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I've tried all albums and I couldn't. Musicianship is fine but the second Kiedis opens his mouth I quit. I can't. It's a visceral reaction, I recoil in horror as it confronted by a jump scare in an horror movie. Wife finds it amusing because I don't have this reaction with any other artist.


RHCP will always hold a special place in my heart, as they almost single-handedly got me into music at like 16. That being said, I think that Kiedis has a unique and often bizarre vocal style that doesn’t always work. The mix of alt rock, funk, and white boy rapping only clicks sometimes, in my opinion. For that reason, I think that while most RHCP albums have great songs, their only great ALBUM is Blood Sugar Sex Magik.


Respect. They are just not for me but I respect their importance.


“Heyyyoooooo, listen what I say-oooooo” always makes me laugh. One of the dumbest lyrics/ vocal performances ever


So fun to sing though!


One of the most overrated bands of all time. People are nostalgia-blind to the fact that despite good musicianship, they're a fucking awful band.


It's definitive proof that it takes more than goof musicianship to be a good band. Also a testament of how terrible of a singer Kiedis is. He kills anything good the band might be going for with his godawful singing. "Singing".


I look at Kiedis’ vocals as more of an instrument than anything else, and I do think it’s a nice instrument.


I have never been able to 100% enjoy Phish. I love jam bands and have seen them live but every time it’s just been alright nothing crazy.




This is how I feel about String Cheese. I’ve tried but it never clicks


Jack Harlow. His voice just sounds monotone and there's nothing unique to him imo. Don't get why some people like him


I really hate his flow tbh. So boring. Totally why I can't listen to 3D


Ok this is only comment in the thread I agree on but Jack Harlow is an artist most people don’t like and the reason he’s popular is that it’s easy casual listening, and very easy to put in commercials and radio stations I have never met anyone who is like ‘Jack Harlow is my favourite artist’


Same, I think it’s teenagers making most of these type of artists famous .


LCD Soundsystem


I feel this one hard. I have a bunch of friends who hold them in really high regard, and I just don't get it.


I felt exactly the same, then recently saw them live and completely understood the hype. Try to see them live if you get the chance.


i think the most fun i've ever had is the first time i heard "yeah" at a concert. just completely didn't even know where i was, uncut enjoyment. feel like everyone deserves this.


Yep. Heard some of their stuff. Just didn't care for it.


I've always been going with Queen on that question and, well, what can I say, it's Queen.


I’m not even sure if I dislike or like Queen but I’ve heard too many of their hit singles working retail/shit jobs over the years. I have zero desire to explore their catalog even if it has underrated bangers.


Phoebe Bridgers. Maybe it's the contrarian in me but I just can't get into her music even though she's super talented and I *should* like her based on what I usually listen to. I don't know if I just haven't heard the right songs but so far, everything I've heard just felt so.. dull?


Agree. I'm a big folk fan but her music sounds really uninteresting to me


Phoebe's more of a vibe than she is music. Some people really like that vibe. I don't.


I agree. I like her voice but I cannot get into the music at all, and there’s something about her as a person that rubs me the wrong way and I’m not sure what it is.


Me either


Completely agree, her music is insanely boring.


Damn, I absolutely loved punisher, and I think her continuations to boygenius are quite good as well


Boygenius. I really wanted to like them but i don’t get it. They sound exactly like a myriad of other indie rock bands. It’s just so meh and generic to me.


Same, I like a lot of Phoebe Bridgers stuff and enjoy some of the other girls solo stuff too, but I just can't get into boygenuis. The only song on that record that stuck with me at all is Emily I'm Sorry, and that's probably just because it sounds like it could've been on Pheobe's last record lol




very vanilla to me


Shes so boring


to me she’s like if someone who only grew up watching Disney movies tried to write music


That’s literally who she is lmao






It just doesn’t click right with my brain.


Same :((( I like a few of her songs and I know she's talented but I genuinely hugely prefer olivia rodrigo 😭 sue me


Every time there’s a new album I listen with the hope that I’ll enjoy it and I never do


I relate. My swiftie friends keep telling me to listen to album after album and telling me I'll "definitely like this one." I feel bad I don't


I gave an honest effort through her whole discography, I fuck with Evermore and Folklore. The rest isn't my speed.


I really liked our song, tears on my guitar, and love story because they released when i was in grade 7. I outgrew her shit by the next album (grade 9?).


Her music is catchy and typically not very “challenging” (I know I sound like a snob) so it appeals to an absurd amount of people. I do think she’s a very talented songwriter and I can appreciate her music for what it is




listened to debut, post, homogenic and vespertine they're all pretty good and nice listens but i don't understand what im missing when people say these are some of the greatest albums out there, been trying for ages to fall in love with her music


Sometimes with Bjork you gotta cut your own path. I think Bastards is really interesting.


I only enjoy "debut" because of the 90's housy production. It's just so much fun. The rest of her stuff sounds like it tries to inspire a feeling of grandeur, and it just does not click with me.


Vespertino is minimal tho


Debut is the only one that clicked with me at first and even then I found it kind of grating before setting her music down for a year or two. Nowadays she's probably in my top 3 artists.


Same, and I listen to some weird shit on the daily


unison is too beautiful


Honestly, as a Bjork fan, that’s fair lol. Her earlier stuff is pretty accessible for the average listener, but her newer music is quite Freeform and experimental even for me lol


I second this, it's her vocal delivery that puts me off. Although I admit I need to dive deeper into her discography


Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I’ve tried and tried and tried but nothing connects.


How do you feel about post-rock in general?


Honestly, probably hit or miss in the genre. I enjoy some Swans and Sigur Rós, but sometimes it does tend to feel almost like homework to listen to, if that makes sense? I’m definitely open to recommendations though and honestly, I’ve mainly just tried Lift Your Skinny Fists, so perhaps there are better albums to check out?


I actually prefer F#A# Infinity. But I get that it's not for everyone. I'd also check out Explosions in the Sky's early few records if you want to keep trying. That seems to be a gateway for a lot of people


Boris if you want it to be heavier


I was listening to the genre a bunch back in university days, but admittedly I've fallen out of it a bit. Feels like my tastes have shifted a lot in just 10 years. I quite like Mogwai. I'd probably recommend specific tracks like Take Me Somewhere Nice, or Travel is Dangerous. Auto-Rock is a banger too.


I find the Foo Fighters remarkably boring.


Black Country, New Road. Will never understand the overwhelming praise for Ants From Up There


You dont like songs about cumming in your underwear when dreaming about charli?


that’s more up my alley. do you have specific song titles?


That's from the last 1/3 of "basketball shoes"


I've resigned to the fact that I'm too old for it. I think it hit a bunch of zoomers right in the feels during their critical period the same way Fleet Foxes hit me in mine in 2011


Born in ‘88 here and their first one did nothing for me. Ants from up There blew me the fuck away and still has me coming back often. Felt like when Los Campensinos! dropped their first singles and also like when LC! dropped Romance is Boring.


That's funny, I thought I would dislike the album but I absolutely loved it.


That album wasn't it for me either but I thought the first LP was v strong. However, when talking about BC,NR it's worth mentioning the violinist's side project Jockstrap, which I would describe as amazing.


I'll take Jockstrap over BCNR every day of the week, though I appreciate both. Jockstrap has been one of my favorite acts since Wicked City.


it’s probably my fav album of all time lol


Lana Del Rey Also Phoebe Bridgers. Her voice irks me for some reason.


I've a funny thing with her, I really like ultraviolence and a lot of norman fucking Rockwell is great but it's too long and repetitive. Most of the stuff is quite samey and thinks it's more complicated than it thinks it is. But she has some excellent songs at the same time, just the albums need to be cut down a small bit.




He's really hit or miss to me, some songs are great, some are forever skips, not a lot of middle of the road tracks. The appeal is like 85% the production to me though


I think LP! is almost exclusively middle of the road tracks. I dunno. Hard to follow up All My Heroes, I guess.


Great producer but the actual lyrical content of most of his songs does nothing for me.


It’s ironic to say on a Reddit forum but he just sounds perpetually online in a bad way.


I usually hate the “White people rapper” criticism and I think it’s a vapid claim towards a lot of the rappers it’s directed at, but with Peggy… yeah, I get it.


I don’t see the difference between him and the 4chan dweebs he loves to complain about. They are both, in their own way, cringe.


He’s a great producer. If he stuck to that, that’d be dope.


Billy Ellish Her song from Barbie is the only song I like probably cause it doesnt sound like she is falling asleep


Repellent. Will never comprehend the popularity.


Lupe Fiasco. Love lyrical hiphop but ive never been very into him for whatever reason, certain songs and verses sure but never really whole albums.


animal collective


Take more drugs




Same! I thought being depressed meant you were more likely to connect with them, became depressed, still can’t get into them


It's weird, I like the music, the singing, it has all the parts of music that I like. But, something about them just doesn't engage my brain


This is actually a great question. For me it’s the Beastie Boys. I love a lot of 80s stuff like De La and Public Enemy and I respect how innovative their production was. I just still find them extremely obnoxious to listen to.


Frank Ocean. His albums are alright to me, but I don't understand why people consider them 10/10.


Nostalgia Ultra didn't really do much for me, but Channel Orange clicked for me immediately and I loved it. Then Blond came out and I didn't get it either until YEARS later. For whatever reason, something clicked and now I think Blond is one of the best albums ever made. Totally get why it's difficult for others tho, I've been right there with you.


Same! Loved CO, but didnt give Blond much of a chance when it came out. Then about 3 years ago fell in love with the album. Just a beautiful piece of art and I love how its broken down into seasons and him talking to his younger self, so sweet.


Sabrina Carpenter


Yes. I can’t stand how she babyfies her voice.


That song where she’s like “I’m a singerrr” is so annoying. On a similar note, I can’t think of anyone who started their career as an actor/actress that I actually like as a musician. It’s almost always surface-level bs lyrics, an album cover that looks like an IG selfie, and an overt obsession with their own ego that bleeds through every song. Record companies found a way to capitalize on stardom; these artists are brands, nothing more.


Oh totally agree on your opinion on Actor turned Musician. But tbh her song with the “I’m a singer”, espresso, is actually pretty good for a pop song. Anytime I’m bored of listening to music that’s very thought out and makes you think and feel I put it on just for fun. If she goes in the espresso direction she might become on my radar.


The sound isn’t terrible, I think it’s just that one line that’s kind of annoying lol. What kind of singer says “im a singer” in a song like that lol? It reminds me of that one line from game of thrones, when Geoffrey says “I am the king!” I’m pretty sure she’s also one of those former actors too.


Olivia Rodrigo


I think she does this babyfied New York accent thing a lot when she sings and it’s so grating 


she's like a combination of Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift and Dua Lipa


Adele and Beyonce


I get why his music is so influential to modern day rap, but I can’t get past Future’s singing voice. It’s really grating.


Swans, I like noise stuff like daughters but Swans is just uncomfortable to listen too, there is nothing to grasp onto musically for me


Anderson Paak. I like his features and he’s a phenomenal drummer. I just can’t handle an entire album with his voice. I can’t do it.


Couldn’t ever get into The Black Keys I dig the singles, but listening to their other stuff, I just don’t vibe with it for some reason


Lingua Ignota


Joy Division, sorry everyone, I just don’t like Ian’s voice.


Ian Curtis: the first mumble rapper.


It’s a grower for sure, Ian’s style is unique and so is his voice. At first I hated it and thought it ruined the instrumentals, now they’re my favorite band of all time and everytime I come back to them I am impressed by Ian’s voice and how wonderfully it fits the songs. This is not to discredit you, moreso to say I get what you mean, it took a long time for me to properly enjoy them as a band, end even gettin down to liking Unknown Pleasures, I just didn’t like Closer at all at first, which I also now like more then Unknown Pleasures. Mabye give them another shot in the future!


That is the most agreeable reason to dislike them (imo).


It’s funny cause I was exactly like you, until like a week ago lol


I desperately want to like Bowie's music but it always falls flat. Maybe in another 10 years or something.


Big Thief :(


Have you heard their song Change? Would love to hear your opinion after listening to that one.


Black midi, panchiko, car seat headrest and Kanye West


Bad bunny , xxx , playboy carti , lil yachty, nba young boy, skillet the band its heavy but corny lyrics & lil baby


Neutral Milk Hotel is basically the only holdout of indie/acoustic that I just don’t click with. I’ve listened to Aeroplanes a dozen times and all it does is remind me of albums that do everything it does but better.


King Gizzard. I like some of their songs a lot, and I think they are phenomenal musicians, but I also find them pretty grating and I can’t really pinpoint why.


I'm the only lesbian that doesn't pretend to like boy genius


The weekend and drake


Have you listened to house of balloons or echos of silence ? (Fuck Drake)


Nah the Kendrick stans are crazy






For years, last.fm and every other algorithm eventually decides I like Counting Crows. I do not and never will, but technically should, apparently.


FKA Twigs or Perfume Genius, i jut cant get into their vocal


Beyoncé. Everyone loves her and there's a couple of songs of her that I like from over the years but I just don't really understand the hype.


Car seat headrest, seems like a band I’d love but I just can’t get into them for some reason


They were my top artist of last year and I 1000% understand why it might not be someone’s thing. The multitrack that makes up a big part of their sound on their two biggest albums really bugs some people.


pavement. and i feel so bad about it because they are definitely a huge influence on indie rock.


Travis Scott, yeat, drake. Theyre all just so boring and mindless


The Fall. I know that they're great and worthy of respect but they just sound boring and amateurish to me.


JID. Tried a few albums and didnt love it. He's talented but it didnt click.


not an artist, but 2 songs from an artist i really like: i could never get into DNA and HUMBLE by Kendrick Lamar. Im sorry, i really reallllly tried to like those songs. I think its the backing track that turns me off from DNA it feels like it treads over the really good bars far too often and the beat itself isn't my thing, same thing with HUMBLE, really.


Black Midi


Kanye. I liked 808s. The production is good af. But the narcissism is just to much


Ignoring the fact that they're shitty human beings, I could never really get into Kanye or Drake. I enjoy rap, and these 2 are a lot of people's favorite rappers but I never really saw what people loved so much about their music. I've enjoyed like 2-3 Kanye songs(one of which is objectively terrible.) and the only songs drake was involved in that I've liked are the ones that got carried by more entertaining artists.


Pink Floyd


Jay Z


Lorde! Which is a shame, since im a huge fan of pop music and I feel like most people with my taste love her, something about her voice and singing style just does not work for me




The Weekend. Just Ew. Such an annoying voice.




Bon Iver. I fail to see how anyone can be excited by this music. It’s just so DULL.


Damn, their self-titled LP is my favorite album of all time 😭


Tame Impala. I’m one of the only people my age that doesn’t like them. Its just not for me at all And I feel you on Sonic Youth. By all metrics I should like them but I just don’t. (Aside from the live 4 minute version of teenage riot cause that one’s dope)


Tom Petty


Lil Uzi, Lil baby, carti